Crootin Thread III, Wherein Some Players Probably Commit to KU

  • @jayballer54 to follow up as I still haven’t figured things out o the system as far as editing I knocked myself out of my post some how lol. Anyways as I was saying a stud he is not. BUT I feel in his JR year and even to some degree this year he can contribute in certain ways for spot game time Never going to play a huge role but umm BAKER? come on now let’s be real lol. - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @mayjay I’m not sure. It isn’t like they are giving away plays or gameplans to other teams. If you were an opposing coach or program, what info do you gain from what he told me? A backup big who could get 10 minutes a game might transfer and one of our players who is a 6’6 power forward sucks? Most could assume it. I know I predicted a Coleby transfer months ago. And it might not even happen.

    The majority of things I get from him are who we are recruiting harder or how visits went. Rarely do we have a roster conundrum like this, so it isn’t an issue.

  • @jayballer54 click the three vertical dots on the lower right side of your post. It will pull up a list of options Edit is right up top. Cheers!

  • Kansas has landed William & Mary grad transfer Jack Whitman, source told ESPN. Averaged 10 and 5 this past season.

  • @Crimsonorblue22 who is that?

  • @Crimsonorblue22

    Coleby’s replacement. 🥁

  • @BShark I don’t feel good about this, change my mind!

  • @Crimsonorblue22 Looks like a depth pickup. Grad Transfer. Had an extremely efficient season last year shooting 66% from the field.

    Jack Whitman Per 40 line:

    • 18 Points
    • 9.8 Rebounds
    • 2.1 Blocks
    • 60% from the FT line

  • @Kcmatt7 against who? Have you heard of him?

  • @dylans Oh ok, gotcha thanks. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @Crimsonorblue22 I haven’t seen him play or heard of him. I know we try to compare a lot of guys to Kevin Young, but this guy sounds like Kevin Young. Efficient scorer, decent passer for a big man, decent rebounder, gets to the free throw line.

  • Crimsonorblue22 said:

    @BShark I don’t feel good about this, change my mind!

    He’s not a starter. Only here for one year in a spot where KU doesn’t have much post depth. Seems like a fine situation for both.

  • Welp so much for Tilmon. - - dam - -starts looking like we just finding a body. – -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @jayballer54

    This doesn’t eliminate Tilmon. Tilmon has the same proposition, he’d likely be the third big in KU’s rotation.

  • I’m surprised by this as I thought he had visits to UNC, Clemson & George Washington lined up…

    If Coleby is in fact leaving and I think the staff thinks Svi is gone as well that would leave us potentially 1 more spot open…

  • BeddieKU23 said:

    I’m surprised by this as I thought he had visits to UNC, Clemson & George Washington lined up…

    If Coleby is in fact leaving and I think the staff thinks Svi is gone as well that would leave us potentially 1 more spot open…

    He already visited UNC I think. And yeah some solid names involved.

  • @jayballer54 I wouldn’t say that quite yet. Still pieces to fall. This, to me, looks like a pickup for a 4 and a sign that Svi isn’t coming back.

    Gives us 5 guards, 2 PFs and still only 1 C. We need Tilmon.

    As far as scholarships, those will work themselves out. I still think there is a chance that a Lawson could be a self-pay for one season. Or somehow be a “student manager” for the season and still practice and get paid. They did that with Svi and Coleby during the University games exhibitions so that they could practice over the summer with the rest of the team. They literally had to wear different clothes than the team that matched the managers to be in compliance.

  • @BShark I think this does us in a far as schlorships. - -Smells to me like he was a last minute thing after finding out Tilmon not coming I don’t know just first impressions not a guy that makes you wet all over yourself with excitement. – ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • Some advanced stats on Whitman

    Made 91 of 132 shots at the rim good for 68.9%. Landen this season was 94 of 131.

    Made 14 of 27 2 point jumpers good for roughly 52%. Landen was 19 of 48 on 2 point jumpers.

    Terribly FT shooter- 92 of 154.

    PER 0f 22, which would have been 3rd best on last years squad. His Offensive rating would have been 2nd on the team this past year.

    We’ll see, looks like solid depth for either spot.

  • Whitman is Lightfoot insurance, in case he isn’t ready yet. It’s Preston insurance in case he isn’t ready yet.

  • @Kcmatt7 Wish I could think as positive, I just don’t see any thing good out of this - -my thought is Tilmon informed them he was not coming, just a last minute thing for a body to back up Udoka maybe wrong but for sure not getting /doing flips. From the LJW he said that he had given some thought about possibly visiting UNC but didn’t looks like, hope he is more then what I think. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • Whitman had 13 and 4 against Duke in 16 minutes

    3 and 6 against Louisville in 19 minutes

    8 and 4 against Rhode Island in 24 minutes

    Had 21 against UNC Wilmington, highest of the season.

    Efficient scorer, can’t go wrong.

  • Looks like KU is officially transfer U

  • @jayballer54 There are a lot of work-arounds to scholarships in our current situation, I believe.

