Jays vs Royals - ALCS Game 6
Hoz you are sooooo due, help us out!
These guys are swingin outta their cleats-what happened to keep the line moving
Only 86 pitches for Price. They may leave him out there thru the 8th at least.
@globaljaybird Good question.
@nwhawkfan I’ll take a 2-1 win, but I rather it bigger.
Great work Tabasco. Thanks.
@Crimsonorblue22 6 to go.
Time to hit the darn ball!
Moose and gordo help us
@globaljaybird You need to educate @crimsonorblue22 about the value of Medlen.
Moooooose go run fast now!!!
NO DP Salvy-Keep it moving…
Holy Crap What A Catch
Shoot! First check your glove
Go gordo!
2 outs and RISP. Nobody does it better.
Rios up? He’s done better than most lately!
How’s the pitcher coming up?
Yes!! Moose was burning the bases!
High 5’s around!
hugs too
ZO, remember the first at bat?
@brooksmd shoot!
Needed that run. We got meat coming up, they haven’t done much for us. Who they got?
@globaljaybird you have the big one?
Let’s hope the rain is champagne in the dugout!
Standing for the rest if this
@DanR me too! Already fell out of the chair!
Yes madson!!
Donaldson looking. BIG especially since he was 0-3.
@Crimsonorblue22 Twice none the less…
Hit him in the leg next time instead of his bat
Haven’t seen Salvy yet give anybody a belt high middle of the plate target. Keep the frickin ball down.
If ya throw chest high to these guys ya better hit em in the chest or they make you PAY…
Davis should have gone 2
@DanR Bet it got quiet after that dinger…
Ned always planning for the worst and gets it
Get turdo out
Not good at all. Davis entering the game without a lead…if this goes extra innings oh shit
Salvy forget there was a runner?
Rain was piddly in larryville. Let’s win this.