No NEWS! Per Bill Self
@BeddieKU23 I saw that, Quit playing with my emotions Smokey, now Im back to refreshing the twitter feed, Im such a sucker
Which basically means they can’t do nothing and the NCAA will do what they always do
fart noises
I would hope a newly enshrined NCAA Hall of Fame coach, who has been a “right way guy” as far as we know would get a little better treatment from the NCAA.
It’s almost like the NCAA has some secret spies lol, and they find these sites and see our posts and see how miserable this whole situation is making all Jayhawk Nation and it’s like what gets their rocks off. - They sittin back laughing having a good old time, in all seriousness I mean I know in reality this isn’t the case but - - -DAMM MAN - - this crap has went on long enough.
I think someone mentioned with Billy it’s been 8 weeks now maybe a little longer hell I mean come on they have had long enough to decide whether he is eligible or not by now - If he is - -he is - -If he is not - then he is not - -just tell us so we can get on PERIOD
I think Billy himself is right at the edge it would not surprise in the least if we don’t hear something - and hear soon - he could just be to the point and say - -you know what - -SCREW THIS pack up & go home and work on his NBA material. - Don’t come at me with no NBA team will draft him - -yes they will off potential if nothing else. - -Don’t act like I’m the only one on this site that has said this either , we know he will get drafted. - Actually I don’t blame the kid - -even if he is guilty - -15 games is plenty of suspension for ANYONE
I mean this fickle fricken NCAA N Carolina makes fake classes where their guys don’t have to show up and they don’t get even the littlest slap - BUT us - this crap is getting so old. - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
The NCAA does actually monitor social media to some degree. They want to make sure that schools are not illegally recruiting student athletes. Most kids stay off boards like this, but there are NCAA folks that monitor facebook and twitter for just that reason.
A decision is coming any minute.
@HighEliteMajor Which means in a few minutes, or at any minute in the future of the time space continuum.
@justanotherfan Recruits stay off of posting on boards like this. A lot if them though do regularly visit these type of sites to get a better feel for the mood fan base.
@justanotherfan - - Damm, didn’t know that. - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
Ok, so now I have a question. Might come off as a pretty dumm question but I’ll ask anyways. - Let’s play the what if game shall we?
Let’s just say - -let’s play this scenario out. - - what IF - and I do realize a HUGE IF 99%-100% chance this will never happen but with that 1% that it does - what IF the NCAA - -screws around & screws around and never does get around to getting De Sousa cleared to play AT ALL this season? - -Now he worked his butt off, took his test scores and passed them so he could re-classify - and now he sits. Soo
What IF they don’t get him cleared to play at all THIS year for some reason? - -Is he at this moment considered re-classified and is he right now considered this his Freshman year? -If that is the case , and he doesn’t get to play because of not being cleared - -has he just wasted his freshman year OR do they then in turn not consider this his Freshman year - OR could we redshirt him for the remainder of the year & then still be considered as a Freshman? - -Can someone clear this up for me? - - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
@wrwlumpy incredible!
@BeddieKU23 They are making Self look like a babbling idiot with all his random predictions. He knows nothing, and nothing is being pushed. HCBS needs to get pissed and bring out some powerful people to pull some strings. This needs to end NOW…DAMN IT
You seem to be under the impression that the NCAA has been On Preston’s case for 8 weeks which is not correct. KU found out about it about that long ago and self reported and as a precaution sat Billy. KU then went on a fact finding mission and the information/findings were finally submitted to the NCAA just before Christmas and the NCAA was closed from before Christmas until after the First of this month so, in reality, the NCAA has had the information submitted by KU for a very short time.
Didn’t Self & Kansas lawyer up over the Diallo deal and spend like 100k fighting them? Retaliation? Nah…
Blown said:
Didn’t Self & Kansas lawyer up over the Diallo deal and spend like 100k fighting them? Retaliation? Nah…
By George, I think you’ve got it!
@JayHawkFanToo In all fairness, the type of NCAA higher-ups making this decision should have been working on this over Christmas Break. Even if the office is closed. They get paid well enough that when something this important is going on they don’t get a week off over Christmas.
The NCAA’s lack of PR skills is what is going to do them in, in the long run. All it takes is a similar situation happening to a football player at a school like UT or ND.
In all fairness, the NCAA schedule is known and published well in advance and this is not the time of the year where they are typically expecting tons of applications so they probably schedule and staff accordingly.
Why don’t we wait until we know the entire story before we blame the NCAA?
@JayHawkFanToo Exactly. They aren’t expecting a lot of volume of things right now. So when one comes in, it is probably pretty important to the school and the athlete. If they aren’t getting a lot, then they should also probably be able to process this faster than usual. And finally this isn’t just some application. This is presenting a case. Not just some standard form they sent over. This is they type of thing that goes all the way to the top, and when you take a position overseeing an organization like the NCAA, you have to make sacrifices, like maybe not having an entire week off between Christmas and New Years. With that being said, most of the frustration, from everyone, is the lack of transparency. The NCAA could easily be giving status updates as these things go on.
