This changes what we have heard...
That part about the NWO really kills any integrity it might have had.
@BShark That and the website itself, known for being clickbait with false reports like the one about thousands of Russian troops on our borders…
@mayjay Ah I knew nothing about the site, but figured it was fishy just based on that one article.
@JayHawkFanToo what the h do you read? I googled your fox reporter and watched his report and the police didn’t say those things. You scare me!
This is all I could find about yournewswire…
Where do you find sites like this @JayHawkFanToo ?
@approxinfinity Snopes has also checked out a number of their “stories”.
The Fox news reporter cited, incidentally, also referred to the dead woman as having been killed by a “vigilante”, implying he was privately trying to enforce the law and killed a criminal.
@Crimsonorblue22 @bskeet @approxinfinity @JayHawkFanToo
This is a much more credible source.
It seems hard to ignore the appearance that Trump has been able to unite the sentiment of racists in America and is now reluctant to turn on them.
I’m having a hard time with what happened in Charlottesville, to be honest. I was having a hard time before anything happened, when encouraging family members Saturday morning that we might consider taking down statues that a certain part of our citizenship feel represent the dehumanization of their race, statues that were erected during Jim Crow laws and later in reaction to the civil rights movement.
What’s wrong with a little empathy?
Sick of this portrayal of life as a zero sum game, and it seems everyone is eating it up without realizing they’re doing it.
mayjay said:
@approxinfinity Snopes has also checked out a number of their “stories”.
The Fox news reporter cited, incidentally, also referred to the dead woman as having been killed by a “vigilante”, implying he was privately trying to enforce the law and killed a criminal.
Let’s ask @jaybate-1-0 what he thinks of snopes.
I simply posted a link sent to my by an acquaintance and I did not endorse or verify its authenticity and added…IF it is true…and suggested you draw your own conclusions, right?
Let me preface my comments by stating categorically that all racism. both from the left and the right, is bad and has no place in our society. Professional race baiters like Jesse Jackson say that black people or minorities cannot be racists, this is bs, racism knows no color only hatred and should be condemned and rejected in all forms and flavors. Racism is racism regardless who the racist is.
Ok, let’s see what we know so far…
A group of despicable people decide to have a march to protest the proposed removal of confederate statues. I will not debate the merits of their case as this could be the subject of another thread. A hateful as their ideology is, they are still entitled to peacefully demonstrate/march since we are still a country of laws and the precedent was set when Nazis decide to march in Skokie, Illinois and were denied a permit The case called National Socialist Party of America v. Village of Skokie was litigated for the Nazis by none othre than the ACLU, two lower courts refused to stay the ban and the case ended up at the Supreme Court which ruled that it was protected free speech and the Supreme Court of Illinois reviewed the case and granted permission, or as lawyers would say…stare decisis.
Now, the group in question applied for and received all the necessary permits well in advance and the city and the City and state Police had plenty of time to plan to make sure it would be done in a safe manner.
Now, the day of the march a large number of the so called antifas congregated with the only purpose of creating a disturbance. Interesting that the use the word antifas which is short for anti fascists when in fact they are the text book definition of a fascist, a person that uses violence to silence anyone that does not share his ideology.
This came as no surprise and the police was aware of what was going on. As I understand, the standard procedure, when two rival groups are headed for a confrontation, is to create a buffer zone and keep both groups as separate as possible. This did not happen and there are videos all over social media showing the confrontation with police standing by. I find it hard to believe that with all the lead time it had, the police was unable to prevent the confrontation. Now CNN is reporting that both side are blaming the police; the narrative is not that different than that of the original link…is CNN a credible enough source or do I have to dressed it up with pigeon crap?
if you read the MSM reports, you would think that the marchers were fighting among themselves because there is hardly any comments on the antifas, which is the group that started the confrontation and violence. Where is the condemnation of the antifas? They have been doing this time and again, recently at Berkley University where they cause millions of dollars of damages to private property and yet not any condemnation of them by the MSM or the liberal establishment.
