Liberace Game Thread
There is clear video of DeSousa dropping the stool and leaning against the wall doing nothing after that. Made for a nice photo and that was it.
Meanwhile… this guy.
jayballer73 said:
FarmerJayhawk said:
BigBad said:
FarmerJayhawk said:
Bill didn’t boot Brady for a DUI. He’s not booting Silvio.
Dude that is an awful comparison. DUIs happen all the time. Brawls in college basketball are rare.
You’re right! A DUI is waaaaay worse.
Don’t be so sure about Bill not dismissing him from the team. – He might not have any say, could very easily come from higher up - - Long or even chancellor - whether people want to believe it or not - a dudue grabbing a chair to go after someone - - there is no place for that in ANY sport - thank god for Howard grabbing him
I could see a mutual parting of ways after the year but not an outright dismissal.
Honestly you figured a team that’s 8-10 would know how to lose, just saying
I wonder how many guys KSU will have for their next game?? I count 4 guys growing punches
Just read what the ejections were for. The reason all but 10 players were ejected were for leaving the bench area. The 10 on the floor at the time the brawl started were the 10 called back for the final sequence. Everyone else was ejected for leaving the bench area.
So any conjecture whether we will have more than 3 players for Saturday’s game?
I wonder if Silvio will be suspended with or without pay?
Texas Hawk 10 said:
rockchalkwyo said:
I’m glad Silvio stared him down. They stole the ball while we’re having the clock run out and Silvio had a bad a$$ block. KSU started it by rushing SDS. What I do not like, and I mean DO NOT LIKE is the chair The rest is a blur for me. It seems like David and Garrett tried to separate players.
Silvio needed to walk away after the block, that’s ultimately what started everything was Silvio not walking away after the block.
True… although, it could also be argued that the start was the meaningless steal and attempt to score when down by 22 with 2 seconds left…
FarmerJayhawk said:
jayballer73 said:
FarmerJayhawk said:
BigBad said:
FarmerJayhawk said:
Bill didn’t boot Brady for a DUI. He’s not booting Silvio.
Dude that is an awful comparison. DUIs happen all the time. Brawls in college basketball are rare.
You’re right! A DUI is waaaaay worse.
Don’t be so sure about Bill not dismissing him from the team. – He might not have any say, could very easily come from higher up - - Long or even chancellor - whether people want to believe it or not - a dudue grabbing a chair to go after someone - - there is no place for that in ANY sport - thank god for Howard grabbing him
I could see a mutual parting of ways after the year but not an outright dismissal.
maybe , but like I said he may not be the one making the decision in this
COHawk said:
So any conjecture whether we will have more than 3 players for Saturday’s game?
Worst case is KU would be down Garrett, McCormack, and Silvio. Nobody else on KU even appeared to do anything other than break up the fight.
KU will for sure be without Silvio, and possibly without McCormack.
Doke is going to have to Ironman it out Saturday and Enaruna is probably going to play some 5 as well on Saturday.
Sure ain’t getting much basketball out of him. So hey. Atleast were getting our money’s worth out of De Sousa for entertainment value… Starring Silvio in Roadhouse 3… How pathetic
If a player is ejected, isn’t he then suspended for the next game? Or is there an exception to that?
HighEliteMajor said:
I wonder if Silvio will be suspended with or without pay?
Ok that’s funny
@bskeet Big boys should be able to handle someone making a dick move. I thought Silvio did great by blocking it.
He should have gone to check if the guy was okay, smiled, and helped him up.
Angry about it after demolishing the guy with the block? That’s a head case problem right there.
If you cannot successfully dribble out 3 seconds when only 2 guys are anywhere near you, ay yi yi.
bskeet said:
Texas Hawk 10 said:
rockchalkwyo said:
I’m glad Silvio stared him down. They stole the ball while we’re having the clock run out and Silvio had a bad a$$ block. KSU started it by rushing SDS. What I do not like, and I mean DO NOT LIKE is the chair The rest is a blur for me. It seems like David and Garrett tried to separate players.
Silvio needed to walk away after the block, that’s ultimately what started everything was Silvio not walking away after the block.
True… although, it could also be argued that the start was the meaningless steal and attempt to score when down by 22 with 2 seconds left…
Sure, but that also happened against Monmouth and nothing escalated after that. Silvio standing over Gordon taunting him is what escalated this and got the KSU bench involved. If Silvio makes the block and walks away, nothing escalates so Silvio standing over Gordon and running his mouth is what started this.
Different angle.
Ellis from the ESPN saying he thought BOTH Mc Cormack should be done for the year. - I don’t see that happening.
He was also saying WHERE were the KU coach’s - where were the team leaders trying to break it up? - -Obviously he didn’t see Self and Howard -
@jayballer73 or Case. He’s the guy that flew in to put Love on the deck.
@Texas-Hawk-10 I want to go on record here to admit I was wrong after Monmouth. I said the real embarrassment was our inattention in dribbling out the clock. I said that the only guaranteed outcome was that HCBS would make sure it never would happen again. Sigh…
jayballer73 said:
Ellis from the ESPN saying he thought BOTH Mc Cormack should be done for the year. - I don’t see that happening.