Examples: Tweet: Received KU’s findings. They are 12 pages long. Will take all day to review. Will be verifying facts starting tomorrow.
Tweet: Received KU’s findings, but are closed for Winter Break. Will be a top priority as soon as the office reopens.
Tweet: Received KU’s findings, will be reviewed by upper management this week, but won’t be able to start investigation until after break.
Tweet: Regarding KU’s case. Sent out documents for fact finding purposes through mail, usually takes 7 days for information to be returned.
Tweet: Regarding KU’s case. Nearing end of investigation, simply waiting on last few items to be returned to us. Will have decision soon.
My point isn’t to crucify the NCAA or saying that they aren’t doing what they are supposed to from an investigation standpoint. It is just that they need to have better PR than they do.
Kcmatt7 said:
Tweet: Regarding KU’s case. Nearing end of investigation, simply waiting on last few items to be returned to us. Will have decision soon.
Rinse and repeat daily…
Again, and like most big organizations, this time of the year is called dead time because not much happens and this is the time when key personnel take vacation precisely because is not busy and they need to use vacation or loose it. Every big organization, government or private, that I know operates pretty much the same way. I just checked my inbox and I have at least a dozen notification from firms I do work for or with indicating they are closed between Christmas and New Year’s, some even longer.
The NCAA received the paperwork for Preston just before Christmas and I am sure they have to verify all the information through their own investigators; they cannot just rubber stamp what they get from KU, right?
Silvio finished classes just before Christmas and it is very likely that his grades and graduation paperwork were not ready until after Christmas so the NCAA did not get it until last week.
In short, the majority of the delay in Preston’s case was with KU gathering the information, essentially since the start of the season and in both cases, the NCAA has not had the information that long. Had De Sousa come to KU next fall as planned, I am sure the paperwork would have been completed with time to spare. I understand that this is a semi-emergency situation for KU but it does not mean it is the same for the NCAA.
Had Preston and family not screwed up, as it appears they have, and Silvio not decided to chance plans at the last minute we are not even having this conversation.
I understand that the NCAA makes a convenient target but this is not always the case and to me, it does not appear to be the case now either. I guess we can just agree to disagree and soon enough we will find out what the real issues were.
This could be different. Lots of buzz. Decision coming any minute.
HighEliteMajor said:
This could be different. Lots of buzz. Decision coming any minute.
Any minute! Meaning April 6th.
I’m soooo effing pissed off about this!
The man in charge of clearing Preston and DeSousa is an EX WVU AD!! I forget his name at the moment. I’m kind of apoplectic.
Conflict of Fracking Interest!!
@Lulufulu Omg that explains a lot. We are screwed. They will be cleared the day after we are eliminated in the tournament.
Up to NCAA?
HighEliteMajor said:
This could be different. Lots of buzz. Decision coming any minute.
You’re cracking me up.
Well just seen from another site , they wouldn’t get into a lot of detail saying that THEY were told to say nothing BUT from what they DID SAY - -ummm ya - -sounds like for sure that Billy is DONE. - - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
Jayballer54 said:
Well just seen from another site , they wouldn’t get into a lot of detail saying that THEY were told to say nothing BUT from what they DID SAY - -ummm ya - -sounds like for sure that Billy is DONE. - - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
“done” isn’t what the person said…
But if his info is to be taken seriously the resolution could take all the way to March.
@BeddieKU23 what site?
@BeddieKU23 Found it. Yea really no insight, other than we would continue to pursue adding him all the way to March if we had to.
Kcmatt7 said:
@BeddieKU23 Found it. Yea really no insight, other than we would continue to pursue adding him all the way to March if we had to.
The News about Romeo was encouraging. This guy did back up his talk with the Dotson & Grimes recruitment’s. Of course none of it was groundbreaking. We will see
@BeddieKU23 It definitley was. But even still, not groundbreaking information. If KU wasn’t Romeo’s lean, he would already be committed to one of the other two schools.
Kcmatt7 said:
@BeddieKU23 It definitley was. But even still, not groundbreaking information. If KU wasn’t Romeo’s lean, he would already be committed to one of the other two schools.
My thoughts too. Hopefully we land him
Adding Romeo would make this class pretty unreal.
More NBA talent than Self will have had in some time.
If we add Langford, the expectation should be championship.
Grimes and Langford would be the most talented backcourt Self has probably ever had from a raw talent, NBA potential standpoint. If Azubuike is back, we still have the Lawson’s, we have PG’s galore, Cunliffe, Mitch, etc. That’s a national championship roster. I wouldn’t run out and print 40-0 shirts or get a tattoo, but that lineup would be more talented than the 2008 title team, and probably also better than the 2011 Elite Eight team, which was arguably the most talented team under Self.
