Let's Get Ready To Roundballllllllllll.....
@mayjay Also the newspaper was allegedly deeply associated with the James Gang & the Knights of the Golden Circle
Live stat are displaying the KSU version that sucks. The KU version is much better.
@Crimsonorblue22 Haven’t eaten at a McDonalds in over 25 years!
@DanR said:
I have two micky D’s within walking distance from my house, and I’ve never been to either of them
Time to hammer down. Big time!
FOY part 2
Here’s where we need to separate the men from the sheep!
yea Fran calling him ok before he’s up. Really?
He gets kicked in the face and foul on him.
Takedown my a**!
Landon with some strength finally
Lucas with madness.
Just keep feeding LL in the low post and lets get this game done early!
We were talking about Al Maguire earlier. Let’s adopt his term the aircraft carrier for Landen.
Go hawks
Ok…here we go…
Kstate must of gotten one of those great half time speeches Bruce Weber style.
Time to take these sheepherders to the — woodshed …
@drgnslayr if he keeps that up-with authority- I’m in
@drgnslayr he caught and dunked!
That shows heart after a terrible start!
I know @HawkChamp is dying to rejoin us here. He (she?) left when we were losing 20-10.
@Crimsonorblue22 amazing, right?
@Bwag me smoking a cig
@RockChalkinTexas Isn’t that gonna mess up their fun?
@DoubleDD All squeaky and high pitched…
@wissox said:
I know @HawkChamp is dying to rejoin us here. He (she?) left when we were losing 20-10.
Maybe wait until the end of the game???
@globaljaybird I don’t want to know what happens in the woodshed
@DCHawker Naw. We’re having fun now!
Jackson’s 3 fouls has me more than a little worried
@DoubleDD his voice is like baylors unis
The massacre has just begun.
Looked like LL got mauled to me
@RockChalkinTexas The archives will show my unwaivering faith after hawkchamps proclamation!
Not so strong that time
@Crimsonorblue22 said:
@DoubleDD his voice is like baylors unis
What you don’t like baby diaper Yellow turds?
Wade is a stringbean - Landon has to power through him…
Two face fouls in one game?
Put them away for the next 5 mins.
Frank is exhausted.
I guess whomever fouled KSTate fouled him with his face.
Not so strong that time
Walks everytime