Transfer talk

  • If speculating, I would speculate Svi and Coleby’s decisions have absolutely nothing to do with each other from a timing perspective.

    Svi is begging a team to take him in the 2nd round and will stay in the draft if he gets any kind of guarantee. Looks like he’ll rehab his ankle and try and do a few more workouts before the deadline. And there was a good point made by some NBA people about Svi’s role if he does go back to College. He’s most likely the 3rd-4th option again so going now might be his best chance. He may not have an expanded role to put up better #'s etc and may end up hurting whatever his stock is right now.

    Coleby graduating was always a possibility, just not one that was talked about much. I think he goes somewhere he can get more then a rotational role.

    Having the spot open and possibly grabbing Tilmon would be best case scenario of losing both

  • Well there goes Tilmon. Committed to Mizzo. Maybe they will enjoy some NOT success.

  • guess the open scholarship could be going to someone else if Svi/Dwight leave…

  • @BeddieKU23 I think Coleby is waiting on Svi’s decision. Can’t have less than 10 guys on the roster and he will play quite a bit next year if Svi doesn’t come back.

    At least it appears that way.

  • @CaptnMo Welp - - guess what I’m not worried - -you worried? he mistake he be a nice BACK UP for them - -won’t see the floor as a starter. - -In the long run doesn’t effect us I how our season turns out.

    Unless we meet in the Tourney and then you know what? - -Still not trippen - -I think I’ll take our chances with OUR COACH over whz his name lol – CONZO.

    The one thing is - -we MIGHT get set up with them as an opponent now in the Big 12/SEC challenge - - Still not worried - -WHY? - -if that were to happen - - # 1 - -we would be playin at the Phog - - # 2 - -Cause we are KANSAS and MIZZERY is MIZZERY. lmao - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • Well looks like our 2017 recruiting is NOW officially over- -we still in good shape - -BECAUSE We are still pretty loaded - -& we have Coach. – ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @brooksmd

    Just because you are accepted to a graduate programs does not mean you will get an academic scholarship. Academic scholarships are given to superior students, at least they used to be, and they do not cover all expenses; financial aid might be available but it is mostly loans. Athletic scholarship are much, much better.

    Of course, if you are an illegal alien, Emory University will pay 100% of your financial aid. Boggles the mind, doesn’t it?

  • Scuttlebutt is KU backed off Tilmon due to academics. Heard this well before he committed to MU.

  • jayballer54 said:

    Well looks like our 2017 recruiting is NOW officially over- -we still in good shape - -BECAUSE We are still pretty loaded - -& we have Coach. – ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

    Maybe not. Svi and Coleby could both still leave. Wouldn’t be an exciting addition but if that happens Self would still look to fill the scholarship. I hope one of Svi/Coleby is back tbh.

  • @jayballer54

    MU will likely end up like LSU in 2015, a team that had two 4-star players and two 5-star players including the #1 HS player that also went #1 in the draft…that team did not even make it to the NCAA.

  • The funny part is Tilmon most likely won’t even start at Missouri

  • @BeddieKU23 Regarding Coleby graduating, I think that was possible since January – meaning he would just have to pass his final credits he enrolled in to be eligible to leave. The planets just have kind of aligned a bit since the end of the season - 1) Svi announced for the combine on April 12 and 2) Whitman committed to Kansas on May 3. I had heard nothing about Coleby possibly leaving until those two both happened. Of course, the latter item did two things – it brought in a guy to play where Coleby might (as the third big) and it pushed us to 14 scholarships (one too many).

    It could all just be coincidence. But we’ve just seen some of those coincidences over the years.

    But I’m speculating too.

  • @JayHawkFanToo Ya exactly that’s kind of the way I’m looking at it. I just think the chemistry makeup on that team will not be good.

    I think what is going to end up happening in a lot of games for them - -everyone gonna wanna be a hero - -especially in close games - - think it’s going to come down to a me, me, me type of game - -instead of Team - -I think Porter like SOOO many other high school studs gonna find out huge difference between High School and major College D-1 ball. Seen it happen way to many times. Where they just outclass most of the ones they play against, and then they get to College and try some of those same moves and other things they was able to do in High School and then they pick spaulding off their face or head , they soon realize those moves in High School ain’t cutting it in College.

    Josh was actually kind of rarity -Josh was the real deal, not saying this just because he played here - -but he really had it all, I just don’t think you see it that often - - Tatum - -good player - but not complete - more offensive ,Giles? - -well we know that story - - Lonzo Ball? - - God player - - defensive liability Ball a rebounder? - -Please. Now Fultz probably as close to Josh as anyone.

