this is new/Bragg
Being the trouble maker I was when I was boy/wanna be man. I found myself on the wrong side of the law a time or two. I would assume a diversion charge in Braggs case would require some drug and alcohol/drug classes and some number of hours in community service. Yet this a new day. It maybe as simple of paying a fine and checking in with a counselor monthly for a set time period. Like I said times have changed.
As for playing time. Coach is the captain of the ship. He’ll play when Coach says he can play. Coach loves to win but not at the cost of teaching, or defaming his program. It’s a hard call. Though Bragg’s two brushes with law are really nothing in the grand scheme of society. It’s the fact he’s had two brushes with the law. Coach and his mentors have to at least entertain the thought a pattern maybe developing.
I hope he has to sit through those boring classes. He needs to be confronted with himself. I don’t have a problem about pot. But he is on a team and he put his team at risk. Very immature.
Without knowing anything more about this, I don’t think I am prejudging him by stating he is immature and needs to grow up.
One big lesson in maturing; there are CONSEQUENCES connected to actions. Do something good and something good will be the result, do something bad and… Immature youth doesn’t make the connection. Clearly, Carlton hasn’t made the connection either. Something like stale classes might ignite a light bulb.
@KUSTEVE Yeah it’s quite clear that some one at the
️ has a
boner for the Hawks. Imagine that? But Newell & Bedor are also picking up
paychecks from a misery address too. Like it or not they’re in the mix also. Like @brooksmd just suggested journalism is very trashy anymore. Is so unethical many who have degrees find PR type work in the private sectors far removed from reporting & written news. Career politics is a common landing spot for some, if that may tell us something about the field. JMO but someone in this process was trying to drop
a bomb
on KU & so far has been pretty successful in stirring up
& a
nest… The thing about all this that’s unsettling is that in order to print this accusatory type
you have to have fairly accurate information or you butt can get in a sling real quick. Anyone can find out alot about almost anyone if they try-even I have found personals info on some of these characters- but you best be ready to back it up or your teats in the ringer quick as a jackrabbit on a date.
Like the old saying where there is smoke there might be a fire. In Braggs case it might be just small embers just smoldering. Yet embers can grow into a raging fire. Might be time for KU and Coach to nip this in bud. (no pun intended) LOL
There has always been staff members at the star that are not Kansas fans.
There have always been antlers employed by the star.
Maybe now that Mizzou is in the SEC all those wannabee journalists will look for jobs down in Mobile or Biloxi!
hahahhheheheee… sorry… I can’t hold in the laughter on that one!
You can beat your sweet rear he’s paying for this!
Well I know he was innocent with the case of the girl. Yet he was out after midnight. That whole situation could’ve been avoided by being in bed or watching some tv on the couch at home. That’s all I’m saying. Most kids don’t go looking for trouble. Trouble finds them. It’s kind of like being in the wrong place at the wrong time. These kids/young men represent KU basketball. the need to avoid the wrong places and know what time it is.
I’ll be the first to sign the petition to let Bragg play. Yet I’m just a KU fan and my interest is in KU winning. I’m not Coach or a mentor trying to teach these young men not only how to play the game but to be men.
@Hawk8086 yes
@drgnslayr Shoot, go back on YouTube and watch Johnny Carson videos and the whole dais would be smoking. Here’s one of my favorites. What a great group of funny people who don’t use cuss words to be funny.
Priceless! Thank you!
@brooksmd I have heard that the poker games Carson used to host in Hollywood for the comedians did not have such pure language!
@KUSTEVE I feel the same exact way on this man. Stop attaching the two stories and stop bringing up crap that is from 2015. zero reason for that Vick story to have come to light right now, it’s not even an ongoing case.
@globaljaybird newells name and some girl were on the original story. Another KU site not happy w/him!
@KUSTEVE Yep, hope this saga soon ends favorably
Self said in post game he was still suspended
Is any one else wondering why the paraphernalia was not found until 4 days after the date of the original incident?
I am going to go out on a limb and guess that whoever they arrested for the alleged rape told the police/DA…if you cut me a deal I can give you a KU player that has drugs in his room…
@JayHawkFanToo I don’t think that would cut a deal w/rape. I heard a rumor the old gf turned him in. Also heard they saw it and came back later.