@mayjay I would like you to tell me exactly what is “the filth spewed by the president,” as you put it? He condemned both sides in no uncertain terms and left no doubt he does not condone or support the White supremacist or the Alt-right or the Alt-left for that matter. Remember that the KKK was created by democrats party which has a long history of racism.
Interesting that both former presidents Bush issued an statement that was praised by the MSM without realizing that it was almost identical to the one Trump issued before.
@Crimsonorblue22 you said you googled the FOX reported that had the first hand view of this and indicate it was not correct. Looks like you did not look hard enough as the entire videos is readily available including on YouTube.
You can listen to the entire recording and you will see that it is just as described in the original link. At least he did not get beat up by the antifas likethis CBS journalist did.
There is no question that both groups used violence and both share the blame and this is why the President condemned both sides. Note that despite the avalanche of criticism by the MSM , the mother of the woman killed released a statement thanking Trump and many other organization stated support including a group of Black Christian leaders and even MLK’s niece.
Remember when 5 police officers were killed in Houston and 3 more a few days later in Baton Rouge? When Obama took his time to make a statement the MSM media wrote he was being cautious and taking his time to get all the facts and when he did, he did not condemn the blacks racists/extremists that did the killing, instead blamed the Police. I am sure @mayjay has a post showing his outrage at Obama.
The truth is that regardless of what Trump would have said, the MSM would have found fault and still would have blamed him for the killings like they are doing it now. Funny, they did not blame Obama for these killings that happened on his watch. How is this for a double standard.
I believe that both sides, the Alt-right/KKK/White Supremacists and the Alt-Left/Antifas are equally despicable and they both represent everything I despise. If you knew me personally or my background, you would understand why. Please, do not try to label me as one or the other or question my intentions and don’t jump to conclusions. Open your minds, do some research, don’t believe everything the MSM feeds you and come up with your own conclusions and be tolerant of others who do not share your philosophy. I have tried to be as objective as I can and present a balanced view with sources when applicable. All the links I posted are available from numerous other sites (both right and left) and have been pretty well scrutinized and verified…and I believe they all work.
Last, I will list this link I got from friend in Australia who is a software developer I have known for many years and who also dabbles on homeopathic medicine, natural food, big anti pharma and publishes a weekly newsletter where the story was; very interesting reading and eye opening and explains a lot. Perhaps some member will relate to it.
@JayHawkFanToo ok man. I see the questions you are asking. The source was off putting. And also, regardless of what the police did or didn’t do, the fact remains that racists congregated in Charlottesville to protest the removal of confederate statues, and that they feel they have an ally in President Trump. It’s disturbing how this President’s has wielded their sentiment to his advantage and as long as he waffles on condemning it, he gives the appearance that now is the time for this kind of thing. The argument that the police let this happen skips over the fact that the biggest instigator of this event remains Donald Trump.
@JayHawkFanToo To start with, when your analysis of racism starts with a discussion of black on white racism and Jesse Jackson, you immediately start losing the appearance of objectivity.
Second, my condemnation of Trump’s remarks have been echoed by world leaders, both of Trump’s entire CEO advisory groups, Republicans and Democrats alike, media sources left and right, and millions of Americans who are horrified to hear him equate Nazis and people protesting Nazis. Orrin Hatch made it very clear how painful it was hearing Trump since his older brother died fighting the Nazis in WWII. But you insist this is all a means for the MSM to mischaracterize Trump as racist. Yeah, right, only Fox and Rush know what is in Trump’s heart.
