Non-KU Games

  • So you think Huggy is feeling really bad Oscar Tshiebwe left - -got away ?-- Lordy 14 points &- - -TWENT EIGHT - - – -TWENT EIGHT rebounds and the game is not ove.

    I’m afraid what the hell he going to do to us on the Boards not going to be pretty Mercy oh Mercy an Animal

  • Illinois-Misery. Go Illini! BTN just started.

  • Tennessee is 56 seconds from ending # 6 Arizona’s undefeated Season they are up 4 possibly 5 if Fulkerson makes his free throw. - - -And Miss. . Arizona down 4 with 21 seconds to go. Arizona down 3 with 13.6 seconds to go. 74-71 - - - And DOWN goes Arizona 76—73 - -not undefeated anymore love it

  • Missouri is making 25% of their 3’s on the season. That’s good for 348th nationally! Kofi destroying human life on his way to the goal.

  • @jayballer67 said in Non-KU Games:

    So you think Huggy is feeling really bad Oscar Tshiebwe left - -got away ?-- Lordy 14 points &- - -TWENT EIGHT - - – -TWENT EIGHT rebounds and the game is not ove.

    I’m afraid what the hell he going to do to us on the Boards not going to be pretty Mercy oh Mercy an Animal

    KJ, I think, is our best matchup with that guy. Too bad KJ is a year away from big minutes

  • UCLA cancelled it’s 2nd consecutive game due to COVID infections. Next game vs. Arizona next week. Hopefully they’re totally recovered by then.

  • Duke losing to Virginia Tech in the early parts of the 2nd half. Only losing by 4 so the coach k retirement tour whistle will kick in i’m sure.

  • Couple days after leapfrogging KU in the AP Poll after beating the mighty mighty California Baptist, Arizona loses to Tennessee 77-73

  • @wissox watched while chatting with my tech buddy. They collapsed under dukes pressure second half.

  • @approxinfinity Ironically I checked back in the latter parts of the 2nd half and the first thing I heard was “Oh he got fouled and nothing was called”. #coachkwhistle

  • @jayballer67 said in Non-KU Games:

    So you think Huggy is feeling really bad Oscar Tshiebwe left - -got away ?-- Lordy 14 points &- - -TWENT EIGHT - - – -TWENT EIGHT rebounds and the game is not ove. I’m afraid what the hell he going to do to us on the Boards not going to be pretty Mercy oh Mercy an Animal

    We should do with him what we should do with every threatening rebounder we face… everyone put a body on him. It’s called “team rebounding” and it works when used. When a shot is going up everyone looks for that guy first to make sure he is sealed off.

  • Badgers had a game scheduled last minute with George Mason which is coached by familiar name Kim English. It was just cancelled as the Badgers too have the virus.

  • @wissox keep us posted on your symptoms, may they be mild!

  • @Crimsonorblue22 So far some loss of taste and a bit achy and fatigued. If COVID wasn’t a thing I’d just think I had a minor bug or something.

  • I have it too, found out yesterday. Same symptoms as @wissox. Had I not been vaccined I would’ve undoubtedly been alot worse off than I am now, the shots basically turning it into a cold.

    Never a good time to get it, but it really sucks having to isolate during the holidays. Bigtime bummer.

  • @wissox said in Non-KU Games:

    @Crimsonorblue22 So far some loss of taste and a bit achy and fatigued. If COVID wasn’t a thing I’d just think I had a minor bug or something.

    hope all goes well for you buddy , you just take care and beat this thing. Hope doesn’t last long for you, just take care

  • @Marco said in Non-KU Games:

    I have it too, found out yesterday. Same symptoms as @wissox. Had I not been vaccined I would’ve undoubtedly been alot worse off than I am now, the shots basically turning it into a cold.

    Never a good time to get it, but it really sucks having to isolate during the holidays. Bigtime bummer.

    Dam sorry to hear man , we got KU guys dropping like flies - -just take care of yourself and you’ll beat this thing - -get well soon buddy

  • @Marco Did you lose your sense of taste? That’s the worst as this house is full of once a year kind of stuff I can’t hardly taste at all!

