@wrwlumpy why would you fly to ATL from KS to go to Hawaii?
@kjayhawks Delta. When I was looking for flights from Houston to Vegas, just about every Delta flight went to Atlanta first. Didn’t quite understand why either since Delta has a major hub in Salt Lake City still as far as I know.
@wrwlumpy youve spun a golden thread again . I didn’t realize Cuban was an Indiana grad. Here’s the first link I got: pretty funny material on his college years.
@Texas-Hawk-10 I hate flying only don’t it a few times Delta usually is cheaper I too went to ATL first but from came from Charlotte and was going to Wichita
@Barney Our two sons are in Hawaii–Maui & Oahu. Going out in January for 2 weeks. Can’t wait!
Hawaii is the only state I haven’t set foot on… yet.
@kjayhawks I’ve never seen Delta be the cheapest for me. It’s always been either Southwest or United/Continental since Houston is a major hub for United/Continental even after their merger.
@Texas-Hawk-10 I went delta becuase it was cheapest at that time and my brother flys all the time and says its usually cheaper but i bet it depends on several things and changes.
@wrwlumpy Hey, seriously, if I could help upgrade the entire team to 1st class, or whatever…count me in! No different than KY or Duke alums would put up for their squads.
A time of remembrance…
Imperial Japanese Navy planes about to launch…literally, this act was the beginning of the end for Imperial Japan.
Majestic looking “old” style US battleship, seen here pre-war.
Pearl Harbor defenders. A few did get off the ground to do battle…
@kjayhawks I guess it depends on where you live because Delta is almost always tge most expensive of the major domestic airlines in Houston. Probably because most Delta flights out of Houston have one or two layovers if you’re not flying to a hub.
Most flight prices are heavily dependent on where you fly from. If you fly from a hub, you have a lot more options and much better pricing; it also depends where you are flying to. Because of its location, Kansas City seems to have better pricing than most cities but the price depends where you fly to. If I am flying to the West or East coast, Southwest tends to have the better prices; however, if I am flying to Denver, Frontier and United are by far the lowest…of course you fly on older, smaller planes. Also, if you check bags, you have to pay extra except on Southwest and it can save you up to $50 each way.
I think the athletic department does. For a taller guy (basically anyone over about 6-2) sitting in the regular seats for any length of time is terrible. I used to work with a guy that was 6-4. Not sitting in first class was basically miserable for him on any flight more than a couple hours.
KU is favored by 5-1/2 pts.
@wrwlumpy looks like 2 in walking boot
Maybe 3? if you look at the picture around the big gun, the player is wearing the booth on his right leg. If you look at the picture of the players walking, there are two with boots, both on the left leg, one appears to be a white individual. It could be a staff member or maybe they had a special on walking boots and it is the new fashion statement. LOL.
Hopefully this video displays correctly, just click on the link below and then on the video
@dylans hahah well i’m sure my wife wouldn’t appreciate me making that bet with one of my hot female coworkers but yes there are plenty of them. Seriously everywhere i look lol.
@JayHawkFanToo I think one of those pictures may have the negative reversed. If I had to guess (which I am) I’d say Lucas is in both pictures. Who’s the white guy though? I don’t see Svi, but it’s likely a trainer???
@wrwlumpy Once again you help bring our experience to life. Many just don’t have the time or skills to search or post such great visuals - thanks once again for the A+ efforts.
This game will give us an early indication of where are experienced guards are so far this year.
They should control this game. No excuses.
Keep a lid on the pace. Whatever pace we need to play at to dominate. It’s called “basketball IQ” and that is what we need in this game. Control.
Incredible job on this thread!
I remember where I was during this early morning game on a Saturday in 1993. Mr. Vaughn hit one of the biggest shots in KU history before Mario"s.
@wrwlumpy good shot lol its so hard to rank our clutch shots outside of Marios because it was the most important. This one, Bmacs for OT vs ISU, Giddens for OT vs GT, Langfords for the win next year vs GT, Wigs tip in to beat TT. Maybe we should do a ranking on them lol.