
  • @dylans said in Tornados:

    always enjoyed watching people freak out in Lawrence over 40mph wind

    Uh, we have 40 mph winds here all the time. No freakouts. A few inconvenienced picnics, that’s it… like the time my pringles blew off my plate and stuck on my wifes face. Good times!

    KC and Topeka TV weather folks get pretty over the top with the tornado coverage though, good grief.

  • Lol!

  • @DanR said in Tornados:

    @dylans said in Tornados:

    always enjoyed watching people freak out in Lawrence over 40mph wind

    Uh, we have 40 mph winds here all the time. No freakouts. A few inconvenienced picnics, that’s it… like the time my pringles blew off my plate and stuck on my wifes face. Good times!

    KC and Topeka TV weather folks get pretty over the top with the tornado coverage though, good grief.

    I’ll just say that as a survivor of 3 F-5 Tornados, - -Tornado’s are no joke. The Weather broadcasters have to be serious with these things , trying to give location of where they are.

    I was here in the Jun 8th Tornado in Topeka, bout took Washburn University off the map- -was on the ground forever. started in the Southwest part and made complete angle across Topeka. - -Lives were lost many , many lives. - -Anything that can drive a single piece of straw through a 2x4 is no joke.-- -strip bark of a tree , um no thanks. You have these chasers, chasing after them.-- I’m telling you if you have been through the Big one’s if a tornado is going Northeast - - - -I’m going southwest.

    I was in the Andoves two Tornados-- complete diaster – sorry this is one thing I don’t laugh about

  • @jayballer67

    I think it may have more to do with the twisting of the tree/board opening voids that the straw gets stuck in.

    Out of town storm chasers piss me off. They park in the middle of the gd road, blocking traffic during limited visibility. Dumbasses. Get off on the destruction and leave without a care for the people affected.

  • dam , more tornado’s , tornado’s , tornado’s

  • Had 1 or 2 visit on Wednesday night. EF-1’s. 6 in total in my area all within a 30 minute timeframe. Lots of tree damage. Mature old trees. One clipped a side of the house, but fortunately minimal damage. Just doing cleanup now.

  • If you look at this map the diagonal line is nearly 40 miles long. Its a tornado path from 2007. Mile wide in some places. 10 million trees mowed down. No fatalities as it was sparsely populated area. Lived near this area in the little crossroads at the top of the map called Lily.,+WI+54491/@45.1438391,-88.6797904,41356m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x4d53586c84f8c071:0x553af5e08c6964aa!8m2!3d45.1571931!4d-88.7645511!16zL20vMDExNHpk?entry=ttu

  • Wow. the path is visible from space.

  • Houston area took a direct hit from a tornado tonight. Also had to deal with massive straight line winds up to 100 mph that’s caused massive damage all over town reminiscent of Hurricane Ike here in 2008. Right now, over 800,000 without power and that number will likely go over a million people tonight as the storm is still making its way through the southeast side of Houston.

    Fortunately, I don’t think I lost power at home as I was at dinner with friends when the storm rolled through.

  • One of the buildings in downtown Houston that sustained some major damage is ironically the Centerpoint Energy building. Centerpoint is the major utilities provider for the Houston area.

  • Wow, kind of sounds like a derecho.

  • Currently under a tropical storm warning as Beryl prepares to make landfall south of Houston tomorrow morning. Already had a couple of the outer bands move through. Houston will be on the dirty side of the storm as we prepare for up to 15 inches of rain, possibly more in some areas. Also expecting wond gusts upwards of 90 mph and sustained winds around 40 mph where I’m at and higher the closer to the coast you get.

  • Hope all remains well.

  • @Texas-Hawk-10 said in Tornados:

    Currently under a tropical storm warning as Beryl prepares to make landfall south of Houston tomorrow morning. Already had a couple of the outer bands move through. Houston will be on the dirty side of the storm as we prepare for up to 15 inches of rain, possibly more in some areas. Also expecting wond gusts upwards of 90 mph and sustained winds around 40 mph where I’m at and higher the closer to the coast you get.

    you just stay safe and take care of yourself and family - -hoping for the best

  • Beryl made landfall overnight and is currently sitting over the west side of Houston. I lost power about 7am amd have mostly been sitting on my patio this morning watching the storm. Saw a tree come down near my car, thankfully not on it, and a few sections of fence blown over on some house backed up to my apartments.

  • @Texas-Hawk-10 my bro is in Pearland, lost 2 sections of fence, plugged frig and freezer into neighbors generator. He’s not in a flood zone. Is the worst over? I hope a tree doesn’t fall on you!

