Beijing Winter Olympics

  • Why are we sending athletes to participate? Diplomatic boycott. … Yeah, okay, that’ll send a message, huh?

  • Diplomatic boycott is about the most brutal humiliation US can do to Red China. They are so sensitive to even the barest hint that soneone is not respecting their super power (military, culture, sports) status. This is a hint of the years they were the outcasts before the Nixon/Ford/Carter diplomatic steps toward more open relationships, and they hate it.

    Stopping the athletes from going punishes the wrong people.

  • @mayjay said in Beijing Winter Olympics:

    Diplomatic boycott is about the most brutal humiliation US can do to Red China. They are so sensitive to even the barest hint that soneone is not respecting their super power (military, culture, sports) status. This is a hint of the years they were the outcasts before the Nixon/Ford/Carter diplomatic steps toward more open relationships, and they hate it.

    Stopping the athletes from going punishes the wrong people.

    Yeah, it is now impossible to punish Nixon and Kissinger for having paved communist China’s super highway to superpower status, I realize that (otherwise, I would advocate trying). It is not about their people or even our own @mayjay but the regime, and I really don’t care about what they might view as disrespect, at this point.

    The entire world has dealt with Covid for how long? And they still haven’t come clean or even tried to express one iota of regret. How many have died worldwide? And we are sending athletes there?

  • I thought he meant it punishes our own athletes, who don’t get to compete.

  • @tundrahok okay, and so? Millions have died.

  • @Marco he meant our athletes, as the Olympics do not end when the Americans don’t attend…?

  • @approxinfinity said in Beijing Winter Olympics:

    @Marco he meant our athletes, as the Olympics do not end when the Americans don’t attend…?

    It is not about our athletes competing in the winter Olympics. Millions have died, with our nation being hit the hardest.

  • Two positive things we could do now…

    1. Kick their ass in the games

    2. Buy American whenever possible

  • @drgnslayr said in Beijing Winter Olympics:

    Two positive things we could do now…

    1. Kick their ass in the games

    2. Buy American whenever possible

    Can’t say that I disagree with your logic. We’re obviously going to participate, while not sending any diplomats.

  • @mayjay I have reconsidered, and you’re right. Punishing our athletes wouldn’t accomplish much of anything.

  • @Marco

    Realize I agree with you and we should demand openness about the virus. It just isn’t going to happen with their government which is empowered through secrecy and control.

  • Now that We all agree that we should kick their ass, can’t wait to watch Olympics with you! U S A! U S A!

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