All of a Sudden
Somehow being 2-6 doesn’t seem like a big damn deal. This country is screwed. Good job, America.
By incessantly talking only about abortion and not the economy pushed a lot of voters away from her and towards Trump. I hate the election result but would have only felt a little better if she had won.
Yeah. Theres no reason to talk about abortion. We know where the democrats stand.
They either needed to crucify Trumps character or define a substantive vision regarding the economy.
They failed to address the multiple elephants in the room.
I’d be worried no matter who won. We all can just hope for the best. I 100% agree with @wissox and @approxinfinity they have beat the living crap out of two drums the last 20 years with elections. Abortion and the guy running against them is a white supremacist. The last 4 years have easily been the worst of my adult life by a wide margin. The republicans pretty much cleaned house because average Americans are sick and tired of zero progress. We want to be able to feed our families and not get into another war. Trump likely gives us the best chance to do that.
@wissox In my mind, Harris didn’t play into the equation at all. It’s about why does America want to elect a degenerate, perverted convicted criminal? What makes that right? How does that reflect on us?
Until this morning, I naively believed that there was more good than evil in this country. I was wrong.
@nuleafjhawk said in All of a Sudden:
@wissox In my mind, Harris didn’t play into the equation at all. It’s about why does America want to elect a degenerate, perverted convicted criminal? What makes that right? How does that reflect on us?
Until this morning, I naively believed that there was more good than evil in this country. I was wrong.
This is where I was the first time around. At least this time my whole world view isn’t being flipped upside down so there’s that for a silver lining. I had a strong feeling she wouldn’t win. When the strategy became, lets see how many republicans we can get to endorse us, instead of actually championing any kind of progressive policy, I figured it was over. Feel like there are a lot of folks who find it easier to say they don’t support Trump at this point but when it comes down to it still don’t want a democrat in office, or a woman for that matter.
@nuleafjhawk said in All of a Sudden:
@wissox In my mind, Harris didn’t play into the equation at all. It’s about why does America want to elect a degenerate, perverted convicted criminal? What makes that right? How does that reflect on us?
Until this morning, I naively believed that there was more good than evil in this country. I was wrong.
I think a lot of people especially independents like myself wanted some accountability out of the democrats. They have had more control over the government during my time as an adult (I’m 36) than the republicans but yet they some how bare zero responsibility for the things happening. You don’t have to look very far to come up plenty of dirt and perverted things on both sides. Bill Clinton settled outta could for sexual assaulting young women, I guess it wasn’t important to democrats in the 90s. Having people involved with diddys sex party’s speak at your conventions wasn’t real intelligent on the perverted front either.
They pushed so hard for the first black lady president and made it about her race and previous mentioned abortion. Instead saying she is the most qualified and will to the best job because of this etc. Would y’all vote for Candace Owens just because of how she looks? Imagine Andy Reid announcing he was going to bench Patrick Mahomes in favor of a cheerleader so the chiefs would become the first franchise to start one.
I’m still frustrated that democrats for kicking several folks outta the military including some I personally know for not taking the covid vaccine. While at the same time inviting thousands of unvaccinated illegals into the country. Everyone knows the democrats lost most the African American vote, they want these people in the country so they can some how get them to vote. I guess my body my choice only applies to abortion. Which is my main concern I don’t believe in abortion in the slightest but don’t think it should be outlawed all together or that men should have a key say in it. The people of Kansas already voted how they felt on the matter so hopefully it doesn’t change. The other side of coin on that if it’s in the best interest of the mother to abort and move on? How is that any different than a dad that says I’m not ready for this and takes off only to be summoned to court to pay child support.
I’m kinda rambling here but I see plenty of bullshit on both sides to act like the democrats are saints is just ridiculous me. Let’s keep an open mind and all support each other.
@kjayhawks I’m hopeful that your last sentence isn’t aimed at me. I am also an Independent. I could give a shit less about Republican or Democrat. I just sincerely believe that President Elect Ass-Face is evil. At the very least an awful, awful person. Nothing to do with politics.
@nuleafjhawk wasn’t aimed at anyone in general my friend. Just speaking my peace you all know I’m always willing to agree to disagree on serious topics.
Trump gets away with saying ridiculous horrible shit at rallies because people are starved for transparency in any form.
@approxinfinity He is without question one if not the most unprofessional person in the White House. I always liked how Obama carried himself, I strongly disagreed with most of his foreign policies but he handled himself well. Especially compared to Trump and the rambling idiot known as Biden.
And at the end of the day, people sympathize with an angry proud embattled flawed felonious rambling dude who isnt apologizing for anything more than a happy lady dealing out platitudes and joy.
