Dakich “If I was an average announcer” Benetti “you are” Hahahaha got em.

Posts made by RockChalkRedlock
RE: My boy schooled Dan Dakich
RE: So it smells good?
Come on you ol grumps give Dan a break. I mean do you really like Fran that much? Funniest thing he kept saying was that Omaha is a REALLY good team.
RE: Bragg walks away from basketball.
Y’all need to chill on the pot talk. It is an irrelevant topic, ESPECIALLY in the context of sports. You have to be naive if you think the majority pro athlete’s don’t smoke. I mean we’re talking about college right? The place you can get weed from any dorm, frat, apartment on campus. Do you really think that smoking hinders players success, the 08 champs would beg to differ.
Times are changing, even the ol NBA commissioner gets it. Here’s the link if your curious. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nba.com/amp/league/article/2017/10/25/david-stern-medical-marijuana-al-harrington
RE: Losing Big XII tourney as AP #1 a good thing?
Random thoughts.
Has anyone thought about how the suspension of Jackson has ended up costing Kansas City hundreds of thousands of dollars in lost tourney business.
To be honest I feel Self is pressured to suspend these kids. Sometimes I look at things from an NBA perspective, would something this minor get you suspend in the NBA, heck no! Self should bow to no one. There is no precedent on how one is to punish players for minor offenses. He should just tell the media and all the critics that the way he handles his program is up to him and if people don’t like it, tough. Honestly what “lesson” is Jackson going to learn; he has what a month left at Kansas.
Maybe this just my belly-acheing because i really wanted to go to the KU game today darn it.
RE: Welcome Back Devonte
@jaybate-1.0 I’m sorry to keep hounding you, but I’m just trying to give a new perspective on sleeve/legging reality. Disclaimer is that I understand players in D1 sports use these these for medical reasons. I understand they help people prevent injuries, I understand this. The thing is the majority of people wearing these will not fall apart if they take them off.
I think what kcmatt7 was pointing out is that people are wearing these for fashion and not function. Kids today sports idols wear them and they want to be like Mike! Its why Air Jordan’s are popular, its why anything is popular. Take my word, seriously. I have seen what thousands of teens wear and it this is a reality. Don’t believe me, go look for yourself.
RE: Welcome Back Devonte
@jaybate-1.0 “It is hilarious how people get stressed out by talk of injuries.”
Isn’t this statement for you. I literally have no stress over injuries. None. You are looking for phantom injuries, that way Jaybate can perpetually be right. If the Jayhawks ever come up short, all wise jaybate knew the whole time. Its never provable, but you can give yourself credit eveytime.
I’m sorry I’m calling you out on it, but its becoming an annual pattern. Each season every year. I know there are a lot of posters that roll their eyes when you make your medical generalizations. I’m not just “whining” about you because I’m in denial, there is no denial involved in something you can’t prove. Actions speak louder than words. That’s what I base my argument on, Devontes literal live in game actions.
Not sure if you listen to the games on the radio or you need a new HDMI cord. Last game Devonte went so high in the air to dunk the ball his elbow may have been above the rim! In all of Devonte’s years at KU he has never looked more athletic. How can you deny this?
Also wearing any sleeves or compression leggings is also irrelevant. They may be useful, but that gear is fashionable for people in today’s sports. I thought you were the Nike/ sports gear expert. Under Armor started this fad and now Nike and Addias jumped on the band wagon as well. They all make and promote this gear. Heck the majority of it is worn by middle and high school kids. Guess how many of those kids are injured or even need to wear it. I think perhaps you might not be aware of this reality, so I’ll give you a pass. Seriously go any AAU function or heck walk through any middle school hallway, the amount of leggings and sleeves could be measured in tonnage.
RE: Welcome Back Devonte
@mayjay Thanks for being the message board watch dog.
I am glad my comments had such a lasting impact they needed to be referenced.
I will stand behind my comments because they were relevant. My biggest concern regarding Landen has nothing to do with his legs or obliques; its his hands. He has struggled with shooting and also securing the ball when he is in the paint; the ball gets poked out a lot. Its never really been injuries that has held him back, that’s just an easy scapegoat for games he under performs. What I said was justified and two months ago fans did have concern, but with the injury to Azubuike that changed everything. Really Azubuike’s injury was just what Landen needed. The team has such a short bench on big men that Landen had to pick up his game. He has responded big time and I couldn’t be more delighted to see him play with that fire we didn’t see at the start of the season.
