When does SMU play again, support Larry Brown go NIT. Greatest bench coach of all time. Larry could see all 10 players from the bench not only where they were yet where they were going.

Posts made by lighthawk
SMU NIT Larry Brown.
RE: Kietzman and the KU Conspiracy Theory
Next time you are in a Johnny’s sport bar in the KC area, leave note for manager, that you are here instead of 810 Zone for their anti KU rants, so why did they lately decided to advertise on KK show, makes no sense.
RE: Our Best Chance To Win Six Games
@HighEliteMajor it depends so much on match ups. I for one, pray for Shocker mania to meet Rock Chalk chants in elite eight. Epic.
RE: Kietzman and the KU Conspiracy Theory
I visited Smoke n Fire and got a nice presentation. Then went to Lowes bought the same Weber Genesis grille for same money, Hate to shop at national vs. locally owned yet made exception in this case for the 810 anti KU rants. The grille works great by the way.
RE: Kietzman and the KU Conspiracy Theory
His job is to get ratings and does a good job at it by saying stupid stuff. The other day he said, the truth will come out now, as the California doctor isn’t on the Kansas payroll. Not even at KK low intelligence does he really think any Dr. would violate the hippa laws. He said JE family has shut this down, zero chance JE would play even if we advance to FF. He just pretends to be stupid, but it isn’t hard for him. He was always a bit upset that MU was our rival and we wanted to beat KSU yet not so bad as MU. I try to listen less and certainly not shop at his sponsors or people that know his sponsors. Back shopping at the plaza again now that 810 sports grille went belly up on the plaza.
RE: Night Hawks Waiting for Another Title
@jaybate 1.0 Nice - under 2008 go ahead and put up the 20__ in anticipation.
tough losses by coach
Thinking of the TCU game last year as a heavy surprise it wasn’t a tough loss, rather it made a point and chance for coach to bring lofty team to reality, get ready for the rest of season and March in March.
Tough loss by coach:
- Ted Owens, Wichita State and Western Kentucky.
- Larry Brown, Oklahoma AFH & Duke Final Four Dallas
- Roy Williams, Arizona Elite Eight & Syracuse
- Bill Self, maybe it was Bill’s 5th loss against Missouri, oops my bad, played MU 19 times and only lost 4 of them, sweet!
RE: McDermott VS Embiid VS Wiggins
I don’t mind getting old I do mind my sister in law saying, “I just answered that, its Wednesday,”
Okay well answer it again, dip wawd.
RE: Picking the Elite 8
Smart CBS would have us play thru WSU to get to F Four, and in some ways helps us if they are in the whites. No reason to give them 100% motivation as being dissed, not favored and a lower seed. Then we wear lower ranked colors, very rare air that we could play WSU as underdog. I am hoping we give them the only loss of the year. PS Anyone know how to start a new topic, did you folks see the ESPN this a.m. and the huddle shot of one of our own smacking Wiggins in the nose in a huddle, just before the flipping dogs in AFH at halftime showed 20 seconds of that stuff, did not say who it was, maybe Greene or Selden, anyone know or see it.
RE: January 25: News Headlines Digest
we are blessed to have only a handful of tough to stomach losses, a couple to Duke years ago, that Arizona Bibby team, then the Carmela game and a few early exits from the dance. This TCU was a good loss as it served as wake up call and got us ready for the run.
RE: Jan 18 Post Game Roundup: KU vs OSU
Monday Night Baylor will be hungry for a victory. They will not eat with us. Don’t you think Wiggs goes for 24-10-8. Ellis gets back to basics, rebounds!
On the times in the game that Black and Traylor are in , I just sit and smile at how strong is our bench. For one am becoming more and more of a Selden fan, give him the green light, he will be our Shady for this year Final Four, secret but not secret if that makes sense.
RE: Does KU win the Big 12
We own the B12 and have to hold it not win it. Until someone takes it away. The good news is we don’t have to play ourselves and all the others will beat each other up. KSU beat Cowboys, Cyclones will take down several hot shots. Who are we worried about - Longhorns, Baylor, please. Relax we got this.
RE: The herd has been thinned.
Piper played nice D on Stacey King one night in Kemper. Who has been our best defensive players the last few years? Rush Releford Whithey with the blocks.
