KU vs TCU chat
Good throws
Can we breathe yet?
Nice to know all those guys want to shoot the throws! Taking it from each other
Wooo hoooo
Mason hits his head a lot
Rock chalk…
80+ points in an ugly game. What’s not to love about Kansas.
If I took a layup out there, it would have looked exactly like that.
I think that Ewing that came in is Patrick’s son.
if he did the things he was supposed to, he wouldn’t be but because his consistency to play dumb keeps happening whats the point
@wissoxfan83 Ewing for tcu
Ugly win, pretty win…a win is a win is a win…did I say is a win?
@BeddieKU23 u talking Cliff?
No Crimson, I mean our manager who came in, wasn’t his name Ewing?
Have a great evening all
Oh, his name is Huey, thought they were saying Ewing.
@Crimsonorblue22 I hope Frank doesn’t have a mild concussion.
Enjoyed the game with all of you! Rock Chalk!
@wissoxfan83 not even close! Ha ha
Thanks everyone. Winning feels great! Let’s get ready for Monday Night!
Jeff Hawkins on post game!
Perry 9-10 from the field for 23 points. I am curious about the spin to follow.
@JayHawkFanToo would you rather have Shepard 4 years or Embiid one?
@JayHawkFanToo love it
TCU player super respectful!
@JayHawkFanToo trying to keep u out of trouble
Can’t watch post game interviews. I still hate Zenger.
As you know, that is a tall order…
Perry just had a great game!
Just saw on the screen…as per RPI SOS, MU is #4, probably because every team they play is so much better than they are. ROTFLMAO
Really like coach Johnson!
@BeddieKU23 u watching post game?
no what is being said?
Just got home and have it on DVR… Do I watch?
only if you want to be really mad in stretches, ellis & graham great games. The rest well yeah
@JayhawkRock78 watch it! Some pretty cool plays that will make u smile!
@BeddieKU23 TCU player super nice, Johnson respectful and funny! Perry, Dg and Mari. Perry said that might be his #1 dunk!! Dg and Mari talking about Huey kid deserving to get in, even has had stitches going 5 on 5. They were very happy for him. Talk to Mari about dribbling and quickness and him driving on their bigs. Self not in yet. Hawkins a good guy too!
Dg said he probably got lucky in his shooting, they were helping on others giving him open looks. Played him as driver not shooter. Coach j said they had to pick their poison, said Perry would be playing for good money some day. Self coming up
Dg got haircut- from self
Best anybody got in paint all year-Dg
Of course reporters bringing up Perry’s missed wv shot- moving on
Most easy baskets Perry’s got. Only 10 shots- I think
Talked about scarecrow playung
All 140 lbs of him
Worried how long Christian Garret’s senior speech will be
Coach thinks TCU’s worthy opponent