Next recruit up

  • @BShark

    If you read their board, they are definitely in negative mode post the loss. But your right, we don’t hear a lot of people talking negatively about it. If Bolden leaves though we may see some headlines…

  • @BeddieKU23

    Not sure what Bragg offers tonight. He got abused by Ward and Purdue has bulky bigs as well.

    I moreso meant the national narrative as well as recruiting vibes. It just seems that everything bounces off K and Cal.

    Bolden should honestly stay. Who does Duke have to play ahead of him? Presumably he would start with Carter.

  • @BShark ya I understand that, - -but this kid was the # 11 player in the nation that’s not cold cheese, the problem is kids like this get buried on the bench - -too many really good players that’s one of the problems where it’s just a ;loaded one and done after a one and done there are many many schools where he could of went and probably would of been a lot better off. - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @jayballer54

    This is why coaches should trust their own evals and not blindly follow what the ranking services say. Different sport but this was a huge issue for Mack Brown at the end of his Texas tenure.

    Also, when Duke basically just takes nothing but 4/5 stars, well some aren’t going to play…

  • @BShark Exactly my point - - Duke is almost exclusive 5 stars, you can be good & still get buried, not really get that chance to develop. - -I kind of agree with your point also about Nevada, as was stated off zags blog, he was looking to transfer somewhere closer to home, & him being out of Las Vegas would make sense for sure. - -Hell could be he checks into UNLV maybe. - - - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @jayballer54

    When I saw Jeter play he wasn’t good though. Not sure if he ends up being much more than Landen Lucas at this point. Of course things can change and obviously there were some things there that made him get ranked that highly.

    And to be clear he has to improve to get to Landen levels. Probably won’t do all the little things Landen does either.

  • I posted earlier about John Thompson iii in the let the firings begin - -just curious, do you think we might have any possible transfer out of G-Town that KU might show interest in? - – ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @BShark

    I agree, we have no idea what Bragg will bring. I’m just trying to stay positive because anything he does bring that’s positive will help this team win tonight. An offensive rebound and a put-back, making FT’s, an open mid-range jumper, getting a key block… Those are things we know he can do when he’s engaged.

    And I also agree about the national narrative. Everyone must be numb to their recruiting ways and just figure attrition is going to happen, or some are not going to pan out. Who knows, KU does seem to get a lot of flack for its OAD’s that didn’t pan out. Hopefully Josh helps restore some of the national reputation.

  • @jayballer54

    Slim pickings on that team. Govan is a 6’10 big that improved in his Soph year. He can step out and shoot some. I think Georgetown will get someone that will energize the area and keep what little roster is still on scholarship

  • @BeddieKU23

    Yeah I mean we still heard about friggin Selby in the Young recruitment from the Youngs.

  • @BShark

    I was shocked Jeter was that highly rated coming out of HS. But we also have to remember some kids are rated high on what they think the level they can get to in the future. Obviously it seems a lot of evals missed the mark on him to this point.

  • @BShark

    Definitely which was kind of shocking. Even Collins was apart of that and to most KU fans Collins is sacred. But the Young’s ate them up because they didn’t have successful NBA career’s. It truly shows how narrow some kids/parents view things from. Being 24/7/365 KU fans we see things differently, not as “Black and White” as the young’s made it seem about Self with point guards

  • Cliff wasn’t as much of a disaster as Cheick imo. The staff deserved a little flack for Cheick. Despite Embiid the negative impact of the Cheick situation will continue to be felt. Bragg isn’t helping either. Hopefully Bragg turns it around and Doke/Preston both work out.

    @BeddieKU23 said:


    I was shocked Jeter was that highly rated coming out of HS. But we also have to remember some kids are rated high on what they think the level they can get to in the future. Obviously it seems a lot of evals missed the mark on him to this point.

    I remember not being super excited when KU offered.

  • @BeddieKU23 said:

    I think Georgetown will get someone that will energize the area and keep what little roster is still on scholarship

    I wonder if Patrick Ewing would consider it to resurrect his alma mater. Has been an NBA asst for years. I could see that being a huge recruiting attraction to potential OADs. Have no idea how much of a winner as a college coach he would be, but some OADs don’t care, they just want contacts and visibility (Simmons, anyone?).

  • @mayjay

    Good point, Georgetown must hit a home-run with whoever it hires. It’s a really strong recruiting area that has some nice prospects in future classes coming up. A lot of local recruits have been going elsewhere because of JT3’s style of play and the general lack of momentum within the program. Ewing definitely would be a big name with Big’s. As you stated not sure how he’d transition from the NBA to College. There has been a trend so far with coaches getting hired with limited coaching experience though…

  • @BeddieKU23

    The more I read from Young’s circle the more I was like meh… I wish Young nothing but the best at OU and KU will be fine.

    Give me hard workers like Garrett any time.

    Not sure how Collins gets put on Self/the staff. Dude ate his way out of the league and was short. And I loved Collins but it is what it is.

  • Georgetown isn’t even relevant anymore sad to say for them. Of course one great hire changes that instantly.

  • @BShark

    Cliff was a poor defender and always had one foot out the door IMO. His family helped the other leg.

    Cheick is such a crappy situation. But generally agree he never gained the trust of his coaches or players. What can we do, in both cases we didn’t get nearly enough time with either for Self to truly make his mark on them. It’s not like Josh Jackson came to KU and Self transformed him. Most top talents don’t come to College and have that situation change them. It’s the Frank Mason’s of the world’s and the Landen Lucas’s that help prove Self is the real deal.

