The "crap on Trump" thread

  • China , Syria , N Korea , Russia , just waiting and licking their chop for Harris to win the election

  • @jayballer67 You made a slight mis-spelling. “Harris” is spelled “Trump”

  • @nuleafjhawk said in The "crap on Trump" thread:

    @jayballer67 You made a slight mis-spelling. “Harris” is spelled “Trump”

    No I had it right. - -And to make things clear for you, I’m writing my own name in for President cause neither of these two could win a hot dog eating contest, little lone run a Country roflmao

  • I think @FarmerJayhawk would be a good president

  • @kjayhawks I’m not smart enough to start a new thread - why don’t you start a "who do we vote for " thread??

  • I mean, anyone who watched that debate saw an old, confused and self-important man getting run in circles by a coherent woman. The optics were so consistently bad for Trump throughout the debate that there is very little room for creative interpretation. Thats really bad.

    I really cant see how anyone who says Biden is unfit for the office can turn around and say Trump is. Theyre both too old, personality or agenda aside.

  • @approxinfinity I can honestly say that I’ve hated/despised Trump since WAAAY before he became a convicted criminal/sociopath. I mean politician. The first time I saw his dumb ass TV show - I immediately wrote him off as a nut job.

    WTF WTF WTF WTF WTF WTF is wrong with people who can’t see this??? He is a deplorable waste of human skin. I know that ultimately God is in control, but I think even He must shake His head and think " I should have scrapped this project long ago ".

    This Trump person must not be elected president.

  • All I know is this…I’m gonna hug my dog as much as I can before I go to bed. You just never know…

  • @approxinfinity like I always say in the real world people above the age of 65 are considered unemployable but yet they almost exclusively run this country.

  • @nuleafjhawk somebody told me there was a really good book, Caste, that explains why Maga’s believe whatever trump tells them. I’m interested.

  • @Crimsonorblue22 Get ya a copy and let me know what you think. Wait - if any proceeds go to D.T., never mind.

  • The weird thing is how much people believe in politicians these days. There are yard signs everywhere and bumper stickers. I miss the days when people didn’t identify with whomever they voted for like their lives depended on it.

  • @kjayhawks Right? Every time I see a political sign/banner/poster (especially for Demon Tramp) I think - are they doing this just to get a rise out of people? Are people really this Flippin stupid? Do they hate themselves and their families?

    It honestly reminds me of back in the day (yes, I’m this old) when I would go to All-Star Wrestling matches in my town and surrounding cities and me and my friends would root (LOUDLY) for the bad guys. Lord Alfred Hayes. Dr Ramey and the Interns. Baron Von Raske. There were so many more that I’ve forgotten about, but whoever was “Bad” we cheered for. Strictly to get a rise from the old farmers and farmer’s wives in overalls. And it worked.

    Congratulations, Tramp fans. Your loud cheering is working. You’re pissing off the good guys. Now take down the damn banners and do what’s right for our country.

  • @nuleafjhawk Sadly, they fervently believe it. Remember, an entire wing of evangelicals believe DJT was annointed by Jesus to save America.

  • @mayjay That’s one of the saddest and scariest things I’ve ever heard

  • While the thread is on Donald Trump, my view is that very large number of politicians are hypocrites.

    They only understand two languages, money and votes.

    They will change their positions in a heartbeat as it suits politically.

    Kamala Harris is in the same group. Unlike DT who is loud and brash, I call such politicians silent assassins.

  • I think the job requirements have changed over time for politicians.

    At one point they may have been: “Represent the will of most of your people, even if it goes against your own will. Within limits of course. Dont be crazy, this is a representative democracy for a reason. “

    Now its more like: “Be crazy and contentious, because that gets picked up by the media and people have been conditioned to expect it. Secretly, do whatever special interest groups want because they pay the bills”.

    Then someone comes along who is more like: “I’m naturally crazy and contentious. People love me! Oh my God, I’m the GOAT President! Dafuq does a President do anyway? Ez. Run, spot, run” and people who vote for his party have already been conditioned to agree that he is the GOAT, because the system was set up to embrace crazy contentious politicians.

    Unfortunately the swamp we have in Washington is in fact a systemic problem which Trump is a poster child for, not an outsider. We have a cult of personality that the masses have been conditioned to embrace, and then backroom dealings to fund it. Nowhere is this actually set up to move us in a positive direction. If that happens in any respect, its happy coincidence.

    Kamala humiliating Trump in a debate had to be done. That is what sells. At least, that is what the media outlets are selling. Im curious how much more contentious it can get, and will we see a return to civility once DT is done? Is there any future state where civility sells? Can we make being rational cool? Can we make it sexy? Can we make it fun?

    These questions are at the core of determining what the American soul looks like going forward.

  • @AsadZ Most people assume that when I bash Trump, I automatically love Harris/Biden/Democrats. Not true. I basically despise all politicians.

    What I do see in Harris is

    1. She’s not 1,000 years old.

    2. She know how to smile. Not smirk, smile.

    3. She is intelligent, not a blithering idiot.

    4. She’s not a convicted criminal.

    5. She’s not Donald Trump.

    Trump gives me the chills. I truly believe he is evil. I wouldn’t want the sonofaB to be president of my golf club, let alone the United States.

    We have to get this right.

  • @approxinfinity

    After the debate I went through several social media outlets to find that many people I assume that are voting Republican thought the debate was rigged, it was “3 vs 1”, “Kamala knew the questions before hand and they were only attacking Donald”. Those were some of the common things said. Saw hundreds of comments from several different articles and outlets voicing similar. I mean there is just going to be a % that no matter the outcome of a debate or anything are going to immediately discount it at all costs. Perhaps that’s what some people have been conditioned to do at this point. Everything is against Donald, it’s a conspiracy. I’d assume that’s the message he sends out in his speeches for his followers.

  • @nuleafjhawk Despite all of his issues, the race is very tight, almost 50-50.

    Kamala and Dems should be destroying DT.

    But yet almost half of country is supporting DT and not all are MAGA republicans.

    One has to ask why?

    To me the answer is simple, Biden/Kamala policies have not worked, and Americans are not happy with how country has been run.

    While I am not a fan of DT, I strongly believe that if COVID had not hit hard, DT would have won easily in 2020.

  • Blaming a poor performance on others such as the moderators, is very consistent with not being accountable for one’s mistakes.

  • All I ever would need to know about Trump, even if I’d never seen him before and if I just climbed out of a 10 year isolation chamber, is that he took Laura Loomer to 9/11 memorials this week. She contends 9/11 was an inside job. That woman is too much even for Marjorie Taylor Greene.

  • What if Kansas football has to suck for everything to go back to normal

  • @kjayhawks well, we’re used to Kansas football sucking anyway

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