Are we done recruiting?

  • @Kcmatt7 They have them nailed to the wall. I have no doubt the FBI has tons of evidence, or they wouldn’t have specifically referenced the actual case where Quinerly got the bribe in their press conference. I’m sure they have a money trail. This is obviously one of the gimmes…the open and shut case- they always lead with their strongest stuff. All of this will be shared at some point with the NCAA, I’m sure.

  • @Kcmatt7

    He is 18 so I think he might be eligible for the G-League although I am not sure if they still require the 1 year wait. He can always go play at a prep-school in Canada like Thon Maker; eligibility rules there might be a little more forgiving.

  • So let me ask for people’s latest take. Being brutally honest between the two who do you feel we have a better chance of landing - -Romeo Langford OR Zion Williamson.

    Was just checking out Indiana Board and they have a thread and it says that he thinks Indiana is going to have to beat KU out for Langford - saying looks like KU is the school to beat -This coming from Corey Daniels from Rivals recruiting analyst.

    I pretty much feel the same - -I just think our chances are better with Romeo then Zion - -Would love to have either one , Think I would have to hedge just a little to Romeo - -seems like more of a complete player but Zion is a stud - so what’s your take? - - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @jayballer54 Out of Langford or Zion, I’ll take a senior Lagerald Vick.

  • @jayballer54 Langford. I’d love to have both though.

  • Texas Hawk 10 said:

    @jayballer54 Out of Langford or Zion, I’ll take a senior Lagerald Vick.

    Well actually your probably right, in the long run that would be the best bet. - -I mean these two guys are really good for sure BUT - - you can’t replace experience - OR experience and talent. Could you imagine how we could stack up next year if Lagerald came back?

    I just think we are going to have to wait and see how that turns out, I mean sure there is a possibility Lagerald comes back - -I just think - -well you can almost take it to the bank he is going to test the waters for sure - -If he has a solid year or above I think he is more likely then not he will be gone. - -I’m pretty sure this is one of the recruiting messages that Coach is also selling t these guys. - -Either way we gonna be good. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • dylans said:

    @jayballer54 Langford. I’d love to have both though. Ya me too but I think you and I both know - - - that’s not happening. I truly think in the end Zion ends up at Kentucky , not that’s what I want BUT just thin that’s how it’s going down.

    On the article I read off the Indiana board from Corey Daniels the rivals analyst - he said Garland and Langford will have their visits all done by the end of October and see’s a strong possibility of them both committing in the early period - -Man if we got Romeo - -you got to love it - -what a class. - Already got a hell of a class with the 3 we got and strong possibility of Grimes on top of that.

    Speaking of Kentucky , Reading their threads, they don’t sound very confident about their team right now - -yep early but they think they are going to take some whuppings. - -They some - quite a few actually said they don’t think their is any way they are ready for KU when we play - - so young. - -I guess from their blue and White scrimmage - -umm not so much. - -Not that there is a lot to be put into this - -Kentucky will be Kentucky and they all say by March they should be ready to make a run - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • This is another Kentucky team that will have issues shooting the ball. Gonna have to get it done on D.

  • Well not for sure what to think on this. I knew we had been really heavy on Matthew Hurt early - -# 5 in the Nation. Then not sure if we backed off he backed off or a combination of the two. But when it came time for his officials we weren’t even listed as one of the five - -figured that it was pretty much a done deal that we were out of THAT picture for one reason or another.

    Then tonight I read that Coach Self was suppose to see him this coming Monday - -Oct 23rd. - - Then he is suppose to have an -un-offical visit to KU on November 17th when we play South Dakota St. - - So guess we are still recruiting him - -I don’t really think a lot of serious consideration for him but who knows. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @jayballer54 Hurt is a 2019 recruit. Can’t take officials yet so time still hasn’t come for his official visits. KU is still recruiting him. Good connections in the area. Staff wants him, JRE and Chandler but can they pull all three? Hard to say but I’d bet no. If I had to bet I’d say Chandler and JRE are Hawks, Hurt goes elsewhere. Hurt is the best player of the three though.

  • @BShark Ya I just can’t imagine getting Hurt with us getting Chandler & Robinson - -just being hearing that we weren’t as involved as of late. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @jayballer54 Looks like KU will recruit him until he eliminates KU or commits.

  • jayballer54 said:

    @BShark Ya I just can’t imagine getting Hurt with us getting Chandler & Robinson - -just being hearing that we weren’t as involved as of late. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

    I think we stopped recruiting him

  • BShark said:

    @jayballer54 Hurt is a 2019 recruit. Can’t take officials yet so time still hasn’t come for his official visits. KU is still recruiting him. Good connections in the area. Staff wants him, JRE and Chandler but can they pull all three? Hard to say but I’d bet no. If I had to bet I’d say Chandler and JRE are Hawks, Hurt goes elsewhere. Hurt is the best player of the three though.