    One of the Lawson’s could literally take just one “class” that happens to be at the weight room with Hudy. And then be a “volunteer” practice player. The women’s team brings in male practice players from the student population. We could do the same thing. Easily. I expect us to have 14 scholarship players on 13 scholarships this year one way or another.

  • KUSTEVE said:

    Whitman is Lightfoot insurance, in case he isn’t ready yet. It’s Preston insurance in case he isn’t ready yet.

    Lightfoot isn’t ready, that we know.

  • jayballer54 said:

    @Kcmatt7 Wish I could think as positive, I just don’t see any thing good out of this - -my thought is Tilmon informed them he was not coming, just a last minute thing for a body to back up Udoka maybe wrong but for sure not getting /doing flips. From the LJW he said that he had given some thought about possibly visiting UNC but didn’t looks like, hope he is more then what I think. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

    Enh, he could give 10-15 minutes a game and doesn’t impact future targets.

  • @BShark

    and might put up efficient scoring #'s in those minutes. This is potentially a nice move

  • Kcmatt7 said:

    @jayballer54 There are a lot of work-arounds to scholarships in our current situation, I believe.

    One of the Lawson’s could literally take just one “class” that happens to be at the weight room with Hudy. And then be a “volunteer” practice player. The women’s team brings in male practice players from the student population. We could do the same thing. Easily. I expect us to have 14 scholarship players on 13 scholarships this year one way or another.

    Yep. Room can be made. Bill is creative.

  • @Kcmatt7

    No, keep the information coming by all means.

    It is just strange considering how positive Coach Self has been about Mitch in the not too distant past. Like I said, it sounded more like comments we would see in the more contentious boards or something @elpoyo would post. We will find out in about 3 months.

  • @BShark I was reading UNC’s thread about Whitman on one of their fan sites, and the best was a person that said that he has to play well to overcome the “porn 'stache”. …lol.

  • @BeddieKU23 So guess I have this question. With so many misses in high school recruits this year and so many and then relying on so many transfers this year do you consider this year in recruiting a good year - -a so , so year or a down year?

    The Lawson’s is solid , This guy I feel not so much , Cunliffe , might be fine , Charlie Moore I’m taking a wait and see with him. I know probably just me BUT I just feel that this has been a little frustrating on the recruitment trail this year - MAN I hope I’m wrong. so what do you think? - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @Kcmatt7 Those “per 40” lines are dangerous extrapolations, or so I’ve been told/scolded. But sometimes depth – even D-II or D-III depth – like Justin Wesley, is the difference between a Final Four and something less.

    Here’s his Game Log from last season. Scored 13 vs. Duke. Wesley wasn’t doing that.

  • @Kcmatt7 Well I’m sure not challenging you on what you say as I will more then willing admit there is so much that goes on in these scenario’s I’ll take your word, I’m in no way in a position to try to talk differently. Thanks for the help bud , I guess I’m just a little frustrated with this whole year in recruiting, - -just seems like we have missed SO MANY and again seems like we are in a scramble mode and then with this kid like at the surface TO ME it’s just a body to warm a seat - -that’s not the right approach I know and I swear I hope he pans out. Thanks for the info buddy. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @BShark Well my friend THAT for sure you are 100% correct on with him being a grad transfer so I reckon that’s a good thing, I just hope so badly I’m 100% wrong on the guy, I have no real information, maybe he can back Doke in case of foul trouble give us some minutes.

    I think believe it or not Udoka plays a huge part for us in this coming season, hopefully he can play without getting into instant foul trouble going to be key. Now I still have to say I really don’t think some are giving Mitch the credit he deserves. Sure he will never be a jock basketball stud, BUT I don’t think he is as bad as some are trying to make him out either. - -If you give him this year to continue to work with Hudy then I beli3eve he can give us two solid quality years in a back up capacity . Mainly because from what I saw other then major under developed body for major D-1 basketball I saw a lot of scrappiness in the limited time he DID play, big hustle guy full of energy did a lot of things that goes in noticed in the box score, Bottom line I just hope we can put this together for another solid year. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • HighEliteMajor said:

    @Kcmatt7 Those “per 40” lines are dangerous extrapolations, or so I’ve been told/scolded. But sometimes depth – even D-II or D-III depth – like Justin Wesley, is the difference between a Final Four and something less.

    Here’s his Game Log from last season. Scored 13 vs. Duke. Wesley wasn’t doing that.

    Yeah depth is good, it’s better than the alternative. Honestly, I’m just not going to fuss that much about the end of the bench. There are a lot of KU fans losing it over this addition, and I just don’t get it.

  • @HighEliteMajor I only used the Per 40 because it is easier to compare players than just saying he was a 10 and 6 player.

  • Well off another site poster said and might make some sense if it turned out to be the case. Poster said with him being from William & Mary he says bet his has the grades for an Academic Scholarship. That could be an option possibly and still have a scholarship available. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @BShark I saw the Shiver was having a hissy fit. I’d be worried if he wasn’t efficient. But to me, a guy with some skill around the basket who blocks a shot or two a game is nothing to snub.

