Duke fans have a new T-Shirt.
It honestly looks like a good call in that picture, looks like Newman is baring touching him and he’s already flopping.
T him up for flopping! (Some nights I wish they’d add that NBA rule, but when all the calls are for the other team…not so much)
@kjayhawks + he was moving. What a bunch of putzes.
Nothing tells the story of a charge, defined by a player being in position prior to the player taking steps, like a static picture of a player already jumping in the air.
Carter was not all that effective the ENTIRE game. He air balled from 2 FREAKING FEET a couple possessions earlier. The idea that if he doesn’t foul out and Duke wins is laughable.
If only that had been Allen taking that blocking foul, that would’ve been sweet!
Nice pic of Newman beating the position and drawing the foul. Sorry, all this nice bullsh*t about Puke fans is ridiculous. They don’t know a charge if it hit them in the face. All the anlaysts have reviewed that play, and it was a foul. This pic even shows it. Newman was in the air, and no position was established.
This one play did not cost Puke the game. Puke cost Puke the game.
Yep the ol’ K flop. He teaches his players well.
Fightsongwriter said:
@kjayhawks + he was moving. What a bunch of putzes.
Hell yes he was moving…morons all. Stupid waste of money. The best part of that shirt is Newman.
Only a bunch of losers would even THINK of making a shirt like that.
truehawk93 said:
Yep the ol’ K flop. He teaches his players well.
Speaking of, did you see Bagley go flying down when Garrett was fighting for position with him? The ref saw it all and knew it was a flop.
@Hawk8086 Speaking of morons, did KState do T-shirts for the Svi Eurostep?
@BigBad I was thankful it was too obvious to call.
It is nice that we aren’t making t-shirts right now.
mayjay said:
@Hawk8086 Speaking of morons, did KState do T-shirts for the Svi Eurostep?
No…but yes the beauty of that was of it’s obvious nature…NO CALL…F*** THAT kstate…dang it was hard pulling for them in the tourney. The players are cool, most of the fanbase is
I could make some money on this one. 1986 Jayhawks were robbed. 2015 Badgers were robbed. 2010 Butler was robbed. Jayhawks robbed in Maui. I’m sure UNC would have a few years to choose from, and so many others.
Duke fans are just upset because it is usually Duke doing the “robbing.”
@HighEliteMajor We did.
@BigBad Perhaps he air balled fron 3 feet because he was afraid my man Silvio was gonna come clock him in the schnoz again!
The cowering shot nearly fell like a sacrificial offering Silvios feet.
I’ve lost all respect for Duke.
That’s what I would say if I had any to begin with.
They should have done a better job in photoshop.
This image supports the call was correct… Carter leaning into the path while sliding over his right foot.
What a bunch of whiners. They just didn’t get every single “Duke call” in this game so boo hoo!
This all goes back to the Tyler Hansbrough days… That bruting cry baby wrote the manual on flopping and theatrics.
Tyler taught the Duke fans well… to the point where their world ends over one 50/50 call not going their way!
I’m ready to close the book on duke this year
@Crimsonorblue22 ESPiN isn’t though
Hell, I’d buy that shirt because it has Gracie Allen standing there in the background, helpless and unable to trip Malik, after the blow-by.
I hope Duke gets to make a t-shirt like that one every season for the rest of eternity.
I love it when they expose themselves for what everyone already knows them to be.
Live with it, Dukies.
P.S.: Duke was so incompetent they couldn’t win with refs on their side 99 percent of the time.
@jaybate-1-0 How many times would you have gone to bagley instead of allen or carter at key junctures? They would have won. It was idiotic and i love it and K can suck it!!!
Man, now that is BEAUTIFUL. A whole bunch of Dook fans are walking around with Malik Newman t-shirts.
Man, now that is BEAUTIFUL. A whole bunch of Dook fans are walking around with Malik Newman t-shirts.