So nothing yet?

  • @jayballer54 Well if he’s anything like my 18 year old self. He’s doing the things he loves playing ball, enjoying his HS friends for one last week, & seeing his family. Packing can and will be done at midnight the night before, lol.

    Dark thoughts say he is bracing for not being approved and doesn’t want to be too let down. But I think this is less likely than he’s 19 and wants to play around the week of Christmas.

  • dylans said:

    @jayballer54 Well if he’s anything like my 18 year old self. He’s doing the things he loves playing ball, enjoying his HS friends for one last week, & seeing his family. Packing can and will be done at midnight the night before, lol.

    Dark thoughts say he is bracing for not being approved and doesn’t want to be too let down. But I think this is less likely than he’s 19 and wants to play around the week of Christmas.

    Ya it was mention by Coach Self this morning that they did have a couple of his grades that was good, and felt pretty good on the others. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @HighEliteMajor

    Yes and no. Lightfoot can play better than he has so far if he plays his true position which is SF or PF but not Center where he is over matched, much like Perry was when he played out of position. Preston can play PF or Center although stretch PF is his preference.

    You can play Doke and Preston, rest Doke and play Preston and Lightfoot, rests Preston and Lightfoot and play Doke and 4 guards like now, rest Doke and Lightfoot and Play Preston and 4 guards (intriguing lineup). You can see the possibilities and you can see how combining the 3 bigs with a 1-4 lineup at times, basically eliminates the perceived thinness at the front.

    Remember that Kevin Young was only 6’8’ and 190 pounds which smaller than Svi. Also, Cunliffe and his freakish athleticism plays taller than his listed 6’6" height that for the first time at KU appears to be under reported.

    Like I said, if I were a betting man I would have thought that grades would do Preston in, not a car; hard to anticipate something so stupid.

  • I am sure that, much like all major programs, KU has been in contact with the NCAA through unofficial, backdoor channels and has pretty good idea of what will happen. I bet KU lawyers are parked at the NCAA compliance office waiting for the good word. I will guess that KU has been unofficially told the the decision would be handed in today and it will be a 9-12 game suspension which he has already served; it would explain what Coach Self has been saying.

  • I think we just expect too much out of Mitch. He hustles probably more than anyone else on our team, and that counts for a lot. But it also exposes weaknesses in his game because he is involved on so many plays. He is still “green wood” and has plenty to learn about the game. His biggest flaw right now is making boneheaded plays… something that happens with all green wood, but in his case, more often because he hustles and is involved in so many plays.

    Wow… he sure is swatting a lot of balls away from the rim! Bravo, Mitch!

  • Concerning DeSousa’s eligibility… I am of the opinion that we have been discussing his case with the NCAA so we can get him cleared ASAP, once he provides qualifying academics. So… we just need to be able to tick off the boxes today before 4pm CST. And DeSousa has it worked out with IMG to release his grades today, before 4pm CST.

    Something could go wrong… but we have choreographed this to have the best chance of working today!

  • @drgnslayr

    He has also taken more charges than anyone in the team, something that stats don’t show. I though a couple of the fouls on him last night were unwarranted. At one time, the refs had called 16 fouls on KU and only 6 on Stanford and it was pretty one sided until Stanford started to foul more in the second half trying to get back into the game and the final count was KU 18 fouls and Stanford 14.

    Lightfoot leads the team in blocks and is 6th in the conference; he is playing considerably less mpg than the players ahead of him.

  • @jaybate-1.0

    No agreement from me. 17-18 year old players are quite different than 19-20 year old players. All things being equal, a 17 year old is nowhere close to a 20 year old. You can howl all you want but it does not change the facts.

    Preston has been with program since the summer and he is as as conditioned as any of the players and DeSousa has been playing at a basketball prep academy where preparing players for the next level is mission 1. Bagley is 1.5 years younger and Ayton half a year younger than Preston and they are both domination with no problems; Azubuike is younger than all of them and he is doing just fine. There is no reason why Preston or DeSousa could not do the same. considering how long he has been in the program.

  • @JayHawkFanToo You’re on a roll today. keep 'em coming.

  • @jaybate-1.0

    No agreement from me. 17-18 year old players are not the same as 19-20 year old players. All thing being equal, a 17 year old is quite different physically and mentally than a 20 year old player, all your howling notwithstanding.