  • @BShark

    Somehow we always come back to Garrett and I smile. Will be giddy if we get at least 3 years with that stud

  • @BeddieKU23

    Cheick was totally lost. That’s on him and the coaches. Agree though with these OAD players, you mostly have to hope you get the right one. With the way Self is, those oads really need to have high bbiq. Self is loathe to play a raw player that makes lots of mistakes, but that’s what a good chunk of OADs are now. Kids don’t really stay in school to develop anymore.

    @BeddieKU23 said:


    Somehow we always come back to Garrett and I smile. Will be giddy if we get at least 3 years with that stud

    I think there aren’t a lot of scenarios where he only stays two years but certainly they exist. If he shows he can run the point in year two well that is certainly tempting for NBA scouts with his size.

  • @BShark

    His size and defense will have him on the radar for the NBA at some point. Could be a similar development arc to Vick. Garrett’s goals should be about adding good muscle weight and working tirelessly at that jump shot.

    Cheick is a personal failure of mine. Saw him play a ton in HS and was just convinced he had the tools to be great with Self’s help. Boy did that end up wrong

  • Porter got his release.

    Don’t worry Washington wasn’t worried about letting him go. He wasn’t that good anyway

  • @BeddieKU23

    To be fair if Cheick’s circle wasn’t so dead set on him being OAD, we probably would have seen him be a solid player for KU.

  • Duke insiders have moved Bolden’s chance to stay to 1% within the last few hours LOL.

  • So, someone fill me in - - -whz going on at Virginia? – -Yesterday Shayok - - -Reuter announced they transferring out – & now today Thompson announces he is transferring out - - WTH is going on there? - - - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @jayballer54

    Smells like a coach leaving for another job perhaps.


    Interesting post from BHam if you didn’t see it. Mentioned that more than anything Self/KU doesn’t want to deal with Waters’ dad.

  • @BShark You think Bennett might be leaving Virginia? - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @BShark

    Garret was selected the Texas Gatorade Player of the Year. BTW, he is listed as 6’-8" now.

  • @JayHawkFanToo I freaking LOVE that kid. I am so glad we got him instead of Trae Young.

  • Well you can add another player to the list. – not only Porter leaving Washington but - – Noah Dickerson is looking to transfer and explore possibilities - - -Going to be a very interesting spring - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY


    Agree. this is one prospect that keeps getting better every single day…

  • @JayHawkFanToo

    Yep I posted in a thread about it. I think a thread about Garrett but maybe it was here. Good stuff.

    @jayballer54 said:

    Well you can add another player to the list. – not only Porter leaving Washington but - – Noah Dickerson is looking to transfer and explore possibilities - - -Going to be a very interesting spring - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

    Would take.

  • @BShark

    This is the time when Coach Self does his magic…

  • @BeddieKU23 said:

    Porter got his release.

    Don’t worry Washington wasn’t worried about letting him go. He wasn’t that good anyway

    So, will be a good fit at Mizzou, where Cuonzo just hired his daddy…

  • KU very likely out for Duval according to BHam. Things change but, it’s pretty late in this process. He says Duke or Zona based on what he heard.

  • Getter of buckets Thomas Allen has requested a release from his NLI to NC State. Currently at Brewster c/o North Carolina. That has worked out for KU before (no idea if KU even shows interest).

  • Porter Sr. hired on at MU.

  • @jayballer54

    It does raise some questions at Virginia. We’ve seen in the past that its tough to play for Bennett and his slow you to sleep style and defensive minded philosophy. I’m think the Shayok transfer means more then the Thompson one. Thompson, I believe, has already transferred before so he’s most likely a grad transfer looking for more playing time. It seemed he was getting lost in the shuffle of the young guys. Shayok now has to go sit somewhere and finish his one year, which always strikes me as an odd situation.

  • @BShark

    Interesting about Waters and his father. Had not heard anything about him before.

    Bham with his usual daily doom and gloom.

  • @BeddieKU23

    Yeah the Shayok one is very odd to me. The other two I get.

    Definitely has to be something with Waters. The staff at this point seems not panicked about getting a PG.

  • @BeddieKU23 think we should start a new recruit thread? Retire this one!

  • @Crimsonorblue22

    sure, in a few week’s we’ll need a new one. recruiting will pick up after the season ends

  • Anyone catch Juiston’s game yesterday?

    Hutch won and again Shakur was clutch down the stretch. Made a bunch of FT’s (which other than a jump-shot seems to be his weakness).

    He had over 20 pts again with 16 rebounds. Usual effort from this guy

  • @BeddieKU23

    Yeah he is good. He’d get minutes for KU next year and it’s always good to have high bbiq players.

    Some really weird scorching hot take posts in a Phog thread about him. Someone said they remind him of Bragg which just makes absolutely zero sense to me.

  • @BShark

    I saw that. Poster has no idea what he’s talking about.

    Honestly the Jamari Traylor comp fits (size, athlete) but otherwise ends there. Hard to find a direct comp because he is kind of an unique talent. Without a jump shot you worry how much he’d fit in this years hawk lineup but obviously a lot of things are going to change next year. His rebounding, BBIQ, and athletic ability stand out and are needed on this team

  • @BShark love to see him after a summer w/coach! They were 19 down last pm and came back. I believe.

  • Strongly considering going to the hcc game. Don’t want to miss Baylor game though.

  • @Crimsonorblue22 I agree, love the thread, but mentioned yesterday thread getting really really long, thought maybe we should start a next recruit up phase 2. - - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @BShark

    The only parallel I see is that Bragg dominated in HS but not so much in Division I college ball. Likewise, Juiston is dominating in JuCo but will he do the same at the next level?

  • @JayHawkFanToo

    While true you could technically comp just about any player not at a basketball factory like Oak Hill that way. When there is a clear cut best player (usually the case with a sought after recruit) then they are going to have to ball a loooot. That’s why stats really do not mean much and it’s about evaluating skills and how you think they will translate which is an inexact science.