
  • 3genhawk said:

    Maybe the players know what we hope,

    Malik: It’s nice to be a big man surrounded by four guards. Whether it’s Doke, Mitch, or Billy…when we get him back. (Second interviewed player saying ‘when’ not ‘if.’). Obviously take it for what it’s worth.

    Yeah, it’s better than where we have been. I’ve also read positive things from a couple people that generally have good info.

  • BeddieKU23 said:

    Crimsonorblue22 said:

    @BeddieKU23 I saw that. Can an alum seriously be that stupid?

    Blame has to be distributed both ways.

    Preston has to be smarter then that if this is the case.

    The Alum, well I’m sure will get his/her due coming if its true

    I think this is a three-way focus - what about the basketball program itself?

    If they are just turning these kids loose this is bound to happen. Everyone wants to be their friend and they are prepared to shower them with gifts.

    If it goes down like this, I clearly blame the basketball program.

  • In the after game interview, Self was addressing the current equality of minute distribution and stated, “…hopefully, if we can get some pieces back then it won’t be like that, that much longer.” The immediate follow up question was about Billy’s status.

    Perhaps grasping at straws but seems like the first glimpse of optimism in several days. Fingers crossed because as the season and competition progresses, Billy is needed.

  • Self also seems pretty optimistic about desousa. Said he is retaking the test today as “insurance”.

  • @HawkChamp

    Now THAT is something tangible!!!


  • Given the feast and famine tendency of life, come February, Self will probably have Billy back, DeSouza in silks, no big will get injured, and we will be posting about PT grumbling and transfer rumors!!!

  • Silvio REALLY wants to be here. Taking the test twice really makes sense assuming they take the higher score.

  • BShark said:

    Silvio REALLY wants to be here. Taking the test twice really makes sense assuming they take the higher score.

    Or inless he took the test the 2nd time because he didn’t score high enough on the 1st to qualify. - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BBY

  • @BShark Yes they take the higher score, lots of kids take it a second time, or even more. Good idea really as like most anything else practice helps.

  • CRH107 said:

    "…hopefully, if we can get some pieces back…

    There is only one player that isn’t with the program that could “come back.” Billy!

    Self wouldn’t lead us on for giggles. He must still have a lot of hope that Billy will be back.

    I’m going to hold on to that to keep my hopes up.

    Count me on the bandwagon, “I can’t wait until we load up 3 more players on this team…”

  • Kubie said:

    @BShark Yes they take the higher score, lots of kids take it a second time, or even more. Good idea really as like most anything else practice helps.


  • Think about it…by the end of the semester we could be adding 3 top 35 players. By itself it would be a top 5-10 class and KU gets it as a bonus at the mid-term and it is probably unprecedented in college basketball.

  • soon

  • BShark said:



  • I’m thinking he plays in the Syracuse game but not against Toledo. Could hear something as early as today.

  • BShark said:

    I’m thinking he plays in the Syracuse game but not against Toledo. Could hear something as early as today.

    We could certainly use someone of his size against the length of Syracuse’s zone

  • @BShark gut feeling?

  • I’m a little less bullish than @BShark on this one. I think he plays before the first of the year, but it may not be imminent.

  • Are you guys thinking that the games before then will be counted as part of an upcoming ruling from the NCAA with an X number of games suspension?

  • Yep. Seems like SOP from the NCAA these days.

  • @JayHawkFanToo

    That should apply especially since KU held him out as soon as they found out. It would seem very unfair to slap more games on without counting the games he’s missed since KU was aware of the issue.

    I can’t see the first game counting because that was a Coaches decision suspension.

  • Given the environment (NCAA-FBI-lingering) has a KU player made a more bone-headed decision under Self?

    I know we’ve had plenty of bad situations over the years but this one feels like it takes the cake? Anyone disagree? What else has baffled us fans over the years

  • CJ Giles walking out on child support and beating up his GF certainly qualifies.

