Old heads

  • Any ideas where the original KUBuckets/LJW crew went? I see a few remnants, but most have disappeared leaving a seeming more one sided group left to discuss with. I’d like to resurrect some of those old conversations, but it doesn’t work with the current cast. Where did you go?!? The perils of digital friends - here one day, gone tomorrow.

  • @NotHim yeah not sure. The promise of this place was always to let people be anonymous and not have to use their facebook account to authenticate.

    Not sure what side you believe in underrepresented; if you mean a political perspective from the right, as you insinuated, there are echo chambers on the internet dedicated to that sort of thing. I honestly believe we are still pretty moderate in our political take here. I believe that will be more apparent when the republican party gets clear of Donald Trumps shadow.

    As far as a sports perspective, the board still feels quite contentious. Several different opinions usually in play. Are we missing something there?

  • @approxinfinity 👍 I understand your view and it is nice up top lookin down.

  • @NotHim well i am curious what perspective you think is missing here.

  • Just curious why a select few have disappeared. @Statmachine was entertaining. @KUSTEVE was a funny guy. @jaybate-1-0 made the site what it was then croaked when the new wave showed up. It’s just been a less interesting and more one sided evolution. There are many that have prevailed some that only talk in private chat as they are tired of the ridicule. Its just evolved into something more contentious, less introspective. Dumbed down if you will.

  • @approxinfinity said in Old heads:

    @NotHim well i am curious what perspective you think is missing here.


  • Yeah, Im not sure where those guys went to. I think its jumping to conclusions to consider those guys run off. I enjoy all of their voices and would love to see them hop back on. Maybe life took them in a different direction. I dont think of those guys as conservative primarily, so much as unique people with different voices to add.

    Have we become more homogenous? Maybe.

    Interesting that you think we lack optimism. I dont know if thats the word i would choose.

    Flair maybe? Thatd be fair. Sustained Effort? My contributions wax and wane quite a bit. Life stuff.

    Maybe we have talked about a lot of things and now we are just comfortable knowing that if we say something there will be a reply from old friends?

    I dont know. The board has certainly evolved. Maybe regarding the last thing i said, if those old friends are the ones that left, then that impacts your optimism.

    But hey, we can have a fresh start. Stick around a while and talk. Maybe you’ll enjoy the voices that remain more than you thought you would. If you have ideas that you think arent explored, why not throw them into the mix and let us chew on them? I think we are pretty respectful and welcoming to different voices.

    Older, wiser, more appreciative, imo.

  • @approxinfinity I’m not going to trash your board. Was just hoping some of the original posters would reach out in private, I doubt they’re going to reappear in the current environment.

  • As far as the sports perspective i feel like theres a good number of people who push back against unwarranted pessimism.

    Also, the world I think in general needs more optimism, and thats not political. I 💯 think we need more optimism. The murder death spin hour, aka as the nightly news, is a joke.

  • Well, i dont think youve really indicated something specific to this board that would cause people not to post, but i think there may be more global causes that are at play. I appreciate you being respectful and just wanting to DM with specific people. All good.

    Just makes me sad that you may be one of those guys that I enjoy talking to, if you feel run off. This is a community and running good people off was never the intent

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