More bad news
I heard some stories about these Lawson kids and they weren’t very good. Then the cussing out of Tubby video came out and now this. Hopefully Self can straighten out these boys but it looks like it wont be easy.
Incident in practice is kinda meh for me without knowing the details. Much better than an actual criminal situation, which has been an issue lately. Given the history, it’s good for Self to be stern but hopefully this was just a minor thing…
It’s not as bad as i thought:
@KUSTEVE coach usually lets them get after it pretty good, so this must have been pretty bad.
Hope Mitch’s nose holds up. Dedrics missing a fun trip.
We need a good quality leaker ala White House staffer to get us some info on what is going on in practice! Did Whitman break Lightfoots nose? Did Dedric throw a punch at Dok? I can’t believe the LJWorld staff can’t find out what’s going on in practice. C’mon Keegs and Tait, get the scoop on Slug-gate!
@SlickRockJayhawk We do need an inside guy, but man that’s TON of speculation based off of nothing.
@SlickRockJayhawk Hard to imagine Dedric taking on Doke. He might get stuffed through a basket!
@REHawk Isn’t Dedric the older and steadier Lawson? Not the one who applied the F word to Tubby? Whatever, newcomers will soon learn that Jayhawk hoops under Bill Self is a far cry from Memphis basketball…or recent Duke basketball, in terms of the responsibility for self discipline and team unity. The Lawson Brother Project appears to be yet in question. Dad had best accentuate the rule of law.
I wonder if this had anything to do with Lightfoot’s broken nose.
@KUSTEVE I heard it wasn’t. Who knows. That’s been awhile.
@REHawk could hurt recruiting too.
This is a worrysome development, leaving him at home while the team travels to Italy seems like pretty serious punishment so the offense must have been equally serious.
Way too early in his stay at KU to be in this much trouble and hopefully not an indicator of things to come.
Would sure like to know what happened…maybe some of you guys will hear.
@JayHawkFanToo With his brother still going on the trip too. That’s gotta sting. Hopefully it sends the right message.
@Hawk8086 With as minor as it sounds we may never know. I’m with you though, I’d like to know.
LJW article today quotes Self in praise of Marcus Garrett, especially accentuating his selfless play in willingness to fill positions 1-4, blending in well with the old timers, making them better. Self appears to be sending a direct message to newcomers who have chosen more selfish play. Dedric must have really rustled some coaching feathers. If his transgression can be transformed to an immediate turnaround this punishment might be a momentous occurrence for his own future in basketball…and for this current squad as well. If not, he will sit or quit. There exists 18 months of time for that in-house adjustment to take effect; which is a good thing unless a slow painful adjustment should become an ongoing program distraction or a threat to teammates.
Damm here we go. - - -JAYHAWK FOR LIFE
@REHawk I loved how Coach used Marcus as an example and his perfect wording of a team player. To bad this trip could have helped w/that chemistry issue.
Just spitballing here. Two guys get tangled up going for a rebound.
They come down. One guy pushes the other. That happens in practice all the time. Maybe a similar situation here (full disclosure, I do not know, I am just guessing).
But reading what Self said, it’s not the first part he’s concerned with. When guys are competing, tensions can run high.
He’s concerned with what happens after that. Does someone de-escalate the situation? Are the players calm, or escalating things?
Who is under control? Is anyone out of control? Does that carry over to the next play? The next several plays?
I think that’s where the issue is/was. Something happened after the initial situation and Dedric went too far. He was/became an instigator rather than a level headed player.
Like you, my fist though was it was a skirmish during practice but Coach Self’s comments and the severity of the punishment makes me think there was a lot more.
The Lawson Brothers, particularly Dedric, are/were projected to be an integral part of the team once they become available. Losing Dedric would be a big blow and the direction recruiting takes in the next few months will probably tell whether that projection has now changed and the teams is moving to plan B.
Crimsonorblue22 said:
@REHawk I loved how Coach used Marcus as an example and his perfect wording of a team player. To bad this trip could have helped w/that chemistry issue.
Garrett was a great signing by the staff by all accounts and it seems like since he has been on campus he has done nothing but back up his reputation that he is a hard worker that takes coaching well.
Maybe a case of “broken window” policy being applied. Smaller incident that is dealt with thoroughly - setting precedent in heading off more serious long term issues… especially with the history many have laid out.
I’m not concerned this is a deal breaker. Big deal…yes. Death penalty? No.
**“Dedric is not gonna go on the trip,” Self told reporters roughly 17 hours before the team boards its flight. “I’ve suspended Dedric temporarily because of an incident in practice. An altercation occurred and he didn’t handle it well.”
Self did not go into greater detail other than to say that Lawson was aware of how and why he did not handle himself well during the incident.**
Sounds like it was handled.