    Bagley is 1.5 years younger and Ayton 1 year younger than Preston and both are dominating. DeSousa is older than Bagley and about the same age as Ayton. Azubuike is younger than all of them and doing fine at KU. Preston has been with team since the Summer and he is as fit as any of the other players. DeSousa attended an elite basketball prep school where preparing players for the next level is Job One and both faced top competition before joining KU. There is no reason why Preston and DeSousa could not compete in Division I; familiarity with KU’s playbook will be the primary limitation for DeSousa and less so for Preston.

  • Sorry about my double post. I could not see the first so I rewrote it and now both show…go figure.

  • @drgnslayr your right for sure. - -I don’t know if you happen to catch it or not , I think it was in the Omaha game , a guy got beat or it was a break away and the guy was going in for a layup.

    Mitch came from behind and just pretty much took it with his forearm - -cupped it like - - -GIVE ME THAT lol - I mean he just flat out took it , but they called a foul even the announcers said how is that a foul - but turns out they called the foul on Vick or Garrett not Mitch on the play. - -I was thinking to myself - -oh no he didn’t lol - it was pretty impressive. Actually Mitch is a better ball swatter then I would of ever imagined. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • JayHawkFanToo said:


    No agreement from me. 17-18 year old players are quite different than 19-20 year old players. All things being equal, a 17 year old is nowhere close to a 20 year old. You can howl all you want but it does not change the facts.

    Preston has been with program since the summer and he is as as conditioned as any of the players and DeSousa has been playing at a basketball prep academy where preparing players for the next level is mission 1. Bagley is 1.5 years younger and Ayton half a year younger than Preston and they are both domination with no problems; Azubuike is younger than all of them and he is doing just fine. There is no reason why Preston or DeSousa could not do the same. considering how long he has been in the program.


    Howling! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😃😃😃

  • There is no question.

    Preston will lead the team in scoring and rebounding the moment he returns.

    De Sousa will start immediately and redefine post play as we know it.

    John Brennan will incorporate the Deep State and buy digital sign board ads on Times Square claiming to have framed Trump.

    Pyramids will cease to be used by the Freemasons.

    Elvis is ALIVE!!!


  • Inter dimensional Buffer 1

  • sigh

  • ditto double sigh…

  • Triple and quadruple sigh.

  • DeSousa announcement in T-minus 37 minutes, 48 seconds…

  • It is quite likely that Preston and Desousa will turn out to be the two greatest players in the history of basketball the moment they arrive.





  • DeSousa projected to break Wilt chamberlain’s First game a record for points and rebounds .


  • drgnslayr said:

    DeSousa announcement in T-minus 37 minutes, 48 seconds…

    Whaaaa? is their some kind of an announcement coming or you just screwing around lol. - -ROCK CHAK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • Preston’s jersey pre-hung in rafters.



  • Azuibuke to red shirt to make way for future hall of gamers Preston and de Sousa!!!


  • Well I know how much fun you’re having. But technically speaking Elvis has been alive all this time and he “just went home”. According to Tommy Lee Jones. 😁

  • Well, looks like we are going to have to wait a couple more weeks to know anything about those two. Lots of time going by without knowing much or anything happening. Lol at the thought of us playing Texas with no one to back up Dok. That should be fun

  • Lol either grades didn’t get in or they are appealing

  • @HawkChamp Any day now…

  • @REHawk that’s all we are probably going to get. It seems like every year some talent we need is not available. More wasted opportunities.

  • @BeddieKU23 of course. Not surprising at all

  • I’m starting to think this Billy thing is a distraction designed by Self. It’s taken so long with the paperwork being submitted at a late period that this is not looking positive.

  • Welcome to another episode of " As The Front Line Turns". On today’s episode, De Silvo’s grades are expected to be released today, so we have a live feed for the announcement below:

    Oh wait. I take that back. We don’t have a live feed. In fact we don’t know a damn thing, including a clue about de Silvo.

  • DeSousa has been cleared to graduate and will report to campus on the 26th and is eligible to practice immediately. Still needs to wait for clearance from the NCAA before he can play in games though.

  • Worry worts! I was never worried! :p

  • @HawkChamp Thinking you’re right.

  • BShark said:

    Worry worts! I was never worried! :p

    lol, ya ok. - -and you know what? - - -I’m going to be the pope tomorrow too lol. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @BShark Wink, wink, worry hell! We got 6’8" 133 lb. Mitch Lightfoot and a bruiser named Sosinski. With the acquisition of practice player S. DeSousa we have merely doubled the Eligibility Waiting Time. Steamin’ along towards The 12th of Never.

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