Oct 4, 2024, 6:35 PM
I was watching a podcast for KU last night and they brought up a point which I had been thinking about too , and I think it was a valid point.
They were talking about if JD 's passing game isn’t up to snuff - -I think they said this last game maybe was 48 % -so if JD’s passing isn’t cutting it -Then Grimes and CO need to make changes - - We should be utilizing JD’S–legs more.
Like was brought up-- -look guys what were doing is NOT WORKING - something has to change . JD’S passing up to snuff , and they also said our receiving has been horrible-- -other then Grimm -you put that together and you got a really bad recipe.
You have to make use of Jalen’s running ability , ya ya, I know better chance of him getting hurt - -understand that BUT also understand football is a physical it’s going to happen regardless. You have go to put your team in the best position to win and - - --right now Passing is not getting it done, and your gonna start seeing teams stack the box and say OK beat us with the Pass , cause you sure in the hell are not gonna beat with the run
Why aren’t we seeing more counter options- – more speed options ?- —when Coach K was here – constant motion - - formations- -defenses didn’t have a clue. - -We got the same personell -so wheer is our options ? - -something has got to give.