If Langford signs, everyone should know what the expectation is.
The NCAA just made a decision I heard. They decided to go to Chick Filet for lunch instead of chipotle.
BeddieKU23 said:
Jayballer54 said:
Well just seen from another site , they wouldn’t get into a lot of detail saying that THEY were told to say nothing BUT from what they DID SAY - -ummm ya - -sounds like for sure that Billy is DONE. - - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
“done” isn’t what the person said…
But if his info is to be taken seriously the resolution could take all the way to March.
true, what I was meaning was we will not see him this season, and the way it was stated sounds like that IT WILL take until March . - That is our season, if anyone would expect him to do anything in March then I think your sadly mistaking - would be of little help at that point. - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
Kcmatt7 said:
@BeddieKU23 Found it. Yea really no insight, other than we would continue to pursue adding him all the way to March if we had to.
And at that point? - - IF we had to - well get ready , cause we are going to have to - -this season is a lost season for the kid. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
If the investigation is really going to take until March, they should just declare him ineligible this year. He’s a basketball player. There’s no point in dragging this into March and declaring him eligible on March 15.
Potential delay due to Adidas under investigation by the FBI and the Associations of Kansas and Adidas.
I really wish we would go to Nike. Seriously, who wears adidas for basektball? Even UA are more comfortable, these days, imo.
Wishful thinking. Nike has little interesting KU since it has the big programs like OU and Texas already in the fold and football drives the train. Without a decent football program, KU’s options are limited and no way Nike comes even close to what Adidas pays.
@JayHawkFanToo Don’t go using logic on me. I don’t appreciate it.
If it makes you feel better you can just see it as opinion.
@JayHawkFanToo I agree with what you are saying, just messing around. It probably comes down to the $$ offered by Adidas to Kansas Athletics, even if it does create recruiting assymetry.
Wichita St, Duke, North Carolina are a few schools who have Nike, but don’t have good football programs.
EDIT: WSU Switched to UA this year. Nike’s agreement with Duke is undisclosed, but recently settled a deal with Michigan St for $169 million.
I figured so, I just wanted to clarify to others that would read your post and assume the rumor was he’s done for the season.
He very well could be ineligible whenever there is a decision. And if the intention is to fight this to March means 1 thing, there would be an appeal to being ruled ineligible.
I’ll settle for having Silvio in a perfect world. I haven’t considered Billy apart of this team since Game 1 and its been easier to enjoy the season looking at it that way
justanotherfan said:
If the investigation is really going to take until March, they should just declare him ineligible this year. He’s a basketball player. There’s no point in dragging this into March and declaring him eligible on March 15.
Agree. it’s to bad but sure sounds like that the investigation will continue for some time. Didn’t say but I just feel there is more going on then just a car involved in this whole ordeal.
I agree, if this indeed does continue which it looks like what is hinted at , even if he was in the end declared eligible in March , his season is lost. He for one would just not be able to contribute that much for the team at that point. Plus Coach Self mentioned that we were reaching a point where we have to move on - -we are getting to that juncture. Stating that a a team /staff that Preston & De Sousa had been getting 70-75 % of the reps with the 1st team, and that is not doing the team any good if we do not know if they are even eligible. - -pretty much at a point where thing have got to change - -we are at that point.
I think it’s time that we might as well accept the fact that Billy will not ever put a foot on the floor in a regular season contest as a Jayhawk. - Plus another thing is like you say they rule him eligible then - - -I don’t think for sure we see Billy come back next year either. - Was pretty widely thought /said that Billy was more likely then not a OAD. - -After having to sit this entire season and going through what he has been through , I don’t think there is any way he returns NEXT year.
I think it’s just time for to focus more on what we have a better chance of actually have on the floor - that would be De Sousa, he is a different story and feel he will be cleared pretty soon. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
BeddieKU23 said:
I figured so, I just wanted to clarify to others that would read your post and assume the rumor was he’s done for the season.
He very well could be ineligible whenever there is a decision. And if the intention is to fight this to March means 1 thing, there would be an appeal to being ruled ineligible.
I’ll settle for having Silvio in a perfect world. I haven’t considered Billy apart of this team since Game 1 and its been easier to enjoy the season looking at it that way
I think your probably one of the smarter one’s here lol. Sometimes we just want to continue to hold on to things when in reality we know that the chance of what we would like to happen - - IS NOT going to happen. - I think it has gotten to the point, that this has drug out so long that I think pretty much everyone knows deep down , Billy isn’t going to be able to play this year. - It sucks , but it is what it is I too also will be satisfied to have Silvio I think he can bring a lot for us - -such as another big - -depth - -rebounding - -hoping and thinking chances are a lot better of him being cleared - -and soon. - I like your way of thinking on this. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY