Just a couple of photos to show the difference of 5 days on my Lake Travis after close to 12" rain over the last 4 days. The lake was at 629’ MSL and is now at 657’ MSL. Nothing like what south of us (Wimberley) have encountered nor in Houston but just amazing that our cove that was bone dry is now completely full! Hope @Jayhawrock78 is safe in Houston.
This is not my cove but one just up the lake from me.
@RockChalkinTexas Wow, that’s crazy! Was the pre-flooding level low or average? How long do you think it will take to recede?
Whenever it is Flooding Down in Texas, I think of Stevie Ray Vaughn.
A co-worker’s dad shot this first video of the Pedernales River on Sunday. This was bone dry for the past 3+ years. All this flowed into my Lake Travis.
This second video shows Stevie’s statue beginning to be flooded.
@approxinfinity WAY low. It is deemed full at 681’ MSL. No boat ramps have been open on the lake for almost 3 years due to the severe drought. So this is wonderful that the lake is coming up but it came at quite a cost for some who live along it. The Blanco River in Wimberley rose 26’ in just a little over an hour and that is where that one house with 12 people in it was completely swept away. They found the dog IN A TREE and the husband but not the other 11 yet. Just tragic. Back in 2007 the lake rose 50’ in just 2 days after 19" of rain fell just to the west of us.
What one portion of the Blanco River looked like after:
@RockChalkinTexas I think we’ve talked about this before, and my dad lives relatively close to you. He called last night and told me about all the craziness (and tragedy) going on down in Texas now. It’s good that Travis is finally getting some water, although they still can’t get much going in the lake that he knows and loves - Lake Buchanan. Maybe someone could divert some of that extra water over there !
Hi RCIT, Happy to hear you are okay. I’ve been watching the water level on Lake Travis for years-most probably know it has been 50 foot below full pool for YEARS. I think half has been filled up in May alone. Yes the floods in San Marcos and Wimberlie were tragic.
Most schools were closed yesterday. I am high and dry, but 2 miles to the east we got 5" night before last and a little further they got 10" that night.
So were are okay so far but another band of storms is heading our way this morning.
Thanks for posting the photos.
@wrwlumpy Luckily were not “stranded” (caught in the crossfire)
@nuleafjhawk That’s going to require that some “hard rain gonna fall” upstream. Horseshoe Bay along with Marble Falls (and me) were under tornado warning Monday afternoon. It luckily lifted before getting into Marble Falls proper. We lost trees/limbs with the “tornadic winds.”
@RockChalkinTexas I love Marble Falls. If I could talk my kids into moving there (or close by), I’d be there in a heartbeat.
The pictures here in Houston are incredible. Tropical Storm Allison about 15 years ago is the only comparable situation here in Houston in my lifetime. I haven’t been able to get into work for the past two days because I can’t get out of my neighborhood. The water is receding now thankfully, but cabin fever has definitely set in and it sucks.
@Texas-Hawk-10 Hopefully you have power at your home-I hear 11,000 don’t.
@JayhawkRock78 It went out Monday night when the storms came through, but I’m on the NW of town in the Cypress area and the power was back on when I woke up yesterday. I’m hoping the water is receded enough so the Dynamo-Manchester City game doesn’t get canceled tomorrow night.
Thanks to all who sent photos/videos/articles on the flood. Hope all our fellow Hawks in TX are riding this out. Saying a prayer for everyone affected.
Just curious…when it comes to floods, my personal frame of reference is the '77 Plaza flood. Better or worse?
I’d say the Plaza Flood and the San Marcos-Wimberlie flood were very similar. 12" of rain in a very short time. Unfortunate loss of lives and property.
Houston is so flat we seldom get fast moving water unless you are in a bayou or creek with high water. There is a lot of property damage but not fast moving water that tears down everything in its path.
Ya’ll hang on. Pretty intense couple of weeks of weather in this country. We survived a Memorial Day weekend of Chicago violence, 12 dead apparently. We’re going to Yellowstone Saturday and it’s been snowing there!
@wissoxfan83 I get really scared when my son goes into Chicago. Crazy!!
@dylans WOW! Baseball sized hail is pretty dang scary! I hope everyone is safe and that any damage you sustained is taken care of quickly. Yikes!
@dylans is this round getting close to you?
I was still at KU when that happened but I remember that summer I saw a plaque in Fred P Otts about 5 feet above the floor marking the high water mark. Back in the day they had roads running right across the Brush Creek bed so I think of the 19 deaths, some were from cars trying to drive across it.
I guess the San Marcos / Wimberlie was similar as in 12" rain in a short time and unprecedented high water with little if any warning.
As for Houston, it is so flat here the water tends to move slowly unless you get caught in a bayou during high water/flood stage.
The Brazos is now flooding a bit south of here-one of my buddies nearby got lucky and was a few miles upstream it leaving its banks.
The Colorado (TEXAS Colorado) not to be confused with the REAL COLORADO also flooding but that is well West of us in Western Houston.
@Crimsonorblue22 No worries. All good here!