  • @Crimsonorblue22 I’m good for now. The rain is mostly done, but the eye is a few miles west of me so still getting tropical storm force wind and probably 50-60 mph gusts. There was a huge pine tree that came down about an hour ago or so that’s blocking the parking lot to the back half of my complex. I still have probably another hour or two of dealing woth the wind before it starts to die down. There’s currently about 2.1 million people without power in the Houston area right now.

  • This is a cool tool:

  • @Texas-Hawk-10 their power is on!🔌

  • @Crimsonorblue22 said in Tornados:

    @Texas-Hawk-10 their power is on!🔌

    I still don’t and have no idea how long it’ll be. Centerpoint, who manages all the stuff here said they expect to have power restored to a million people by tomorrow, but that’s still less than half of the people they service.

  • @Texas-Hawk-10 ugh, what’s the temp up to there? My bro is definitely investing in a generator. Hang in there.

  • @Crimsonorblue22 said in Tornados:

    @Texas-Hawk-10 ugh, what’s the temp up to there? My bro is definitely investing in a generator. Hang in there.

    Heat index was about 105° today. Spent most of today driving around to charge my phone and at a local bar that has AC.

  • @Texas-Hawk-10 still no power? I hear Abbott is in Asia. People will die from the heat. Hopefully the old people will get to shelters. You do have water? 🪭🪭🪭🪭🪭⛄⛄🌬🌬❄❄❄

  • @Crimsonorblue22 Still no power, and no clue how hot it is in my apartment becausr my thermostatis off too, but it’s upper 80’s at least inside my apartment. I’m going to have to throw out pretty all the food in my fridge and freezer which sucks.

  • @Texas-Hawk-10 sucks! Sorry. I know if you don’t open freezer it last a few days. I hope you don’t have a big freezer full of meat. Ice chest and ice? I’d throw out the fridge stuff before it stinks up the place. Lots of cold showers!

  • @Crimsonorblue22 said in Tornados:

    @Texas-Hawk-10 sucks! Sorry. I know if you don’t open freezer it last a few days. I hope you don’t have a big freezer full of meat. Ice chest and ice? I’d throw out the fridge stuff before it stinks up the place. Lots of cold showers!

    Not a lot of meat, but it’s already gone bad and will be getting tossed next time I’m home. My mom got power back overnight so I’m hanging out there and will check on my place throughout the day.

  • I finally got power back late morning today, but no internet and no estimate on when it’ll be back. Definitely going be looking for a different internet provider after this.

  • @Texas-Hawk-10 thinking positively things could be much worse. But yes with probably cry with cost of groceries right now in this country absolutely ludicrous.

  • @kjayhawks Yes, pretty much everything in this country is ridiculous right now. I’m embarrassed for and saddened by this country. I have never talked politics much, but we need help. I almost hope that no one here expresses their political beliefs, because I’m afraid there would be a lot of people that I wouldn’t like anymore. But if you’re so inclined, pray for the USA.

  • @nuleafjhawk pretty much my sentiments.

    The article NYT ran today about Elon Musks goal to have 1 million people on Mars in 20 years was an interesting distraction, minus the “Elon has happily donated his sperm to populate the colony” part.

  • I think in terms of describing the symptoms of the problem we can stay more or less on the same page with a little effort. Its when people talk about root causes and solutions, particularly when root causes are embellished, simplified or outright fabricated to facilitate solutions, that we venture into wonkytown.

  • @approxinfinity said in Tornados:

    @nuleafjhawk pretty much my sentiments.

    The article NYT ran today about Elon Musks goal to have 1 million people on Mars in 20 years was an interesting distraction, minus the “Elon has happily donated his sperm to populate the colony” part.

    At least he wasn’t angry at it. Maybe a little Hawk Tuah girl for inspiration. 😝

  • @nuleafjhawk the entire infrastructure of this country is failing and you don’t have to be a genius to figure it out or put solutions in place to fix it. Both sides are plenty corrupt and are lining their own pockets with our money. It will be the less of two evils in November if there is such a thing. One man has made a living as a con artist the other likes sniffing children and seems to have the brain capacity of a toddler on his best day.

  • All I’ll say on the matter is we’ve got two shit sandwiches so pick whichever bread has your favorite color of mold

  • Well, you’ve wound me up… Hold on to your top hats. I assume you all wear that fashionable head gear since we’re all governed by a constitution was last updated when top hats in vogue, even though there have been massive technological advances in telecommunications, medicine, and so many other fields in the past 90 years.