  • @BeddieKU23

    With the NCAA you never know. Of course it it would have been Duke, UNC or UK the issue would have been resolved by now with a slap on the wrist.

    I believe that if Preston and family would have been forthcoming about the situation it would have been resolved one way or another by now. My guess is they tried to come up with plausible explanation and wasted time in the process.

    I find it hard to believe that in this day and age, a top prospect and family would not be aware of what is or isn’t permissible. Whatever happened had to be done knowing it was not on the up and up…so stupid.

  • FarmerJayhawk said:

    CJ Giles walking out on child support and beating up his GF certainly qualifies.

    Forgot about that one. Which is why I asked.

  • @BeddieKU23

    The basketball-football team fighst are right up there.

  • @JayHawkFanToo

    I wouldn’t be surprised if everything you said was the truth. Even though KU’s compliance might have provided all the details I’m sure the NCAA would still do its own investigation which takes time.

  • @BeddieKU23

    The NCAA provide High Schools extensive literature on rules and regulations and most HS have seminars for players (that will be moving to college) and their parent on what the rules are. Top prospects also visit with each other extensively at the Summer Circuit and are given compliance information by the programs that re recruiting them. It is really widely available and claiming ignorance is the equivalent of claiming not knowing smoking causes cancer.

  • Guys I need more insider info on Billy STAT. The thought of Billy, Desouza and Cunliffe all joining the team is exciting as hell.

  • Banned


    Would the nine game suspsion include the games he’s already sat out?

  • Banned


    I like were your heads at. Why not get some big body football players to eat some minutes. He’ll who knows maybe a couple of them can actually ball a little.

    They could be walkon’s for the basketball team. I would assume they would already be on scholarships. So no extra cost.

    In fact the more I think about this. Let’s do this. You get Coach’s number and will have @approxinfinity give him a call and pitch the idea.

    Hey post player bodies is exactly what this teams need. If only to eat minutes and foul like mad men.

    I’m in.

  • @BeddieKU23 No way. Id put any other former Jayhawk that got a DUI or that beat up their girlfriend way way way above what Preston did.

  • @jaybate-1.0 @jaybate-1.0 I like your quote/reference. I think I first came across that in a book called The Invisible Hand: A Conspiratorial view of History. Wilson definitely didn’t like the Constitution and the constraints it put on government

  • @jayballer54 opportunities to take the test come faster than getting results sometimes

  • FarmerJayhawk said:

    I’m a little less bullish than @BShark on this one. I think he plays before the first of the year, but it may not be imminent.

    You are probably right. 6 or 9 games makes the most sense.

  • Lulufulu said:

    @BeddieKU23 No way. Id put any other former Jayhawk that got a DUI or that beat up their girlfriend way way way above what Preston did.

    I agree there have been situations involving players where the act has been much greater then Preston’s situation. I suppose I should have asked the question differently.

  • You know it’s got to the point where this Billy thing has gotten beyond crazy. We know still really nothing, OH sure we have people who say they have inside info - -they have a friend who has a friend , of a friend, that has a friend that has a close inside source - -now I have to say - -HA. - - -the real truth is NOBODY knows anything more then what we did - -anything being spread around is merely speculation.

    You have people saying oh, well my friend says it’s just a 6 game suspension - -or a friend that says it’s a 9 game suspension, then some say he will never play. - - -People say oh rumor has it the car is from some famous KU alum, Or it’s his car his mom got it for him or what the hell ever. – Bottom line is we DON’T KNOW NOTHING period. - -

    Feel like sometimes when you hear all this stuff contradicting other things being said makes me feel like we are in a room full of old ladies in rockers drinking hot tea and hoping to be the one to break hot gossip. - - No one knows anything - -well in these forums anyways, not concrete 100% beyond a shadow of a doubt, and without knowing for sure that’s how things spin out of control.

