You know your program's a dumpster fire when...
@drgnslayr I think Bill Self holds the cards!
@drgnslayr Seems to me, first, they want it a lot more than we do, and second, they can get more out of it than we can. Thus, renewing gives them a PR “win” for the renewal, and with it exposure and respectability they aren’t getting on their own.
Conclusion: let 'em stay mired in their Loser muck.
Ultimately… I’m focused on what WE get out of it.
Yes, there is the negative that we will be exposed to a few games against an opponent that is lowly ranked but has a real chance to win because of the motivation factor.
But we can’t replicate a rivalry somewhere else. The emotions are REAL with our Mizzou rivalry. That should help us play with more emotion throughout the season because when we don’t come jacked up for a Mizzou game, we are toast, I don’t care how high we are ranked and how low they are ranked.
I would like to still play MU for one simple reason.
Kansas is a small state population-wise. Outside of Kansas, KU doesn’t have a major rival. The KU-KSU games just don’t generate any interest outside the state, and every other Big 12 team has a major rival (or three) that comes before KU.
This doesn’t matter that much in basketball because Kansas is Kansas, but in football, KU desperately needs a rival that matters outside the state. If K-State was a real football power, it may not make as much difference, but since they aren’t, KU needs an out-of-state rival to achieve its full potential.
@Ralster, you made some good points but playing Missouri in my mind is a game to get up for. I don’t get up for Davidson, or Long Beach or any of the other lesser teams on our non-con slate. I’d get up for us and Missouri. Plus it’s an easy rivalry. We’ve got loads of tradition. They made a couple of elite 8’s. We’re talked about nationally, no one ever talks about Missouri. Even if we lose occasionally like we did to them with some frequency, we’re still the princess and they’re still the ugly stepsister. I want to play Missouri!
As I understand, the conferences try to match up “like” teams, this is why KU plays teams like UK and Florida. Also, since the the SEC has more teams they tend to drop the bottom ones and this is why MU did not play last season and it is not playing this year either. The odds that KU will drop to the bottom of the conference or that MU will rise to to top of the SEC are…shall we say…not good, so the chances of having KU play MU in the Big12-SEC Challenge are minuscule
@wissox you can get up for a 5-9 team that has no fan base and the hi lights could possibly be the fights of the asst coaches?
@Crimsonorblue22 LOL.
@JayHawkFanToo said:
…the chances of having KU play MU in the Big12-SEC Challenge are minuscule.
This is, of course, a much more important prediction than the election pollsters’ odds. I just pray that this one is accurate!
No worries, a door knob is more accurate than the election pollsters.
@JayHawkFanToo Careful, this was you we were talking about!
Again, no worries, I am one step above door knob…and I predicted Trump’s win…
With respect to all pro-Mizzou-rivalry opinions above, I’ll continue to distance myself from Mizzou. All we’d be doing is help them fill their arena, despite the complete catalogue of blunders they have made to create their own fan-less arena.
What does it do for us to have some loser team be our b-tch? Nothing.
I’ll offer an alternative: Kentucky. Outside of the SEC challenge, Self and Zenger have talked to KY about maintaining a home and home series. I just dont see why a fellow blue blood cannot serve as a healthy rivalry? You think most season’s nonconf cupcake opponents are capable of being our rivals? Well–> isnt Mizzou about at the level of some dumb cupcake opponent? So explain how that’s some rival.
Once they left the BigXII, the rivalry ended right there.
And regarding the JohnBrown/Quantrill origins of the Border War, do we need to see them championing the sacking of Lawrence, KS on their posters again (“Kansas 0, Missouri 83”)? (Thats 83 men women children killed/murdered) Thats not even sports. Cannot be condoned.
What I cant get, is that people want the rivalry just to see us beat their ass one more time…, but their own total destruction of their program is NOT a better last laugh and “win” for us? So, why on earth would you want to help them fill their arena? I mean you folks are OK with just giving Mizzou Athletics SIX-Figures for every home game? Again, why?
@drgnslayr I understand preparing young men for hostile environments, but bigots are everywhere (see IowaState), and buffoon fans as well (see KSuck), so the boys will get plenty of taste of things to make them tough, as if Bill Self wasnt enough getting red faced in their ear…
@ralster Couldnt have said it better myself.
@Crimsonorblue22 Well leaving the league killed Missouri basketball. Maybe what I’m saying is I miss the Missouri rivalry. I got up for those two games more than any games all year other than the Dance. If somehow bringing them back would renew their basketball program, then sure, I’d like to see it again. It was one of the 4 or 5 greatest rivalries in sports. Right up there with Cubs/Sox, Yankees/redsox, Bears/Packers, UNC/Duke and Cats and Dogs.
@wissox it’s not up to us to fix their program. Their choice. Their loss. Sec Sec Sec sec, right in our face! And it feels really good!
@Crimsonorblue22 No, it’s our loss. We lost a fantastic rivalry.