Charlottesville can be distilled to this question: If thousands of people arrive in town and start trying to provoke fights and rioting by advocating the deaths of entire groups of people and displaying the symbols and chanting the slogans of an evil that murdered tens of millions of people, and others decide to rise to the bait, who is more responsible for the outbreak of violence? I myself would have wished that the antifa and others had chosen to ignore and isolate the white supremacists, but I am not sure that is a realistic expectation. The marchers wanted to provoke something, and they did. That there were a number of people on the other side itching for battle is no defense to the ones who wanted to spark it. I am regretful that the violence by counterprotestors played into the bigots’ hands, and has served to distract people such as yourself (and the President) from the larger threat here. I am just shocked that a man with a Jewish daughter could say that there were “very fine people” among the torch carriers Friday night who were chanting Nazi slogans and calling for death to the Jews.
What happened in Charlottesville could have happened in Skokie 40 years ealier. As it turned out, the Skokie march never happened because the city of Chicago changed its stance and allowed a rally in a city park, which is what the Nazis wanted in the first place. But had they marched in Skokie, who knows if the provocation might have been successful in inciting a riot.
Finally, this has nothing to do with Obama. But you and other Trump apologists will continue to trot him out as the example of alleged MSM bias. Forget the MSM on this. Listen to your conservatives who have noticed there is a seriously disturbing trend by Trump demonstrating sympathy for the white supremacists in his base.
When David Duke finds the President’s comments praiseworthy, isn’t that a pretty good clue of how horrible they are?
Trump has been a nightmare for both parties and has made me scared for the future of American Politics. He proved that no matter what minorities the Dems can get to vote for them, middle-class white America can literally win you an election.
On the other side, Trump makes any conservative right now look like a complete idiot. If you say you voted for Trump, you are automatically assumed to have mental problems.
But, the worst thing that Trump did was prove that you can lie your way into the White House. Promise the freaking world to people and for some unknown reason they will believe it. “We will get rid of the Arabs and Mexicans no problem. If you want a good high paying job, hell you’ve got one come Jan. 15th. Also, nobody will be on entitlements and taxes will go down… (crowd doesn’t cheer) to zero, and we will make ISIS disappear and throw Hillary in jail, and also I won’t golf as much as Obama did while he was President, and also Chicago will get cleaned up because we will institute a nation wide stop and frisk and blah blah blah blah blah.” If you couldn’t tell it was word vomit I feel sorry for you. But more than that, I feel sorry that he proved it will work. Lie big and lie often. Tell every single individual person exactly what they want to hear and they will vote for you. Even if it is completely outlandish.
Trump himself doesn’t scare me. It is that he proved what can be accomplished by lying and cheating and manipulating that scares me. Because someone as dumb as Trump really can’t do too much damage. Someone with some actual intelligence, good God they could mess up a whole lot of things.
Wow. So let me get this straight? If you’re against taking down the statues, then you’re a racist? So we can’t even have the discussion on why maybe the statues should stay? Are we now going to destroy mount Rushmore because some of those Presidents owned slaves? And how is this Trump’s fault? Racism has been around long before he was born. What you don’t think Obama stirred the pot of racism? Please lets not forget the Michael Brown episode. Normally I would try to weigh in on something like this. Yet this is just a hate and blame everything on Trump. The rich white guy. I’m out.
@DoubleDD All I will say is that Charlottesville had the discussion, and decided to take them down. Now twice the KKK and Nazis and other white supremacist groups have come to town prepped for violence and intending to intimidate the city. This is a perfect example of outside agitators attempting to interfere with local decision-making.
If you think the marchers came to town with helmets, shields, bats, and clubs in order to have a peaceful discussion, I think you might be a bit misinformed.
As far as I know It’s not all white supremacist, and the elk of KKK wanting to keep the statues up. In fact you would be surprised some blacks are fighting to keep confederate statues up.
Unless something has changed. The constitution protects the right of Americans to assemble and march for their cause. Whether you agree with them or not. Maybe I’m wrong yet every thing I heard and read they had did every thing by the book. They had their permits and so on. It was the altleft that showed up looking for a fight and to shut them up.
I would agree they expected the altleft to show and were ready for a fight.
I think Trump nailed it by taking neither side and condemning both sides for their actions.