Attitude is everything, it is the real difference maker, not sore obliques, nagging cramps, or bone bruises. Because Devonte hasn’t been locked in a few games doesn’t scream injury. Do you remember Wiggins biggest flaw his one season here? It was his lack of focus to stay plugged in on offense. That was not because of physical injuries, it was mental. Look at him now. A few years has past and he is doing great in the NBA because he has improved that aspect of his game.
Devonte just needs Focus, not a Physician.
RE: Welcome Back Devonte
@jaybate-1.0 Why is everyone always perpetually hurt?
Maybe your just a glass half empty kind of guy.
Look people get nicked up during a season, its sports.
When I stub my toe in the morning and hop one foot and then favor my tender toesie throughout the day, does that mean I am injured?
There is nothing structurally damaged with my toe, but its sore, no biggie, I’ll get over it.I think its kind of comical the way you look for injuries. During the last game Devonte had maybe one of his most athletic dunks of the year. He GOT UP! He had so much air that he didn’t have to use two hands to dunk it. He switched it to one hand, cocked it back and then threw it down with authority.
People are rarely in 100% health throughout the season. This does not mean they have serious injuries. That is why grit and toughness is important in sports. It allows people to play threw the pain and perform even when they are sore that day. Look I am not denying that people get injured, but I would never sit back on my couch and causally act like i am the team doctor making my diagnoses from watching them on TV.
If I was to look into my magic crystal orb, I would see Devonte playing the next game, and the next game and the games in March and games in the NBA. I really don’t see the value in your persistent fear mongering of injuries on every player every season. It would be nice to find out who in your eyes is not injured?
Its good thing you didn’t own race horses. I imagine everyone of them that lost would have been led behind the barn and put out of their misery.
RE: Friends/ just wanted to say
Rock Chalk and Merry Christmas to all!
I am not a frequent poster, but I sure spend some time reading all the great threads. Still very appreciative of this sites existence. Nice to have an open forum for us die hard jayhawks. Keep up the good work folks and I hope y’all get some sweet KU gear for Christmas, I know I’m in need of some new game day socks
RE: Carlton Bragg Arrested
@wissox “conditioned like Carlton is” what heck is that supposed to mean.
@drgnslayr “what was Carlton doing being out at 6am” He was arrested at that time, doesn’t mean he was out until then.
All of us fans should not speculate so early. I always hate to see people going after people with little information. Damning others before facts can speak volumes about ones character. Don’t be that guy. Just be patient and hope for the best.
RE: Thoughts from the game- A bittersweet Victory
@Lulufulu about Lucas being injured. I think his “injury” is a great scapegoat. A lot of posters have mentioned LL obvious injury, but what is his injury? Since he was wearing a boot the obvious answer is that it is his foot or something with his lower leg. Unfortunately this injury alone cannot explain in-game deficiencies. My personal observation is that he lacks upper body and hand strength necessary to finish through contact and control the rock down low. Since he has the tendency to bring the ball down opposing teams exploit this weakness. This could not be ever more apparent when Dukes Kennard literally ripped the ball out of both of his hands. This is concerning, but the silver lining is that Lucas can help the team score points, he just doesn’t have to be the one doing it. Lucas may have physical limitations, but he does understand his role on the offense and sets a lot of screens that get us buckets. If he really is injured it will all work out because that means Dok and Bragg will get much needed court time. We will need a healthy LL down the stretch in league play. I think we should really keep him on a 15-20 minute restriction for a while, so that other teams forget about him and don’t even consider him a factor. That way come February and March we can release dare i say our secret weapon Lucas from Lob City! Hang banner 13! Then to the Dance! Rock Chalk Baby LETS GOOOOOOO!
RE: Thoughts from the game- A bittersweet Victory
My friend has a conspiracy theory that the NBA is paying off college refs to make the sport unwatchable. Just something to ponder haha
RE: Landen... Dear Landen...
@nuleafjhawk you can be coy, but a lot of us that are critical of Lucas are just pointing out the obvious. For over ten years now one of the cornerstones of KU basketball is dominant big men.
I really to do hope for the best, but you really gotta hope for Bragg to step up, or that Dok is givin a chance to play 15- 20 minuets in a game. Tonight will be another great test, I am sure glad we play tough teams early and don’t have a false sense of security like other teams with cupcake schedules.
RE: Landen... Dear Landen...
I totally feel ya on this one, I just made a big post on jaybates thread not knowing you started this one. Yea LL is a MAJOR liability. I really hope Dok gets a chance this year. -
RE: Answered Questions After IU
I’ve got beef and hamburger helper won’t help this time.
