Other bball games
@kjayhawks said in Other bball games:
@Crimsonorblue22 so did 99% of social media
99% of social media shits on women’s sports too. Clark was looking in another direction when she was ran into and knocked off balance along with the wind knocked out of her.
@kjayhawks Bull crap. Clark got ran into and we’re all fortunate she didn’t get hurt.
Same morons are saying Filipowski was tripping kids, shoving kids, etc. I just can’t believe the irrational people who can’t see what is so plain to see.
@Texas-Hawk-10 said in Other bball games:
@kjayhawks said in Other bball games:
@Texas-Hawk-10 I haven’t seen it yet but Clark’s was a total flop by her but if this truly happened and hurt him, that will spell trouble. Never know, Traylor got bumper for us at KSUCK and an ISU broke a leg one year to no changes.
So Clark knocked the wind out of herself? I’m sorry, but GTFO with that take. You don’t knock the wind out of yourself flopping.
Not saying Clark flopped, but Bryce Thompson tore his labrum flopping. You can absolutely hurt yourself flopping.
@wissox I’m in a agreement that court storming needs to stop and it wasn’t Flipers fault nor was it Clark’s but their definitely was some acting going on in the later.
@wissox said in Other bball games:
Same morons are saying Filipowski was tripping kids, shoving kids, etc. I just can’t believe the irrational people who can’t see what is so plain to see.
he for sure was not tripping kids, he was trying to get off the court- -it was insane - -court storming has got to be stopped. Gotten totally out of hand-- now he is hurt- not good.
Alot of these fricken tweets of twitter and such are the perfect chance for people who do not like Filpowski . - --People who don’t like him have found their opportunity to take pot shots at him or about him with the court storming , hell I don’t like him either really, but not because of him personally, don’t know the kid, but just because it’s Duke.
Having said that I’m sure the hell not going to run to twitter and blame him saying it was his fault and other things , the guy was trying to get off the court .I could see where he actually looked scared for his safety, just trying to get off. On the other hand you have these idiots storming the court mass chaos just so they can group up with a bunch of other idiots so they could hop up and done act like fools.
Hell half of them probably didn’t even know why they themselves why they were storming the court- - -only that a bunch of other kids were doing it so it must be fun, to hell if someone got hurt. - -Got to be stopped
@dylans said in Other bball games:
@Texas-Hawk-10 said in Other bball games:
@kjayhawks said in Other bball games:
@Texas-Hawk-10 I haven’t seen it yet but Clark’s was a total flop by her but if this truly happened and hurt him, that will spell trouble. Never know, Traylor got bumper for us at KSUCK and an ISU broke a leg one year to no changes.
So Clark knocked the wind out of herself? I’m sorry, but GTFO with that take. You don’t knock the wind out of yourself flopping.
Not saying Clark flopped, but Bryce Thompson tore his labrum flopping. You can absolutely hurt yourself flopping.
And at what point did Clark go to the ground after she got hit? It wasn’t immediately or even after the spin. That means she got hit hard enough on the contact with that fan that it knocked the wind out of her at that point. If Clark had been hit in a different spot that hard, rib injuries then become a possibility as well.
Filipowski was oblivious and clotheslined a kid who then hit his knee. Have some awareness. I dont think we need our athletes retracted further into their bubble of exceptionalism, Duke being the poster boys for exceptionalism, and I dont have a problem with court stormings.
@dylans I’m gonna flop the next time my wife bumps into me. I’ll report back to you about it!
Why don’t they just make it mandatory for the players to leave the court first- opponent then let fans and home team enjoy. There is no need for players to get hurt that’s for sure over this, even if it is Duke
@BeddieKU23 I honestly don’t think he made an effort to get off the court but he shouldn’t have too at the same time.
If this were Spain, we would call him an idiot.
Sore point in these parts I’m sure, but anyone remember this ‘court storming’. My how times have changed!
@kjayhawks said in Other bball games:
@BeddieKU23 I honestly don’t think he made an effort to get off the court but he shouldn’t have too at the same time.
When did Filipowski even have a chance to leave the court? Those Wake fans were on the court as soon as that clock hit zero and there was no security to protect anyone or even hold fans back for a bit.
@Texas-Hawk-10 they were on the court w/time still on the clock.