    I think it’s just time that we center our focus more on now of hoping De-Sousa makes an early appearance, go on the assumption , that we just don’t know when or IF Billy is coming back - - leave it at that and move on - - at this point from everything flying around I think our chances are better with the De-Sousa situation then with Billy right now. - -Is Billy a better player then DeSousa? – I don’t think so - at least not by much, so we get De-Sousa - it comes out as an even wash - - This Billy thing has wore me out. Is he coming back - - isn’t he going to be able to come back, - - Did he take impermissible benefits - -Didn’t he, it’s becoming a yearly thing with KU - having players in trouble of some sort or another, we just need to focus now on the players we DO have and just let the other sort it’s self out

    Another thing that chaps my ass? - We have people out there not her that I’ve seen but in other places that say - -Where is Coach self in all this , where is the assistants - -they are suppose to watch these things. - -Who says they aren’t? - - People trying to blame Self and assistants for some of these - - - Saying it their fault - -it’s the Coach - - -really? - - seriously? - - If that’s the case then - -I haven’t seen SVI in any kind of trouble since he has been here - -I haven’t seen/heard about any trouble with Devonte - - -I haven’t heard anything about Mitch - - - I haven’t heard anything bad on Doke - - Frank not a peep last year about trouble with him - -Didn’t hear anything about Mario when he was here anything bad - -but you wanna say it’s the Coach’s fault for these things? – -get the hell out of here with that - -I say HA. - - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @jayballer54

    One thing that we can be fairly certain about is that the car in question was not obtained on the up and up. Had he or his mom bought the car with their own money, this issue would have been resolved in 5 minutes. The fact it is taking this long would appear to indicate serious issues that will likely result in some sort of penalty from the NCAA…don’t need any inside information or friend of a friend to infer this much, right?

  • JayHawkFanToo said:


    One thing that we can be fairly certain about is that the car in question was not obtained on the up and up. Had he or his mom bought the car with their own money, this issue would have been resolved in 5 minutes. The fact it is taking this long would appear to indicate serious issues that will likely result in some sort of penalty from the NCAA…don’t need any inside information or friend of a friend to infer this much, right?

    Exactly right. – -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @jayballer54

    We see the 6 and 9 game suspensions as common results so I think people are throwing those out because that’s often what you see in extra benefit cases. He’s already missed 5 for the issue so if anyone is guessing correctly they are just assuming after this game or after that game for when he might be coming back

    If Billy gets some leniency in this situation as other KU players have gotten in the past when they make their decision they can use the games he’s already missed during the de-facto suspension towards the final # of games especially since KU has withheld him once they found out about the issue.

    The thing that matters the most is how much money we are talking. A 6 or 9 game suspension would likely indicate that Billy received “x” amount of benefits from whoever and that falls within “x” criteria for games missed. Of course the NCAA tends to make up their own rules as they see fit but if this is a simple case where Billy accepted a car then the value of the car or for example money provided to purchase it becomes the most important factor in how many games he’s supposed to miss.

    If this is more complicated then that well I would assume that looks bad. A Dodge Charger isn’t cheap, some players have been ruled ineligible for the year if the $ amount is such an amount. Enes Kanter of Kentucky in 2011 comes to mind of one player ineligible for the entire year for accepting 33 grand while playing overseas.

  • Soon my friends.

  • @FarmerJayhawk how 'bout Saturday?

  • Probably not that soon. Would be terrific though.

  • @FarmerJayhawk you hear anything?

  • ☕ 📰

  • HawkChamp said:

    @FarmerJayhawk you hear anything?

    Probably has similar sources (or the same) as Matt Scott. Sounds like this will be cleared up soon.

  • KU has finished its internal work, just needs the NCAA to say it suffices.

  • @BShark what is Matt Scott saying? I haven’t seen anything

  • Just saw it on another site. Would be tremendous to get him back. Hes the guy we need to take us to another level and compete inside with Duke.

  • @HawkChamp

    Matt Scott posted on the Shiver but it is a VIP post so I could not read it.

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