Baylor @ West Virginia
@approxinfinity I think Huggy bear will win
Mot really sure how comfortable I would feel if I was West Virginia. I mean Baylor turns the ball over 16 times in the 1st half and you only up 7 - that’s really not that impressive. If Baylor settles a little in the 2nd look out. Plus we all do know there is NO WAY we are going to be able to watch like almost the 1st half of our 1st half with Oklahoma as this will turn in to a foul fest they won’t get finished till like 8:15 - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
West Virginia’s offense is not that impressive. Other than putting us in a better position to be No, 1, why isn’t everyone rooting for the home loss. Win at home, don’t lose away games to the bottom league teams=Championship. Doesn’t KU benefit more from a W. V. home loss than a Baylor win?
@stoptheflop I think that depends on how tough you think Baylor will be to overcome. If they win at WVU.and we don’t…they are one up on us.
I want Faylor to lose. If that doesn’t work, I want WVU to lose.
@Hawk8086 Baylor has had a tough time holding serve at home against I State and O State. They seem very vulnerable home and away.
I’m rooting against Baylor. We certainly don’t have the Bigs that they have.
How did Tech beat these guys?
What is it with officials in Morgantown: calls of 3 seconds, palming and a hook all against Baylor. Baylor has 22 TO’s, but the refs are certainly helping that stat.
@stoptheflop I have watched more basketball than I wish to admit and I have seen few teams that influence the refs as much as WVU. They constantly foul. From start to finish they foul. It’s not great defense. It’s fouling.
@jaybate-1.0 said:
@KUSTEVE said:
I want Faylor to lose. If that doesn’t work, I want WVU to lose.
Absolute PHOF!
Make that a double PHOF !!
Its Huggie’s man bra. He keeps a little microwave transmitter in the right cup and uses it to trigger voices inside the ref’s head.
Viagra commercials do a great job of referring to sexual situations while being completely business and unarousing. The dressed-to-the-nines fashion show on the bed by ordinary looking, somewhat attractive women lying in a stiff pose, talking about your inability to get it up in a suggestive but impersonal voice with an ever-present Viagra logo to remind you wtf it’s all about.
These commercials are a masterpiece of modern advertising!
@approxinfinity I once offered a friend a coupon for the big V at his retirement dinner …after he looked at it he paused then smiled & said “Nah, no thanks. I don’t think my arm could take it.”
@approxinfinity Well, if commercials alone were sufficient, there would be no need for the pill.
Getting out of control
@HawkChamp game or threads viagra commentary?
@approxinfinity a friend of mine pointed out that all the guys in the E.D. commercials have some sort of manly facial hair.
@Bwag the game
This game is over. Probably the season too for Baylor. Just one more Drew team that fights amongst themselves when the going gets tough.
@DanR 29 turnovers for baylor. Wow
Well guys, does it make you guys feel better that Kentucky is only beating Vandy by 6, and Villanova lost? Looks like Vegas has us as a 12 point favorite tonight…
Anyone care who wins the TTU/KSU game? I’m kind of pulling for home court losses for every other big 12 game.
Wow. Scott Drew is a horrible coach. Good recruiter though, and I guess recruiting is part of being a coach.
@approxinfinity nova won tonight
@Crimsonorblue22 I mean a couple games ago… Just that our lackluster wins might not mean much… other than they’re still W’s
Probably one of the last places you’d want to go to in the psuedo-Big 12 after just getting the coveted #1 ranking is WVU. Anybody remember a few years ago Kensucky won on a Saturday guaranteeing they’d be the new #1 on Monday. So they printed up #1 shirts and handed them out Monday nite for the home game against SC I think, who promptly beat them. Short lived #1.
West Virginia fans were hollering we want Kansas after the game
@Crimsonorblue22 with the way our guys have been playing, I would not bet against WVU. They look like an experienced and smart team that is hungry. Our guys too often look like they are going through the motions