ROYALS vs Mets Game 5 for the CROWN
@globaljaybird GN ya old fart. Been super fun.
What the hell…it’s still early out here on the Left Coast. Think I’ll go get that champagne after all!
Thanks to all the Bucketeers for a great Series…love y’all! ROCK CHALK ROYALS !
See everybody over on the hoops threads !
@nwhawkfan celebrate!!
@brooksmd & @Crimsonorblue22 Ya’all take care & we’ll do this all over again Wednesday night…ROCK CHALK WORLD SERIES CHAMPION KANSAS CITY ROYALS !!! damn that sounds sweet…think I’ll saying that often in the very near future…
@globaljaybird you guys r my best buddies
@Crimsonorblue22 Thank you for the compliment.
Let’s not forget EV and his great effort the first 6 innings. Gutsy guy. Him, Moose and Young I’m sure very emotional over the fact that they lost important people in their lives this year that they can’t share this with. God Bless Them.
@brooksmd they will need time to grieve!
@brooksmd @globaljaybird @Crimsonorblue22 Thanks again for your wit and fine commentary this year! Cheers to all the other Royal Jayhawks, as well! Good night, all.
@jsillyghawk Thanks for joining us. We’ll be here Wed nite.
Mass street
Ahhhh we have to wait three days?!?!
Well got dishes and kitchen to clean up. But before I go, like @globaljaybird I gotta do this one more time.
Love this photo (tying run in the 9th)! Look at those Mets fans.
Congrats ROYALS! (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap)
@RockChalkinTexas great pic!!
Couple of stats courtesy of ESPN.
WS innings led: Mets 24, Royals 13
Runs scored from 7th inning on: Mets 1, Royals 15
@brooksmd can u believe they tore down goal posts?
Christian Colon stat: He has 2 post season ab’s in his career. A 12th inning hit to drive in a game tying run and a 12th inning hit to drive in game winning run.
@brooksmd Just watched from 9 th inning to finish again & it’s even better the 2nd time… WOW What a trip this has been for the past 2 seasons. Happy & proud I was able to share it with a couple of the best die-hard fans I’ve ever known, you & @Crimsonorblue22 … THANKS!!!
@brooksmd awesome group! I hope we can keep them together, your thoughts? U need to get a WS shirt!
I’m still watching fox sports kc, just repeating… No work today!
@globaljaybird Wish I had dvr’d the game to do the same thing. Been looking at clips on MLB this morning. Maybe check youtube later to see what’s there.
@Crimsonorblue22 Who tore down gp"s? KU students at Memorial? Yeah would be great to keep them together. During WS trophy presentation to owner I was wondering if he’s willing to spend what they need to keep Gordo and Zo or is he gonna be a Marlins owner who trashed the team after winning WS. I guess we’ll see. And btw, contrary to my comment on another post about Salvy’s contract, give him what he wants to stay. If he wants more money, fine. Longer contract, how many years? Wants to be mayor of KC, that too.
@brooksmd Without Cueto, Holland or Vargas it’ll be vital for Moore to capture another starter for this rotation, maybe even two. But feed me crow & I’ll gladly eat it cause even tho I was against bringing in Zobrist, I seriously doubt if we’d have made it to the top without him. And you just HAVE TO BRING BACK GORDON…He epitomizes the ethics of an athlete & person and is still an integral part of this machine. When he went out with the groin injury we all feared the worst & hoped for the best, but with Dyson & Orlando performing at their level of play, we never missed a beat. Then Zobrist entered the stage & hit a friggin TON- from BOTH sides of the box…Ya just gotta find a way to keep them both here. Have even heard rumors there is a Go Fund Me page in the works to keep Zobrist a Royal.
2016 Royals Opening Home Series
April 4 New York Mets
April 6 New York Mets
@Crimsonorblue22 How do you miss a mob of students headed to the stadium? Guess the campus police were asleep.
@VailHawk Old guys like @brooksmd & cut our teeth on Jayhawk basketball & sandlot baseball. We needed a pretty good surface & a tough leather ball for a decent basketball game, but a stick & a waded up piece of trash & you had a baseball game almost anywhere. Can’t speak for him, but it was my first love as a sport when a kid. I tried to make it that way for my sons too…Took em to countless Royals games when they were in diapers, pitching machines & catchers mitts for birthdays, and many springs & summers coaching & playing a young boys game. This is a special piece of history we’ll share forever. And as I’ve always told them; “The good things in life don’t mean nearly as much without some one to share them with.” So tonight we’ll all have dinner together to extend our love for each other & that crazy little kids game.
@brooksmd Man that’s pouring salt in a wound if there ever has been !
@Crimsonorblue22 I can believe they tore them down. They only tore down the ones in the end zone our football team goes towards right? Why would our pitiful team need goalposts?
(for you sticklers out there, yes I know the team goes the opposite direction in the 2nd half!)
@brooksmd Tomorrows World Series Parade is expecting to be attended their closet family members-almost a quarter million of them !!!
@wissoxfan83 sorry, but I can’t bad mouth those fb players! Stupid to vandalize anything!
@Crimsonorblue22 That took some major league cajoles to pull that one off!
@globaljaybird ya know, big stick!
@globaljaybird Excellent, they’re gonna stream it live. Sounds like more chat fodder before Wed nite KU bb.
@brooksmd what will we do?
@globaljaybird It looks like it would’ve taken a perfect throw, low to the catchers left, to get Hos. But the Royals were in a can’t lose position anyway. Makes it, ties the game. Thrown out, just play again Tuesday back it the K.
Well what happened in KC last nite? Everybody just party and have a good time or did some take the op to tear stuff up?
@globaljaybird @VailHawk Think I’ve mentioned before, me and my buddy Pat Long spent summer vacations tearing up wiffle balls and stealing, I mean borrowing, mop and broom handles. He was always the Yanks and I was the lowly Cubs. Didn’t follow the KC A’s that much as they seemed like either a farm team or an old folks home for the Yankees. Not to mention my dad was in the Navy at Great Lakes NTC just north of Chicago and that’s where I first discovered and played baseball. But about 1 in the afternoon I would plop down in front of the tv, turn on WGN and watch the Cubs and listen to Jack Brickhouse. And my first trip to a ballpark was Milwaukee County Stadium to watch the Dodgers (Koufax) and Braves (Spahn). Just looked up Spahn’s stats; 13 years with 20 or more wins and 12 years with 20 or more complete games. At 42 yrs old he went 23-7 with 22 complete games. Back when real men played ball.
@globaljaybird I can’t believe they won!! Thats amazing for the team, the organization, the city and the fans. Way to go Royals!
The game went on too long for me, I had to wake up early and I live in the eastern time zone, so I woke up to very good news this am.
Rock Chalk Royals!
@Crimsonorblue22 Gotta take your word for that girl…
@JRyman Glad to see the folks enjoyed the celebration and didn’t use it as an op to burn, jump on and turn over cars or loot stores. Down here in Nawlins when the Saints won the SB it was just one big party like they know how to do down here. Never could see the reason for destroying things to celebrate. ROCK CHALK ROYALS!
@globaljaybird You got a 15 ft level?
@brooksmd No Used a transit when needing larger than 4 ft like block or flatwork
@globaljaybird 12 ft curtain rod