Bill put the narrative about Juan being so good
Bill’s lost it and without remy he’s got 1 title and still trying to convince us Juan is the end all be all
Juan scoring this quarter but still net negative
Losses it there geez
I’ll see you all next year
Can’t stay in front of boogie
Get Shakeel out here as pg1 but Bill will never
@kuballin10 obviously we look pretty bad but maybe settle down a bit
the thread is true to form!
@dylans I think @kuballin10 ran everyone off
Eff you Boogie.
I actually think Juan has looked good offensively, his defense continues to concern me. The guy he is on can get to the paint whenever he feels like it.
Still playing hard.
@kjayhawks agree. Happy to see Dajuan acting like the man on offense. Juan was 39th ranked PG of his class. Boogie is 1st PG in his.
Def has had the explosive first step on Juan today.
Kj’s passes!
@approxinfinity for sure, I’m a little worried with how much athleticism we seem to be lacking compared to them. Hunts size would help a lot out there I think but they are so much quicker than we are.
What is everyone’s thoughts on the Quarters?
Goodnight and take an aspirin.
@Zabudda ya it could be a long weekend with the sunflower showdown tomorrow
I’ll say the same thing I did at the end of last season, if KJ is starting and playing big minutes at the 4 we ain’t winning a thing. Its a sad truth at this point
@kjayhawks the Sunflower Smackdown?
@nuleafjhawk I can decide if I will fool myself into thinking we have a chance or not. If the same team that showed up last week does again I think we do but this rivalry seems to bring out the worst of us.
I actually think KSU has a worse secondary than Houston, so if that holds and our run game shows up we could have a fun shootout. Our defense couldn’t slow down LA traffic. Hate to bag on our guys but the DEs have been not great
It’d be great for Devin to get a record or 2-3 tmrw!
Holy crap, watching on delay right now. The Sox new broadcaster John Schiffren did that game tonight for SEC network. He wasn’t that great at baseball but maybe decent tonight?
Watched the first half, really not too interested in watching the 2nd half. 1st half was really helter skelter, ugly, non pleasing, set the game back 50 years type of thing. I was really just like no one get hurt. KJ flying over spectators for a loose ball. Why KJ? Why? Bidunga Kowabunga!! DaJuan looked like dasame player. Saw some flashes. Didn’t see Storr do anything except miss some ugly 3’s.
But who cares? I don’t. Glad i got to see Freemans slam. That was the most exciting moment of the night.
I like Dejuan, but I can’t help but think what it would be like if we had the opportunity to recruit a guy like Boogie into the program. Damn. We’ve passed on some guards.
I sure hope he comes through again.
@FarmerJayhawk I wish they played at 11:00 or 3:00 or whatever. I have a full day planned and wouldn’t even try to watch. However, my evening is a blank slate. I may watch the World Series - that was a good game last night!
As you well know, I’ve been wrong before. A lot. But I don’t have a great feeling about KU’s chances tonight.
Not a good look but TCU completely shut down Arkansas yesterday and ended up beating them in an overtime exhibition game.