“Unserious man with serious consequences if elected” and running away from substantive policy wasnt enough.
It all felt disingenous and presumptive.
Outside of the inherent evil taking over in January there is a much more damaging result set loose with Project 2025 courtesy of the Heritage foundation. Sad day at Black Rock.
As I said probably a year ago, a good candidate on either side wins 40 states. Harris is the same candidate that couldn’t make it to Iowa 5 years ago and Trump is Trump. Voters don’t really know what they want, I guess they want a lot of new government and fewer taxes but no inflation? That doesn’t work. They want less illegal immigration but also reduce the number of legal entrants? Boy that’s a mess. Just a ton of yuck all around. They want cheaper goods but keep our foreign imports (or make them more expensive)? Ooof. Nobody’s going to learn the lessons they need to and around and around we go.
@nuleafjhawk said in All of a Sudden:
@wissox In my mind, Harris didn’t play into the equation at all. It’s about why does America want to elect a degenerate, perverted convicted criminal? What makes that right? How does that reflect on us?
Until this morning, I naively believed that there was more good than evil in this country. I was wrong.
Not sure if it became clear in my response but I agree. I can’t fathom why someone would vote for a convict. As an evangelical I’m really chagrined that the same people who railed on Clinton 25 years ago for his philandering would rally behind Trump. There’s no Trump presidency without the Evangelicals which is mind boggling.
BTW, They’re not illegals. They’re people looking for relief from the most horrible of situations and a nation full of descendants of Europeans who did the same from the 1600’s to the 1900’s have the gall to tell other migrants to this land they’re not welcome. There, rant over!
I told myself I wouldnt bag on Kamala but its hard. She should have never been the candidate. Lots of people to blame for that.
How exceedingly rare are true heroes and villains?
The Dems got belt to ass this cycle. Changes are needed.
@wissox so… whats mind blowing is that hispanics went +9 biden in 2020 and +6 Trump in 2024. Democrats really f’d that one up.
Also, the point being its not just Europeans who came over in 1600-1900.
@approxinfinity said in All of a Sudden:
@wissox so… whats mind blowing is that hispanics went +9 biden in 2020 and +6 Trump in 2024. Democrats really f’d they one up.
I have a lot of thoughts about this election but the Hispanic shift is huge. I’m guessing Arabs swung MI. Will probably post more later but need to take my brother to the hospital to get a port put in for chemo.
@BShark good luck man.
@BShark Prayers for your brother. That kind of puts things in perspective.
If anyone is looking for one of the nicest thing they can do for someone in their lives going through traumatic/serious medical issues, may I suggest offering to call insurance/hospital/billing etc. on their behalf to argue one of the many things insurance will reject, or even approve but you still get a wrong bill anyway, etc. Sitting on hold for half an hour for someone to get a $8,000 bill just erased can be a pretty good way to show you care! Most places will talk to someone who is not the patient if you just get the patient to agree to let you speak on their behalf.
Food is always great to…
Good luck to you and your bro @BShark.
@benshawks08 he doesn’t have insurance but I am actually handling all that stuff in general for him as he is autistic. I got the ball rolling on leave of absence from his job, medicaid etc
And thanks everyone for reaching out
A minor election observation based on the demographic at our development-wide yard sale that was open to the surrounding community this past Saturday… I think if Trump carries out his mass deportation of up to 10 to 20 million illegal immigrants, our future yard sales will be toast.
As to the direction of the country, I am speechless.
@wissox nearly 50% of Hispanics voted for Trump according to the news. I think people forget there is a big difference between illegal immigration and legal immigration. No one is against immigration that was never an argument, it was invented by main stream media. I have a co-worker I hired a few years back from Mexico, his family migrated when he was 8 and I’m proud to say he gained citizenship of this country. He hates illegals more than anyone I know, he says it gives his family a bad name. He claims it’s not that difficult to do things the right way. I enjoy having him work for us and he does stuff the right way everyday. I’ll add it’s punishable by death in several countries to enter illegally especially in Africa and the Middle East. I don’t know what it’s like to travel that path but I’ll easily take the words someone I know and trust on the matter.
@BShark said in All of a Sudden:
@benshawks08 he doesn’t have insurance but I am actually handling all that stuff in general for him as he is autistic. I got the ball rolling on leave of absence from his job, medicaid etc
Good luck with all of that. Don’t forget to take care of yourself through all of this.
@mayjay Get your house re-roofed now.
@BShark you’re a good brother!
