WSU grudge

  • @dylans hmmm I’m sorry for your anger issues on the city as a whole. Hopefully it gets better for you 🙂

  • @HawkChamp Thank you, I’m familiar with the “edit” function. Also with the “Discard” function, as I have used both prolifically trying to respond to you and keep things civil. As far as “vile hatred” goes, you and I have a vastly different idea of what that means. I didn’t say one time that I hated Wichita. It ain’t my favorite place. That doesn’t stop me from going there. In fact, we spent a fair amount of time and money in your fair city this past Saturday. My wife was shopping at Dillard’s (while I was watching the KU game on my phone) and then we spent more money at the At Home Store, or whatever it’s called.

    After we shopped in Wichita for a good part of the morning and early afternoon, we headed south. When we came back in the evening, we were going through Wichita on 135 and when we came upon the "canal’ that runs through town we both about threw up from the smell. One of the reasons I don’t like Wichita.

    BTW - I live in Salina. Feel free to say whatever you want about it. I probably won’t disagree.

  • @nuleafjhawk I’m glad you know about it!!

  • @nuleafjhawk said in WSU grudge:

    @HawkChamp I guess you didn’t read the part where i already apologized. It was just to emphasize how much i disliked WSU. Didn’t mean anything by it.

    ya even though I really liked the City of Wichita for sure doesn’t mean I have a love fest for Marsha and the gang. - - I remember Eddie and the group - However did kind of like the motto " MTXE " - - Mental Toughness Extra Effort. - -Couldn’t stand his son Randy cocky little shit. - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @HawkChamp said in WSU grudge:

    @dylans ease up there chief. Some of us live there and love it. Don’t understand the vile hatred some of you have for Wichita.

    It’s Ok, I love Wichita the city it’self - -but I’m sure there is a town /city that everyone has a dis taste for - -for one reason or another. - -Like me there is no way I’d ever in Bigger Cities NY - - LA - - Dallas - refuse to live in those rat race - -another case where everyone is entitled to their own opinions/taste. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @HawkChamp LOL. OK, I throw in the towel.

    I just have a problem with word vomit. Sometimes words just come out of my mouth with no input from my brain. I honestly don’t mean to be rude, I guess it’s just how I’m wired.

    Take me with a grain or two of salt please.

  • @nuleafjhawk said in WSU grudge:

    @HawkChamp Thank you, I’m familiar with the “edit” function. Also with the “Discard” function, as I have used both prolifically trying to respond to you and keep things civil. As far as “vile hatred” goes, you and I have a vastly different idea of what that means. I didn’t say one time that I hated Wichita. It ain’t my favorite place. That doesn’t stop me from going there. In fact, we spent a fair amount of time and money in your fair city this past Saturday. My wife was shopping at Dillard’s (while I was watching the KU game on my phone) and then we spent more money at the At Home Store, or whatever it’s called.

    After we shopped in Wichita for a good part of the morning and early afternoon, we headed south. When we came back in the evening, we were going through Wichita on 135 and when we came upon the "canal’ that runs through town we both about threw up from the smell. One of the reasons I don’t like Wichita.

    BTW - I live in Salina. Feel free to say whatever you want about it. I probably won’t disagree.

    Ah the good old canal route. Can’t say I miss that. My old baseball coach would give me a ride home from practice or games on occasion and always took that route and made us keep the windows down. He enjoyed making me and his son scream about that awful smell!

  • @nuleafjhawk @HawkChamp

    Any time anyone feels like insulting somewhere, just feel free to substitute “South Carolina.”

    It is wonderfully cathartic, and no one on the board is likely to take it personally – certainly not me!

  • @mayjay lol

  • It’s all personal preference to what city you like or dislike and also what part of the city you have been associated with. @Crimsonorblue22 lives in Hutchinson and likes it and thats good for her. I wouldn’t want someone stuck were they aren’t happy. I’ve several bad experiences in hutch, like finding drug syringes in a park and one of my best friends was held at gun for walking in on a drug deal at gas station bathroom there. I work with two guys that were born and raised there that claim it’s a crap hole. But I’d bet if you live in the right neighborhood, it’s not bad. Me personally I avoid it and have only been 1 or 2 times in the past 8 years or so. @nuleafjhawk I actually was born in Salina and lived there for several years as a kid. I don’t have a high opinion of the place if I’m honest. But its because I lived in the crappy side of town. Where Broadway and 9th come together was my neighborhood, a couple of the houses I lived in are boarded up now. I will always remember walking home in 5th grade and seeing the cops kick the door in on drug bust in the house beside us. The cop chewed my rear end for 15 minutes before I could tell him I lived right there and was just trying to get home. Wichita is a good town if you live in a good area, I had friends that went to WSU and that campus is in a bad part of town. They got their cars broken into several times and there was guns ringing most nights according to them. I personally prefer small town America where I probably know 90% people that live in my town and the crime rate is almost non existent. That being said there are some bad small towns that are nothing but a bunch of rednecks and meth heads. We are are entitled to our opinions and we could argue all day.