Vahe wrote this story after the game and continues the narrative of lumping the Vick/Bragg stories in with the rape. He also says that that university relies on preponderance of evidence (also what civil courts use) versus beyond a reasonable doubt which means the story might likely be true but could also not be. Two sentences later he goes on to say If it is true he fails to understand why Vick is still with the team. Instead of writing up stories and dragging this kid through the mud why not just keep your f’ing mouth shut until all the facts are on the table. He’s a paid writer FFS, do your damn homework.
Several articles about KU and all follow the same narrative of assuming guilt, lumping all the events as one gigantic event and implying a conspiracy to cover the facts. No doubt it is following an agenda to discredit KU instead of reporting on dumpster fire which is MU not only with its sports program in a free fall but the university itself circling the drain.
@JayHawkFanToo I completely agree. Not sure why guys like Bedore and Newell keep reporting them together unless it’s coming from someone over their heads. MU is a total dumpster fire right now. We have more SEC wins than they do this year and their football program just lost a couple incoming recruits.
@HawkInMizery That article was perfectly balanced. He reported specifically about the dropped charges against Bragg as why no one should assume guilt, cautioned against equating the university investigation with a criminal case, and simply discussed the context of why this period has been hard. I was impressed by the balance shown, as I usually am by the Star. Vahe also printed Self’s entire statement, and gave a great description of how he said it, far more than ESPN has when they just quote a phrase out of context, like the “distraction” thing before UK.
A lot of people on the Board were angry about the allegations about Vick and were willing to engage in huge hyperbole about KU’s program being out of control. People were bringing up every incident since Self got here. It is only reasonable to expect the major local paper to have an interest about several things happening at once when a major crime is still unresolved. And he is right that unanswered questions leave room for suspicion and the fact that this is unfortunate. In a University privacy case, all our guys’ hands are tied.
@mayjay My point is that they shouldn’t even be mentioned together if one has nothing to do with the other. The drugs had nothing to do with the rape and the paraphernalia wasn’t even collected that same night. The Vick story is a separate incident as well and shouldn’t be tied with the Bragg case either. That happened over a year ago and what purpose does it serve to bring it up right now or mentioning it with completely unrelated cases? That’s mainly my point on it. Separate the cases, if people have questions about the other cases they can not be lazy and read the stories on those separately.
@HawkInMizery I understand your frustration, but the real world (vs our fan world) doesn’t build divides when someone is in the news. The article was an opinion/reaction piece about the whole situation, and everyone is always going to lump them together, like it or not.
Don’t we always do this, too? For example, the Baylor football team’s assaults when we discuss Baylor. Why is this relevant to the bb program? The fact is, the Star article gave explanations in context. Vahe is not responsible for the initial reporting. To ignore the context surrounding KU’s program would have lit up all your neighbors torches as they flamed the Star for being KU apologists. Journalists get attacked if they do, and if they don’t.
Pull back, reread it from a nonfan’s perspective or at least from a concerned fan’s perspective who wonders if something bad is happening (who hasn’t been reading every paper and article on the Net), and see if I am right that the article dispels some concerns while still being cautious.
@mayjay I see what you’re saying regarding that piece. I think it’s distasteful to bring up the Baylor football stuff with the basketball team as well, as one has nothing to do with the other. I’m clearly not the only person bothered by the lumping together of the stories, but looking through it from your lenses I see it in a different light. That being said i’m still not happy about it ha.
@HawkInMizery I forgot to mention that the one person who could probably elucidate on all the missing info is Vick provided he does not have a confidentiality agreement (as might the girl and her father) as part of the University process. If I were Vick’s attorney, though, I would tackle him and gag him with Gorilla Tape if he even walked near a microphone until the Statute of Limitations expires…
@mayjay hahahah that last line made me chuckle out loud. I totally agree, there’s no reason for him to speak right now especially considering it’s not a criminal case.
@mayjay the Topeka cap journal is the only paper that actually printed a time line and said the pipes were picked up 4 days later. Also gave the time of 10pm that the police were called… I don’t think Vick can legally say anything.
Question KU peeps.