Yet you know and I know that Trump won’t get credit for really just defending the right of Americans to march. No matter what they believe.
Also being friendly here why do you always assume someone that may disagree with you is misinformed? Do you ever consider that maybe you might be misinformed?
Life is filled with many flavors and Ideas. Not to be able to sit down and talk about said issues without labeling someone is? is? Well un-American.
@DoubleDD Please reread my “If…then…” statement. That was the basis for the misinformed possibility.
@DoubleDD And, incidentally, there are a number of relatives of Lee, Jackson, and Davis who think the statues should come down.
Taking down the statues seems to the be a hot button issue these days. Right?
What’s you’re take on it? Do feel those that want to keep the statues up are racist?
Me I get it. Yet then I’m like what does it really change? What would we really accomplish? Slavery happened we can’t take that away. Also in this path to erase or not glorify this past history. Do we wipe out the memories of those that showed courage? That stood against the popular belief of that era. That sacrificed so much to do what was right. We will wipe away their acts of courage and unselfishness in the process of trying to remove this stain on American history? Will we forget their names and their stories?
We can’t even watch reruns of the Dukes of Hazards anymore. I kind of think that is a shame.
What about statues that honor confederate soldiers that fought in the civil war? I am not talking about the leaders like Lee or Jackson but just plain soldiers, marines and sailors.
Instead of taking down the statues, wouldn’t it be better, like others, have suggested, to add another monument next to it explaining the difference? History cleansing has been tried many times but has it ever worked anywhere? Even Germany has saved the concentration camps and now they are museums used to educate people.
Is this what we have to look forward?
Where does it stop? There are already calls to take down a George Washington statue in Chicago and a few other places. However, I have not heard any calls to take down the Lenin statue in Seattle…go figure.
We are starting a dangerous slippery slope that might result in unanticipated consequences.
If the statues are a problem, why NOT take them down? That is the real question. Why leave up a controversial statue when you can erect a new statue that doesn’t? And might even have a deeper meaning…
The short answer is I quit reading and relying on Snopes to any significant degree many years ago, well before it acquired much notoriety, so I am not qualified to comment on what its like today.
About all I can say is: I am increasingly wondering about the fiscal independence and content objectivity of organizations showcasing the term “fact checking”. Investigators showcasing the term “urban legends” and organizations showcasing the term “myth busting” also make me wonder about the origins of their funding and about whether they have connections to the military-intelligence complex’s processes of manufacturing consent in public opinion during an era when the military-intelligence complex has reputedly expressed a goal of full spectrum dominance. I, for one, take them at their reputed word that they want full spectrum dominance, and such dominance would likely involve manufacturing consent in public opinion.
Finally, I hope someone investigates the recent proliferation of the term “fact checking” to see if it is a product of memetic engineering by those tasked with clandestinely manufacturing consent in public opinion in some way similar to the way “conspiracy” was reputedly weaponized and reputedly used for so many decades, according to reputed FOIA document releases. It may not be. But after learning of the reputed weaponization of “conspiracy” to discredit skeptics of the apparently implausible Warren Commission Report, and then afterward reputedly to discourage much reputedly reasonable skepticism on a variety of subjects, well, I like to know more, rather than less, about such things before attaining a comfort level of trust.
@Kcmatt7 exactly. What’s so wrong with having empathy and loving thy neighbor?
For most Americans, the question isn’t whether you’re racist because you don’t want them taken down, it’s whether you’re not being respectful of what these statues represent to people other than yourself.
@DoubleDD @JayHawkFanToo let me try to give some perspective here on the statues. This isn’t equivalent to whether the Japanese concentration camps remain as museums. What you are arguing is the equivalent of debating whether Germany should take statues of just Hitler or also the Nazi soldiers wearing swastikas down. The ones they erected 50 years after the war. I do not think that ever happened in Germany. But it happened here. The fact that some people derive some vague sense of connection with their southern heritage from these statues is a non starter. My grandfather was a Nazi soldier who died in Russia. I do not want a statue of him in Nazi gear in a public park.
