Generic soccer thread

  • Colombia looks like the best team not named argentina in the west atm

  • I want Jurgen Klinsmann to become the director of US Soccer. He doesn’t need to coach because he’s not great at that, but his vision for building US Soccer is desperately needed and would work long term.

  • I like that idea.

  • Colombia hammering CRC.

  • Colombia is pretty strong. how’s the game? violent yet? i’m growing weary of the aggressive play. maybe i’m getting old!

  • Oh i meant hammering like pretty.

    James is such a great passer and surrounded by oodles of talent this year

  • Brazil is showing good form against Paraguay. Colombia vs Brazil could be good final group game.

  • Catching up on Brazil now. Entertaining game.

    I thought that straight red to the Paraguay guy was uncalled for. Seemed like a 50-50 leg tussle.

  • WOW! What a goal in England Slovakia!!

  • Mexico’s fans sloshing beer all over the place and then getting the PK call reversed in the 97th minute… you just hate to see it, Colin Robinson!

  • Intense game btwn France and Belgium

  • Cheap ass goal sends France thru! But they are the better team and likely deserving.

  • And wow! Didn’t realize Arrowhead is ground zero for the massive US game tonight. Great. We need some Arrowhead magic for sure.

    Think we’ll win? I haven’t looked, but maybe we get lucky and Uruguay benches its top guys.

    We can win this game. Need to start and finish energized. Go USA!

  • I want a win or a loss, no tie. No excuse not to send GGG packing.

  • Maybe we would win if they suspended GGG and not the Uruguay coach…

  • oh that’s right, the Uru coach suspended because the team didn’t make it out on time for halftime? crazy.

    Musah and Gio in the lineup. I’m gonna fire up the bbq, then fire up the game!

    For you BBQ eggheads, i’m experimenting with grilled pesto chicken tonight. No clue if that will be instantly combustable or what! Hoping for some robust flavors.

  • US would be eliminated if current results hold with Panama and Bolivia.

  • Angel Hernandez has come out of retirement and is trying out soccer as his next gig in officiating. He is reffing tonights copa match between US and Uruguay.

  • Alright. Time to shitcan Greggg!

  • Both US and Mexico out in the group stage. Say whatever about Uruguay’s goal, the US never should’ve been in this position because they shouldn’t have lost to Panama. That Panama loss is up there with the loss to Trinidad and Tobago in 2018 WCQ. Berhalter isn’t the man for the job and needs to fired after this embarrassment of a performance.

  • Well that didn’t go well. I’m all for it. Down with GGG. I hope by the time i wake up tomorrow he’ll be out the door. I wonder if he’ll actually resign.

    Per the game…generally it was a nice effort vs a quality team. We had a few chances, but shit the bed in the box with a lack of composure, and skill.

    Can GGG take Chris Richards with him to Malta or whatever country he’ll coach next? He lacks skill from what i’ve seen lately.

    Speaking of skill, our midfield needs a revamp. I honestly like Adams and Weston, but they don’t contribute much on offense in a 4-3-3.

    I’d like a new coach to explore a different formation if we stick with those two defensive-minded guys in the mid. They have skill in other areas. Play em on top of each other some how.

    We couldn’t score, but otherwise a well played game. Kinda.

    Geez, now for the production values on TV! Wow. Soooooo bad. I was about to think i was going crazy watching ants march on the field from a mile away, but then the broadcasters actually complained about it too. So weird. It got better as the game progressed. Who makes these decisions? I had the same complaint the other day with a Copa match. I wonder if these big stadiums in the US don’t have prime camera spots for soccer.


  • Turkey just got done beating Austria in a downpour in Leipzig in the game of the Euro’s so far. Turkey’s goalie made the save of the year in the closing seconds off an Austrian header.

  • Brazil fans packed the stadium for tonights game… Go Colombia!

  • Maybe some of those yellow shirted fans were Colombian as well. nm. Good game.

  • Hey, that Brazil game was one if the best so far.

  • I’m laughing at the internet right now.

    All the ridiculous stories listing absolutely unrealistic coaching candidates to take over for GGG include Pep Guardiola and Jurgen Klopp. c’mon, man!

  • Spain and Germany has been painful to watch. 30 minutes in and already 3 yellows, an injury sub, and bunch of fouls. This game just has zero flow and rhythm to it because they can’t go more than a minute or two without a foul being committed.

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