    @jayballer54 We might not be landing flashy pieces, but we have a sneaky good roster. Starting, we will have 3 McDAA. The other two guys were popping up on draft boards last year. Off the bench, we have two top 100 - 6’5 guards and now a post player that averaged 10 and 6 in 22 minutes.

    Also, just to add more information, he played in the Colonial Conference. Sagarin ranked that as the 13th best conference out of 34. And William & Mary was the 4th best team. William & Mary had the 108 toughest schedule out of 351 teams. . So he didn’t play amazing competition, but he could have definitely played worse.

    In the 10 games that Whitman played vs. RPI top 100 opponents:

    0_1493756416116_Whitman vs top 100.JPG

    I think that is about what we should probably expect out of the guy most nights.

  • @Kcmatt7

    Phog is having a nice meltdown too. One guy in particular was just on a roll with dumb troll comments. It’s not like this kid is going to start, I could see worrying if that were the case.

  • I like his post moves. Left handed hook shots. Head fakes. Looks like a high bb IQ. And he’s willing to ride the bench. What’s not to like? It’s not like we can offer any recruit that much playing time ( except Duvall ).

  • @KUSTEVE He’s a little springy isn’t he? Appears to me the only reason he couldn’t score 15-20 ppg for W&M was because he has foul issues.

  • @Kcmatt7 He plays hard, and is quite scrappy. I think we got a pretty good one.


    Could be that Demarius plays himself into a KU offer so that he can play with his brother in college.

  • Well after further review lol. Maybe not quite as bad as my first really bad thought process. Seems pretty fluid, seems like he wants to take the ball to the hole with authority - -ALOT gotta like that - has some bounce, some nice inside moves - maybe not ALL against A-1 talent but still think he will give us some quality play possibly. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @BShark I can already tell I like that family. I hope that is the case. I expect him to shoot up the boards soon. And, I like when we can have those telepathic connections.

  • @jayballer54

    I think he is a fine addition for what KU will ask him to contribute.


    The big knock on him was his shooting ability, and reportedly he has improved it a fair bit. That isn’t close to the only big time risers/improvers/stock increasers article that mentioned him. It wouldn’t surprise me if one reason he took the prep year was to hope for a KU offer. Also spaces him just one class apart from his brother. He has the toughness and grit Self wants, based on everything I’ve read.

  • jayballer54 said:

    @BeddieKU23 So guess I have this question. With so many misses in high school recruits this year and so many and then relying on so many transfers this year do you consider this year in recruiting a good year - -a so , so year or a down year?

    The Lawson’s is solid , This guy I feel not so much , Cunliffe , might be fine , Charlie Moore I’m taking a wait and see with him. I know probably just me BUT I just feel that this has been a little frustrating on the recruitment trail this year - MAN I hope I’m wrong. so what do you think? - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

    I’m not sure its a down year, actually we are probably in uncharted territory here with how many transfers we are taking.

    Landing Newman last year seemed to have scared off other guards we were so desperately going after. Probably the only one that would have been as good as Malik this season would have been Sexton. So in the end losing out on all guard targets except Garrett sucks but we still have really good options. Newman is likely to be a 1st team All Big-12 player, can’t complain if he performs.

    Speaking of Garrett, he makes the class good in my opinion. I hope my confidence in his game pays off. Exciting kid, exactly the type Self loves.

    The Ayton miss and the non-existent other options in the post besides Preston is the most puzzling aspect of this years recruiting class. Preston is such a wildcard. He thinks he’s a OAD, he will be a OAD regardless of his season. I just hope he’s eligible otherwise the Whitman signing was more then just “depth”. If Preston can be coached Self will have fun with him.

    Cunliffe, solid addition if he matures. He better get on board with the rest of the team and fit in. Messy situation leaving ASU, usually where there is smoke of a kid being detrimental to a team usually that isn’t the type Self goes after. I’m hoping he was just immature and needed a better situation. Bouncy, can shoot and create his own. Rebounds, some potential defensively. Lots to like.

    The 3 sit-outs will be very good here although the Moore signing left us IMO 1 scholarship short for this year that we could have used to create a 6 perimeter, 5 post situation, great depth, covers injuries, etc. But Self is gambling on Moore paying off in the future so we must get on board I guess.

    Lawson, definite favorite for Big-12 POY and All American when he’s eligible. Seems like the other Lawson still has some potential to max out. Home run signings IMO.

    So while its always great to get the best High School kids out there it seems Self has really changed his mind on finding the best talent out there regardless of what it is. Former Top HS kids, Newman- Top 10, Cunliffe- Top 40, Lawson- Top 30, Lawson- Top 60, Moore- Top 75 now find themselves on KU’s roster. Will be interesting to see how they all mesh.

  • @Kcmatt7 I like per 40 analysis … posted a lot of that stuff over the years. It was particularly insightful with Diallo and Alexander. Others reacted quite negatively to the comparisons.

  • Whitman looks better than Coleby. Obviously more athletic. All based solely on the video and the numbers/stats. Is he really better than Coleby?

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