What a seemingly unlikeable weenus
Suck it up dude! Jesus.
Wheres the injury report? Out for the season? Get a grip.
This is a situation where you say “its unfortunate that players can get injured by passionate fans “ not “those fans tried to hurt me, poor me”, but this is what you get when your coach is also a pampered child.
Would we feel the same way if it was Hunter straining his ankle from something that can be avoided?
It’s Duke so I don’t have sympathy but do feel these court stormings are not that safe in situations
@BeddieKU23 life is 10% what happens and 90% what you make of it. Kyle came to the absolute wrong conclusion that the world is out to get him. If Hunter aimlessly wandered in front of a court storming and then said the fan that he forearm blasted who was running past him was trying to hurt his ankle, I would scoff at that too.
your idea about getting players off and then letting them rush the court wont happen because universities dont want to condone the behavior at all, even though its organic and healthy imo.
@approxinfinity said in Other bball games:
What a seemingly unlikeable weenus
Suck it up dude! Jesus.
Wheres the injury report? Out for the season? Get a grip.
Why does it matter the severity of the injury and why does it matter if it’s a Duke player or not?
This is why court/field storming is absolutely unnecessary. He’s a 20 year old kid whose team just lost an emotionally charged game that was never more than a 2 possession game. Emotionally charged 20 year olds don’t make the smartest decisions so why was he forced to be in that position in the first place surrounded by opposing fans the same general age that also don’t make the smartest decisions in emotionally charged situations like court/field stormings?
Ban the practice, and tell schools/fans they will forfeit the game and the other team will declared the winner if any fan enters the field/court of play. Anyone that does storm the court/field after a game also faces criminal charges.
I guarantee there’s been plenty fans injured due to getting trampled in court/field stormings that don’t get reported on because they’re some random kid and not an athlete.
@Texas-Hawk-10 why does an undesirable outcome warrant criminalization? I would feel better about pressing charges against the kid who injured Filipowski, even though it appeared to be an accident, than pressing charges against all court stormers. I believe court storming is a connection between fans and the sport.
But my point in that post is that Kyle came to the wrong conclusion. He wasnt injured intentionally.
As for the severity of the injury, I think Duke is hyping it up to garner sympathy.
@approxinfinity said in Other bball games:
@Texas-Hawk-10 why does an undesirable outcome warrant criminalization? I would feel better about pressing charges against the kid who injured Filipowski, even though it appeared to be an accident, than pressing charges against all court stormers. I believe court storming is a connection between fans and the sport.
But my point in that post is that Kyle came to the wrong conclusion. He wasnt injured intentionally.
As for the severity of the injury, I think Duke is hyping it up to garner sympathy.
That’s a terrible fucking take on this. And yes, I’m worked up about because it’s not something that needs to exist. Why is thus something to be reactive instead of proactive about? What’s the narrative going to be when a player eventually gets injured to the point that they do miss the rest of the season? Or worst case for a school, a fan gets paralyzed or killed in a situation like this either getting trampled or falling running down the seats?
I don’t care if it’s a way for players and fans to connect, it’s a dangerous fucking environment and a matter of time before something truly tragic happens.
Don’t forget the collective reaction 10 years ago in Manhattan with Jamari Traylor and a KSU fan.
@Texas-Hawk-10 why play basketball at all? Reduce the risk of injury and dont play any sports.
@approxinfinity said in Other bball games:
@Texas-Hawk-10 why play basketball at all? Reduce the risk of injury and dont play any sports.
Why do fans need to be on the court at any point before, during, or after a game? What purpose does that serve other than creating a dangerous environment for all involved?
@Texas-Hawk-10 you or i may not want to be on the court as a fan, but that doesnt mean the students dont gain some benefit from it. The beauty of college sports is the feeling of connection between players and the student body. Ive mentioned before that this basic premise of college athletics is being strained by NIL, that players and students live in exceedingly different worlds. I think taking court storming away is another step down this road.
@approxinfinity https://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/05/sports/ncaabasketball/storming-the-court-a-cherished-rite-can-be-a-danger.html
This is why court storming needs to banned. People do get hurt in these things. A reporter on press row shouldn’t have to worry about having his leg/ankle broken just because someone wins a game. And this was at Hilton where KU has absolutely had some near misses with court storming incidents turning into something bigger.
