Frank Mason - NPOY
@BShark Thanks for giving me a new entertaining website.
I remember thinking way back in the day that there was no way Frank Mason would be better than Tharpe. What a dumbass I was!
@wrwlumpy said:
@BShark Thanks for giving me a new entertaining website.
I’m glad Titus is active again.
@chriz said:
I remember thinking way back in the day that there was no way Frank Mason would be better than Tharpe. What a dumbass I was!
Yeah Frank seems mildly better.
@chriz a lot of likes on being a dumba$$
@Crimsonorblue22 said:
@chriz a lot of likes on being a dumba$$
He is admitting to it now, so that’s something.
I don’t think will see frank score his average right now at 25.5 PPG very much longer, Bragg, JJ and LL have yet to play at a high level on offense out side of a few minutes by JJ, graham also has a good average right now but has been icy from deep as has Svi. I think he should be in the conversation if he can keep up his rebounds and assists, I bet he gets a triple double this year. I’d say if he can average around 15, 7 and 7 he should be considered, he did shut down Allen on defense last night too.
@BShark first step in a 10 step program!
@Crimsonorblue22 For Frankamp it was a 12 step.
@wrwlumpy he had zero pts first game and had 15 last one. Saw interviews w/him.
How would you like to be the coach of Towson (or Appalachian State, for that matter)?
@nuleafjhawk said:
How would you like to be the coach of Towson (or Appalachian State, for that matter)?
@HawkChamp Wooden finalist for sure.
Read this article- Frank is in the lead as POY???
@Crimsonorblue22 Locker room celebration was awesome. Thanks for posting.
@Crimsonorblue22 said:
@chriz a lot of likes on being a dumba$$
My guess is most of it agreeing that I’m a dumbass!
@chriz ha ha but we are only kidding! Hard to resist when you start it
Really Tharpe over Frank?
@KUSTEVE Nice read, but it cracks me up because just last week or earlier this week I read an article on CBS sports about how Frank and Graham hurt us because they have reached their ceiling ( which frank prob has, DG no way), and they are too short to guard 3s and what not. Frank is putting people on notice to respect him
@chriz No problem buddy, my quote has always been “in alcohols defense I’ve done some pretty stupid shit sober” lol
@kjayhawks you and me both
@Crimsonorblue22 said:
@chriz ha ha but we are only kidding! Hard to resist when you start it
Really Tharpe over Frank?
No, I know. Gotta have a good time with it, right?
Not sure why I thought that back then. If I recall correctly, Naadir was a sophomore and Frank was an incoming freshman. I was straight up making fun of a dude for saying that Frank would end up getting more minutes than Naadir. I don’t remember whether he did, but he obviously should’ve, even back then.
my favorite part of the article that @BShark shared "Anyway, that plan was shot to hell when Frank Mason reminded Duke with two seconds left that … well … bitch, he’s Frank Mason. "
@chriz Well, don’t beat yourself up. A bunch of people were skeptical back then of Frank coming in as a late commit after being “only a Towson” level player… Some people thought he must be good, some trusted HCBS to know what he wanted, but some were quite negative–here is a typical comment from the skeptics on the LDJ article when he signed: “Self lands a former Towson commit with no other major offers? What the heck has happened to Self on the recruiting trail? Not happy with this commit. Looks like a Milt Doyle Part 2.0.”
Now, of course, we knew all along what he would do!
@mayjay said:
@chriz here is a typical comment from the skeptics on the LDJ article when he signed: “Self lands a former Towson commit with no other major offers? What the heck has happened to Self on the recruiting trail? Not happy with this commit. Looks like a Milt Doyle Part 2.0.”
Now, of course, we knew all along what he would do!
Complaining about the 2013 recruiting class. Feelsbadman. Comment sections in general are pretty bad but, good find.
@nuleafjhawk said:
How would you like to be the coach of Towson (or Appalachian State, for that matter)?
The more I think of it, the more i believe this is PHOF. If the commentators ever visit this site, I would expect to hear this line uttered by one of them… It’s a brilliant question.
@bskeet I thought I heard one say during the Indiana game, “I wonder if the Towson coach is watching?” but I might be getting old and delusional. Or it could have been written in an article somewhere. But I suspect they are unhappy they lost FM and DG, but glad for the name mentions. The current coaches weren’t the recruiting ones anyway, right?