He was also saying WHERE were the KU coach’s - where were the team leaders trying to break it up? - -Obviously he didn’t see Self and Howard -
I’ll tell you where KU coaches were. On the complete other side of the court!!! By the time they got there KSU’s bench was empty.
Edit: the punishments will be decided quick so in a few days we’ll know whether it’s worth it or not to red shirt Wilson. I still say that prison Mitch should keep it even if David is donzo for the year.
Well. Atleast this will take the focus off the investigation, eminent suspensions, and post season bans however briefly. Just when ya thought the program couldn’t be any more embarrassed… hold my beer
DanR said:
Different angle.
Actually after seeing this , it was The K-State point guard the Juco getting into it with Silvio 1st and Silvio throwing punches then Love comes in
@jayballer73 Did you see Webber in the entrance to the tunnel at lower right manhandling one KSU guy out, and then pushing that guy and Love (who scurried like a scared rabbit from the fight he flew into) out of sight?
It all started with KSU pressing, then fouling hard as hell in a 25 point game with 2 minutes to go and KU having walk ons in.
mayjay said:
@jayballer73 Did you see Webber in the entrance to the tunnel at lower right manhandline one KSU guy out, and then pushing that guy and Love (who scurried like a scared rabbit from the fight he started) out of sight?
Hey it was Ellis asking NOT me lol
the return trip to Manhattan should be ummm - - - -interesting to say the least
This is going to be a nightmare in bramlidge.
jayballer73 said:
the return trip to Manhattan should be ummm - - - -interesting to say the least
Beat me to it!
benshawks08 said:
This is going to be a nightmare in bramlidge.
better have lots of security- -nobody going to be safe - - example - -Jamari Traylor
bskeet said:
Texas Hawk 10 said:
rockchalkwyo said:
I’m glad Silvio stared him down. They stole the ball while we’re having the clock run out and Silvio had a bad a$$ block. KSU started it by rushing SDS. What I do not like, and I mean DO NOT LIKE is the chair The rest is a blur for me. It seems like David and Garrett tried to separate players.
Silvio needed to walk away after the block, that’s ultimately what started everything was Silvio not walking away after the block.
True… although, it could also be argued that the start was the meaningless steal and attempt to score when down by 22 with 2 seconds left…
No, that can’t be argued at all. Not one bit. Silvio swatted him. Perfect ending. But then made the choice to be a thug.
@jayballer73 Still don’t see Dave doing anything but pushing people back.
@jayballer73 I know, I edited it to show I meant to contrast what Squeaky did, not answer the Ellis q which was about our coaches.
I think Squeaks got Love out so he could avoid arrest.
I’m sure ESPN is putting all on us, yet covering for Grayson being a complete nut case.
@kjayhawks ESPN article said Webber told his guys to back off and walked to shake hands when the steal happened. He said it was his and his guys’ fault. Said you need to lose with class and win with class.
kjayhawks said:
I’m sure ESPN is putting all on us, yet covering for Grayson being a complete nut case.
Wonder why that is?
Fight lasted longer than McGregor vs cowboy and didn’t cost us $65. So we got that goin for us
benshawks08 said:
Of course Nick Krug got THE pic.
The most amazing photo I saw was posted on this site…
I mean it cost the university alot obviously. But was included in the cable package… So. Winning!!!
So perhaps the worst decision Self ever made — “Hey, let’s recruit Silvio DeSousa.”
@HighEliteMajor more and more thinking both men’s days are numbered at Kansas
Anyone think we can offer to throw SDS back into the ineligible pool in a trade for more lenient treatment in the NOA?
As much as I hate it, at this point I’d be about ready to let them take self in exchange as well
@cragarhawk I’m almost at the point where I’d be fine with a change.
@jayballer73 they don’t know crap
kjayhawks said:
@jayballer73 Still don’t see Dave doing anything but pushing people back.
You must not of saw where I apologized stating I was wrong , from what I saw in the replay - -Dave was just pulling people and then they said was stepping on people -not sure about that
cragarhawk said:
Fight lasted longer than McGregor vs cowboy and didn’t cost us $65. So we got that goin for us
lol - - funny but yet - - never mind that was funny lol
IMHO, SDS felt humiliated at the steal. He at least blocked it but emotions poured forth after frustrating seasons this year and last. Enaruma was probably lectured ceaselessly by HCBS when he let the ball be stolen at the end of a previous game. Who knows how much the lack of playing time has affected his psyche. Not defending his actions but it looked like a lot of anger coming out there…
NCAA Ejection and Suspension Summary. Penalty – Player is suspended for the remainder of the contest. Penalty – Offending play and Head Coach is suspended for the remainder of contest or if prior to the game the complete game. Penalty – Suspended for the remainder of the contest and the following 3 games. Is this applicable here?
Just listened to Myron Metcalf’s repot. Saying he had attended many of Bill Self’s post games conference, and when the questioned was posed about Silvio, you could see how it Effected coach Self and saying consequences would be handled tomorrow , Metcalf saying he would be surprised if DeSousa ever played for KU again