Pet Peeves Please
@wissox The driver of a car who waves you through an intersection when there is another car with the right of way who will hit you as you go…
In SC, by the way, a 4 way stop is not a traffic control system. It is the best intelligence test our state has.
Lol this thread is gold, I’m not over-exaggerating. The hyphen in that word was apple’s addition, they’re complicit .
Ads for adult shit during sporting events (they can have fighting events, spare us the rest).
Drugs that are named idiotic things like Skyrizi and the barrage of unfunny, uninteresting, horribly jingled ads we get for them.
I started watching Jeopardy with Alex channel with the kids and I was amazed at the quality of ads: they were catchy, they were funny, and they were diverse.
AI in general is my biggest pet peeve. I want humans, in all their imperfect glory. i want a healthy dose of face-to-faces packed into a typical day. As much as I can, I want to be a charming, attentive conversationalist and feel you reciprocate. I want to see reflections of myself in people I dont know. I want to let them know that they are not alone.
@approxinfinity said in Pet Peeves Please:
I want to let them know that they are not alone.
That’s funny, since my wife says the world is safer because I am unique…
My number one pet peeve :
Being ranked #2 in the country and getting the living ship stomped out of us by a flippin nothing team.
@nuleafjhawk said in Pet Peeves Please:
My number one pet peeve :
Being ranked #2 in the country and getting the living ship stomped out of us by a flippin nothing team.
lmao well were making them look like something today- --that’s something to be really proud of
You were wrong!
@Crimsonorblue22 who?
Glass half full - this team keeps me humble.
@nuleafjhawk I was at the Mizzou game when we were down 19. Also the WV comeback game when people were leaving. Gotta have faith! Most of the time. 🫶
I’ll add to this after my trip to Walmart after our game. People lazily going in the exit and stopping the door traffic by not walking an extra 4 feet. Add in people not returning carts. If it’s a blizzard I get it but it was 50 and sunny in central Kansas today.
There is an intersection near my house where the right turn lane has its own lane on the subsequent major street. However, Target is across said major street. So instead of continuing to roll down dedicated lane and merging, people come to a dead stop waiting to cross 4 lanes of traffic to get to Target. Clueless and inconsiderate. If they wanted that, they could have just gone straight. I honk and wave vigorously every time.
Tired of a lot of things today.
Remote work during the holidays where you just crank far past burnout with no contextual clues that tis the season, and no spirit of comradre save that you are all grinding yourselves down in your isolated domiciles.
Neighbors that incessantly blow leaves because they have nothing better to do with their time.
@approxinfinity lol!
@approxinfinity The leaf blowing thing tells me you must not live in Kansas. Or at least my part of Kansas. Flippin 40+ mph winds are the only leaf blowers here today.
Someone who tells a grieving mother their child is in a better place. Gee thanks. Someone who tells a groom “keep her barefoot and pregnant.” I wish you would have told me sooner so I could’ve put that in the wedding vows. The governor of Arkansas. OMFG. People who list a pet peeve and include a snappy comeback.
@Zabudda If you’re the grieving mother, my heart goes out to you. It’s so hard to speak to someone under those circumstances. You want to express love and concern, but probably nothing you say is going to help.
@Zabudda I hate the “everything happens for a reason” logic as well.
That’s true.
Parents that tell you they can’t leave their house for more than a day trip because of their “ailing” cat, who has been “ailing” for over 2 years.
People not wearing masks in crowded spaces despite flu and covid going crazy while I have a chemo patient and an immunocompromised 2 week old in my house. Guess we will just stay in the house for the next 6 months. Oh wait, there’s that work thing…
@benshawks08 I’m not normally a big stickler on the mask thing. Wear em. Don’t wear em. I don’t care. But for the circumstances you’re describing - wear em.
Having said that, there have been several people at my workplace who have had covid and don’t wear the masks for the required 5 days when they come back to work.
I’d like to punch them, but I don’t want to get close enough to do it.
@nuleafjhawk im really petty lucky because most folks I’m around, if i ask them to put on a mask they will. And obviously we are always wearing ours. But like if you are traveling through an airport or walking into buccees on a road trip, why not put one on to protect yourself, the people around you, and the loved ones you are about to see? Merry Christmas, as your gift I give you an illness that might impact you for the rest of your life. Hope you don’t have to work until mid January.
Another peeve:
Ordering Christmas presents on 12/11 and being told they would deliver on 12/13, only to find out they’re going to be here on 12/27. Merry Christmas Amazon
Glasses breaking right before traveling. I usually wear contacts but prefer glasses on planes because of the dry air. So this will be fun
@nuleafjhawk I suppose it was mine!
@FarmerJayhawk tape them!
@FarmerJayhawk I know a good eye Dr in lawrence
@nuleafjhawk said in Pet Peeves Please:
Another peeve:
Ordering Christmas presents on 12/11 and being told they would deliver on 12/13, only to find out they’re going to be here on 12/27. Merry Christmas Amazon
I had a Christmas present my wife ordered in October (of 2019!!!) show up a couple weeks ago.
I’m shocked it arrived in time for Christmas! Only 4 years late. 🥱
@dylans thats insane. Do you still want it?
@approxinfinity Yeah, it was a seat cover for my ‘65 Ford F250 in the original green fabric and style looks great, but took a bit longer than advertised.
On broken glasses: Points for hitting another of my pet peeves: We have vision insurance but it does not cover Lenscrafters, and there isn’t a full service one anywhere near us anyway. I used to be able to replace my glasses (bifocals) in 90 mins when we were in the DC area. Now, 1-2 weeks and not as good.
@Crimsonorblue22 ha! Super glue also works well (as long as you don’t need to bend anything)
@mayjay I’ve had good luck with Zenni. $50 for a couple pairs and decent quality
@FarmerJayhawk I’m sorry about that, but at least you still have your contacts if you need them…
Hope you have a great trip and holidays!
@dylans that’s the craziest “late” story I’ve ever heard.
Prior to this, it was my dad. He received a birthday card from a granddaughter exactly one year late.
Yay Post Office.
@nuleafjhawk A little bit like Marty McFly getting mail from the past!
@nuleafjhawk thanks! Likewise!
Looking like a white Christmas in the Black Hills so that’ll be fun
My wife ordered me a KU collage type deal in October one year and never showed. We canceled it and got our money but it showed up in July two years later lol
Speaking of things arriving late, I had a serious girlfriend at KU who was always late. Big pet peeve of mine and not wanting to subject myself to waiting for her my whole life I dumped her. I married a very punctual woman and we’ve never been late for anything in 33 years!
@wissox That took a twist. I had the wrong “late” in mind. Lol
@dylans zackly what I was thinking! Guess we need to get our minds out of the gutter.
@dylans would’ve been an immaculate conception because I waited!
@wissox well you had to wait a lot for her because she was always late! Wait, what are we talking about?
@approxinfinity I’d pull up to the dorm, 15 minutes later she’d walk out, that late…every time!
@wissox she’s shrewd! Testing you! Sounds like you passed!
Have a travel related one. People standing up and getting in the aisle right when the plane gets to the gate. Like, chill folks. Let everyone get their bags and not have to walk through 4 people in the aisle.
Forget everything else I’ve written.
'Nuff said.
@mayjay HOA’s exist solely because employment opportunities with the Nazi party are no longer a thing
@FarmerJayhawk said in Pet Peeves Please:
@mayjay HOA’s exist solely because employment opportunities with the Nazi party are no longer a thing
Here I thought that the resurgence of Nazis was the logical outgrowth of Americans creating authoritarian and autocratic enclaves, and submitting to losing their rights in exchange for some perceived economic protection…