Sean Miller & Will Wade to be Subpoenaed at upcoming Trial

  • To add to the crazy, Arizona has the best class as of last week in the country come in. 🤔🤔

  • kjayhawks said:

    To add to the crazy, Arizona has the best class as of last week in the country come in. 🤔🤔

    Soon to be pillaged.

  • bcjayhawk said:

    BeddieKU23 said:

    Will Wade was suspended Indefinitely.

    Should last less then 24 hours. The NCAA will clear him LOL

    Wow, LSU acted fast. Has anyone heard of any information coming out on U of A and/or Sean Miller?

    There was an Article on Miller off the ESPN site where he was addressing the Arizona fans thanking them for their support this season. - -Basically like the article said sure sounds like he was talking in the frame of mind that he was done. - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • This whole FBI sting thing - -NCAA corruption is just getting started - -this like they said could very easily change NCAA basketball - -before it’s said and done this thing is going to reach near and far - -a lot of stones over turned - it will get REALLY - - - REALLY UGLY - a lot more schools to come - -just like we seeing hearing other schools being mentioned now and you wait there will be other BIG TIME SCHOOLS exposed - -far - - far from over. - - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • Quinones could be a difference maker here but there’s ya know concerns. We cant really take those

  • For what it is worth (somewhere between 1 and 2 cents)… I have a second cousin visiting from AZ, he was a D2 player down there. He said Miller is done and probably headed off to the big house. I know it is just rumor stuff… but he lives AZ basketball.

    I have a hard time believing AZ basketball won’t get handcuffed by the NCAA, too… though the real threat is FBI -

  • @drgnslayr To think years ago I was touting him as the next KU coach!

  • Burn 'em all and tell them hell is coming

  • TCU fired their assistant coach Corey Barker. He declined to interview with TCU at the advice of counsel over allegedly accepting $6,000 in bribes to steer players toward Christian Dawkins’ agency.

  • Will Wade is reinstated. Cant wait to see how this one ends

  • Glass house or maybe I’d break out the popcorn.

  • Wade’s reinstatement might be short lived… LSU stole Texas A&M’s Athletic Director.

  • The convenience just keeps on truckin’

    Sean Miller will not take the stand at trial due to relevancy

  • We are going to be the only team that suffers from this some way some how

  • “The evidence establishes very clearly that Sean Miller is paying players at Arizona," Haney said during Friday morning’s hearing.

    When asked by reporters following the hearing about that statement, Haney said, “You’ll have to be here to hear the evidence.”

  • I hope it’s as damning as that indicates.

  • Bullshit…

    Yet Self and Townsend get screwed? And the NCAA uses all the Adidas desperate claims against KU coaches?

    KU must fight this and Emmert needs to resign. He is a joke for college b-ball. He’s creating a mess and the courts will not allow any of the FBI evidence against the remaining programs?

    And Silvio didn’t play. He was also declared ineligible and likely will not be overturned? Bray is concerned about credibility? Sorry, you’re all a bunch cheating idiots. Coach K is the biggest cheat of all. Duke lawyers are protecting the Duke program, and doing a damn good job too. No investigation and ineligibility against Zion? Yet Silvio gets screwed?

    This is a farce and a joke.

  • @truehawk93 Silvio did play … helping us to a FF. But you’re right, something better happen on the Zion/Duke front.

  • @HighEliteMajor He didn’t play a game and will likely not play another game in a KU uniform because the so-called NCAA can’t seem to get their information and clearinghouse figured.

    He’s eligible…

    No…he’s not eligible…

    Wait…he’s not only ineligible this year, he’s ineligible next year too.

    Wow, what a bunch of morons that have no clue how to treat student athletes. They are not credible at all and I don’t trust them at all.

    Wait, Zion was named in the Grand Jury pay for play? Oh well, let’s just ignore that little information and oh by the way, let’s not even investigate. Let’s let Zion play and take Duke deep in the tourney. - NCAA

  • @truehawk93 I’m sorry, but if SDS took $20,000 as Gatto admitted, then he’s getting exactly what he deserves. The term “SDS” includes his agent … er, guardian.

    The NCAA provides student athletes more opportunity than any other forum in the world. What would a rower, or softball player, or swimmer, or wrestler, etc do otherwise? Add in 95+% of golfers, BB, baseball, tennis, and football players, and the NCAA provides them free (or partially free) education and unparalleled opportunities to compete in the sports they love.

    Are you really this unaware of what the NCAA does, or just so hyper focused on our little CBB world that you don’t care about the accuracy of what you say?

    If SDS took the $20,000, we should be ashamed that KU is appealing this and making a mockery of the rules. In such a case we should just move on — instead we’re investing further resources into a cheater.