RE: Dec 30 Headlines: Game Day News
Frustration level all time high with the Time Warner black out of other cable companies. You may say just switch cable companies and I had TW in the past, not a firm I wish to have again and more importantly don’t pay ransom to pirates or your ships will continue to be hijacked. It wasn’t right to trade arms for hostages and certainly won’t reward the blackout by enrolling in TW, if I do then next year it will be 12 games. How many pieces of silver does it take to deny a portion of your fan base your product. We’ve had season tickets over 15 years, attended several final fours, watched in person the Billy Tubbs fiasco, the jack Hartman golf bag retirement, the sit down Norm retirement, with the rocking chair, saw Bud go off for 50 against MU. Many great memories in person and on the radio and on video. We went shopping and turned off the radio, my wife said don’t you want to listen, and I replied what if I hear a good play, I will want to go home and watch it delayed and can’t so why listen. At both stores last night, the subject of KU black out came up at checkout and not by me. All agreed with sentiment to NEVER enroll in TW cable even if they become the only game in town. Odd we can get Sooners, KState and a host of other schools ball games. I called my attorney and said are you getting the game, he said no and was so mad he couldn’t talk. His wife said we normally know the players by now and know their personalities. She said we have been to a couple games and watched a few but with all the blackouts we aren’t connected to this team as in prior years. I called a teacher family friend and she said no I am blacked out and ‘hate TW cable’, will not enroll if it becomes free. First time in 35 years haven’t been able to see the games live. I guess Zenger, like Andrew Snowden is a K-State mole sent to tear apart a once loyal fan base. The fact that only a few of us are affected doesn’t make it right anymore than only a few were being rounded up in pre war Germany. Gladly never divorced yet starting to know what it feels like. Prisoner swap Snowden for Zenger.
RE: Dec 30 Headlines: Game Day News
Who will get the minutes tonight? How much does Greene play, do we continue to pair Black and Traylor when NoelJoel and Perry rest? Will Seldon & Wiggie have more assists than rebounds?
RE: A Perfect Tension
Jaybate welcome home for the holidays. Remember the holiday classic in AFH when we hosted USC and UCLA with J. Hartman I think as the other home team. Vague memory yet know you will have it. I think we sat together behind Ted.
RE: Jay Bilas: Ad Nauseam
I like Jay alright, yet miss Lindsey Nelson, you young whippers won’t know him. Driving to grandma’s over the holidays Dad would have him on the radio. A distinctive voice, an early K. Harlan. Lindsey Nelson (May 25, 1919 – June 10, 1995) was an American sportscaster best known for his broadcasts of college football and New York Mets baseball. He spent 17 years with the New York Mets and three years with the San Francisco Giants. For 33 years Nelson covered college football, including 26 Cotton Bowls, five Sugar Bowls, four Rose Bowls, and 14 years announcing Notre Dame games. He is in 13 separate Halls of Fame. Fans remember a talented broadcaster, an expert storyteller, and a true sports enthusiast. From his colorful jackets to his equally colorful broadcasts, Nelson established himself as one of the industry’s leading sportscasters.
RE: Time to put Venue on the Menu: "touché" Wichita State!
@Kip_McSmithers love it, nothing to lose, they can’t take what we have away, so play them big deal. I defer to HCBS when he is ready and gets our terms, throw it up.
RE: Time to put Venue on the Menu: "touché" Wichita State!
Nice topic Slry: '81 stung as Valentine was fouled on last second in bound play not called and it still hurts. I had business in the Wich City and the next few years were painful.
I have mixed emotions on this: don’t want to feed or fuel the little brother on the occasional loss. Also don’t want to bring a full house to Sprint for them to split even a minority cut. That said cant’ see need for us to visit their gym even in a lopsided rotation.
With all the logic to not play them, I have a instinct that says, jump ball and play them, we have nothing of value to lose. Give them a shot, make their day, so we lose a few unexpected games, big hoot.
RE: Jason King B/R story on JoEL Embiid
Had season tix from last years of Ted to 10 years ago, wasn’t able to keep them. See a game at home once in while and was just given 4 for this Saturday. Really pumped, from the video to the chant, what a day. It is reality that they don’t stay a few years like the old days, times are a changing and that’s okay. Glad MU and Wichita are doing well and hope it continues so we can meet them both in March on our way up the ladder to Jones stadium.
