Border War to start back up??
@HighEliteMajor Hubba, hubba.
JayHawkFanToo said:
Kcmatt7 said:
@dylans I had no idea there were so many people here that are against donating money to charity. Talk about showing true colors.
At this time the MU program is barely sticking out its head from the dumpster fire it has been in recent years and where it will go back after Martin leaves after the customary 3 years. Playing KU gives the program credibility and exposure it badly needs. Playing Wichita State could have raised as much, and if you consider the potential side bets between the Koch’s and some of KU’s well heeled donors, considerably more. The headline would have been Kansas teams raise lots of money for charity and challenge Missouri teams to do the same…much better all around.
Remember when I suggested it would a glorified scrimmage? I was told this would not be the case; you guys that favor this game should make up your minds.
SWISH !! You nailed my feelings entirely about WSU & this “urgent” call for a charitable event. Seems as a knee jerk deal like this with misery is incredibly short sighted AND foolish. Up selling other potential philanthropic events is simply a no brainer. Bucket challenge ?? Why did we not keep this all in our own state’s tax base in Kansas & let misery stand alone knee deep in the world of shit they have invited to Columbia, anxiously awaiting Lucifer’s command to “get down on all fours boys, coffee break is over!” ?? Let em sleep in their own free dorm cesspool.
Self tried to do a good thing and Mizzou still stabbed him the back by leaking it before they had the details worked out. GO FIGURE.
Also… mark my words: it will get ugly, if not on the floor, then in the stands.
Believe it or not, I have a funny Hitler story: On October 14,1980, Sec’y of State Edmund Muskie came to Ann Arbor to speak on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of then-candidate JFK’s speech where he announced the plan to start the Peace Corps. Just as JFK did, Muskie spoke on the Student Union steps. A few members of a student organization called the Spartacist Youth League started shouting out slogans objecting to various US foreign policies (“1, 2, 3, 4 We don’t want your Mideast war” – this was during the Iran hostage crisis and after the failed rescue; and “Peace Corps is a CIA front”). Then they started trying to drown him out with questions about things not remotely related to the Peace Corps like “What about Greece?” (or some such place) and “What about Afghanistan?” which the Soviets had invaded.
The other thousands of us listening in the audience were really disgusted that about six nitwits were trying to ruin the event set up to celebrate the beginning of an idealistic volunteer organization. Finally, my friend yelled out, during an odd moment of silence, “Yeah! What about Hitler?” Everyone just cracked up at the apt satire.
The idiots yelled a few more times and then Muskie broke off his sppech and made a brilliant response, paraphrased here to the best of my memory: “You who are here raising your voices, why not raise your arms instead? Raise your arms up to help people who don’t have the food you have, who don’t have the water you have, who don’t have the luxury you have of attending school, let alone college? Why not join the chorus of volunteers who have raised their voices to say ‘Yes!’ instead of ‘No!’?” Audience went crazy. Idiots shut up.
So, when people bring up totally irrelevant crap, my personal shorthand is always “But what about Hitler?”
Maybe not so funny. But a really cool memory.
Wikipedia: "The Spartacist League is a Trotskyist political grouping. They are the United States section of the International Communist League (Fourth Internationalist), formerly the International Spartacist Tendency…
In the United States, the group is small but very vocal, and its activities within leftist-activist coalitions and wide-scale social justice protest movements usually focus on presenting a pole for regroupment and recruitment of subjective revolutionaries on the basis of an internationalist, Bolshevik-Leninist program. Among the American left the Spartacist League is considered particularly notorious for its defense of the North American Man/Boy Love Association and Roman Polanski, and defending North Korea from capitalist restoration."
Hmmmmm, kind of strange, that we are having this exhibition game on a Sunday afternoon at 3:00 when the NFL & Chiefs play? - You would of thought it might of been better on a Sat - -or even during the week sometime - - kind of a strange time - -& day. - gonna be competing with NFL games and possibly the Chiefs. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
@jayballer54 The Chiefs do not play on the 22nd.
Yeah, the Chiefs have a Thursday game for next NFL week. Self knows what he is doing.
Meth revenue donations will cover a $1M the first hour. The next year will be gravy!!!
This game will cause battery sales in the KC area to sky rocket, as the Meth Tiger fans will come loaded for bear. Will they issue helmets to our team when the batteries come reigning down?
Hmmm interesting. Somehow my post from last night got deleted - - -again? - -hmmmm , well anyways I’ll post it - - -AGAIN.
What I said was last night was , found the date that they decided to play this game kind of interesting, the reason being it’s being played a week from today at 3:00 in the afternoon - -Sunday, which means it will be competing against the NFL games AND the Chiefs more importantly, so might be you lose SOME to that.