    Although it isn’t stated explicitly, I think most people would agree that both Declaration of Independence and the constitution imply that the government has the responsibility to provide security for its citizens. And it’s doing a crappy crappy job right now.

    I’m talking about Fraud. Phone fraud. Internet fraud. Hacks hacks hacks.

    It’s an individual security issue and a privacy issue (neither of which the constitution addresses because these are contemporary concepts.) At this point, probably 99.9% of American’s have had at least some personal data leaked. Today’s latest hack is AT&T. But don’t worry. It’s just all of their customers and all of the call data and texts.

    Millions of people’s data is stolen pretty much monthly. And when that happens, it’s the victim’s responsibility to deal with the fallout. Even if its not identity theft, you still have to sign up for credit reporting and monitor your credit (which requires putting more of your data in yet another system that will probably be hacked.)

    Why isn’t this a massive campaign issue?

    The issue is politically indiscriminate; young and old, rich and poor, and red and blue people’s data is getting hacked. It’s a ubiquitous problem and unambiguously a bad thing. No one is going to argue that a little fraud is ok… or that some kinds of fraud are legitimate. I T I S A L L B A D.

    How hard is it for a candidate to wake up and say they will get tough on fraud? Hold businesses responsible for lax IT security — there have to be consequences. Hit fraudsters hard no matter where they are and lean on partners to help us reach across borders — there have to be consequences.

    That’s my 2cents.

    wait, what was this thread? lol

  • @bskeet thats a great issue to focus on. Another is spam. I get spam texts and calls every day. If politicians focused on things that Americans gave an actual shit about, they could win on that instead of these single issue voter issues that they hype up intentionally to drive wedges into the populace with.

  • @approxinfinity 100% agree on the divisive issues that the parties have pushed forward. Most of those issues only affect a small percentage of citizens. Digital fraud affects virtually everyone.

    Spam is a form of fraud. I’m sure you’ve had that email from the former prince of Namibia who wants to give you $50m in cash? Not to mention the phishing and extortion emails…

    I actually think that the fact that people have put up with spam has led us to where we are now with so many forms of online fraud and so little consequence.

    The label “spam,” which is cute and sounds harmless, is probably part of the problem as well.

  • @approxinfinity (because they’re the ones spamming people)

  • You guys want to start a political party?

  • @approxinfinity I’m very much retired from that line of work 😂

  • LOL I don’t want to. But maybe we need to.

    I have a sense that deference (or worse, ambivalence) has been one of the reasons we are where we are. Both parties are doing a disservice to the country.

    That said, each are massive machines, and collectively, they are titanic.

    It’s not impossible to put a dent in them, I guess, if you’re an iceberg.

  • It’s sort of darkly humorous we asked for a prominent person to run as a third party candidate and in the ultimate monkeys paw curl we got an admitted sexual predator with literal brain worms

  • @approxinfinity I think we could put our minds together and do a better fairly easily is the sad part lol.

  • @kjayhawks just need some decent people to try, really.

  • @approxinfinity it’s very sad how true that is, I feel Washington is starved on those type of people.

  • In a country of 300 million-ish people it’s almost unbelievable that we can’t find TWO people who are running at full capacity and aren’t perverted, self righteous, misogynistic, convicted criminal assholes.

    Yes, @approxinfinity , let’s start our own political party.

  • @nuleafjhawk I’m a registered independent for a reason not sure how anyone can not be embarrassed by claiming one of main parties in this country really for the past few decades. I tell people all the time if everyone had the guts for actual change, they’d vote for someone not affiliated with those parties. Vote every last one of them out. I’d bet a hefty amount the average person would be better at budgeting. Imagine you and your wife being broke, then deciding to spend more money that you didn’t have. Common sense and logic in Washington could fix about 75% of the issues in this country.

  • @FarmerJayhawk said in Tornados:

    It’s sort of darkly humorous we asked for a prominent person to run as a third party candidate and in the ultimate monkeys paw curl we got an admitted sexual predator with literal brain worms

    Don’t say that too loudly…Elon may be listening.

  • @kjayhawks I am admittedly politically ignorant. I’ve never been interested in the whole thing. But now, I’m fearful for the first time in a long time. Only bad things can happen if either of these …people are our next President. I wish this country would abandon the Republican/Democrat ideology and vote for the most qualified, best person. We need to revamp this government.

  • @nuleafjhawk I tend to agree with George Carlin - “Think about how dumb the average person is and realize that half the people out there are dumber than that!” These are the same people who elect our leaders. Of course the people in charge are morons, they were elected by millions of idiots.

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