IARP to reinvestigate KU case for 3 months
I won’t link the article written by Pat Forde but in the article written by said Methzoo Hack was this:
Sources told SI this week that the IARP’s Complex Case Unit has embarked upon a three-month investigative period on the Kansas case.
Maybe good news? Maybe bad news? Several ways this could go. The bad part is they could potentially unearth new damaging evidence. The good news is that reinvestigating the case comes up with a different conclusion from the one the NCAA has stuck by. Who knows. I wouldn’t be surprised if there isn’t a conclusion to this until after the season is over
@BeddieKU23 I read the article, seems weird to me that it gets leaked to SI.
Why would they be reinvestigating? Just make the nightmare end one way or the other
It seems like this process is on the same time schedule as some of the major road construction projects around here.
@wissox said in IARP to reinvestigate KU case for 3 months:
It seems like this process is on the same time schedule as some of the major road construction projects around here.
You know what they’re building? Friendship.
I suspect they are looking into broader aspects of corporation/school relationships. They would not, I believe, want to destroy the flow of billions of dollars into college athletics by making all sponsorships “boosters.”
I don’t know what to expect except they’re job isn’t to discover evidence for justice. Reminds me of some horrifying moments in my youth on a quiet back road in Mexico when I approached a federali checkpoint. They were looking for evidence, too. That’s all I’m going to say…