    I think Chandler and JRE are a much better fit then Hurt is in a KU uniform. Hurt compares to Sam Dekker without the defense. I’m surprised he’s ranked as highly as he is but to his credit he’s a matchup nightmare for defenders at the HS level to stop. In College he’s going to face guys his size that can defend him and Hurt’s major weakness at the moment besides weight/strength is his defense. If your not a good defender already at this stage your going to struggle at the next level. Hurt should focus on becoming a College 3 which is where I believe his long term success will come. If he lands at KU I fear this goes just like Carlton Bragg 2.0, trying to force a jump shooter to bang in the post.

  • @BeddieKU23 Fair point. Not sure he’s a great fit for the college game then. Would be tough for him to defend college wings.

  • BShark said:

    @BeddieKU23 Fair point. Not sure he’s a great fit for the college game then. Would be tough for him to defend college wings.

    I think he’s a great fit in certain schemes/programs. The College Game is all about offense these days anyway so maybe I’m just overthinking it. I would love to have his ability to score at KU. Long term- I see Kyle Wiltjer in him who was a highly touted HS kid and became a prolific scorer through his College Career.

    We have a big wave of scorers leaving the program in the next year so its going to be important that KU lands difference makers in 2019 as well. Hurt is certainly a difference maker in a good class that KU has done a ton of early leg work.

  • @BeddieKU23 I think he could be a great College 4. From what I’ve read, Hurt scores the ball efficiently inside and rebounds well. He also brings a 35% shot from trey to the table to top it off.

    TBH, doesn’t a guy who is a stretch 4 with near wing-like athleticism fit exactly what college bball/Bill Self is moving towards? As long as he can slide his feet and they don’t look like they are tied to Cinder Blocks like Carlton’s were, I think he will be a very good player. CB had the lateral quickness of a crocodile and the leg strength of a newborn baby which led to an inability to get open. You have to have at least one of those things (strength or quickness) to be able to score at the college level and he had neither. So, providing Hurt has the ability to move his feet, I think he can probably be a guy who scores at 3 levels.

  • @Kcmatt7

    He’s a versatile player who’s greatest value and the reason he’s ranked highly is because right now there are few that can guard him at his size and skill right now. His jump shot is real nice and can shoot over the top of almost anyone. He won’t wow you athletically or for his ability to defend the post (which is why I think he’s a version of Sam Dekker and Kyle Wiltjer at the same stage). Very polished skill wise offensively, has that new age inside/out game that is coveted. Needs a good S&D program badly (good thing we know of one)

  • @BeddieKU23

    Kyle Wiltjer numbers got much better once he got to Gonzaga; much better set up for his skills than Kentucky

  • JayHawkFanToo said:


    Kyle Wiltjer numbers got much better once he got to Gonzaga; much better set up for his skills than Kentucky

    Very true, he realized after that NC year he was going to have to go somewhere else to have the role he wanted and Gonzaga definitely gave him that opportunity.

    Hurt has a very similar game to the guys I mentioned and he badly needs a good S&D program to put weight on his frame. There’s no way he shouldn’t be playing at 215-220 at least at 6’9. Ranked in the Top 10 right now, I think he’ll be around in College a lot longer then his ranking suggest. Seems to be only intersted in the big elite schools (besides the home school Minnesota)

  • Well looks as if Williamson has cut UCLA, - -now Duke - -Kentucky - -KU - - Clemson - -& South Carolina. - -I still just don’t think he lands here -Oh and North Carolina - -I don’t think that’s happening - -think it’s a 3 t4eam race - -Kentucky - -Duke & KU - -I still just think he is Kentucky bound - BUT you never know. - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • Kentucky or KU. I’d lean towards Kentucky. He isn’t going to Duke to share the spotlight with Barrett.

  • 0_1508801123981_Scholarships 10.23.JPG

    Still plenty of work to do. Looking out at the future, we really need to land a SG/SF for next season no matter what.

    On top of that, we need to either land a transfer guard or a 4 year guard project with one of our remaining scholarships.

    We could also really use a project 4 year big man to round out this class. I think we will probably be too deep at the 4/5 positions to land a top end transfer, but I’d also take that if one were willing and available.

    I really like the transfer movement we have used lately. Mainly because you are landing a guy who’s only option is to bust his ass here because he can’t transfer again until he graduates. To me, that is very appealing. I hope Bill continues this trend as I think a Transfer at the end of your bench is probably going to be a better player in the future than a 100+ ranked guy that you aren’t in love with and are just offering because you need a body. So, I’d love for Self to keep a lookout for a sharp shooter transfer at SG/SF this season/offseason as well as another Big Man ranked around 60-75 with some upside.