    Self said in November that he was not aware of any improper benefits ever provided by third parties to his players. Well, his trusted recruiting partner, Mr. Gatto, said he paid SDS $20,000 to come to KU. So Mr. Plausible Deniability knows of that now. Yet we fight to get that player eligible? Embarrassing in my opinion.

    Oh, and he got $2,500 cash from a KU recruiting partner and just donated it to charity? You know, because he wanted to make sure SDS didn’t violate any rules. Right.

    According to Falmagne, this is all made up? That’s what you’d have to believe. Unreal.

    Gatto is going to prison.

  • @HighEliteMajor I trust Gatto’s testimony as far as I could throw him. Gatto was going to say what he needed to say to claim he didn’t defraud KU which is why he was on trial.

    TJ Gassnola is the one whose testimony I trust because he wasn’t trying to prove his innocence. Gassnola testified that he didn’t make the $20,000 payment because the investigation was announced before Gassnola could make the payment.

    I also don’t see Silvio ever getting cleared because the reason for the $20,000 payment that Gassnola said was never made was because of a $60,000 payment from Under Armour.

  • @Texas-Hawk-10 I understand why you might think that on Gatto.

    But do you understand that Gassnnola was a cooperating witness for the prosecution that offered testimony so he was not prosecuted?

    From reports on the trial — “Gassnola was testifying for the prosecution to try to avoid prison, he acknowledged.” A touch of motivation there I would think … they went after the Adidas exec. And Gatto didn’t testify, so you don’t have to trust his testimony. It was a stipulation made by his attorney to the facts alleged by the prosecution. Maybe you don’t trust that, and that’s fine.

    Our stand up guy Gassnola, testifying against a “great friend” to save his own skin.

    On Gassnola, “At one point, one defense attorney informed Gassnola he had said “I don’t remember” or “I don’t recall” more than 20 times and reminded him he was under oath.” Also – “Gassnola had a larceny conviction in his 20s for writing bad checks. There was an assault charge, later dropped, in which a man claimed Gassnola had pointed a gun at him and boasted of friends in the local mob. There were also ‘five or six’ civil judgments, Gassnola admitted, including one for misleading buyers in a real estate deal. And then there was money he owed the IRS — at least $60,000, Gassnola said.” Further, “In 2012, the NCAA banned Gassnola from any involvement with “certified events” — youth tournaments college coaches can attend. He briefly lost his Adidas sponsorship, until Jim Gatto, a friend of Miller’s who worked in the company’s basketball marketing division, intervened.”

    More from Gassnola testify against the guy that intervened to help him – " ‘Appreciate u man more than you will ever know maybe I don’t say it enough your my man’, Jim, Gassnola wrote. ‘Jimmy was right there for me,’ Gassnola explained. ‘He was a great friend.’ Is that how you felt about Mr. Gatto? the prosecutor asked as Gassnola’s former boss at Adidas — a 48-year-old father of two with no prior criminal record — sat feet away, stone-faced, staring straight ahead. ‘Still do’, Gassnola said."

    More on Gassnola – In 2016, Gassnola said, he learned that Kansas recruit Billy Preston’s mother, Nicole Player, was taking money from other “entities” interested in her son’s talents. Concerned that these other people, whom he didn’t identify, would be “sloppy” and get Preston’s mother caught, Gassnola made her an offer: Stop taking money from everyone else, and Adidas would pay her what she needed. Over the next year, Gassnola testified, he paid Preston’s mother $89,000, in installments. In November 2016, Gassnola took out $50,000, gave $30,000 to Player and used some of the remaining $20,000 to buy Super Bowl tickets for himself and some colleagues at Adidas, he said. Two months later, he took out another $27,500 and gave $20,000 to Player. A prosecutor asked Gassnola what he did with the remaining $7,500. ‘I kept it in my pocket and went shopping,’ Gassnola testified."

    Good grief, the guy stole $7,500 from Adidas to go shopping, and deceived his “great friend.”

    This is the man that Bill Self (Mr. PD - Plausible Deniability) partnered with to get recruits. This should really cause everyone great pause.

    Going with your thoughts … “because of a $60,000 payment from Under Armour.” As you noted, SDS got money. The fact that the $60,000 payment was made, whether it was to go to MD or KU, created the same “fraud”, as SDS would be just as ineligible to play at KU regardless of whether the payment was made by UA to go to MD, or Adidas to go to KU.

    How can a kid that took money like that every play CBB?

  • HighEliteMajor said:

    @Texas-Hawk-10 I understand why you might think that on Gatto.

    But do you understand that Gassnnola was a cooperating witness for the prosecution that offered testimony so he was not prosecuted?

    From reports on the trial — “Gassnola was testifying for the prosecution to try to avoid prison, he acknowledged.” A touch of motivation there I would think … they went after the Adidas exec. And Gatto didn’t testify, so you don’t have to trust his testimony. It was a stipulation made by his attorney to the facts alleged by the prosecution. Maybe you don’t trust that, and that’s fine.