Here we are at the beginning of another fresh KU basketball season and us die hard fans are trying to scramble to figure out the holes in this team and the possible solutions. These days I don’t get to watch the games with a my ol college crew, but we still talk in group texts. One thing that is pretty consistent is our disdain with Lucas. I noticed in your initial analysis you gave a lot of players your focus, but did not talk about perhaps the most concerning player on the team. It could be that you, like many fans have just settled on our current situation and are just willing to accept it and defend coach self because he can do no wrong. I saw later you talked about Lucas being injured (classic jaybate). So if he is “injured” why do we play him 35 minutes in the game! I know the obvious explanation of why he plays as much as he does, but that doesn’t make him any easier to watch. How many times are we going to see him get stripped as he brings the ball down? How many times is he going to be blocked this season? It is like he has to power up if he is going to score. We are going to face plenty of D1 teams that have tall players and Lucas literally cannot score over people. Unless he has a pass that leaves him wide open he doesn’t score. His obvious lack of athletism should be a major concern. Anyone see his reverse layup atempt? He looked stiffer than kids trying to do the mannequin challenge. I get that Dok is young and raw, but we gave him 7 minutes. In that time he had two rebounds and one block. Lucas had zero blocks and seven rebounds in 35.
I know KU will be fine in the long run, but it is going to be a painful watching LL for the next 5 months if nothing changes in his game or our game plan.
Just venting by the way, sometimes I got to get this stuff off my chest and I consider this site my safe space. Haha
@jaybate-1.0 tell me why I am wrong, or least help cool my kettle.
Rock Chalk all the way let’s beat Duke!
RE: Gameday Ladies and Gents
Im ready for this game, it does feel like it’s been a while since the last one. I wish I had an NBA team to follow on the reg to hold me over, that way I wasn’t so hyperfocused on KU bball all the time lol.
I’m still hoping for a game where Hunter gets 20 mins. This may be the one, but did anyone see the quote they had from Self on kusports today regarding being out rebounded by Harvard?
“It’s very disappointing to me we’re not a great rebounding team yet,” Self said. “I thought we’d be a better rebounding team, but if Jamari (Traylor) is starting, he’s not a big guy (6-8 ). Perry (Ellis) is not a ‘go out and get you 10 boards a game’ guy. Some of our better rebounders are on the bench. We’ve got to do a better job of doing that.”
It still bewilders me why he talks about the woes of starting Jamari. If you already know the problem why are you just repeating the same thing. Don’t start Jamari, problem solved, by all means bring him off the bench and let his energy permiate throughout the team. And heck if Perry is banged up maybe we dont need to start him every game. If we have so many good bigs try new starting combos early in the season. This is the time of year you can.
RE: Starters next game
I listened to Bill last night and he even admitted Hunter has not got enough court time and it appears most of the board rats agree Hunter will get some more play time. This can only mean one thing.
Hunter gets 7 mins and Lucas gets 25 mins
Somehow Hunter will still get more blocks and points than Lucas.
Post game from Bill: If it wasn’t for Lucas we would have never won that game.
RE: More Paralysis And Disinformation: Lucas "Our Best Big"
@JayHawkFanToo I get what your saying about winning, but uhhh we about lost.
After the Michigan St. loss Self also said Lucas was better suited for the Spartans. I don’t buy it, they are hollow comments.
Self has post game comments that make my eyes roll harder than a dog watching a steak tied to a windmill.
RE: More Paralysis And Disinformation: Lucas "Our Best Big"
@jaybate-1.0 I read your extensive post and have a question for you. If Self is focused on developing players why is he wasting his time on Lucas?
Lucas has a low ceiling. Look the guy is big, but he is not highly skilled or athletic and i doubt he ever will be this late in his collegiate career. He moves slow, does not jump high, and doesn’t score well.
This team has a lot of bigs Self could work on, but he chooses the most unproductive ones to put on the court. Look i get that Hunter is not the answer to all of our problems, but he does block shots and shot blockers disrupt offenses. Landon plants his feet puts his arms in the air and hopes the guy hes guarding misses. That is not an active defender and is not good enough to win NCAA championships.
Look i get the importance of developing players if it wasn’t for guys like Darnell Jackson and Sasha Kaun we don’t win in 2008. Lucas and Jamari are not those guys.
RE: Can You Handle The Truth? Self's Traylor Comment A Targeted Farce
@HighEliteMajor glad you made this thread as my jaw dropped while I was listening to Bill Self after the game when he made the Jamari statement.
I do understand @jaybate-1.0 point about helping players egos and i figured that was the only reason Bill would say something like that.