  • @mayjay Lol - your graciousness is much appreciated.

  • I’ve been in some of the worst parts of town in Wichita, KC and other places in Kansas. In no way does it compare to the worst parts of towns in just about any American city. That may not be the way to grade a place, unless you live in those neighborhoods. I’ve lived in many places and I feel good about living in Kansas again! I grew up here and life moves slower… great for raising kids. There is culture here, too, though you may have to search it out more, but it is here. People are friendly… maybe too friendly. I can’t go to the grocery store without spending an hour or so chatting with people, sometimes strangers.

    I lived in Europe for two decades and made many great friends. Many of those friends still come over to Kansas to visit. Some come every year. They love it over here!

    Sometimes it is hard to appreciate something until you have it taken away. I know I am thankful I don’t have to waste much time in traffic jams. It was common for me to suddenly get stuck in a 2 hour jam in Europe because of an accident. That happened constantly. And it can take an hour to find out where to park and when you do you might spend $100 a day to park it. Uncommon to have a garage on your home. Drive right up to the front door of a store? Ha… unlikely.

  • @mayjay I’ve never been to South Carolina, my preconceived notion is that it’s a neat place. My daughter lives a little north of there - in Wilmington, NC. and loves it.

    I wonder if Ol Roy is starting to think that Chapel Hill is kind of a dump? Or maybe Chapel Hill is starting to think that about him!

  • @HawkChamp

    This should not have been an afterthought, but I wanted to tell you that I appreciate you calling me out and defending your city in a manner that didn’t include cussing and yelling and name calling. I’ll be the first to admit that I say stupid things sometimes. Tell me so. Say - hey nuleaf - that was stupid. ( I’m kind of talking to other posters here, because that’s basically what you did)…I can deal with that. I appreciate you handling a dispute, or difference of opinion like an adult.

    There’s no sarcasm font here. Thank you.

  • @kjayhawks Yes, Broadway and 9th is probably not the premium real estate destination in town, unless you want to walk to the mall very quickly. As you and others have pointed out, there are really good and really bad neighborhoods in most towns.

    Unless you live in Port Arthur, Tx - then it’s all bad. (Lord, please don’t let anyone here live in Port Arthur…)

  • @nuleafjhawk said in WSU grudge:

    @mayjay I’ve never been to South Carolina, my preconceived notion is that it’s a neat place. My daughter lives a little north of there - in Wilmington, NC. and loves it.

    I wonder if Ol Roy is starting to think that Chapel Hill is kind of a dump? Or maybe Chapel Hill is starting to think that about him!

    Idk about Roy but Chapel Hill is fantastic. Cost of living is brutal but it’s a really cool town. Picture Lawrence but the population of Manhattan.

  • @nuleafjhawk

    Hey I live in Port Arthur!

    Ha, just teasing. I did live in Houston for a few years and passed through it on the way to New Orleans now and then. Yea, unless you like marshy oily flat and stinky (largest oil refinery in the US there), it makes Wichita look like Honolulu.

  • @StLJhawk Man, you gave me a start there. I’m just glad I didn’t say St Louis…

  • Ha! No, you totally called it on Port A. And while I enjoyed STL for over two decades, East St. Louis might give Port Arthur a run for its money.

    But not even in the Lou anymore either. Last February, we moved to an hour outside LA. For a lifelong Midwesterner who hates winter, loves big water, big culture and oh yes, mountains, I’m kind of in heaven here. And the best part is I work from home so don’t have to fight the nasty nasty traffic!

  • @StLJhawk I lived in Houston as well - for about 9 years in the early 80’s. I don’t remember why we were in Port Arthur area, but for some reason I thought it would be a good idea to check it out. I was wrong. If memory serves me (and it probably doesn’t) every window on every building was barred. Residential and Commercial. We went through town and got to the ocean and the first thing we saw was a giant wooden sign with every warning known to mankind printed on it.