    Our stand up guy Gassnola, testifying against a “great friend” to save his own skin.

    On Gassnola, “At one point, one defense attorney informed Gassnola he had said “I don’t remember” or “I don’t recall” more than 20 times and reminded him he was under oath.” Also – “Gassnola had a larceny conviction in his 20s for writing bad checks. There was an assault charge, later dropped, in which a man claimed Gassnola had pointed a gun at him and boasted of friends in the local mob. There were also ‘five or six’ civil judgments, Gassnola admitted, including one for misleading buyers in a real estate deal. And then there was money he owed the IRS — at least $60,000, Gassnola said.” Further, “In 2012, the NCAA banned Gassnola from any involvement with “certified events” — youth tournaments college coaches can attend. He briefly lost his Adidas sponsorship, until Jim Gatto, a friend of Miller’s who worked in the company’s basketball marketing division, intervened.”

    More from Gassnola testify against the guy that intervened to help him – " ‘Appreciate u man more than you will ever know maybe I don’t say it enough your my man’, Jim, Gassnola wrote. ‘Jimmy was right there for me,’ Gassnola explained. ‘He was a great friend.’ Is that how you felt about Mr. Gatto? the prosecutor asked as Gassnola’s former boss at Adidas — a 48-year-old father of two with no prior criminal record — sat feet away, stone-faced, staring straight ahead. ‘Still do’, Gassnola said."

    More on Gassnola – In 2016, Gassnola said, he learned that Kansas recruit Billy Preston’s mother, Nicole Player, was taking money from other “entities” interested in her son’s talents. Concerned that these other people, whom he didn’t identify, would be “sloppy” and get Preston’s mother caught, Gassnola made her an offer: Stop taking money from everyone else, and Adidas would pay her what she needed. Over the next year, Gassnola testified, he paid Preston’s mother $89,000, in installments. In November 2016, Gassnola took out $50,000, gave $30,000 to Player and used some of the remaining $20,000 to buy Super Bowl tickets for himself and some colleagues at Adidas, he said. Two months later, he took out another $27,500 and gave $20,000 to Player. A prosecutor asked Gassnola what he did with the remaining $7,500. ‘I kept it in my pocket and went shopping,’ Gassnola testified."

    Good grief, the guy stole $7,500 from Adidas to go shopping, and deceived his “great friend.”

    This is the man that Bill Self (Mr. PD - Plausible Deniability) partnered with to get recruits. This should really cause everyone great pause.

    Going with your thoughts … “because of a $60,000 payment from Under Armour.” As you noted, SDS got money. The fact that the $60,000 payment was made, whether it was to go to MD or KU, created the same “fraud”, as SDS would be just as ineligible to play at KU regardless of whether the payment was made by UA to go to MD, or Adidas to go to KU.

    How can a kid that took money like that every play CBB?

    Had a boss once who had a lot of rules for life, two of which are “f*** the rules” and “people matter.” And if you really want to be a stickler for the rules and precedent, Silvio should sit 40.5 games. The $22,500 is the amount agreed upon by KU and the NCAA. My suggestion is make up your mind whether the NCAA should follow its own rules or not.

  • @HighEliteMajor Gassnola plead guilty to the charges against him. His cooperation was for a reduced sentence, not to avoid jail time. His memory also only went “spotty” in reference to the coaches he was working with, not when it came to Gatto or Dawkins. The FBI’s case was about Shoe Co. reps defrauding universities, not whether coaches had committed NCAA violations.

    Also, please tell me where in my post Insaid or even implied that Silvio should or would be cleared by the NCAA because that would go against everything I’ve said on the matter since Gassnola’s testimony was made public.

    Find me a program that’s clean and I’ll guarantee that program finishes at or near the bottom of their conference just about every year. College basketball has been corrupted since WWII ended.

  • @Texas-Hawk-10 I disagree with your opinion on Gassnola, but I did not suggest that you said SDS should be cleared. I just added to your comments.

    I wonder why his memory would be spotty only with regard to coaches? Perhaps that would have compromised Gatto’s conviction.

    So, regarding your last comment — it’s been made in some manner or form by a lot of folks. You this believe Self blatantly lied in November?

    @FarmerJayhawk There is no set penalty schedule, including for such blatant violations. You could also include the $60K from UA.

  • @HighEliteMajor I believe Self has no knowledge of the specifics on the dealings between runners and the players/guardians because he wants to keep plausible deniability of potential violations. I believe he has always known it has gone on does what he can to not be directly involved so he can claim innocence.