RE: Self's Last Chance to Showcase a Top Recruit?
Reminds me of that first year with B Rush, he deferred didn’t want to be a ball hawg. CS got on him, to shoot. One of you said it, last year final game our PG stopped feeding a hot Ben Mac the ball. Wiggins position on this team takes a combination of coaching, his own heart and the other players actions. Better to have hot shots than not.
RE: Jaybate
I liked that the legend of JB was larger than the real JB. Like Cool Hand Luke or that guy in Shawshank Redemption.
Speaking of veterans, anyone hear from 100 and what about an old timers game with Max F. doing the play by play and some old KU jazz band playing Tijuana (sp) Brass + seasoned cheerleaders with poodle skirts?
My vision of JB was he had the job of manning an advanced Alaskan Island listening post for Russian subs and had plenty of time to type. -
RE: Self Ignoring An Asset: Three Point Shooting
HEM I agree select one of the 3 = Frankamp, Greene or White and water under the bridge yet a likely Red Shirt for one would have been investing in the future. My question is who do you sit down for one of these?
Not happy with Mason shot selection, so can we make Selden PG and play Greene or White. I would give it a try.
RE: Postgame Round-up: Villanova 63 Kansas 59
FT stripe indeed, did anyone else see the red LED light machine flashing at our players on the line. Not that the led or lazer light is why we miss the free shots, and the result is likely better for us as a learning lesson. Now that the tourney championship pressure is off for tonight, gotta feeling we shoot hot and have a very good night.
Ball sticks. Share the rock. Shot selection
Was it my imagination or were there a couple times Tharpe coming down court saw a Mason uncovered and threw it the other way, into a crowd. Part of becoming a successful upper classmate is the Brandon R. attitude, “I will share with all my team, even those that may take away my minutes.” If true that good experience comes from bad experience then glad we lost as we always can use a good learning lesson.
RE: Searching for an Identity
Hope is not a strategy wanting a Sunflower miracle while hoping Johnny Football has a BIG day. Perhaps if KU FB was on budget AD wouldn’t have been forced to take away 6 BB games from my house on a sell out to TW/Cox. Don’t mind donating a bit of my BB loyalty for good of program yet resent being told it is the right thing and it doesn’t harm fans. Like any failed corporate take over, when things go south, you sell the best assets. AIG, Lehman Bros. many others. Next year will it be 12 games blacked out of KC cable markets? Heck if this is the plan, to make up for lost FB revenue, then auction all BB games, your cable team gets OU Baylor and my cable company wins bid for Cowboys/Cyclones.
Lunacy to put a price and sell fan loyalty and we will never convert cable companies, that only rewards this behavior. -
RE: Longhorn BB Fans - Attendance - A new low
Remember when KU at Austin was a Big Monday I attended a couple of them and not good outcomes for us.
RE: Hard Rotation Decisions Need To Come Soon
HEM very nice. When we play hard 5 on 5 must be fun to watch practice. Enjoy the ride.
RE: Nov 19 - KU Sports: Game Day and Keegan explains the TV deal (sort of)
I donated 6 games from my home cable system for the good of the program what are you willing to donate? I am too old for the sports bars. Can I come to your house to watch?
RE: cheerleaders are always good.
I was 17 had a full ride somewhere else my parents neighbor took me to AFH for the Mizzou game. I sat row three face level with the 1968 cheerleader and Jo Jo White, I didn’t use the Full ride. Since Nixon was president I have hated Norm Stewart, loved KU ball, and miss the cheerleader uni’s from old. Always crimson and blue … … today they look like little junior high gals to me but when I was 17 it was true love!
RE: HEM, I noticed you're
HEM slyer 100 miss all you guys didn’t we have some fun in the day, yet I wont’ join facebook and I won’t answer Google demographic questions and I will read the stories w/out comment. Peace out.
RE: Nov 19 - KU Sports: Game Day and Keegan explains the TV deal (sort of)
POTUS said you could keep your insurance if you like it period and KUAD said he wouldn’t harm the loyal KU fans, birds of a feather.