If this thing with Vick was solidly proven, wouldnt Self have kept him out of the game last night too?? Surely he would have.
What IS the statute of limitations? its been nearly 2 years. To have this brought up so late kinda stinks to me. I mean, its almost like there is a 3rd party involved who has another motive besides "justice’ in this case. Could $$$ be a factor? Revenge? What else>?
the game last night was a great game. It seems like our guys are just as focused on the court as ever. Im sure Coach has to continually play damage control with regard to said focus. But, its working. 2-1 in the last 3 games is exactly what I wanted to see.
ROck Chalk my friends
@Lulufulu stop!
@Crimsonorblue22 huh? Im just questioning whats going on. Im not condoning Vicks actions 2 years ago.
@Lulufulu IF it happened it has nothing to do w/athletics! It’s a private school matter. Nobody should be privy to that info. If he beat and kicked a girl do you really think Self would let it go? Think about the dumbass soofi girl, did Self sit Bragg? And come to find out he was not guilty. No police reports on Vick. Let it go, don’t believe everything you read and trust Self. If I’m wrong you can cuss me out!
@Crimsonorblue22 Youre so right. So so right. Consider it water then. Coach Self absolutely would NOT let it slide at all.
One thing I have had reinforced this year is that Coach Self has SO MUCH MORE integrity and honesty than Coach K. Its not even close.
I will guess that Vick and his GF had a fight that escalated and became physical and called Campus Police was called. Had there been visible injuries, the City of Lawrence would have been called since this type of crime is now taken very seriously (remember Bragg?). The dispute went to a University Board that used a low level of proof (preponderance of the evidence) and I will guess both parties were given a reprimand and some additional probation might have been recommended or counseling. I am certain that under the circumstances, the DA would have declined to charge/prosecute since at the higher level of proof (beyond a reasonable doubt) it would have been very difficult to get a conviction on a he said/she said case.
I am thinking that Coach Self knows what happened but because of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) he cannot say it and it is obvious that he appears be frustrated by it. If the incident was a serious as the leaks portray it to be, I don’t see any circumstances under which Coach Self would have kept Vick on the team.
@JayHawkFanToo could be? I trust Self, look how po’d he is at Bragg.
I say let the kids play and finish the year. Then make them do community service during the Summer. Assess the level of the behavior, and apply the punishment the following season by missing pre-con, or the first few games of conference schedule. But don’t punish them in the current season. You not only punish them, but the entire team. It’s not fair to the team.
Put Bragg on a tour of Kansas schools to tell his story and how terrible it was to mix drugs, school, and sports. Then have Vick go to anger management class and do some comm service by speaking to a number of domestic violence groups to discourage men from hitting women.
Check this out at the 5-minute mark.
Clearly, Bill is frustrated. His hands are tied and sports media adversaries and others attack him like he is keeping info hidden.
This is where my comments came from. It is obvious that his hands are tied and he is very frustrated that he cannot defend his player. When he reads a prepared statement you know the attorneys don’t want hm, to stray one hair to where he can get into potential and personal liability. No question he looks very frustrated.
@truehawk93 said:
I say let the kids play and finish the year. …
Put Bragg on a tour of Kansas schools to tell his story and how terrible it was to mix drugs, school, and sports.
So if he gets to play and isnt really punished how exactly does he tell kids its “terrible”?
@BigBad What player/s are really punished at any program? I think KU should handle this according to what they believe to be fair. These kids have a lot of pressure to play at a high profile program.
I would never assume to prescribe a soft punishment. My point is, I hope the punishment fits the behavior. There can be a lot of different levels of punishment. Also, when a program like Dook gives a player a “pass” by allowing him to play, what’s that say? He even made the same poor choice 2-3 times on national t.v.KU sets a standard that other programs play below? But whatever happens, it won’t be fair to the team at all.
I know a lot of people that make some dumb choices in life at a young age, and they got second chances. They even went to court after some pretty stupid behavior that could’ve taken a life. In fact, I know a personal matter where a young ball player was caught and taken before a judge, only to be bailed out by a high ranking law enforcement officer. He gave a young kid that made a pretty dumb decision and gave him a chance to prove himself. That young player grew up, and went on to live a very highly productive and rewarding life.