  • @wissox said in Non-KU Games:

    @Marco Did you lose your sense of taste? That’s the worst as this house is full of once a year kind of stuff I can’t hardly taste at all!

    Not fully yet, but getting there. Was just diagnosed yesterday. It really sucks not being able to be around the rest of the family on Christmas. How long have you had it? Did they tell you the variant? They didn’t tell me. Just said I was positive. And like a dummy I didn’t even ask.

    Girlfriend gave it to me, and like myself she is fully vaccinated with the booster. We’ve been pretty careful. Really, we have no idea where we got it.

  • @Marco I did a home test, so I have no clue if its the variant. Tried to get the test at a testing site. But symptoms including taste bud loss made it seem obvious I have it. I’m on my 3rd day of it.

  • @Marco said in Non-KU Games:

    @wissox said in Non-KU Games:

    @Marco Did you lose your sense of taste? That’s the worst as this house is full of once a year kind of stuff I can’t hardly taste at all!

    Not fully yet, but getting there. Was just diagnosed yesterday. It really sucks not being able to be around the rest of the family on Christmas. How long have you had it? Did they tell you the variant? They didn’t tell me. Just said I was positive. And like a dummy I didn’t even ask.

    Girlfriend gave it to me, and like myself she is fully vaccinated with the booster. We’ve been pretty careful. Really, we have no idea where we got it.

    PCR tests don’t determine which variant of Covid you have, only if the virus is present or not.

  • Ugh, sorry about the covid woes for some of you. No fun. I must be a giant wimp…just got my booster shot the other night and it’s kicking my ass. Two days of 100+ fever, the shake rattle and rolls, headache, body aches, sweats, you name it. Sucks!

  • @approxinfinity said in Non-KU Games:

    I don’t remember Alondes Williams at Oklahoma:

    whats the deal with this guy ?

  • @jayballer67 he’s completely tearing it up at Wake Forest.

  • @approxinfinity said in Non-KU Games:

    @jayballer67 he’s completely tearing it up at Wake Forest.

    is he wanting to transfer out or what ?

  • @jayballer67 no, I’m saying he was a non-factor at Oklahoma, went to WF and is All-ACC. Interesting to me.

  • @approxinfinity said in Non-KU Games:

    @jayballer67 no, I’m saying he was a non-factor at Oklahoma, went to WF and is All-ACC. Interesting to me.

    Ahh hell I didn’t even know he had played at Oklahoma lol

  • I’ll be dang if it isn’t starting to fall in place like I was afraid of. - -KU has now missed two games in a row because of the Covid , Vanderbilt & Stanfords game a Championship in a tourney was Canceled , Big East Cancelling games , SEC revising on how they are handling COVID games - - the ACC - - Duke just Cancelled their next two games because they are having COVID issues…

    Other schools in the same boat. - - I’m just afraid we are starting to see a repeat of last year. True things have changed , I mean we have the shots now but still going to play havoc- -already is , Were going to find ourselves in a bunch of make up games – -we have league starting - -theyre just not going to blow those games off - -gonna have to be played sometime. They have said with this latest strain the Omicron - not nearly as dangerous maybe hospitalization wise Death wise - -this strain ALOT mor Contagious ALOT easier spread - just worried as you can see things growing - -keeping fingers crossed

  • @approxinfinity

    Just didn’t gel last yr but was a highly touted Juco. Wake’s coach is a pretty good developer of talent

  • TTech about to make the SEC go 0-4 in bowl games.

  • And the Missouri women just knocked off #1 South Carolina by 1 in OT. Missouri made the winning shot with 0.1 left in the game.

  • UCF men take down Michigan by 14, A nice resume win for our future conference-mate.

