Jays vs Royals - ALCS Game 6
How many reviews they get?
You kidding me? Why is Ace still out there?
@brooksmd Playing with fire there…
Lucky Tista didn’t park that one too.
You’re a hitter late Ned.
That’s OK. He’s leaving with the lead.
Sauce going to go 2 or Davis 2?
Coach pretty mature!
@Crimsonorblue22 maybe one each, Madsen, Duffy, Medlin, Hoch all available. 3 days off if they win tonight…
@Crimsonorblue22 Guess it depends on Tabasco. In the past if he threw 2/3’s an inning he didn’t come back out.
100 K !
Put some habanero on that one.
@brooksmd This turd again?
Thank you Herrera!
@globaljaybird Yessir.
@brooksmd I read somewhere if needed Davis could go 2.
@Crimsonorblue22 Sure he could he’s been a starter most time in da bigs…
@globaljaybird Medlen as well.
U should have seen an instant replay of me diving off recliner trying to get a grape out of rios mouth. Landed on the feet part and then on my wrist, but I got it out. I heard they were bad for dogs!
@Crimsonorblue22 YES
Love seeing Tulo fail!
@VailHawk turdo here!
@brooksmd I don’t want medlan
@globaljaybird You know if I’m batting left against Price I’m crowding the plate for that outside curve. If I get hit it’s one for the team.
Sick of hearing that!
Hoz you are sooooo due, help us out!
These guys are swingin outta their cleats-what happened to keep the line moving
Only 86 pitches for Price. They may leave him out there thru the 8th at least.
@globaljaybird Good question.
@nwhawkfan I’ll take a 2-1 win, but I rather it bigger.
Great work Tabasco. Thanks.
@Crimsonorblue22 6 to go.
Time to hit the darn ball!
Moose and gordo help us
@globaljaybird You need to educate @crimsonorblue22 about the value of Medlen.
Moooooose go run fast now!!!
NO DP Salvy-Keep it moving…
Holy Crap What A Catch
Shoot! First check your glove
Go gordo!
2 outs and RISP. Nobody does it better.
Rios up? He’s done better than most lately!
How’s the pitcher coming up?
Yes!! Moose was burning the bases!