@approxinfinity also, the fact that statues seem to be a bridge between white nationalists and Trump sympathizers is a scary, dangerous, slippery slope. I think we need to a double take as @Kcmatt7 suggested and ask why not take them down .
There is an interesting article on the fake news site (CNN) about how Robert E. Lee opposed Confederate statues and memorials because he feared they would result in keeping the wounds of the war open. He favored obliterating all signs of the conflict.
When you live in a state like SC, as I do, where in front of the statehouse there is a statue honoring Pitchfork Ben Tillman, who as a Congressman stood in the House of Representatives and advocated lynching blacks to keep them from voting, it is hard not to see these memorials as racist symbols. Especially after it took the murders of 9 churchgoers in Charleston by a flag-draped white supremecist before the state took the Confederate flag down. And then it coupled that with a law preventing any locality from removing or altering any statue or memorial in the state without legislative permission–even ones originally erected by localities themselves. That prevents the addition of any historical plaques, and the author of that legislation chairs the committee that would consider those. He has stated again that no requests will be considered. Thus, you still have black students being stuck going to school in buildings named for Tillman and the KKK founder, Nathan Bedford Forrest, or having to enter state buildings with the name of those abject die-hard racists.
SC, where the Civil War began, had the highest ratio of slaves to whites in the country in the antebellum years, and had the most brutal slave codes. After Reconstruction, it had the strictest and most energetically enforced Jim Crow laws. 63 years after Brown v. Topeka Bd of Education, you still see the horrifying effects of the de facto segregation that has existed throughout and since the civil rights movement, including more than half the rural school districts–all just happening to be overwhelmingly black–still fighting a court battle for adequate funding that the legislature refuses to fix despite three state Supreme Court rulings. The major newspapers still print the debutante and cotillion notices for private clubs and in 11 years here I have yet to see even one black face. The major in-town country club is still whites-only, and the governor is able to remain a member with little or no criticism from his party. I live in a highly racially divided state, so that colors my thinking. Especially after the several times people (total strangers) have assumed that since I am white I agreed with them about (insert n----- or j-- word, take your pick).
Many Confederate monuments were erected in the Civil Rights era. They were a reaction to blacks finally having enough power to achieve some legal protection as they sought equality. The Confederate flag was pulled out of mothballs to make a statement to blacks: this is what we believe in, this is what we want, this is how we will keep reminding you that you will never get full equality.
approxinfinity said:
@approxinfinity also, the fact that statues seem to be a bridge between white nationalists and Trump sympathizers is a scary, dangerous, slippery slope.
Bridge? LOL. I think a lot are already on that side of the ravine, and the rest just conditioned to reflexively be FOR anything that the “Left” is against. The Nazis and KKK easily duped them into cheering for their side.
Hard to imagine why Kansas fans would give a
about confederate statues. Let the loser slavers keep their participation trophies.
@DoubleDD Another protester who didn’t need a stinkin’ permit was this guy:
@approxinfinity Only one statue in Germany that I believe has a swastika and it was a monument built by the Soviets in honor of their soldiers. It is beautiful, as is the surrounding area around the statue. It is called the Soviet War Memorial at Treptower Park. Only reason they allow the swastika is that it isn’t a celebration of it. It is actually a condemnation of it. When I was there, the Owner of my Hostel told me to go. But he wouldn’t even say the word swastika out loud. That is how condemned it is there.
I also went to a Concentration Camp while I was in Berlin. It was an eerie place. Surreal to believe I was standing in a spot where tens of thousands died. To see the living conditions they dealt with. To hear about the experiments done to men. These are again, set up in a way to 10000% condemn Hitler and the Nazi movement.
Our statues are there to celebrate men who enslaved, or fought to enslave, millions of people. To rape, murder and abuse them. Not to condemn. Not to educate. To f-ing celebrate all that is wrong with the early history of America… It shouldn’t even be a debate.