I just thought they could of found a better time like Saturday night after the College football games neither K-State or KU playing at night I don’t think - -Mizzery? - - -WHO CARES when they play lol. Going to be interesting game. Again I don’t think you would of seen these guys even begin to show ANY kind of interest if they didn’t think they could come in and whup our butts because of Porter and crew - -to which I say - Ya ok. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
@mayjay Are they organizing for the Antifa movement? The scuttlebutt has been the leaders of the Antifa have a connection, or have been advocates/spokespersons for the Man/Boy Love Association. My mother is a bitter Trump hater down to the bone, but some of these leftist groups make her look like a far right conservative with their violent views.
Your post is there. I have noticed that posts frequently do not display, particularly if you scroll up, I know it happens on the iPad; you need to refresh the browser and it will show up again.
As far as the schedule, on short notice you really do not have much of a choice and have to take what is available. There are events scheduled months, even years in advance and many of those require stages that take days to setup. BTW, the Chiefs are not playing that Sunday.
BShark said:
Yeah, the Chiefs have a Thursday game for next NFL week. Self knows what he is doing.
@KUSTEVE Consider the batteries just the MU students making another donation of goods needed in the 85% of PR still without electricity.
@JayHawkFanToo Ahhh, thanks on all points. - -Good to know, was freaking me out wondered where the heck my post go lol. - - Ya guess that does make a lot of sense your right, just had to find ANY kind of open date before the regular season started thanks again - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
@BShark What’s this a high horse
? Go figure. … don’t fret think we figured it out …
@BShark No worry Chiefs choked for over 50 years, nothing different this season either
@globaljaybird Your request for moderation has been granted.
@BShark Did I miss something with the banning of @globaljaybird ?
Unless there was something behind the scenes, I sure think we all can handle a few cranky posts once in a while.
@DanR I want him here.
Shoot I didn’t think could post if you waa banned
I unbanned @globaljaybird. Please stop antagonizing people. The nitpicking has to stop.
Has anyone ever been banned in this forum before? I can’t seem to recall anyone…
@JayHawkFanToo very early on I banned a guy that wouldn’t stop cussing at people. I unbanned him after a day or two, and I think he came back but eventually moved on. All the people on the current ban list are spam accounts.
@BShark is a global moderator, and global moderators have the ability to ban. We’ve talked about this incident and the ban was intended only to be a couple hours for gb to chill out. I hope we can hit the reset button and move forward.
This game with Fizzou is just having sex with your ex-wife after both of you meet up 10 years later at the hospital waiting room seeing a dying relative. Mortality and time passage make you both forget how much you hated each other. Hollywood movies work this sick cliche endlessly. But this isn’t a movie and Fizzourah was the worst thing that ever happened to KU basketball.
If Bill were really serious about raising money, then sell “Muck Fizzou” t-shirts at the game along with fifths of McCormack’s Whiskey with labels reading: “DRINK ME AND THROW ME AT THE MU COACH FOR CHARITY! MUCK FIZZOU!”
Ah for the bad old days!
Don’t do it!
Abusive relationships are sick!
approxinfinity said:
I unbanned @globaljaybird. Please stop antagonizing people. The nitpicking has to stop.
Weird, that shouldn’t have been necessary. I set it to two hours so it should have just rolled right off by the time of this post.
Oh. I had no idea the bans had a timer on them @BShark. Thats something new since last I banned. Yeah maybe the timer doesn’t expire correctly on this version of the board. Entirely possible.
jaybate 1.0 said:
This game with Fizzou is just having sex with your ex-wife after both of you meet up 10 years later at the hospital waiting room seeing a dying relative. Mortality and time passage make you both forget how much you hated each other. Hollywood movies work this sick cliche endlessly. But this isn’t a movie and Fizzourah was the worst thing that ever happened to KU basketball.
If Bill were really serious about raising money, then sell “Muck Fizzou” t-shirts at the game along with fifths of McCormack’s Whiskey with labels reading: “DRINK ME AND THROW ME AT THE MU COACH FOR CHARITY! MUCK FIZZOU!”
Ah for the bad old days!
Don’t do it!
Abusive relationships are sick!
This is good.
I wouldn’t worry too much about playing them again. Self seems mad that Missouri peopled leaked it first even though it was his idea.
Thanks for this ray of hope!
@jaybate-1.0 It’s like if you had an old friend that is an addict. Oh I’ve really cleaned up this time, they say. Okay I’ll trust you THIS ONCE we can meet up, just show up sober. Then they show up, high on meth. That’s Missouri.
And they cracked the sudafed themselves!