    " DANGER - Deadly Currents. Swim at your own risk. Look out for Alligators. Mosquitos carry Malaria. Watch for hypodermic syringes on beach"

    OH Yes - as you mentioned, the refineries were a real treat as well.

    We didn’t even get out of the car. I got out of Port Arthur as fast as I could and don’t have any plans on returning soon.

  • I find it better to express your distaste toward an abstract idea such as an entire city as opposed to the actual handful of horrid people that make the experience akin to visiting hades. I’m certainly not mad at anyone on here. Seems like a healthy way to vent to moi.

  • @StLJhawk You’re fortunate to live somewhere that you really enjoy! All the places that I can think of - mainly St Barth’s in the Caribbean - are slightly out of my pay grade.

    Since you brought up E. St. Louis - for some reason that I’ll never understand, my sister in law and her husband thought it was necessary to take us to a place called Crown Candy in St Louis last year. It was in a pretty funky part of town, but then we really got to take the tour after we left there. O. M. G. There are not many things in this world that really scare me - but East St Louis did. It’s a bad place. Bad.

    I saw a documentary about St Louis a while back. It said that the population was over 800,000 back in the 60’s, but today it’s just a little over 300,000. There are empty buildings everywhere. It’s really kind of sad.

  • @jayballer73 said in WSU grudge:

    @nuleafjhawk said in WSU grudge:

    @HawkChamp I guess you didn’t read the part where i already apologized. It was just to emphasize how much i disliked WSU. Didn’t mean anything by it.

    ya even though I really liked the City of Wichita for sure doesn’t mean I have a love fest for Marsha and the gang. - - I remember Eddie and the group - However did kind of like the motto " MTXE " - - Mental Toughness Extra Effort. - -Couldn’t stand his son Randy cocky little shit. - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

    @jayballer73 I think the MTXE slogan is from the Gene Smithson era. He’s Randy’s dad. We used to run into Gene and his wife occasionally while out to dinner. Gene had horrible table manners! Eddie Fogler was only a WSU for 3 years and when he left, WSU went cheap and promoted an assistant coach, Mike Cohen, who couldn’t pour liquid out of a boot with the instructions on the heal.

  • @bcjayhawk said in WSU grudge:

    @jayballer73 said in WSU grudge:

    @nuleafjhawk said in WSU grudge:

    @HawkChamp I guess you didn’t read the part where i already apologized. It was just to emphasize how much i disliked WSU. Didn’t mean anything by it.

    ya even though I really liked the City of Wichita for sure doesn’t mean I have a love fest for Marsha and the gang. - - I remember Eddie and the group - However did kind of like the motto " MTXE " - - Mental Toughness Extra Effort. - -Couldn’t stand his son Randy cocky little shit. - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

    @jayballer73 I think the MTXE slogan is from the Gene Smithson era. He’s Randy’s dad. We used to run into Gene and his wife occasionally while out to dinner. Gene had horrible table manners! Eddie Fogler was only a WSU for 3 years and when he left, WSU went cheap and promoted an assistant coach, Mike Cohen, who couldn’t pour liquid out of a boot with the instructions on the heal.

    ya, you are 100 % correct - it was Gene - -dam my old timers kicken in again lol - - but still loved that motto. - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @nuleafjhawk said in WSU grudge:

    @kjayhawks Yes, Broadway and 9th is probably not the premium real estate destination in town, unless you want to walk to the mall very quickly. As you and others have pointed out, there are really good and really bad neighborhoods in most towns.

    Unless you live in Port Arthur, Tx - then it’s all bad. (Lord, please don’t let anyone here live in Port Arthur…)

    I don’t know Port Arthur, but the most depressing city I ever drove through was Bastrop, Louisiana. That said, it was in 1988, so maybe it’s changed…

  • @bskeet Never been there, but now I’m curious.

  • @nuleafjhawk pretty much anything north of Crawford is questionable in Salina especially to the west lol.

  • @nuleafjhawk Crown Candy, lol. Yes rough part of town but the East side is like a post apocalypse war zone. That said the stats are misleading, St. Louis county has lots of nice parts, good chunks of it multi-millions nice. And while downtown is under 400k the metro area is pushing 3 million, which is pretty good for the Midwest.

    But feel like I’ve won the lotto moving to SoCal, will be hard to get me out of here. Big Bear Ski resort is an hour north of me and the beach an hour west. Can be in Vegas or Mexico by lunch time.

  • @StLJhawk ok,you know where I live so stop with all the Paradise (literally! ) talk. Lol.

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