You’re link didn’t come through?
We should always have the discussion/debate. Always.
@DanR 10 bucks trumps never heard of him!
@DanR Actually, the antiNazi protesters did have permits. Theirs were for two nearby parks. We cannot deny that the police did a poor job of separating the groups.
Now, that might have been because the main march and rally was allowed, by court order, to take place in Emancipation Park (where the Lee statue was). It was a smaller park, and the police did not prepare there properly to anticipate and prevent the disaster we all knew was coming.
Contrary to popular belief, the city did not deny the Supremacists their permit initially; the city wanted the march and rally to be held in a large park where the city argued it could more easily prevent violence. The organizers went to court with the ACLU’s help and convinced the judge that the city had not demonstrated that it was impossible to prevent problems at Emancipation Park.
I am somewhat conflicted about the ACLU’s argument here, but it probably did the correct thing: There was no flat denial by the city of a permit altogether (as occurred in Skokie), but instead a denial of a particular location, with an alternate provided. Thus, free assembly was theoretically allowed. On the other hand, the Supremacists wanted to protest a particular issue that was itself centered in Emancipation Park (removal of the Lee statue there). The government is not allowed to choose among groups exercising guaranteed rights, or to render an exercise of the right meaningless, which arguably would have occurred if the rally and march were forced far from their focus.
Still, I think the city made its biggest mistake in not deploying adequately to keep the groups separate. Perhaps coordination was impossible in the short time after the court ruling, Both sides probably were perfectly happy to have it devolve into a fracas, and when that happens it is the police responsibility to anticipate and respond with adequate resources rather than to wait for all hell to break loose as seems to have occurred. The governor could easily have called out the National Guard who could have lined the roads 6 deep if necessary.
(Sorry, Dan, I got involved in writing this and it isn’t all relevant directly to your post. It is related, though, and I am too lazy to try to separate it cleanly.)
@DoubleDD On Dan’s link, you might have to wait a half-minute for it to load.
So then are you ok with removing Mount Rushmore? As some of those presidents were indeed slave owners? Should we stop there? Should we remove all presidents that had slaves from the history books, Libraries and museums? Should we take Washington’s face off the our American dollar? Should we remove America’s involvement in slavery from the history books? Shall we get rid of the constitution as some of the signers where indeed slave owners. Should we demand that Italy tear down the Roman coliseum. How far should we go to right this wrong?
@DoubleDD Have I said we should remove statues of slave owners?
No I guess you haven’t.
@mayjay save your breath
Well that’s kind of rude.
I guess my thought is where does it end? I mean Slavery has been apart of humanity since the beginning of time. It’s not like America created it.
Not to mention American had one of the bloodiest wars to end it’s practice.
I’m talking to you as it seems others have their minds made up and don’t care for the discussion.
@DoubleDD depends on what you call rude? Standing up for?
Why is it wrong to have a discussion about the hot topic in the last few days? It may seem a no brainer. Yet is it?
I don’t know. As I said before I get it. I just wander what does it really solve and where does it end.
Will the next generation of Americans that come, be pissed that we tried to cover up our tainted past. To erase it and act like it didn’t happen. Don’t think that won’t happen? OK
@DoubleDD I have noticed a tendency you have to attribute all the arguments anyone nationwide has made on an issue to anyone here who is trying to take a position relating to that issue. I pointed that out in the CK debate, asking you not to put words in my mouth. It is something we all have to be careful of. I am just mentioning you in this regard because it is so stark.
Here is why: Unlike some, I see the founders as flawed men. As a history major (concentration in the Civil War) I absolutely believe that the founders flaws should be noted and highlighted for they illustrate the deep-seated roots of so many problems existing today. I believe every student should be required to personally examine how the founders’ lives influenced their political stances, how their beliefs intersected with their achievements,and how they kicked the fruits of their hypocrisy down the road.