    None of this includes Langford or Zion yet, but I will update it when I feel it is necessary and get good vibes that we will land them or another recruit.

  • @Kcmatt7 Better put Grimes as PG, that’s what he is being recruited as. I’d also say Garrett is flexible, can easily play 2g if needed. Grimes makes it all work next year.

    I think Grimes and two developmental additions is the most likely scenario.

  • @BShark No arguments. I guess this is more about who these players will be guarding/starting. Grimes may or may not play on the ball. But he will be guarding the 2 guard unless we see a lineup with him at PG, Garret at SG and Langford/Zion/Vick at the 3.

    Self did make some comments during the Late Night broadcast mentioning that he actually thinks he will play Moore off the ball quite a bit. Perhaps he could put Grimes at PG when Dotson is out and have Moore out there as a very good secondary ball handler.

    Anywho, I really just like the way the staff has recruited this season so far. Made some guys priorities and landed them. And, it looks like they feel good about Grimes and either Langford or Zion since we haven’t really heard a new name pop up besides Herro. I think they are pretty happy with how things have shaken out after landing the 3 guys we have landed and at this point just want to finish out the class. Makes more sense to prioritize the 3 or 4 guys who are left and then see what is left out there once those pieces fall off the board.

    At this point, no recruiting news seems like good recruiting news for us.

  • Kcmatt7 said:

    @BShark No arguments. I guess this is more about who these players will be guarding/starting. Grimes may or may not play on the ball. But he will be guarding the 2 guard unless we see a lineup with him at PG, Garret at SG and Langford/Zion/Vick at the 3.

    Self did make some comments during the Late Night broadcast mentioning that he actually thinks he will play Moore off the ball quite a bit. Perhaps he could put Grimes at PG when Dotson is out and have Moore out there as a very good secondary ball handler.

    Anywho, I really just like the way the staff has recruited this season so far. Made some guys priorities and landed them. And, it looks like they feel good about Grimes and either Langford or Zion since we haven’t really heard a new name pop up besides Herro. I think they are pretty happy with how things have shaken out after landing the 3 guys we have landed and at this point just want to finish out the class. Makes more sense to prioritize the 3 or 4 guys who are left and then see what is left out there once those pieces fall off the board.

    At this point, no recruiting news seems like good recruiting news for us.

    I think Dotson and Grimes will be like Frank and DTae, with Dotson being in the Frank role. Of course, Grimes is big for a guard, he has Selden type size.

    I think you put Grimes on the opposing PG/primary handler, if you can place Dotson elsewhere safely.

    Grimes will be announcing very soon. Before KU’s first actual game of the season probably.

  • @BShark I’d like to put a 6’5 guard on the ball defensively… I wonder what his wingspan is

  • Kcmatt7 said:

    @BShark I’d like to put a 6’5 guard on the ball defensively… I wonder what his wingspan is

    I think around 6’7. Not long for a guy his size.

  • @Kcmatt7

    KU’s class is currently ranked #2 according to Rivals with a fair amount of recruiting yet to go. When it is all said and done, even if KU does not get anyone else, it will likely still be top 5. I would like to see a more inclusive class ranking that includes all incoming players including transfers; KU would have 1 additional 5-star in Dedrick and 2 4-star in Lawson and Moore and would probably be ranked #1.

    A lot less hand wringing than last year, no question about it.

  • Grimes, now 17 years old, measured 6-3 barefoot with a 204-pound frame and a 6-7 wingspan in Colorado Springs. His most recent measurement at Nike Camp. So 6’4ish with shoes with 6’7 wingspan.

  • Love the recruiting so far. We might land 4 guys before the November Signing period. That’s more then we’ve landed combined in years it seems. Very pleased what they have accomplished so far in this class

  • Well interesting. - -Read where Zion is going to take his official to N Carolina now this weekend now instead of UCLA seeing as how he eliminated them, - -4th time been there in last 2 yrs I think the article said. - -May be more of a player then what I thought. - -Still think he lands at Kentucky though. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • Can’t imagine North Carolina is a serious option for him with Little signed for them. Unless they convince him to play the 4 which they definitely could use an upgrade at

  • BeddieKU23 said:

    Can’t imagine North Carolina is a serious option for him with Little signed for them. Unless they convince him to play the 4 which they definitely could use an upgrade at

    I wouldn’t of thought much about it either other then the fact of location. - -with him even considering S Carolina - -Clemson possibly consideration for staying back in that area , would be the only thing I would think of. - -Again I still just think he has a Kentucky feel to him in the end. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • Well guess I was way off base or something. I sure thought we were out of the race or had back off Matthew Hurt. Read that the entire staff paid Hurt a visit Monday after seeing Grimes a well.