  • @nwhawkfan said in Non-KU Games:

    UCF men take down Michigan by 14, A nice resume win for our future conference-mate.

    very true. Plus you look at it not Basketball but our future conference team # 4 Cincinnati playing in the playoffs tomorrow night. - - good for them. Funny don’t ssee Oklahoma there - - Don’t see Texas there - -huh bodes well for the SEC

  • This dam COVID. 33 contests either Cancelled or postponed for today

  • Memphis just taking Wichita State to the wood shed & smacking that ass in Wichita at the half Memphis up 49 - - - -34

  • Texas beats WVU by 74-59.

    Tristan Enaruna playing against Baylor right now.

  • @KirkIsMyHinrich said in Non-KU Games:

    Texas beats WVU by 74-59.

    Tristan Enaruna playing against Baylor right now.

    The Hilton support back for sure - -really loud, trying to bring the Hilton Magic. Mabe turn out to be a good game

  • @jayballer67 Could be. Hilton is a tough place to play, although maybe a bit easier without students there.

  • @KirkIsMyHinrich said in Non-KU Games:

    @jayballer67 Could be. Hilton is a tough place to play, although maybe a bit easier without students there.

    ya it could be even harder with the team they got this year and students back. They have had some quality wins , but today is THE REAL TEST pretty competitive the first seven minutes

  • RANT. 4 Ohio State players quit on their team playing in the Rose Bowl today. They want to go get ready for the draft. What a bunch of entitled punks. Of course they’re not the only ones, many lesser bowl games have seen similar attrition. But coaches are guilty too. Abandon your team when they get hired away to coach someone else. They receive a quality 5 year education (if they take advantage of it), financed by program boosters, essentially who say I will donate money to the school to watch you for 4 years. Then at a game that is always a decent consolation prize for not making the playoff they quit. They should be asked to repay their scholarship. While a few role players will benefit by increased minutes maybe the worst part of this is them quitting on their teammates. NCAA needs to act on this scourge. Schools need to be proactive in preventing this happening by making them sign contracts to agree to finish a season.

  • Tristan playing solid for Iowa St today - - 10 points at the half. Iowa State just can’t get that one key stop to really put more pressure on Baylor. Down 8 at the half

  • Iowa State can JUST NOT get the key stop they need. keeps going from 8 - - to 6 - - -8 - - to 6. If they could get that stop put a little more pressure on Baylor. - Tristan doing really well 14 points

  • ISU is pretty damn good. Hanging with an elite Baylor team. If you told me right now they are better than KU I would listen.

  • Enaruna had a nice first half. We could have used him.

  • Enaruna 14, 6, 1, 1. Let the freshman play, Bill. Please

  • @KirkIsMyHinrich said in Non-KU Games:

    Enaruna 14, 6, 1, 1. Let the freshman play, Bill. Please

    Not what we needed this year and still wouldn’t have played (cuz Och, CB, JWill) but he is a nice player.

  • @BShark I just mean that players can be good if you let them play through their mistakes. They could even be better than Lightfoot 😲

  • @wissox said in Non-KU Games:

    RANT. 4 Ohio State players quit on their team playing in the Rose Bowl today. They want to go get ready for the draft. What a bunch of entitled punks. Of course they’re not the only ones, many lesser bowl games have seen similar attrition. But coaches are guilty too. Abandon your team when they get hired away to coach someone else. They receive a quality 5 year education (if they take advantage of it), financed by program boosters, essentially who say I will donate money to the school to watch you for 4 years. Then at a game that is always a decent consolation prize for not making the playoff they quit. They should be asked to repay their scholarship. While a few role players will benefit by increased minutes maybe the worst part of this is them quitting on their teammates. NCAA needs to act on this scourge. Schools need to be proactive in preventing this happening by making them sign contracts to agree to finish a season.

    RANT. Fans who expect players to risk their financial future to play in a meaningless game are the entitled ones. They should be risking millions of dollars and potential generational wealth for what exactly? You? The irony of calling young men who worked their ass off for the opportunity of the NFL entitled, just so you can sit your butt on a couch and yell at your TV for three hours, is hysterical.

  • @BShark said in Non-KU Games:

    ISU is pretty damn good. Hanging with an elite Baylor team. If you told me right now they are better than KU I would listen.

    ya I would say were gonna have our hands full with them

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