Hey, let’s have the players collect sudafed donations and set up two meth labs at center court at half time and have the two teams see who can crack and sell the most Meth to the fans. That will raise even more money…especially if we play the game in Cape Girardeau!
Cracking bad for a good cause!
Freemasons playing Black Jesuits in Vatican City could raise some money, too!
How about the Rothschilds vs the Ayatollahs in a natural gas field in Iran? That would raise some money!
@jaybate-1.0 Special appearance by Walter and Jessie from Breaking Bad…
Thanks for the heads up, I seem to remember now something about it…and I need to remember to be nice to @BShark…
@JayHawkFanToo Heh. I’m not going to be banning people right and left. But if all that is done is antagonizing other members I think there at least needs to be a discussion.
jaybate 1.0 said:
This game with Fizzou is just having sex with your ex-wife after both of you meet up 10 years later at the hospital waiting room seeing a dying relative. Mortality and time passage make you both forget how much you hated each other. Hollywood movies work this sick cliche endlessly. But this isn’t a movie and Fizzourah was the worst thing that ever happened to KU basketball.
If Bill were really serious about raising money, then sell “Muck Fizzou” t-shirts at the game along with fifths of McCormack’s Whiskey with labels reading: “DRINK ME AND THROW ME AT THE MU COACH FOR CHARITY! MUCK FIZZOU!”
Ah for the bad old days!
Don’t do it!
Abusive relationships are sick!
Maybe the funniest thing I’ve seen posted this whole year. Thank you for the monday pick me up!
**This game with Fizzou is just having sex with your ex-wife after both of you meet up 10 years later at the hospital waiting room seeing a dying relative. Mortality and time passage make you both forget how much you hated each other. Hollywood movies work this sick cliche endlessly. But this isn’t a movie and Fizzourah was the worst thing that ever happened to KU basketball.
If Bill were really serious about raising money, then sell “Muck Fizzou” t-shirts at the game along with fifths of McCormack’s Whiskey with labels reading: “DRINK ME AND THROW ME AT THE MU COACH FOR CHARITY! MUCK FIZZOU!”
**Ah for the bad old days!
Don’t do it!
Abusive relationships are sick!
@dylans I think you are dead on: Lew would have been able to generate 5x the money, probably with a worthier opponent. Like dragonslayr, I can’t understand Bill Self’s change of heart. What the deuce inspired him to seal this horrendous deal? Is he not in charge of his schedule?
@REHawk I think it’s just the least painful way to re-initiate the series. They are dipping a toe in the water, breaking the ice, whatever cliche you prefer. But it’s a pre-curser to a new on-going series while it’s still fresh enough to be able to be revived.
I still say KU owes MU nothing. There better be a big payday for Kansas somehow (experience, money, national exposure, recruiting).
I have a sneaky suspicion that there is something going on behind the scenes that we don’t know and probably will not know any time soon. While the story is that it was Coach Self’s idea, MU jumped the gun and went public before the details were finalized obviously trying to take credit for the event which apparently did not sit well with him; I believe this put an end to any thoughts of re-starting the series any time soon or while Self is coaching at KU.
@JayHawkFanToo Well, something just doesn’t seem right about Self’s decision. I know that he probably leaps at the chance to get in an extra glorified practice contest with a real outside opponent; but WHY MIZZOU? Seems very bizarre to me. I am an old Missouri resident, and I had hoped to see KU stay shy of treacherous Tigers until I was in the grave. Kansas could have played some other opponent and earned more charity money with less bitter reprisal and grief. Bill Self either is not in control or is a weaker man than I had long calculated.
@REHawk I think it was posted on here, Self’s dad wanted him to do it.
You all realize this MU embargo is over, right?
UK to play Morehead State on Oct 30 for hurricane relief.
S Carolina “in talks” to play someone. I suspect Winthrop or Citadel, b/c Clemson and Coastal are already on schedule.
We started a trend!
I am leaning this way. I honestly think KU cold have played Wichita State and the place would have sold out even at AFH with half the ticket going to them; WSU has a very large and loyal following. Or maybe a KU, KSU, WSU scrimmage where the teams ply each other in one 20 minutes half and the event was kept all Kansas. It could have then challenged MU to do likewise with Missouri State and UMKC or St. Louis and raise twice the money.
As far as being Coach Self dad’s idea, why would he suggest something that he knows his son is very adamant against it? Makes no sense to me.
If you read Coach Self’s comments apparently it was his dad’s idea (this baffles me) and he went with it but MU leaked the information, basically taking credit for it. I heard from someone that knows someone that is related to someone familiar with the program he was pretty upset and realized once more the treacherous nature of MU and the chances of playing them again are not impossible, of course, but highly unlikely. The SEC-Big 12 series might be the only hope.