    I just think your gonna see Porter won’t be able to have that all around game - -In College he isn’t a player that will carry a team, and Don’t think he is enough of a team player - I think Conzo will turn him loose instead of focusing on team - -and that’s gonna cost them. - Ya he may get numbers BUT if MIZZERY people think he makes them a final four next year - - Umm NO. – I think when he comes up against A CLASS of high profile - -like Kentucky it’s gonna be trouble. - -Kentucky gonna have his lunch, Tilmon not gonna be able to help against talent like that - I just don’t see it - - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @BeddieKU23 Exactly

  • @JayHawkFanToo They need a “not bad” coach like Weber?

  • @JayHawkFanToo Cuonzo had that same thing at Cal and BARELY squeezed into the tourney…

  • @HighEliteMajor

    No question Weber would get maximum production…and they would be gone after a year anyway…

  • @JayHawkFanToo @Kcmatt7 Combine Weber and Cuonzo? Can anyone do one of mix deals where they combine faces? A squeaky black dude … Mike Tyson?

  • @JayHawkFanToo You mean undocumented immigrant don’t you? We must stay PC so as not to offend.

  • @JayHawkFanToo If you read your own source, you will see that like financial aid packages to most students, it consists of loans and work study in addition to grants and scholarships. Loans where work study is not available.

  • @mayjay

    You missed the forest for the trees…SMH.

  • @JayHawkFanToo I just responded to your statement that Emory was footing the bill. Not so, but Breitbart leads astray again.

  • @brooksmd

    You can put lipstick on a pig and it is still a pig - Many authors

    They can call him anything they want but a foreign individual that enters our country illegally it is and always will be an illegal alien.

  • @mayjay Many sites are reporting that and this from Emory seems to support it.

  • @mayjay

    From the Emory Web Site:


    So, if the student does not qualify or any of the loans, grants or work study programs (remember they cannot work because they are here illegally and it is still against the law to do so and as illegal aliens they are not eligible for grants) then Emory pays for 100% of the demonstrated financial need?

  • @Kcmatt7 Exactly my point - -Thanks. - -He didn’t do it at Cal no reason to believe he gonna get it done at Mizzery - as far as I’m concerned Rabb just as good as porter. - -just to name one - - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • Colby’s gone too. announced his transfer today.

  • @dylans pinning a lot of hopes On Mitch. I don’t like it. Coleby and Udunka coulda been da bruise bruthas.

  • Fightsongwriter said:

    @dylans pinning a lot of hopes On Mitch. I don’t like it. Coleby and Udunka coulda been da bruise bruthas.

    Doubt Mitch plays much.

  • I do not like this - not one little bit.

  • @BShark Then we seem a bit thin again, esp if Preston has eligibility issues.

  • Fightsongwriter said:

    @BShark Then we seem a bit thin again, esp if Preston has eligibility issues.

    Preston will be good to go. Edit: In terms of eligibility. His ability to play for Self concerns me with his PERCEIVED attitude. Hopefully, he straps on his boots.


    He wasn’t going to play substantial minutes.

  • @BShark Not one little bit.

  • All this means is Whitman for sure be the back up for Udoka, in the long run Whitman more fluid - -quicker, better hops it’s gonna be ok. Preston and Vick playing together - - and then we Still have Mitch behind Whitman and Udoka Not to Worry - - -Don’t worry - - be happy. - - Plus even though I have said SVI is gone - who knows anything possible I guess - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • GM Self traded Coleby for Whitman. It looks like Whitman is more skilled, but that only leaves Udoka as the banger.

    With Svi’s return (hopefully!) could we see more 4-1 action next year? Or will Preston be used somewhat similar to how Sr. Ellis was used (Hybrid 4-1 labeled 3-2)? Seems unlikely that Preston won’t get major minutes. Barring injury Udoka should get as many minutes as his conditioning will allow, but there isn’t a true backup at the 5. Whitman seems more like a 4. Will he play nice with Preston?

    Oh yeah and there’s Mitch…I expect nothing from him so any production will be a welcome surprise.

  • @JayHawkFanToo While US kids go deep in debt paying for their own education and that of freeloading illegals through higher tuition costs. As Yakov Smirnoff would say, “What a country!”

  • nice call @Kcmatt7 on the Coleby news before it became a reality.