Do keep in mind its the beginning of December and this is the time of year we start guys like Jamari to send a message to other players. I see what Jamari brings to this team and its the same thing he has had over the past three years. Come on folks is he a guy who you start on a top 10 program in conference play and post season play? Jamari is best used as a spark off the bench always has, always will.
Look i am not bashing Jamari, really i like the guy. But think about it @JRyman; Do you really want a guy who is barely 6’8’’ tipping off each game? Do you think he is going to set the tone against 7 footers of Kentucky to start the game? Do want to rely on his offensive production in big 12 play?
Like I said its December so i am not too concerned. HighEliteMajor is not beating a dead horse, there are a LOT of KU fans that understand his views.
RE: NCAA info, lets let them hear from KU fans
Here is the full letter KU sent to the NCAA if yall curious. I am suprised this is public, but at this point we might as well show everyone how poorly the NCAA operates.
RE: Bad Joke Friday
@wissoxfan83 haha anything to get an A. While at KU, I had a primatology professor offer 50 pts. to the winner of a class costume contest (in a 450 total pt. class!). Knowing that winning would boost my grade from a C to an A, I showed up in a full gorilla suit and reaped the rewards.
RE: Brannen Greene
Some times i wonder if Self just doesn’t like Brannen Greene. He punishes him on and off the court. Look at last game, he didn’t even see 10 minutes of play time and didn’t even have a shot attempt. The first game he never missed. I’m sure Izzo was tickled by Selfs coaching. Meanwhile Devonte gets 38 freaking minutes takes a pile of garbage shots and in the latest KU sports article talks about how he needs to be more aggressive and keep shooting. Never talks about making passes or creating offense for the team. Last year Self dissed his 3pt. shooters and now he sits Greene for 6 games. But hey maybe Svi will have a chance to make some shots, that is if these so called point guards will set them up. So sure suspend Greene 6 games, its not like he was going to be allowed to make an impact in games that matter anyways.
RE: A Pure Embarrassment
@HighEliteMajor I don’t know how but you read my mind . Your comments were spot on. My buds and i were all in agreement during the game, especially when it came to what players were being played and not played. Especially regarding Lucas over Mickelson especially after WUG, really bizarre. Graham should stop shooting and distribute the balls to our dead on three point shooters, OH WAIT! their on the bench. Just sad really, some times I wonder if self is lost.
I was wrong when I thought this would be the year I started to post more.
But hey all you folks that do post, keep up the good work. I really don’t know what I would do with my time when at work.
RE: This Is Horrifying
I hate to be a conspiracy theorist, but I think Self will not give Cliff playing time to ensure he stays for another year. Throughout this season Self critiques Cliff with ambiguous words like “motor” and “energy” frankly I don’t buy it. Self knew that if he played Cliff 25-30 minutes a game he was going to put up numbers that would surly force him to leave for the NBA draft. Cliff came to Kansas because we have a phenomenal track record of putting bigs in the NBA, he said it so himself. The problem Self is faced with is that he has another potentially small recruiting class and can’t afford to lose a guy like Cliff. If Kansas does not land a footer like Stephen Zimmerman or Thon Maker then who do we have Carlton Bragg? Another undersized post player that lacks the toughness that Cliff will provide.
Sure Self loves his players that have hustle plays, but Jamari has had more critical turnovers than he has had ‘hustle’ plays. It is apparent that Traylor did not play organized basketball until his junior year of high school. He has athleticism and he understands Self’s system but still struggles with executing it. This couldn’t be more apparent when he is trying to run the weave and telegraphs every pass. He may have had 6 turnovers, but that is only because you only turn it over once during a possession. Still though Self praises Jamari even after he has a cringe worthy game. Don’t get me wrong I like Jamari and i cheer every time he throws it down or dives out of bounds, but halfway through Big 12 play there is no reason Cliff should not be playing more minutes. Unless of course this is all a calculated move by Self so we can have the big red dog for next season.
Rock Chalk, Play Cliff
RE: Notes From Baylor: "Kansas... because we know how to win!"
Hahaha the Self crack trifeca comparison is GOLD!
Self hates the idea of abandoning his high low he has relied on for years, but as KU fans have we not all relished a team that could shoot the trey. Come on Self give the boys a green light!
RE: Buckets shout out on old site
I still read kusports and really wish I could leave a comment every week telling folks to go to kubuckets for the real commentary. I don’t know if anyone else ever reads the comments on there, but its weird how originally they said they were getting rid of the anonymity to clean up peoples posts and yet it seems a lot of those folks get real nasty with one another. The quality of discussion on there is very poor. A year ago there would be hundreds of posts (mostly by you insightful folks). Now there are a handful of posts with a lot of unfriendly bickering, some times i wonder if the people on there even like KU.
