Rock Chalk Chat here Duke and Bucky Badger fans
@brooksmd root canal today, been hurting since last Thursday.
Yes, Gasser earlier. The other night when they cheap shotted Gasser we ended the game on a 15-4 run. It was incredible. The badgers said, heck if they’re not goiong to call that on Kentucky when it was so obvious to all of americae, then they’ll just take matters into their own hands. Decker drove it hard to the hole the next posession and the ballgame was in the books!
@Kip_McSmithers Hope springs eternal - but I wouldn’t bet on that…
Whoa, Crimson, just saw the Royals score, really took it to my Sox today!
@wissoxfan83 u in law?
@VailHawk In your face Winslow!
@VailHawk No clue what happened for a foul there?
@wissoxfan83 Koenig is doing great. He’s energizing this team.
@approxinfinity I love that kid
@Kip_McSmithers Well, I would be happy to be way wrong! Almost half way there.
Anyone think Ashley Judd is there or is she in some holler in a double wide cooking meth?
She’s there with Dukie V who is starting to fight back tears.
@Kip_McSmithers “This is what a feminist looks like cooking meth”
@Crimsonorblue22 are you kidding. Duke is NCAA royalty and from East coast
@Crimsonorblue22 Check your chat. Something to make you smile.
@wissoxfan83 just thinking about that photo starts my gag reflex
@brooksmd I did!! Hurts to smile. Thx for sharing.
That kid from duke allen is scrappy
No foul though
@wissoxfan83 he won the dunk contest last year at the mckie d competition
@wissoxfan83 He’s going to be the next Laettner, JJ Reddick and Greg What’s His Face as the Dookie who most annoys other teams’ fans.
Hey, can I see a cut away to Kohl Center when Wisconsin scores? Don’t give me that Cameron Indoor Bullsh–
@approxinfinity They did show the UW union once or twice
@wissoxfan83 Ok ok, I’ll settle down
@approxinfinity no fun!
@wissoxfan83 The sett. Badger’s den. Clever
Win or lose, I’m LOOTING after this game who’s with me?!?!
Time to get #4 on Okafor and Winslow
@VailHawk roflmao PHOF
@VailHawk maybe burn some stuff
@VailHawk I’ve been holding my bladder for 2 days! Road trip to Cameron!
@VailHawk I got a couch we can burn West Virginia style
Duke flop
bull crap
Bb play? Like the smack to the face sat?
The fix is in
For a team that fouls little Wisconsin sure is seeing a differential tonight
@Kip_McSmithers It’s hard to burn a couch. Something I learned at KU. After we threw it out of a schol hall window.
@tundrahok must have been a big window
And Bo knows thats BS. Give it to the refs.
Investigate the NCAA
@tundrahok Makes sense… After it accidentally fell out the window, you panicked and had to get rid of the evidence…?
@approxinfinity good one
@Crimsonorblue22 Took some tools to remove the frame
Jumping into somebody with my elbow was my go to move in the day… Not dirty or cheap
@approxinfinity We were too stupid to panic. Maybe too inebriated too.
@Kip_McSmithers like Fred vanvleet
Raftery stop coddling Okafor. Making me a little nauseuous.