Stinkface 2.o?
Udoka has a long ways to go in most regards but the look is perfected! And, we have to remember, Jeff Withey himself wasn’t Jeff Withey for the first couple of years…
@JayHawkFanToo I thought about Stankface but I couldn’t remember if we used that here!
don’t forget wiggins!
Did you check the links? I am pretty sure you meant stankface…
@mayjay Ahhh, that photo of Jeff looking pissed off with a bloody nose reminded me so much of old Godzilla movies after he got beat down then got up again to beat on all the other monsters for daring to make him bleed his own blood. HA!
@mayjay stink is a lil lame
I don’t know if you intend to be sarcastic… but I apply sarcasm to your posts and get a real kick out of them!
Love your Wiggins addition!
@elpoyo Just in this pix, Wiggins reminded me of the Cincy Reds logo. Very caricature-like smile in this particular photo.
@Crimsonorblue22 Ok, I admit it, I stank it up!