    I just feel with all we will have in 2019 just not sure where Hurt fits in. I think it would come down to either we get Hurt - OR Robinson Earl. - -Which one would you rather have? - - I’ll take Earl thanks , maybe not quite the scorer as Hurt but I think better defender - -better rebounder - -better defensive inside presence. – -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • jayballer54 said:

    Well guess I was way off base or something. I sure thought we were out of the race or had back off Matthew Hurt. Read that the entire staff paid Hurt a visit Monday after seeing Grimes a well.

    I just feel with all we will have in 2019 just not sure where Hurt fits in. I think it would come down to either we get Hurt - OR Robinson Earl. - -Which one would you rather have? - - I’ll take Earl thanks , maybe not quite the scorer as Hurt but I think better defender - -better rebounder - -better defensive inside presence. – -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

    Staff wants both.

  • BShark said:

    jayballer54 said:

    Well guess I was way off base or something. I sure thought we were out of the race or had back off Matthew Hurt. Read that the entire staff paid Hurt a visit Monday after seeing Grimes a well.

    I just feel with all we will have in 2019 just not sure where Hurt fits in. I think it would come down to either we get Hurt - OR Robinson Earl. - -Which one would you rather have? - - I’ll take Earl thanks , maybe not quite the scorer as Hurt but I think better defender - -better rebounder - -better defensive inside presence. – -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

    Staff wants both.

    With what other players we are likely to have , our front line is going to be loaded in 2019 will there be minutes for both if they commit. - - Your looking at probably still McCormack - - -De-Sousa - - - Lightfoot - -and one of the Lawsons if not two right? - - then you add Robinson Earl - -& Hurt? - - that’s a lot. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @jayballer54 Recruiting Hurt as a wing. JRE is a post guy. Chandler is kind of a hybrid. I do agree it would be tough to pull all three. Likely SDS and McCormack still on the roster. Don’t think Dedric would still be around.

  • BShark said:

    @jayballer54 Recruiting Hurt as a wing. JRE is a post guy. Chandler is kind of a hybrid. I do agree it would be tough to pull all three. Likely SDS and McCormack still on the roster. Don’t think Dedric would still be around.

    Ok I’m going to ask the dumb question now cause I honestly don’t know which is which. - -We have 2 lawsons right now right? - we have Dedric of who you mention which I agree he is probably gone wasn’t he the one that was like a double guy? - -Then don’t we also have KJ is that right - -not sure if that is the right name or not 0 - -but wouldn’t he still be here along with Chandler? - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • jayballer54 said:

    BShark said:

    @jayballer54 Recruiting Hurt as a wing. JRE is a post guy. Chandler is kind of a hybrid. I do agree it would be tough to pull all three. Likely SDS and McCormack still on the roster. Don’t think Dedric would still be around.

    Ok I’m going to ask the dumb question now cause I honestly don’t know which is which. - -We have 2 lawsons right now right? - we have Dedric of who you mention which I agree he is probably gone wasn’t he the one that was like a double guy? - -Then don’t we also have KJ is that right - -not sure if that is the right name or not 0 - -but wouldn’t he still be here along with Chandler? - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

    KJ is the one you are okay with having because the others are sooooo good. He has a bit of that dog in him though, which will help him see the court.

    I think he will graduate from KU. Don’t see him going pro early.

    I also think he will be okay with being a back-up if necessary.

    Maybe I am totally wrong though, we will find out.

  • @BShark So then we will have KJ and Chandler right? - - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • jayballer54 said:

    @BShark So then we will have KJ and Chandler right? - - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

    Extremely likely.

  • There is potential to have all 3, but I’m pretty confident Dedric is doing his two years and peacing out.

  • Kcmatt7 said:

    There is potential to have all 3, but I’m pretty confident Dedric is doing his two years and peacing out.

    This makes the most sense. Many were surprised he didn’t just go pro.

  • @BShark We should be thanking the Basketball Gods that he could only post a 22" vertical at the combine lol.

    I hope Doke comes back so bad. Those two together… Fuhgetaboutit. We are talking a top 5 defense with above average length and athleticism at 3-4 starting positions. 7 blocks per game. Rebounding would be at a level we may have never seen before under Self.


  • @Kcmatt7 Doke/Dedric/SDS/McCormack would possibly be the best ever front court under Self. What is the standard there? 2008? Or is it actually 2010.

  • Interesting comments from Self about Doke. I think 1st round guarantee will be hard for him to get but we’ll see. His play on the court is obviously going to drive his stock one way or the other.

  • Unless he’s awful, he’s gone. Protect the merchandise.

  • Damn, just saw where Meyer is picking Langford to go to Indiana, that sucks. - They got pretty huge lead now like 71% - -to 14% - -We might miss both - -Williamson AND Langford both. - -was hoping we could of landed one of the two. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • Long way to go for Langford. He’s visiting this weekend, and like we saw with Dave and Silvio, it can change everything.

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