Toledo Rockets - Tuesday - 7pm - Metro Sports and 38 KC
@wrwlumpy Good movie
Looking at the numbers, Tre’Shaun Fletcher does basically everything for them. Leads in points, rebounds, assists and steals. Containing him will be key. Vick should probably draw the early assignment on him. Fletcher is a lefty that played at Colorado before, where he was a decent contributor (18-19 mpg as a so. and jr., contributed a few points and boards). He wasn’t a star, but has made a mark after sitting out last year as a transfer.
They really only go 7 deep, much like us, but they have three bigs and four guards, while we have 2 bigs and 5 guards.
Toledo will try to bomb from outside, so the defense better be engaged because if they get hot, they could make things uncomfortable.
Toledo, we always called it America’s armpit as we drove by numerous times on the Ohio Turnpike. Then we moved to Baton Rouge! Friend in HS’s mom was classmates with Jamie Farr so he really was from Toledo, not just on the show.
@wissox In Ann Arbor, where feeling superior is a full-time academic pursuit (T-shirts say, “HARVARD: Michigan of the East”), we used to say that Detroit was the armpit, and Toledo could be found further down.
Harbaugh is from Ohio. Never knew that. Heh Heh.
@mayjay Funny. My daughters attend or attended Wheaton College in Chicago. It is a difficult school to get into and they like to say they are the Christian Harvard or that Harvard is the secular Wheaton!
But yes, Michigan fans who haven’t had much to cheer about sure crow a lot about past athletic achievements!
@wissox 1988 and 1989 tourneys were an odd combo for me. KU won in 88, and I was ecstatic because I was an avid fan and had cheered myself hoarse at almost every game.
Mich won in 89, but I was only a little bit interested b/c Larry left us banned and I had never gone to a Mich game the whole time I was there. Crisler arena could not compete with AFH.
@mayjay So did you graduate from KU in 88? That was my senior year.
@wissox 78. The cheering was ten years past. Haven’t been back to AFH since 1978. Sad face…
Interesting. When I lived in Ohio the term “armpit of the state/country” was reserved for one town and one town only, Cleveland.
@JayHawkFanToo I always thought the geographical location of Toledo made it kind of look like an armpit and so its’ less than sterling reputation meant it was the armpit in two ways.
@mayjay The last time I was in AFH was in 88, but I have seen them play in person several times in recent years which is quite exciting too, even if they lost that championship game to yUK.
@JayHawkFanToo I lived in Youngstown for four years. TOP THAT.
When will we go to Spain to play Toledo on their home court?!
DanR said:
@JayHawkFanToo I lived in Youngstown for four years. TOP THAT.
That reminds me of the dialog between Dean Martin and Don Rickles at a roast:
Rickles: You’re from Youngstown, Ohio, right?
Martin: No, Steubenville.
Rickles: Ah Steubenville - why, that’s better???
@wissox we have to get you home friend.