Certainly not a deal breaker. But we’ll hope the message has been received LOUD and clear. If not Self should be looking at signing his replacement. Once you start getting disciplined by coach you only have so many mulligans left… I hope this is a great teaching moment for both sides. If Dedric wishes to play basketball at the next level his character and having a good reference from his coach goes a long ways…
Ded Richard Lawson, meet the resolve of Sgt. Self, the steps of Allen Field House and Hudy’s enhanced regimen she leaves behind, while sunning herself in Amalfi.
Ten bucks says Self found a
on his cell phone from Tubby today.
Another board is saying Dedric broke Mitch’s nose and that is why he staying. for what it’s worth, or not
@BeddieKU23 No that’s not it. People grasping at straws - - not saying you are – just saying. No one knows for sure, just all different theories. The article about Mitch breaking his nose came out on the 21st, which means he broke it before the 21st, like on the 20th - or maybe even the 19th ya know what I’m saying?
So if Lawson handled a situation wrong, and got suspended for it, then if it was Lightfoot involved situation then Coach wouldn’t have waited for at least 10 days, to suspend him - -if it was that & DJ handled it wrong like a scuffle or a cheap shot or anything then Coach would of suspended him that day. We will never know unless they want us to know. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
@justanotherfan Pretty much my train of thought also. - -Practice can get pretty physical - -you get big guys mixin it up, maybe one thinks the other gave them a cheap shot – a shot that didn’t need to be and so Dedric counters and just mis handles the whole thing, I’ve talked with some people and they fully expect Dedric will be re-instated when the team Returns from Italy.
As far as Dedric possibly transferring again - -don’t look for that to happen. - -He transfers again and schools are going to take notice and the light comes on and they say TO MUCH BAGGAGE. If he were to transfer out after the as we know of anyways incident - -then he definitely has growing up to do, now we can see if he can adapt to a coach that for sure how things are going to be run. - -He can either accept it and learn and mature OR he can take the cheap way out, run and transfer again. - -He will find out less and less schools are willing to put up with that kind of maturity if that’s what happens. - -I don’t think he is going anywhere. - -JAYHAWK FOR LIFE
@BeddieKU23 I suggested that, but I was told it was not related to Mitch, so who knows?
If you remember Lightfoot is a competitor and maybe Lightfoot did ruffle some feathers that caused a skirmish?
I am with @jayballer54 on this one, the timeline does not appear to support that Mitch’s broken nose and Dedric’s suspension are related.
@KUSTEVE Self: “An altercation occurred and he didn’t handle it well.”
We also had an altercation occur last year that wasn’t handled all too well, but not in practice.
Someone literally used the word CONFIRM about Lightfoot’s nose soooo it could be that they waited awhile to announce the suspension.
@BShark I think that might be right. Hearing that too.
@BShark Lightfoot is a tough S.O.B., and I get the feeling the reigning AAC player of the year is as well. Maybe part of Lightfoot’s training should be knowing when to hold em, and when to fold em.
@mayjay That was bad last year. This happened on the court, which makes me rate this incident much lower. Maybe what happened was someone took ownership of the paint, but did it in an unacceptable way. I’ll bet you Lightfoot jacked with him so badly, Lightfoot’s nose thought he could take on Lawson’s fist. I don’t think this will stop Lightfoot one bit , or stop the star of our team next year.
Watch this Laimbeer video. now, THOSE are some hard fouls:
I’ve always felt Laimbeer, bad as he was, was a light weight compared to Latrell Sprewell and Ron Artest and Dennis Rodman, especially once Rodman figured out he could spike his earnings with theatrical bad boy play. Rodman in Chicago mode was really appalling!!! Laimbeer necktieing players is one thing, but Rodman doing his version of a rodeo clown from coke town, as choreographed by Madonna at every foul shot, plus the assaults of players, coaches and fans of the other guys is just such pure disgracing of the game that it makes Laimbeer seem like a punk-lite.
I wonder if there are feeds of Artest, Sprewell and Rodman floating around? Those were some really rotten old days!
I also wonder if feeds of Charles Barkley reputedly spitting on the little girl in the baseline seats are still around, or if they have been moved down the memory hole?
Those were NOT the good old days!
The timeline might not support that claim that has been made but what if the play did happen (Mitch’s nose) and Dedric at subsequent practices was showing chippy behavior towards teammates etc. I don’t necessarily think everything happened at once to make Self hand out this punishment. This could have been multiple little behavioral issues popping up during the practices that led Self to send a message.
Whatever the case I’m on high alert to the brothers. We already had one slandering their former coach and now we have the other being suspended for who knows what and missing critical time with his teammates. However small the issue is overall I’m now pessimistic we get what we signed up for with them
@BeddieKU23 I think coach announced the punishment later on purpose.
At least one KU fan is openly protesting Lawson’s suspension:
@jaybate-1.0 The Barkley incident is very hard to find anymore. However, i did find it- it begins at 2:12:
@KUSTEVE who? Can’t get it.
@Crimsonorblue22 What are you talking about?
Kc star