I hope that if any of you kubuckets people post on kusports let them know every week or so that kubuckets is the real place to talk Jayhawk basketball. I can not, but I do appreciate those who spread the word about this great site.
P.S. when can i order my kubuckets t shirt? lol, but seriously
RE: Player nicknames
Kelly Oubre - Cold blooded Kelly or maybe Ooo Ooo Ooooubre (or at least that’s what i’ll be saying every time he pulls of a sick play)
Cliff Alexander - C-Block
Devonte’ Graham- The Full Vonte’
@wissoxfan83 im really digging Svieetness
RE: What Are the Chances of Hunter Mickelson, or Landen Lucas, rotating backup, when the opponent has a 6-9 or taller post man?
Lucas could have been ahead of Mickelson, but Lucas has a stress fracture in his lower leg and is out for a couple weeks.
RE: KU Buckets T-Shirts
Yo! I know I’m a lil late to the party, but I’m totally down for a t-shirt. In fact I want two!
RE: What Are the Chances of Hunter Mickelson, or Landen Lucas, rotating backup, when the opponent has a 6-9 or taller post man?
I have a feeling that we are going to see a lot of Hunter and Jam Tray, at least for the first couple of months. While I’m sure Cliff is a beast I don’t know if he will start or even play major minutes in the first half of the season. I hope I’m wrong, but I think he is going to get into foul trouble just like Tarik did at the beginning of last season. Refs are going to be watching a big physical player like Cliff and it’ll probably take time for him to adjust. Hunter has a good amount of experience as does Jam Tray. They are two different kinds of players, but most likely be the first bigs of the bench. To be honest Jam Tray has such a high motor I wouldn’t be surprised if Self starts him early in the season to set the tone and also to make Cliff work for that starting spot.
There is a lot of talk of this team not having a rim protector, but Hunter could be that guy. He looks to be every bit of 6’10’’ and that’s without KU’s measuring adjustments. Early in his career he put up a lot of blocks and from what i have seen his timing seems pretty good. He has lost weight since he has come here and i would speculate in better shape than he ever has been in his life. So don’t be surprised when you have flashbacks of Cole or Whithey when Hunter starts swatting, because he really could turn into that rim protector this team needs.
Landen Lucas, Landen Lucas, Landen Lucas, Ohhhh Lando. I really wish i knew how he will fit in to the picture. The guy has been with us for years and has put in a lot of hard work, but I just don’t know if he is going to make that leap this year or maybe ever. I think he would be playing for almost any Big 12 school, but this is Kansas. It never helps to start a season with an injury and that means missed practices and a drop in the pecking order. We already have a plethora of guards fighting for playing time and lets be honest Bill Self will not have an 11 man rotation, even 10 seems high. Once again I hope I am wrong because Landen seems like a very capable player and i hope to see him on the floor.
One thing is for sure. Its great to be a Jayhawk. At least we have options when it comes to bigs, just gotta love it. ROCK CHALK!
RE: Bill Stirs the PG pot....
Hey jaybate i have a question for you. I always enjoy your in depth breakdowns, but have you always been able to pick apart the game like you do, or is it something that you have developed over the years.
RE: Kansas targets 7'6" PG recruit OK Oakville!
Come on Oakville, even a random poster like myself wants you back. KU Buckets just isn’t complete without your oddities, I need more funny talking points, so I can steal them, claim them as my own and sound way more interesting than I am at the water cooler
RE: Jan 13: Post-game Roundup -- KU vs Iowa State
Embiid gets me jumping up and down in my living room like a little school girl, im going to have to thank him for weekly exercise.
RE: KU Sports - Oct 31: Andrew Squared
I have always been a fan of Andrew White. Last year he made very mature comments on waiting his turn and having to earn playtime at Kansas. He has a great family and a solid head on his shoulders. Bill Self is one heck of a recruiter, i swear he takes individuals character into account when he is looking for players for his squad.
Pushups after the game! Midnight workouts! No wonder his guns have doubled in size since last season. Watchout Big 12 we’ve got some bench players that are going to bring it!
RE: Bill Self says Travis Ford's comments about Andrew Wiggins were not a big deal.
Is that drgnslayer! Wow good to see everyone is joining. Maybe you can holler at your boy Jaybate!
RE: Jaybate, come home!
Im sooo glad this site was set up, I felt like I had lost all my friends for a week. Being here jusr feels right.