@dylans So true, this is what I was just mentioning to BeddieKU23 --these things go in cycles, w are down right now but I have total faith we will be back , and we will be back soon.- - It’s just that we have been really good for so long that when we have what we consider a bad year it just amplifies things.- I would neve be in favor of Firing Coach Self, he has done to much, if he wants to go then I thank him for all the success that he HAS brought the program.
On a personal note for him what does he have left to accomplish ? - Ha won multiple NCAA championships- - Won like what fourteen constitutive Conference Championships- - Won Big Twelve Coach of the year how many times ? – He is in the College HOF , nothing left - -How many players has went to the NBA coming from this program under him ?- -If he wants to leave then cool and wish nothing but the best for him – I hold no ill will towards the Man. The way I look at it we were good before Bill came here and we will be fine after Bill is gone. KU will not hve any problem finding another top notch proven Coach
I appreciate your posts / and input my friend thanks a lott really enjoy seing your posts