It is a study in how a necessary compromise nevertheless had almost fatal results for the nation they were creating.
Incidentally, I use “hypocrisy” well aware of the fact that morality regarding, and understanding of, race was vastly different back then and that otherwise great men have held beliefs we now (most of us at least–I hope) hold abhorrent. Even so, there were many people advocating the elimination of slavery even in the colonial era, so the founders were not unexposed to more enlightened thinking. That a few freed their slaves upon their deaths (like TJ) shows their own discomfort with the institution, but that they waited until they died to do so was a reflection, I believe, of a compromise they made with their own souls to ensure personal economic stability.
Learning the entire history of race relations in the New World is something I recommend heartily. One of the best treatises I have ever read is called White Over Black, by Winthrop Jordan. It will amaze you with the cultural and social details of colonial race issues, and will probably cause you to think really deeply about how those origins still permeate all our thinking today.
@DoubleDD To clarify: That was written after your answer to me where you admitted I hadn’t advocated removing founders statues.
@DoubleDD That’s the one takeaway you get from my post…
@DoubleDD hopefully there is less hate!
@DoubleDD Will the next generation of America be pissed that we condemned racism and white supremacy?
And if we do our jobs well, they won’t even understand or see racism. So no, they won’t be pissed about it.
Should we debate this topic? Sure. One side is supporting of racism or the freedom to be racist. If you feel like supporting those go ahead. The other side is against racism and denounces it. Choose your side…
And finally, tearing down Mount Rushmore is not the same thing. George Washington is not being celebrated for being a part of the South or being a Slave owner. He is being celebrated as the First President of the United States who initially helped free our entire country from the British. He also released his slaves upon his death. I’d say all in all, George gets a pass being as how if he didn’t slaves would have probably stayed slaves for a whole lot longer and the entire continent of North America would basically all be Canada. Thomas Jefferson owned slaves, and yet he also played a major role in ending slavery. You also have Lincoln, and we all know what he did… But more than anything, Mt. Rushmore is a feat of human excellence in a time where you would have never thought something so amazing could have been done. So comparing Mt. Rushmore to a statue of Robert E. Lee is really apples and oranges.
Actually the City of Chicago did not initially deny the permit but requested a huge public peace insurance bond that was prohibitive and for all purposes amounted to a ban and then banned all demonstration on Marquette part where the original Rally was scheduled. That was the origin of the litigation and why the ACLU sided with the Nazis.
Now that we are in this age of tearing down racist symbols, has anyone called about taking down the memorials and renaming all the buildings, schools and roads named after former Ku Klux Klan Exalted Cyclops Robert Byrd who was head of the Senate?
How about William Fulbright who along with 99 democrat (and 2 republicans) signed “Southern Manifesto” in 1956. which declared their opposition to the Supreme Court’s decision in Brown v. Board of Education and lead the 83 days filibuster of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
This is what Bill Clinto had to say when he eulogized his mentor and Arkansas senator:
We come to celebrate and give thanks for the remarkable life of J. William Fulbright, a life that changed our country and our world forever and for the better. . . . In the work he did, the words he spoke and the life he lived, Bill Fulbright stood against the 20th century’s most destructive forces and fought to advance its brightest hopes.
I don’t recall any liberal calling him a racist or asking him to resign.
How about Andrew Johnson who was Lincoln’s vice president and selected uniquely to get votes in the South to win re-election and instituted a number of discriminatory codes at the constitutional convention and made the post-war South exactly like it was before the Civil war and created a war aftyre the the civil war in which a large number of black people lost their lives resisting his racist policies, He is universally considered the most racist president.
Or James Monroe that created the racist Monroe doctrine that was used to meddle into the affairs of other countries. Remember that during his term the US seized a strip of West Africa and established the firt American Colony there that was later called Liberia.
Or FDR who interned 100,000 Japanese in prisons during WWII but not Italians or Germans. After the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, he invited American athletes to the White House but not 4 gold medal winner Jesse Owens who wast the star of the games because he was also black. He started the New Deal but purposefully left out farmers and domestic which were overwhelmingly black at that time.