    I do believe Self when he says that he has never cheated at KU l, specifically himself, and has no knowledge of cheating because he doesn’t want to be told of what it takes to bring players in. I believe this is how most coaches deal with this issue, essentially burying their heads in the sand to keep themselves from being directly responsible.

    I’m also not arguing that Gassnola is a high character person because I don’t believe that. What I do believe to be true in most cases is that after a person has already plead guilty to charges and still testifies, he has very little reason to lie under oath. Guys who plead not guilty do have more reason to lie by deflecting blame off of themselves the way Gatto and Dawkins did in their trials.

    Most people consider Jose Canseco to be a scummy person, but he was proven to be right about a lot of things regarding steroids in baseball during the 90’s.

  • @HighEliteMajor there are, the NCAA just doesn’t follow them.

  • @FarmerJayhawk I’m unaware of a penalty schedule — meaning a certain amount of games vs dollars paid a player. Each is a case by case basis I thought. But if you have something contrary, let me know.

    @Texas-Hawk-10 I think your summary may be close to the truth regarding Self. It is a sad commentary in my opinion. I perhaps had a naive view of our coach before this.

    I would suggest that that witness for the prosecution, via a plea deal, has great motivation to stick to the prosecutor’s narrative. Or risks further consequences as part of the deal.

  • Talk today in the trial about an obscene number of college football players being paid between 2010-2014. I FOR ONE AM TOTALLY SHOCKED.

  • BShark said:

    Talk today in the trial about an obscene number of college football players being paid between 2010-2014. I FOR ONE AM TOTALLY SHOCKED.

    No way. You have be joking!!!

  • @BShark - where did you see this? Link?

  • Gorilla72 said:

    @BShark - where did you see this? Link?

    All over Twitter.

  • So maybe Miller won’t survive after all…

  • Matt Norlander tweeted that the prosecution would again ask the judge to allow Miller to testify. I’d love to hear the tapes!

  • Not a soul clean in CBB.

  • Kcmatt7 said:

    Not a soul clean in CBB.

    Lol at ANYONE that thought Izzo was just getting DUDES and they weren’t paid.

    And yeah recruiting is about relationships.

  • Kcmatt7 said:

    NO ! ! ! ! 1 - - not MR excuse me - -squeaky clean - -TOM IZZO - -SURELY NOT? lmao - that would mean - -drum roll please - -everybody’s all American COACH - - - - umm - - umm - why yes - -also plays games lmao

  • Kcmatt7 said:

    Not a soul clean in CBB.

    NOBODY - - -AGAIN NOBODY just close it down lol

  • BShark said:

    Kcmatt7 said:

    Not a soul clean in CBB.

    Lol at ANYONE that thought Izzo was just getting DUDES and they weren’t paid.

    And yeah recruiting is about relationships.

    just said myself - - WHAAAAAAA? - -OL TOMMY? - - SURELY NOT - -does that mean his hand got caught in the candy jar - -FULL of Money lmao

  • After reading 3-4 stories on what happened yesterday I don’t see how Miller doesn’t get fired. Nothing in college athletics surprises me but I think Miller will be fired when this is all over.

  • I had the same thoughts. I’m sure this gets spinned real quick. If he takes the stand I wonder how much he’s willing to lie to protect himself

  • These stories well the one I read from Adam Zagoria this morning sounds like Miller and Richardson are in a would of S- - - .

    Talks about how he was bragging about his relationship between Miller and himself. - -Talking about how Miller like taking care of things himself. - That he was taking care of Ayton.

    In a secret recorded Video on June 6th 2017 was with Dawkins talking about how he planned to Pay Richardson & have a business arrangement between him and Miller.

    Dawkins talking about how Richardson was worth paying 4,000 a month feeling he was worth that - because Arizona had the # 1 draft pick in Ayton and always having top notch players… - At least 13 phones calls between Miller and Dawkins from May of 2017 to June of 2017 - - - - -major of those calls took place in May. - Dawkins connected with Richardson at least 16 times from May 5th 2017 - - -to June 16th 2017.

    Prosecution introduced a series of Text Messages from Dawkins with the header: - - These are my MAIN guys - -Sean Miller & Book Richardson. Richardson followed that up with names of: - -Rick Pitino ( Louisville ) - - - -Tom Izzo ( Michigan State ) - - - - Will Wade ) LSU )- - - -Marvin Menzies ( Former UNLV )

    Dawkins list also included , check these out other Schools : - - Michigan - - - -Cleveland State - - Texas - - -Depaul - - -Creighton - - USC - - - Oregon - - NC State - - -Miami - - & Illinois

    This thing just getting started - -Arizona in a WORLD of hurt. - -Nobody Innocent - -before it’s all said and done - -many many more gonna be brought out - -you watch. - what is the NCAA gonna do penalize EVERY School that’s in the NCAA?

  • Doesn’t sound like Miller is going to have to testify.