@wissox check out a mizzou game, they are losing, big time. Poor choice and it’s all on them! Sec sec
The Missouri rivalry is just different from every other rivalry KU has had or will ever have. The fact that people here still pay attention to their program and are aware of their struggles is a big sign of still caring about and missing the rivalry. You don’t pay attention to programs you don’t care about.
I am firmly in the camp of those who would love to the rivalry restart. I underatand and accept it won’t happen any time in the near future, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t miss the rivalry. There’s just no other program that generates the emotion from KU fans the way Missouri does. That T-Rob block doesn’t generate the same emotion if it had happened against Baylor or OSU or even KSU. Only Missouri could’ve generated that level of emotion.
@Texas-Hawk-10 the ONLY reason I pay attention to them is because they are national news. Ast coaches fighting? I read and watch the news.
@Texas-Hawk-10 PHOF! Sorry Crimson, you can’t handle people disagreeing with you on this issue. You’ve given me no reason to agree with you.
@wissox I could care less if you agree w/me? Sec let me know when they schedule it
@ralster said:
I understand preparing young men for hostile environments, but bigots are everywhere
Good point. And another: why give bigots a stage?
You know I have the upmost respect for you and also your opinion on letting the rivalry die.
And I definitely relate to your animosity to the filthy beasts to the east.
But you can’t deny our university being connected to the border war. It is our history.
I’ve always related well to our school and the Jayhawk name, and our fight to be a free state. That means a lot to me, maybe more because of my ethnicity. It helps me often. It helps me keep my temper towards others in check. It helps me develop my first opinion about others in a positive light.
In my own family history we had battles in Arkansas and Oklahoma.
It is personal with me, and I not only take great joy in whipping their arses… just seeing both our schools on the marque for the game gives me a sense of right and wrong and being on the right side (though we weren’t angels in that conflict either).
Mizzou is my home state university, and when they bolted our league I washed my hands of them…completely. Not that I was ever proud to be connected. Their current state of hoops hopelessness thrills me to no end. I stand with Bill Self and am inclined to view the break in the manner of Kim Mulkey. A dirty divorce, plain and simple. No crawling back on bloodied knees.
@drgnslayr Absolute respect to you and what your family endured.
There’s definitely some pros & cons on this issue. I guess part of me resented the fact that the MU-KU rivalry was deeply rooted in hate, racism, & slavery–> thus I rhetorically ask: why must we yearn to stay connected to that?
Wouldnt it be sadistic of a royalty program to keep wanting to beat their butt again & again & again & again…
Cant we say they are literally dead & gone? A vanquished foe? So you want to figuratively take your sword to their dead carcass just a few more times, eh? Maybe its therapeutic for some of our jayhawk brethren? Thats ok if it is.
But some judge in MO had a wall plaque with “83-0” on his wall, glorifying the murder of 83 Lawrencians, half of them AfricanAmericans–I just dont want any part of that. Sorry, thats not sports. I dont know why a storied royalty program must taint itself so?
Leave the past behind, is what I tell myself. “Onwards and upwards” clearly does NOT include the Univ of Missouri.
Peace. RCJH.
I forgot to give a PHOF! for the great headline to your post!
Yesterday I had an iSpectrographic Expert take a look at that image of the sprinkler rainbow you provided.
Professor Francois de Bunkois of the Institut UFO Francaise ran extensive tests and concluded the following:
*Test results indicate that the video feed provided is an iPhone video of dueling lawn sprinklers in front of a slatted wooden fence. The prismatic effect results from diffuse sun light coming in contact with the arcing mist of the Rain Bird sprinkler on the left fed most likely by a half or 3/4 inch under ground PVC line maintained by underpaid gardeners. The widely dispersed white speckles are tiny aerosol polymer filaments being made visible by illumination emanating from an 18-inch UV tubular blacklight during the recording of the incident by iPhone. The filaments are associated with chemtrail fallout and are electro conductive. They are believed to sprayed by white unmarked tankers flying at high altitudes. They appear first as contrails, that instead of disappearing as conventional contrails do, and as dumps of partial jet fuels do, begin a long lingering process of dispersal into scuzzy overcast skies. It is currently speculated that the spraying of the scuzzy cloud cover serves three simultaneous functions.
First, the aerosol filiments, when combined with a mist of radioactive barium and aluminum chloride, forms a cloud layer that alters ambient temperatures of air masses about to collide with weather fronts with much higher levels of humidity. This can induce precipitation.
Second, the scuzzy cloud layers induced are electro conductive and can with proper excitation by directed wave energy from ground sources bounced off an excited ionosphere that returns to lower earth atmosphere to create at layerof conductive particles that wreak havoc with guidance systems of potential enemy missiles.
Third, the same process just described also makes it very difficult for certain kinds of enemy spy satellites that rely on uncharged atmospheres for accurate remote sensing to keep track of certain critical USA national security installations and activities.
iSpectrographic analysis also reveals sufficient amounts of Roundup in the atmosphere to trigger in autism in the offspring of child bearing women exposed to that back yard for as little as two days.*
(Note: all fiction. No malice.)
@jaybate-1.0 said:
I forgot to give a PHOF! for the great headline to your post!
Lol much appreciated Jaybate. That might be my first!