KU vs Germany National Team - Chat Here
This is the World University Games gold-medal game for the Jayhawks in South Korea
Kansas vs Germany
World University Games (WUG) Competition
Dongkang Gymnasium, Gwangju, South Korea
Monday. July 13 | 7 am Central (9 pm, Monday in South Korea)
Video: ESPNU
The WUG Team Pools
Pool A: Korea, Estonia, Germany, China, Angola, Mozambique
Pool B: Russia, Canada, Mexico, Mongolia, Sweden, Montenegro
Pool C: Australia, Lithuania, Finland, Japan, France, Chinese Taipei
USA (Kansas), Turkey, Brazil, Chile, Serbia and Switzerland
@bskeet to nervous to sleep
Fired Up and Ready to Go!
Have my pom poms, hat, necklace, ear rings, bracelet, shirt and hat on. Got to work at 5:00 and going to work till 7:00 and then clock back out to watch the entire game.
have to handle the zone defense and a good rebounding team (avg close to 50 a game I think).
Selden needs to bring the big boy pants for one more game!
USA Women up 31-23 over Canada. 20 minutes to GOOOOOOOOOOOOOLD!
@bskeet Rock Chalk KUSA! I gotta go to work. Wont be able to keep track on here. But, I got a good feeling! Im wearing my KU colors to work today.
Mike Yoder @mikeyoderljw · 11m11 minutes ago Jung-gu, Seoul
US women bball win gold in Gwangju, South Korea, July 13.
USA men v. Germany in 1 1/2 hr. #kubball, #lfk, #jayhawks
at work and can’t watch live, the first game I can’t watch and most important!!!
Finally, Shaq is off my TV.
Let’s go!
Time for payback for when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor!!!
@VailHawk Huh?
Mickelson 0-1
Playing in a real arena.
Nick giving up the bod.
Everybody off a little cept PE
Great start
perry has all 7 points
beautiful feed by moore…
Fortunately, Moore makes up for not being able to hit a wide open shot.
Don’t let up
Build on it while they’re cold. Go Boys.
12-2 K/USA wooo
Forceful Wayne
4 minutes left …they have 2 points …
Selden just flush it next time.
Vick is my new fav
Mason gave it up on the break… didn’t see that very often the past couple years!
Selden likes the smaller arenas
@DanR True
Got to make the bunnies
LL and Bragg both came in in front of jam tray
Good D guys.
I am finally watching a game, just turned it on, and Selden is just looking like the Selden of the last two years. I think ya’ll were lying about how he has been playing!
Nice to have a second point guard that can hit from 3!
Great soccer reaction. Act like you’ve been shot and once it’s whistled walk away like you’re 100%
Summer Selden struck midnight!
Come on Mari. Make these
Perry a lack of game situation showed there
ugh. Hope that mistake doesn’t cost us… The guards realized we didn’t need to shoot as they passed up two open looks.
Good morning sunshine!!!
Gold medal game, 1st qtr butterflies gone, now get serious.
Put Mickelson back in!!!
They actually call travels in these games? I thought international ball was different!
Perry geez
@wissoxfan83 Sooooo many travels! 20-13 good guys