Allen Fieldhouse is always considered one of the best atmospheres in all of sports. Court storming is not part of the culture of Kansas basketball so it is absolutely possible to have that connection and excitement without having to rush onto a playing surface putting others safety in jeopardy after a win.
@Texas-Hawk-10 ok, a couple people get hurt. We didnt ban basketball when Paul George shattered his leg on a stancheon. Again, just because court storming isnt your cup of tea doesnt mean it isnt someone elses.
Im sure it will get banned, because plenty of people think like you do. That we can make everything dangerous illegal.
I just ask that we stop and smell the roses, and take stock of the side effects of decisions like this.
@approxinfinity said in Other bball games:
This is a situation where you say “its unfortunate that players can get injured by passionate fans “ not “those fans tried to hurt me, poor me”, but this is what you get when your coach is also a pampered child.
I think your dead wrong saying Flip is over reacting, the kid was trying to gt off the court, and hell ya If I were him and all these idiots racing on the court I’d be throwing a fore arm to. I’d be doing whatever I needed to do to protect myself against that mob. - -Act like you belong, you detract from what your team just did by beating this team.
Have you eve seen Ku storm the court when they have beaten higher ranked teams ? - I’ll never that - -NO you haven’t. -What’s it gonna take someone getting hurt really bad before they decide to take action on this ?- -Your messing with a kids future with your Court storming. Someone could end up getting hurt really bad-- Then what ?
Mama’s gonna make all of your
Nightmares come true
Mama’s gonna put all of her fears into you
Mama’s gonna keep you right here
Under her wing
She won’t let you fly but she might let you sing
Mama will keep baby cosy and warm
Ooooh Babe Ooooh Babe Ooooh Babe
Of course Mama’s gonna help build the wall
@approxinfinity said in Other bball games:
@Texas-Hawk-10 ok, a couple people get hurt. We didnt ban basketball when Paul George shattered his leg on a stancheon. Again, just because court storming isnt your cup of tea doesnt mean it isnt someone elses.
Im sure it will get banned, because plenty of people think like you do. That we can make everything dangerous illegal.
I just ask that we stop and smell the roses, and take stock of the side effects of decisions like this.
What the hell does Paul George’s broken leg have to do with court storming? That was an injury that occurred during normal basketball activities. Players get hurt during games and practices doing basketball activities, it sucks, but that is part of the sport and not 100% preventable. Injuries caused by court stormings are 100% preventable.
A college player, fans, and reporters shouldn’t have to worry about making it off the court safely if the home team wins a fucking game.
@Texas-Hawk-10 sure Paul George’s injury is preventable: ban basketball.
Thats my point.
Dropping f bombs doesnt validate yours.
I always appreciated a good mosh pit as a kid. I didnt usually go in it. But i appreciated it.
@approxinfinity said in Other bball games:
@Texas-Hawk-10 sure Paul George’s injury is preventable: ban basketball.
Thats my point.
Dropping f bombs doesnt validate yours.
I don’t give a shit right now. You dismissing someone getting hurt in a 100% preventable situation and then trying to compare it to a player breaking his leg during a practice in a normal basketball situation is a bullshit argument and you know it because you don’t have a valid comeback to court storming being an outdated practice.
@Texas-Hawk-10 my argument is valid. You are choosing not to see it.
Banning is rarely the answer. People get hurt all the time in life and they can all be labeled as ‘preventable’ if you ban whatever caused the injury. Its a lame and brainless approach to solving what is usually a non-problem. Nobody can prevent all injuries. I do think it is reasonable to expect the colleges to implement a better system for escorting players off of the court before allowing fans on the court.
I don’t think it was “intentional” as Filipowski has put it. That’s changed the conversation or narrative. I have thought ever since KU had brush ups in Manhattan and Hilton years ago and other examples across the country that there should be something in place to get the opposing team off the floor before the storming. It’s not like they are about to enjoy what happens.
I agree that it’s part of the unique bond of the game so a ban isn’t the solution either.
@approxinfinity said in Other bball games:
@Texas-Hawk-10 sure Paul George’s injury is preventable: ban basketball.
Thats my point.