RE: Nov 19 - KU Sports: Game Day and Keegan explains the TV deal (sort of)
I appreciate the chance to reply to this story. I have lost 6 games this year for 30 pieces of silver because I refuse to be blackmailed into changing cable providers. What if I do switch to TW then I only encourage Comcast to outbid TW and black out 12 games next year. I tried to ppv with my provider, I tried Apple TV and I’m not upset with my cable, it is not their fault they are shut out. If you haven’t been affected by losing 6 games then you really don’t have standing to reply to this story. If this happens to us next year it could happen to you. Since we are going to sell audience loyalty then go for the big bucks allow only Ford drivers to get the games, enter your vehicle number on line to get your cable access, if you drive a Chevy then tough it out for the good of the program or buy a ford. Sound stupid doesn’t it, yet that it what happens when you discriminate. My parents live in very small town in western Kansas and they live for the Royals and KU basketball, mom said she doesn’t know what she did wrong to not get some of the games. I live in affluent JoCo and don’t have one friend that gets TW. When I asked if any of them will convert, happily they all reply no way, if we switch for 6 games think what they will do to us next year. I said what if TW was free would you switch and 100 % said not now or ever. Maybe this is good for KU yet hard to see how it breeds customer loyalty for new business. KU plays Iona tonight and I’m watching Marcus Smart shoot lights out for Okie State, is that the Zenger plan to run away patrons. I and my pals will not now and not ever purchase TW cable, especially now that they shut me out of KU Ball.
I recall when JoJo was our point guard, attended many final fours and had season tickets for 18 years both BB and Football and gave thousands to Williams Fund. I was wrong to think that if KU had loyal viewers the more of us the better now I realize that having fewer viewers and less of a fan base is better for Zenger. I thought our loyalty was a valuable product and now realize we are not the product but the chumps. I have many VHS tapes of Calvin and Ronnie and have to come to terms that KU doesn’t want me as a viewer on some games. I will never forget the president that gave away the Panama Canal and the President that took away my health insurance and the AD that took away my access to KU basketball. I have been invited to a suite this Saturday for State vs Sooners for the first time in my life I will wear purple in tribute to Zenger. Lions sleeping with lambs. -
RE: KU appears in good shape for 2013-2014 basketball season.
Wishawk I thought it was channel 3-2 so I tried channel ONE and it wasn’t’ there either.
RE: Live Coverage
In our area we are blocked out of ESPN3 due to one cable acquisition of metro sports. So not sure where we can watch the game. This exclusive action has untended consequences, I am less likely than more likely to EVER subscribe to Time Warner Cable. KUAD should reach to monetize our games, yet not at the expense of blacking out die hard fans. Shame on KUAD !!
RE: Redshirt speculation and effect
I enjoy the speculation and recall Releford RS and how it helped him and so many others and during his off year he was right attitude with 1st one off bench to congrat good play. I wish we had a YouTube of all the RS guys and how it wasn’t what they planned yet turned out the best in the end. RS is not a demotion, being asked to move on is a demotion, a RS is just a not now, but I will reward you later move.
RE: Kansas vs Duke...anybody going...predictions??
want to go to Chicago, would be blast.
RE: Tonight's exhibition game - 3 things to look for
I get in AFH tonight and again for Huggybear the 2 games this season my company assigned to me. Glad to see the opening video and how it has changed from last year. Then can we play defense and who escapes the dreaded red shirt. Memories of a lot of 1st timers that really screwed it up, RussRob, JuJu, even Brady looked lost and got better over the 5 years, a ton better.
RE: Who are you?
Don’t have facebook, don’t want one, don’t answer the google questions, won’t lie on those either. I used to check the LJW site a few times a day and now almost never, maybe once a week. Thought I would have more withdrawal but don’t. My real name is steve and I respect they get to make the rules to visit the site.
I was told if you use a service and don’t pay for it, then you are the product. I don’t elect to be a Facebook product. -
RE: Kansas recruiting targets’ tweets positive (kusports.com)
100 if you are watching please jump in the site … miss you.
RE: Kansas recruiting targets’ tweets positive (kusports.com)
Tuesday 10/29 opening night: will the pregame video board have some new footage? Can’t wait. Lots of folks should get some minutes, anyone recall the Larry days when we scored 100+ we got free pizza and at 94 points and 2 minutes left the crowd chanted Pizza Pizza.
RE: Kansas recruiting targets’ tweets positive (kusports.com)
I don’t plan on buying golf clubs or a new weber grille in next 90 days wanted you guys to know.