Trying a different theme.
I went to the “Crootin Thread III, Wherein Some Players Probably Commit to KU” thread that has 292 post and I tried to scroll up and when it gets to post 266 it will not scroll up any further. Looks like 25+/- posts is the limit. If I click on page reload it allows me to go up another 20 posts from the current position.
If I click on the double up arrow it goes to post 1 and then I can scroll down to post 20. A page reload allows me to go 30 posts further down at the time. Hopefully this gives you some Blues clues.
@approxinfinity You know the human psyche naturally dislikes change and I think for us more mature, aka elderly
, we probably dislike it more than others. I’m sure once we play with it enough we’ll be more accepting. Someone mentioned, I think @JayHawkFanToo, all the white space and the small font. Maybe a background of some sort related to KU Basketball would help. As for the size of the font I believe FireFox and other browsers have the ability to change font size. For now I’ll hold off on “clicking my heels.”
Thanks guys. That helps.
Is there a way to have my post area be half screen again so I can reread what I’m replying to?
@jayballer54 First: the emoji button might just be out of sight. Try scrolling to the right on the command line where it gives you the italics and boldface options. You should find the emoji smiley face button. It takes awhile to load the images of each icon in all the very long categories, but be patient. They are there. There should also be a little cloud icon with an arrow on the command bar. This is for loading documents and pictures, as before we used the picture icon.
Second: You can still read the post while composing. Just use the “Quote” button (instead of “Reply”) when replying. That puts their post in yours. When you are done, you can leave as much of it there (helps us figure out what you are replying to) or delete it all if you want.
@Kcmatt7 If the iPad guys are OK with using the quick reply in lieu of the regular reply (until the issue is resolved by the node guys) then we could make it half screen again. Hard call there. Or what @mayjay said is a valid work around.
The node bb guys are gearing for a major release soon. I’m going to see what they changed there and may recruit the iPad guys to test on a separate instance of the board. Hopefully the reply issue will be resolved there.
Kcmatt7 said:
Is there a way to have my post area be half screen again so I can reread what I’m replying to?
Just a work around in addition to the one I gave jballer a couple minutes ago: I sometimes just select my whole draft post I am working on, and hit cut, then discard the post. I then read whatever I wanted to, open a new blank post, and paste in my earlier writings. If I need to copy something else, I open a blank email and cut/paste everything into there to assemble it all, and then copy/paste into a new post here on the board. (You don’t want to erase from memory that post you cut earlier until you have pasted it somewhere.)
@mayjay Thats pretty simple. Sometimes I wonder where my head is at… I even have two monitors at work.
@brooksmd For now I’ll hold off on “clicking my heels.”
How do you look when you are wearing ruby slippers? I always thought they would have looked better without the bobby-sox.
Kcmatt7 said:
@mayjay Thats pretty simple. Sometimes I wonder where my head is at… I even have two monitors at work.
Well, I don’t have to fit this into a workday like you younguns, so I have a bit more time to play around with things.
@mayjay Kind of gross with hairy legs.
approxinfinity said:
@ParisHawk also let me know if this alleviates some of the layout concerns you had.
Nice of you to think of me. My rant was toward overall GUI tendencies these days, not nodebb in particular and especially not this site.
Yes, this theme does grab less real estate across the top of the screen.
Thanks for all your work here!
@ParisHawk I never took it as anything other, but I did want to address the issue specific to our header. No worries man.
please keep talking ui, I enjoy it, especially now that things are settling in a bit with the upgrade (knock on wood)
@mayjay Ahh that helps as far as the reply part is thanks so much. - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
I have three cousins that are programmers. Mostly video games, one worked or EA for a bit. I have acquired exactly zero knowledge thru osmosis from them. I suppose a more hands on approach to learning is needed.