Dropping f bombs doesnt validate yours.
Court storming is also preventable without banning it. Don’t lose the game… I’m with you @approxinfinity storming the field, the court, taking the goal posts, etc. are part of what keep college sports unique especially as the athletes themselves become more like the paid employees they’ve always truly been.
Didn’t Wake call a timeout with 1 second left and a 4 point lead? To me, that is almost a gift to the opposing team to figure out exactly what the plan is because at that point, you know the storm is coming. Having your frail, soft, 7 footer on the other side of the court and him making no effort to exit the court quickly are, in this case, his and his coaches problem. Have some awareness. Take some responsibility for your own actions. It’s a lot easier to manage 5 players than thousands of fans.
And sorry @Texas-Hawk-10 the argument is valid whether or not you agree with it.
I hope they ban it while the visiting team is still on the court/field. The players and coaches deserve a chance to shake hands and exit. That’s a good tradition too. If the home team wants to run out to midcourt and jump around with students after that, go for it.
And enforce the ban by forfeiting the game. Not going to hurt KU at all, LOL.
@DanR I do think something like a technical foul especially if the storm is early like with .2 on the clock or something. Free throws for every person in the field of play before time fully expired? That could get fun! “Kansas blows out KSU in dramatic fashion! Dejuan Harris finished the game with 135 points after going 131-196 at the free throw line in the final second of the game. His free throws erased a 13 point lead and allowed KU to notch the second ever victory by 100 points or more in school history.”
@DanR said in Other bball games:
I hope they ban it while the visiting team is still on the court/field. The players and coaches deserve a chance to shake hands and exit. That’s a good tradition too. If the home team wants to run out to midcourt and jump around with students after that, go for it.
And enforce the ban by forfeiting the game. Not going to hurt KU at all, LOL.
This doesn’t work. All KU has to do is send a handful of fans to every away game dressed in the other team’s clothes and if they lose those fans storm the court too fast and would just give them the win. They would never lose a game! Ha. Not saying they would do it but its not a solution that would work.
Dramatic wusses. All BS. No chance he doesnt play. None.
Apparently ESPNs original title of the article said that Filipowski needed an MRI. He did not. Dont believe the hype.
Surprised to see @approxinfinity such a fan of storming.
Just set a countdown clock at 45 seconds or something. Let the players get off the court. I don’t care if Filipowski or Caitlin faked whatever, they should be able to exit the court to the locker room or the handshake line without some idiot with their phone out smashing into them. Clearly a guy ran directly over to Filipowski to slap him on the back after he’d been caught up in the mob. Probably said, “Good game, Luv Ya” or something.
Maybe I’m still pissed at Traylor getting body checked and the dejected look on his face when he knew he’d end up in prison if he retaliated against that asshat KSU fan. The players are especially defenseless now with the NIL stuff. Fans are not supposed to be on the court.
I was also at the KU-Tennessee game in Knoxville where the walk-ons beat #1 KU in jan, 2010. I felt like they deserved the court storming, but it was still an ugly environment. Luckily it was an early Sunday afternoon game and the fans were only drunk from the night before.
Court storming is banned in the SEC. Really has done a bang up job of stopping it.
Let’s get back to the other games like the thread is labeled, we all have our opinions on this matter. KSUCK blows a 25 point lead to WVU gets bailed out by a foul call late and fouls the hell outta WVU’s last shot attempt. Then prevails for the 12 consecutive time in OT. In doing so they set a record for most OT games in a season with 7. Crazy to think how lucky they are, an eye lash from being 10-18.
@DanR Color me surprised!
My wife and I were at that Tennessee game and I have never seen opposing fans treat visitors better than we experienced. A few guys ran by us cheering as we walked away from the arena, and they saw our shirts. They stopped, and said “Oh, sorry!” We said, “Enjoy it! You deserve to cheer.” They thanked us and ran away laughing.
I don’t know what you saw, but we were at the very top row behind at one end, so if anything happened down where binoculars weren’t needed we might have missed it.
Was there a court storming way down there?
Good way to end court storming: Forfeit next game.
@DanR Jamari could’ve killed that punk! Coach was pressed into the scorers table. Bruce saved him.
it was scary. KT had someone by the throat. That punk was a celeb for a year.