Or maybe Woodrow Wilson that re-segregated the federal government. Black Federal workers were fired and the ones left were forced to use separate facilities. He unapologeticly backed what he called the “great Ku Klux Klan,” and championed the Klan’s violent disenfranchisement of southern African Americans in the late 19th century. He oversaw the brutal 2 decade occupation of Haiti and prevented the country from self-governing. Some people at Princeton, where he was political scientist, have now called for review of his record.
Or Lyndon Johnson who routinely used the N-word when talking about black people…
What do these ubber racist politician have in common? You tell me.
DoubleDD said:
I guess my thought is where does it end? I mean Slavery has been apart of humanity since the beginning of time. It’s not like America created it.
Not to mention American had one of the bloodiest wars to end it’s practice.
I’m talking to you as it seems others have their minds made up and don’t care for the discussion.
Here is the problem with that approach, and if you read the book I mentioned you will see: American slavery was racial in origin and legally perpetuated for 3 centuries. Almost every other country with slavery did it through conquest. Slavery was an economic status for many slaves. Many countries with slaves had major legal protections regarding their treatment. Slaves in Greece and Rome became teachers and tradesmen. Many could and did eventually buy their freedom. If any escaped, absent branding the slaves were not that different from other parts of society. Many slaves in Indian tribes became members of their captors’ families and were adopted into the new tribe. Slaves’ children might be born free. In many societies, slaves had an actual chance to improve their lives. Not all of these things were always true, and most slaves no doubt lived lives of pure hell, but there were many variations.
In contrast, rigid separation of blacks from whites and brutal treatment of slaves were used to implement slavery in the US from the beginning. Slaves were forbidden to learn writing and reading, and whites teaching them were punished harshly. Slave families were broken up wantonly, and children were sold with no regard for anything except what price they could bring. Blacks in the colonial era had no society they could fit into even if freed, for 99% of black were slaves. Nowhere to escape to, their race keeping them easily identifiable. While the rest of the world acted to eradicate slavery by the early to mid 19th century, American slavery continued with even harsher slave codes after the prohibition against importing slaves took effect in 1808.
Other differences aside, it is the racial component that most definitively sets American slavery apart. Some eleven million people were uprooted from their homes and shipped in sardine-like cinditions to a new world. Millions died. ( Only about 500,000 were brought to N America; the remainder, African slaves in Caribbean and S American sugar plantatons, had even more brutal lives, living on average 7 years after arrival.) No other race has ever seen such a forced mass migration or the disintegration of so much of its culture and heritage. No other race has ever done to another what European and colonial whites (including the Spanish and Portuguese) did to African blacks. Ironically, the closest is probably the Nazis treatment of Jews.
Yes, it took a war to stop slavery. A war fought mostly by whites against whites. Over 600,000 soldiers dies, and scores of thousans of civilians. Just as it took nuclear bombs to force the Japanese to abandon their society and mores, the Civil War forced the South to abandon slavery. But it did not abandon white supremacy, and the South has successfully perpetuated the Noble Cause victimization myth to keep it going today.
That’s kind of my point. I’m not for worshiping anybody I don’t care who they are. Every man and woman has flaws. Some rise to greatness most do not. Yet they still have flaws, and I believe that it should be studied and learned. However I do create concerns in my mind when we as a nation try to erase history. I think this might be a very bad thing. Maybe not to day but down the road.
No qualms with that post.
No not all. Just was interested in your link. That’s all. Hey I don’t blame you or condemn you for what you feel and believe to be the truth.
Lets be honest this is a very touchy subject. A lot of emotion involved. Last thing I want to do his hurt or ruin any might be friendships over this issue. It’s not worth it.
As I said before I get it why some would advocate for bringing down the statues. Yet I just wander is the right thing to do, and where does it stop?