When I hit “post quick reply” I get an
“ERROR Invalid Data” warning in scary red type
but I see how it works, so I can live with it. (Safari 8.0.5… I need to update some stuff)
@DanR me too
I do as well @REHawk , but the reply button works fine. The scrolling issue seems to be resolved. Are you able to post without issue @Crimsonorblue22 ?
DanR said:
“ERROR Invalid Data” warning in scary red type
Just click in the box above the box for “post quick reply”, not the box with those words themselves. You should be able to compose in that box. Then hit the “post” button when you are done. Worked for me.
The error that it is throwing up is due to not enough characters in the box. It doesn’t want put up a blank post near as I can tell.
@mayjay I tried and that works, seems weird, how did u figure that out? Did u try below and to the side of it? I can’t see purpose of it if the reply works. Do u?
Yeah that’s right. Could be a friendlier message for sure.
@Crimsonorblue22 well the purpose of it would be if we disable the full screen reply. I has both on to see if both worked for you iPad users. If so we can turn one off.
@approxinfinity so far so good!
Regular reply works too
@approxinfinity test
Anybody try the yellow arrow on the reply button?
I haven’t. I saw someone post a new post @ someone else recently though. I assume they used it.
Did you guys check out your time line on profile? It’s nice. So are bookmarks.
@Crimsonorblue22 The box lets you just start typing away. The “Post quick reply” executes it, key word being “Post”. Perhaps the blank box should have [Enter text here] that disappears when overwritten.
I figured out because of pure stubbornness: I figured something had to work that would be quicker than regular reply. And then I figured that box had to be there for something!
@dylans & @approxinfinity Yes, it solves the reading back problem if you scroll outside the compose box for quick reply. BUT I notice the composing command menu is not available! I accidentally discovered that a stand-alone colon brings up the emoji list as a popup. There might be key commands for bold, italic, embed picture, etc hut I don’t know about that.
Oh–edit: you can hit “post” then use the edit command to go back to use the commands for the pretty stuff.
@mayjay The board uses markdown syntax. You can find a summary here.
Also, that reminds me that this page is out of date and we probably should update possibly with all of these findings about the new version.
@approxinfinity I’m starting to LIKE the new touch and feel of this NEW presentation. Thank You … !
I do have one question (or habit) that I formed when I logon to the site. My Question is … Can I do what I did on the previous version … and that is … When I log on to the site … I am presented with a list of ALL NEW or UPDATED “strings or messages” that were either updated or NEW since the last time I logged on. The question is … My first thing I always did is go through the list and MARK all strings that are NOt KU BASKETBALL focused. So I mark the KC Royals thread, MISCELLANEOUS threads etc. (these total 3-4 threads that I will not have to look at or crawl through when I want ONLY “KU Basketball” related threads.
How “Do I eliminate unwanted threads” when I am viewing the MAIN messages screen ?? Thanks go to YOU Approx and ALL others that help you maintain this site.
@Red.Rooster Yeah man, assuming this new feature works you’re going to like this…
Go to a specific category you want to ignore on:
Then tap the watching box and make it ignoring. You should never get notifications for that category again.
Also, see my tagline under my post? I think something must have gotten jacked in url encoding of your " and ’ in your tagline. If you rewrite it it should work.
@approxinfinity Thank You … .
I will try to re-enter my TAG-LINE to clear it up … THANKS AGAIN !!! You are the BEST !!!
When I switched my skin to journal it put a box around the quick reply area. This makes more sense to me than on the “paper” skin where it is just a blank space with no side borders.
@dylans I honestly didn’t see the quick reply until I switched my skin.
I removed quick reply, leaving the full screen in composer. Let me know if this isn’t good.
Trying to resolve issues with scrolling in mobile.
I like the quick reply better personally. I like to be able to see what I’m responding to from time to time. But do whatever makes things work smoother.
@approxinfinity I agree with @dylans. The quick reply was handy!
OK, I’ll bring it back.
And it’s back. Thanks!
@approxinfinity @dylans Yay!