Maryland Subpoenaed by FBI
@BShark I was in such shock when I read it, i almost registered to post there . It was seasons ago, and I have no clue the name of the poster.
Ha, yeah. Self is not w/o faults but he is still a top 5 college bball coach and way above Turgeon.
@Texas-Hawk-10 I honestly don’t remember who it was, but I did notice after he posted that, I didn’t see anymore posts from him for that season. It was ironic that we flattened Maryland in the NCAA that year, too.
Turgeon wouldn’t be a top 5 coach in the Big 12. Lol.
@KUSTEVE If it’s who I think it was, his initials are B.L.
@Texas-Hawk-10 His post was raving lunatic bat shit crazy. He was pummeled by 6 or 7 posters. I mentioned it on Buckets at the time, but I can’t seem to remember who it was.
It appears that Maryland is the one in the cross hairs rather than KU.
JayHawkFanToo said:
It appears that Maryland is the one in the cross hairs rather than KU.
This would be erotic.
@KUSTEVE was it this?
And to be clear, the NCAA can’t access any of these documents unless this whole thing goes to trial and there’s discovery and all that. And even then, if whomever is charged with tax evasion or whatever dumb white collar crime gets acquitted, the NCAA has no case that any of these crimes actually occurred and would have to explicitly say they’re using a lesser standard to declare Silvio ineligible.
So to sum up, the chances that the NCAA finds out the whole story here are slim to none and slim is on his horse about to ride into the sunset.
BShark said:
Texas Hawk 10 said:
@BShark I’m pretty sure it was someone who still posts there, but now openly supports Iowa football if you care to go look at one of the Jeff Long hiring articles.
Heh, I’ll just take KUSTEVE’s word for it.
You can get a good look at a t-bone by sticking your head up a butcher’s…wait…
I would assume that KU will be subpoenased sometime in the future regarding Silvio.
@approxinfinity No, but I remember that GUY…LOL. The guy I was talking about posted on KuSports, not here.
Known KU hater Jeff Ermann said in his article that SDS asked KU for money with no source. Wonder how that one slipped past…
I remember the KUinLA post because I drafted a long reply demonstrating Turgeon’s poor history of getting past the second round. Then I deleted it because, well, what the hell, it was KUinLA after all, so who gave a rat’s patootie?
well. I for one would welcome @KUinLA back, even if his perspective here might not have aged well with time.
I never wanted Self deposed but I would be lying if I’d say I didn’t question whether his approach was ever going to evolve, and before willingly embracing the 4-1, I was frustrated. The ineligible big men were a mess. Frank, Devonte, and Svi were the anchors that reenforced everything good about Self. Going Transfer U seemingly has been a stroke of genius and the resurgence of recruiting has renewed my faith.
Turgeon did at one point seem to be on the short list. Obviously I’m glad that Bill has evolved and gave us the last two seasons. Wouldn’t trade Self for anyone at this point, but I’d imagine if Frank hadn’t been the best guard in basketball, and the team hadn’t shot 40% from 3 with an unrestricted green light, I might be wondering how many years of forced high low with depleted big stables we would plow our way through, and how many years of poor ballhandling were ahead.
This post is deleted!
@ICThawk I know exactly who I’m talking about, I just didn’t want to post the guy’s name here.
Wow. I guess the “unto death” in jayhawk_unto_death referred to the other party
@approxinfinity I think that the ONLY one that I might ever consider trading Coach Self for at this point and time and it’s still a if but could be Brad Stevans - -pretty dam good Coach. – ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
@Texas-Hawk-10 My apologies. I did not understand your wishes.
In all fairness, @KUin LA dd not ask to replace Coach Self with Turgeon, he simply stated that he hoped the “next” coach is Turgeon…at least this is how I read it.
JayHawkFanToo said:
In all fairness, @KUin LA dd not ask to replace Coach Self with Turgeon, he simply stated that he hoped the “next” coach is Turgeon…at least this is how I read it.
I think KUSTEVE was referring to another post which was in the comment section of an article.
@JayHawkFanToo I wasn’t talking about a KU Buckets poster, my friend.
I was referring to @approxinfinity post.
Yeah contextually I think he was snarking about Self in that thread as well, but you’re right that he didn’t specifically call for Self’s head there.