  • @BeddieKU23 maybe I should take Matt’s job over at the Shiver 😂

  • Kcmatt7 said:

    @BeddieKU23 maybe I should take Matt’s job over at the Shiver 😂

    You could certainly do a better job then him seems how he’s just a puppet for KU recruiting

  • @brooksmd @JayHawkFanToo I told myself I’d learn the names of logical fallacies a couple years ago and never did. While I don’t think that what you said is directly stating a conclusion, my mind goes to “what is the implied conclusion/ solution here?” It seems to be that US students’ debt is a consequence of things such as this free ride for an illegal alien. That would qualify as “Affirming the Consequent” I believe, as denying the Emory student athletes a free ride would not mean that US students’ would be given a free education. The Universities would find something else to put the money in. Maybe a billion dollar slush fund! Just saying, theres no way in that cookie jar! Need a hammer.

  • @approxinfinity Good point. College costs were rising exponentially long before anyone came up with these ideas. More importantly, however, there is no free ride due merely to their status. But no one seems able to read. The school is merely doing the loans directly to make sure all necessary funds are available if work study is not an option.

    I guess some people would rather these kids, most of whom were brought here by parents, not become educated despite qualifying academically for Emory. Apparently society would benefit if they were forced into low-wage jobs, lived in squalor, and were in poor health. Then maybe they would go back where they came from–5, 10, or 20 years ago. They might have no ties there, and might not even speak the language, and they are likely to be preyed upon when they arrive, but that is just the cost of purification, so who cares?

  • @mayjay Almost got me to reply. I don’t think those are the transfers referred to in the title.

  • @dylans Yeah, got sucked in by political bait. Sorry. The topic is way too complex for simple answers suitable for Board rants.

    It did get me thinking about football and basketball scholarships, though, which pay full freight, as opposed to baseball scholarships, that usually are split among lots of players because only get something like seven full ones. Edit: they can use 11.7 scholarships, have a maximum of 27 players on scholarship, and everyone on scholarship has to receive at least a 25% scholarship.

    How do baseball players make up the difference? Work study? Loans?

  • @mayjay Loans or parents or academic scholarships.

    The typical scholarship for baseball players looks like this:

    • 1st year 25%
    • 2nd year 50%
    • 3rd year 50%
    • 4th year 75%

    Studs will be able to bargain a little bit more than that. But, thats typically the coverage. Many many programs rely on academic scholarships to get players covered their first year at least. So one of the first things they will ask a recruit is their ACT/SAT score.

  • You can thank the Title IX baloney regarding scholarships. Football is classified as a male sport, when it is open to all comers. Women just aren’t able to compete. (you know, those antiquated views on gender some suggest I guess don’t apply for women when it comes to football). It’s not that they CAN’T, it’s just that they are not good enough.

    This is the absolute travesty and injustice of Title IX.

    It’s comical. Had a acquaintance/friend whose daughter had never rowed in her life. She got a full ride D-1 scholarship for rowing.

    Meanwhile, a kid who has played baseball his entire life, is D-1 level quality, gets 25% – I’ve seen it with the players I’ve dealt with. All so a girl who has never played a sport gets a free ride – all in the name of gender equity (and oddly, or interesting, or hypocritically, or all of the above, the same people who profess gender equity ignore the fact that the genders aren’t equal. Or they are only equal when it is convenient. In fact, with some of this garbage, I can’t believe there’s not a scholarship category for “casserole” – See Stewie for that explanation).

    Football revenue powers D-1 sports – all D-1 sports, women and men. And it is the men that support the women. How sexist. But undeniably true.

    This is a 2012 list I had. It may be off by a few.


  • @HighEliteMajor

    If Svi does return then Self is definitely a lucky riverboat gambler.

    They must have known Dwight was looking for something else for a while as the signing of Whitman now seems to be that insurance policy instead of any Billy Preston concerns.

    If Svi doesn’t return I’m hoping that scholarship gets filled with an Athletic big (and who knows if one exists at this point). This is really the new normal, not having a complete roster well into May…

  • @BeddieKU23 I am sure Self privately inquired around to ensure Dwight would have opportunities before his decision was announced.

  • @BeddieKU23 I would say that more than likely the staff has a list of players who could reclass and play next year if need be.

    If only you could convince Bagley to reclass… This team would be unstoppable. But he’s in that same Diallo/Maker scenario where I bet he doesn’t play a game of college basketball.

  • @mayjay @approxinfinity I thought “aid” was different than “loans.”

  • @Kcmatt7

    I don’t believe that list has many options either.

    A graduate transfer that hasn’t announced his intentions or finding something on the International pool could be an option.

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