Journal World
LJW definitely isn’t worth the sub.
They aren’t cutting edge - at least since Jesse Newell left. But good for the everyday goings on.
Their biggest issue is that they devalued their product by making it free for so long.
Aside from a few scoops/stories, most of the time get better information here than I do at the LJW site.
@BShark my perspective is that they pretty much give the facts without adding insight.
Then Jesse began doing sidebar work that got into analysis, which they were still doing to some extent.
Not sure on the new format where that content is.
The job of the press was to present the unbiased facts and opinion was limited to the op/ed page. Now the MSM reports primarily opinions dressed as facts and the true role of the reporter has been lost…everybody is an analyst nowadays and nobody wants to just report the news.
Ideally I would like to see first, unbiased facts presented as such, and also opinion or in sports coverage, analysis, presented also as such so we can form our own opinion based on both takes.
Nothing new posted regarding basketball at since 9/17. I think the sight has great in-season game recaps and stories.
@Gorilla72 All of the new posts on KUSports are in the middle column of the website. I’m counting at least 7 stories since 9-17, not including their podcast:
I go to for football stories and that’s about it. I do like Tait, but I don’t think he is overly plugged in or has great sources behind the scenes. I do think that the SB Nation site could eventually provide the same service if it did move to a sub model. Royals Review and Arrowhead Pride both provide great content. I’m sure Rock Chalk Talk could become a very similar community to those.
So, long story short, I do enjoy the content LJW provides on KU athletics, but I’d never pay for it.
@KUSTEVE I wasa gonna say I know they have had stories - -cause they’ve had stories on Cassius
@jayballer73 It threw me for a loop as well when they started putting stories in their web blog, which is in the middle of the page. It took me awhile to get used to it.
Matt Scott’s podcast over there is probably the best thing they have going. They still employ Keegan so not like their standards are that high.
FarmerJayhawk said:
Matt Scott’s podcast over there is probably the best thing they have going. They still employ Keegan so not like their standards are that high.
I quite like that podcast actually. Scott is better audibly than writing articles.
Bwag said:
Basing this on a subscription ad that I couldn’t seem to navigate past on my phone. Didn’t happen on the iPad so far. Hmmmm
These sites often place a cookie that tracks how many visits you have made or how many links you clicked on on the home page. Your phone might have its cookie jar for the LDJW filled up, but the ipad, not so much. KC Star has done this for years (used to be 10 articles each month; have no idea now), as does the W Post (I think it is 3 articles). NYT does it too, but I have the digital subscription so I don’t know their limit.
Try clearing the cookies in the phone and see if you can read a couple articles. Sometimes with the Star it used to work, but other times it seemed to take a day after the reset.
I watch the game, know what happened, read stuff here. Usually it’s good enough for me.
@KUSTEVE - sorry, still not seeing it on my iPhone7. There is no middle column and the stories you mentioned aren’t there - no stories. I’ll try my iPad then my PC. Aggravating…
It’s just a tough world we live in for every form of news. Over the last 10 years I’ve experienced almost every one of my news friends disappear into the sunset. There isn’t a living to be made by talented journalists. This is perhaps the biggest threat to our country. It sucks for someone like me… who doesn’t waste time reading aliases on social media and phony websites posing as journalists.
Suddenly, “We the people” are feeling isolated. Who to trust? The real journalists gone and what is left is slanted gibberish targeting audiences with red meat.
Civil war? Imagine a few more years of this garbage!
@Gorilla72 I can’t speak for devices other than a PC. You ought to drop them a line and let them know.
Gorilla72 said:
@KUSTEVE - sorry, still not seeing it on my iPhone7. There is no middle column and the stories you mentioned aren’t there - no stories. I’ll try my iPad then my PC. Aggravating…
Have you tried downloading the App.?
@JayHawkFanToo - I don’t see an app for KUSports in the iTunes Store. I have found these articles at the very bottom of the mobile site. And they show up on my PC just where you mentioned. I’ll just have to do a bit more scrolling, looks like…
I have it now and we’all see how it goes. Thanks, @KUSTEVE !
I used to subscribe to the daily LJW. It got thinner and smaller to the point where I could read the one new article while walking back up my driveway before tossing it right in the recycling cart.
I cancelled a couple years ago, but still always pick up the Sunday paper. It’s $2.00. I can do the math, so when they put up the paywall I went ahead and got the sunday home delivery plus unlimited online for $10/month, with the bonus expectation that I wouldn’t have to run out every sunday morning and buy the paper.
Thus far they’ve managed to deliver it 1 out of 3 weeks.
I really don’t see anything different. I’m pulling the LJW up everyday still without paying for it off my desktop computer - -maybe that’s different I’m not having any problems with it at all. - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
@JayHawkFanToo for general news I agree. And I suppose the story that presents the facts is necessary. But for sports, if you watched the game, the real interest is insight behind or beyond what we all saw.
@Gorilla72 I may have hit an ad accidentally. Haven’t seen it again.