Read kusports
I’m glad KUSports disabled the comments on that article. That would have been an s-storm with some of those idiots there
@Kcmatt7 I hope you are wrong! Self would not play anybody if there was the slightest doubt, right?
Right. Bill knew the situation with Carlton and he still kept him on the sidelines until after it was official.
@Crimsonorblue22 I would think that is the logical assumption. That is what is saving me from freaking out.
@Crimsonorblue22 new Bill Self quote in the story at the Star basically saying the same thing.
@Kcmatt7 it’s on all the news down here, of course it’s the bb dorm only. I get sooo mad! Just like the Bragg was guilty before we knew the facts!
@Kcmatt7 haven’t seen it!
@Crimsonorblue22 Heard it on 810. KK is actually doing a god job with this. Very factual and not making any assumptions.
@Kcmatt7 a God job?
@Kcmatt7 well?? What did he say?
@Kcmatt7 Sorry to say I’m feelin a little bit also like your gut instinct. - - Why wouldn’t the AD just come right out off the bat and discount that it was a player? - get it out, put it to bed right off the bat -I hope not, just a little scary - - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
@jayballer54 just like Bragg’s deal, let the police handle it, plus a 16 year old girl.
@Crimsonorblue22 just that there are a lot of moving parts. The police issue plus the title IX issue could be a part of why nobody has come out me said exactly what happened.
@Crimsonorblue22 You didn’t hear me say that THERE ARE just saying hoping not. OF COURSE I’m letting the police handle it - sure the hell can’t do anything to solve it, have to let the process work it, the system take care of it. - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
@Crimsonorblue22 …well God is good. The job, who knows?
@Crimsonorblue22 Kevin “the di%k” Kietzman. KSU alum
No idea, or opinion about, what the story is here, but…
This thing appears to have spin control finger prints all over it.
@Kcmatt7 @Crimsonorblue22 With the potential victim being a juvenile, the complications involving any release of information creates an entire universe of liabilities so everyone involved wil probably say " goo, goo" as long as they feel they should. If there actually has been a crime take place in a KU dorm, the financial liabilities alone could be astronomical. All that said, even SZ has to keep mum until counsel advises them just what to comment. Surely even HCBS would’ve had a script of sorts to follow & no player or witness of any nature is allowed to speak on the matter. I doubt if the AD or any authority is aware of direct or otherwise involvement of any team member or said member would NOT be playing. However, that also doesn’t clarify if players maybe protecting one
️ of their own. Bad bad deal… this type behavior ruins people’s lives.
The newspaper is speculating, we shouldn’t do the same. Wait and see, hopefully it’s a story none of us would be aware of if it weren’t in this location. Unfortunately for the young girl the story isn’t about or for her, it’s merely to generate looks. The new ownership LJW yea!!!
#kubball HC Bill Self just said if there was an issue with any of his players at McCarthy Hall, none of them would be playing.
Trust our coach!
Kevin Kietzman and good job…isn’t this the textbook definition of an oxymoron?
@JayHawkFanToo said:
Kevin Kietzman and good job…isn’t this the textbook definition of an oxymoron?
Or perhaps he himself is the definition of a slightly different spelling, maximoron.
Bill Self: “It’s not a distraction. It’s a major distraction.” Fantastic.
@Kcmatt7 He also said he told the players to take their frustration out on the court which suggested to me that the guys (and coach) aren’t happy about not being able to talk about whatever the hell the situation was.
I’ve been listed on a police report, (I reported a crime and the cops took a statement), so being on a “witness” list means jack as far as guilt is concerned.