@benshawks08 sports helps lol
@Crimsonorblue22 I like to think I do what anyone else would in my situation but thanks
@BShark yikes I hate to hear that buddy @benshawks08 id love to do that if I had any money, great way to help. I got to middle class and then they taxed the hell out of us so it’s like lower class now lol
@kjayhawks said in All of a Sudden:
@BShark yikes I hate to hear that buddy @benshawks08 id love to do that if I had any money, great way to help. I got to middle class and then they taxed the hell out of us so it’s like lower class now lol
Oh, I wasn’t saying PAY the bills. The “fun” thing about our current healthcare system is that it all revolves around insurance companies making as much money as possible and paying as little as possible for any actual care. So, in my case, I’ve spent about 80 total hours on the phone in the last year either with a healthcare provider or the insurance company making sure the bills we’ve been sent are accurate and have actually had the insurance fully applied, initiating appeals when insurance denies coverage 2 months after the service had been provided, following up when bills that were under appeal went to collections even though the weren’t supposed to, resolving issues where insurance says they’ve paid but we still get a bill, or where the healthcare provider says they’ve sent it through insurance but haven’t, etc. A good hunk of that time is just waiting on hold and telling the same story over and over again until you get bumped up to someone who can actually do something about it.
But we literally got an $8000 bill that I said, uh, shouldn’t insurance pay for that, and the hospital said, yeah probably, we will re-send it to them, insurance said, no we won’t pay for that, I said why not it was necessary care, they said, oh yeah you’re right, we will pay for it, then we got the same bill again, and I did that all over again, then the bill went to collections so a fourth party entered the chat, until finally, last week, this bill from December of 2023 was finally resolved and as it turned out, we never actually were supposed to have had a bill in the first place. That was about 15 phone calls each lasting 30-90 minutes.
What I was trying to say was if you want to help someone going through serious medical stuff is to offer to take one or two of those phone calls for them. Sit on hold and retell the story over and over again until someone can actually fix it. No money necessary, just some time and patience that is often running short for those going through tough times.
@benshawks08 Having gone through this with a relative that had insurance vs one that didn’t, honestly not having insurance has been the better experience. Of course, I’ll have to negotiate the bills…
@BShark The individuals at all of those places are great and helpful. They all WANT to help people, but the systems are set up to make that as difficult as possible. I could see how cutting out part of that system might actually be easier if not maybe a little more expensive (when you factor in years of premiums I doubt it is).
Digging into the numbers more today, literally every demographic group except college educated women moved toward the GOP. And maybe most interestingly, the income curve inverted. Kamala carried voters that make over $100k, Trump everyone else below. That hasn’t happened maybe ever? And that’s with D’s far outspending R’s in almost every single swing state. Seems just an organic ass kicking.
I can see how people didn’t want to vote for Harris. Lots of valid arguments against her for sure. I will never understand how someone can look at anything Trump has said or done and in good conscience vote for him. Clearly too many people like me working for Harris. Because it did seem like the big play was, “you’re not gonna vote for that guy, right?”
Yeah, they had to make a positive, affirmative case and promptly face planted. It was very bad juju for her to do interviews and say, actually I agree with everything Biden has done over the last 4 years, wouldn’t change a thing given the right track/wrong track number was like 70% wrong track. It was basically more of the same but with different branding and boy that was a mistake
@approxinfinity Yeah, I heard that too. If Trump was really serious about deporting so many it’d be a huge middle finger at a population group that helped elect him.
The good thing IMO it’s less of a wild card for Trump to be in office than Harris. Most of the country prospered under Trumps first term.
@kjayhawks unless he gets his 20% national sales tax. That would be super super bad
@FarmerJayhawk said in All of a Sudden:
@kjayhawks unless he gets his 20% national sales tax. That would be super super bad
Now that would piss people off (rightfully)
@FarmerJayhawk I haven’t seen anything on that but yes as @BShark said there would be many upset
@kjayhawks it’s very very bad
Question for the people that did vote for Harris, do you think it hurt that they lied about Bidens health for so long and threw her in the mix so late without her winning the democratic primary? Everyone on TV seems to be losing their minds about how bad it he American people must be, do t think that a way to sway more voters.
@FarmerJayhawk the only thing I’ll say is all that was supposed to happen the first time and it didn’t. It’s really hard for me trust a lot of news sources these days on either side for that matter.
@kjayhawks his tariffs last time cost me thousands per year because we started tariffing Canadian steel for some reason. This would be so, so much worse. The worst part is Congress has given the President the authority to do almost whatever he wants with tariffs. He was on Rogan saying tariff is his favorite word and the Chinese won’t retaliate if we tariff their products (they did and farmers got a government bailout because the Chinese basically banned imported soybeans from the U.S.)
@FarmerJayhawk well I’m not going to act like I have a ton of knowledge on tariffs. I just know I wasn’t spending $300 week on groceries and all the increases on everything else.