No Big-12 Conference Champion This Year...
Yep. I’m preparing myself for what I see as the inevitable… the possibility the Big 12 will not crown a legitimate conference champion.
Has anyone really thought this out?
So Baylor and Texas didn’t play. How many games are not going to happen this year? How does that impact conference standings? Which team leads the Big 12 this year… Team A 14-3, Team B 10-2, Team C 9-1? What if the team with the best record had their toughest games cancelled?
I’ve mentioned this before… why are we playing this season? I don’t see how anyone has a positive outcome. If you win it all, no one is going to say it counts because of the situation. If you lose then you have so many reasons to blame.
I don’t want to be “Negative Ned” therefore I’m just going along for the ride, though I am thinking ahead and can’t see the positive yet.
They should pause for about 4 months.
At least a couple of months. Play into the first half of June. it isn’t like the players aren’t taking summer classes and on campus all year anyways.
@drgnslayr If a Big 12 Champion is not officially declared - then it automatically defaults to KU. That’s what happens when you have fifteen in a row. Even if there’s an intermittent hiccup.
@drgnslayr said in No Big-12 Conference Champion This Year...:
Yep. I’m preparing myself for what I see as the inevitable… the possibility the Big 12 will not crown a legitimate conference champion.
Has anyone really thought this out?
So Baylor and Texas didn’t play. How many games are not going to happen this year? How does that impact conference standings? Which team leads the Big 12 this year… Team A 14-3, Team B 10-2, Team C 9-1? What if the team with the best record had their toughest games cancelled?
I’ve mentioned this before… why are we playing this season? I don’t see how anyone has a positive outcome. If you win it all, no one is going to say it counts because of the situation. If you lose then you have so many reasons to blame.
I don’t want to be “Negative Ned” therefore I’m just going along for the ride, though I am thinking ahead and can’t see the positive yet.
I heard a couple days back that the Big 12 is leaving a week open at the end of the year I believe for games to be made up. - -Could be wrong and there may not be enough days to make them all up possibly , but I think thats one thing they are doing.
I’m just happy to have some Jayhawk basketball to watch… but it is frustrating thinking this means anything. It isn’t the fault of anyone… just the way it is right now.
I just don’t see a way to get every single game in. Hopefully everyone gets to 15 or so games, but even that might be a stretch if teams have to pause for longer than the bare minimum of days. The max number of games any team can play during a week would be three - Monday, Wednesday or Thursday, Saturday. The max for any two week period is probably five (a Mon/Thur/Sat followed by a Wed/Sat). That means if more than a couple of games get skipped, there’s not enough time to squeeze in make up games.
The champion will probably revert to the highest winning percentage, provided every team has played a minimum number of games (maybe 12?), but that is for people more important than me to figure out.
Florida basketball player who collapsed had Covid this summer. Not saying there’s a connection but not saying there is either.
This is complex. Let’s remove ourselves as basketball fans for a moment and just say that our needs count the least over what is in the best interest of the players.
Right away I focus on the safety of the players. It seems like basketball does add an extra layer of risk. They have to move around and leave the safety of their dorms to practice and go places… then they have to play with players unmasked… where the hard breathing must spray a lot of virus if someone is infected. Their age group and being in such good overall health probably puts them in one of the lowest immediate risk groups. But what of the long term risk? That’s an area completely unknown. There are people who had the virus who continue to suffer chronic health issues. We don’t know what will happen with those infected years from now. The virus will still be inside of them, and we don’t know what the damage that has happened to their organs will manifest into later.
Measure that against the players losing the opportunity to improve their skills and receive needed attention to move forward with a career in basketball. Most of the players have totally invested themselves on this path and whether it pays off or not, it’s their goals and they have all worke very hard to get where they are. Stopping the game right now just can’t help them move forward.
How do we weigh this? It’s two totally different views and the players really have no part of this decision except they can say no if they want to and I don’t see many doing that.
Comments? Personally, I feel lost on this.
@wissox said in No Big-12 Conference Champion This Year...:
Florida basketball player who collapsed had Covid this summer. Not saying there’s a connection but not saying there is either.
kinda of been thinking that myself ever since it was told
@drgnslayr I’m also lost kinda like I am with schools opening/closing/remote. There’s not a good choice really. Any way you cut it someone gets the short end of the stick. My instinct on this would be to put safety above all the other concerns and if you start there, shutting stuff down is the best option. I’m not saying those other things don’t matter.
I taught basically this entire semester remotely (even though I had to be at school my students stayed home) and I just turned in the longest list of student failures in my 13 years as a teacher. And that’s with me making things as simple and straightforward as possible. So clearly remote teaching (at least the way I’m doing it) isn’t working. But the alternative puts 15-35 teenagers in the same room during a pandemic. Even with almost all the kids remote, the virus has still spread at my school.
I can’t remember who made it but there is a graphic called pyramid of needs where safety is the base. If you aren’t safe, none of the rest of the needs can be met.
Personally… I think it’s time to lockdown. The virus is everywhere and the final blow is that medical staffs and facilities are overwhelmed. Not only is this a bad time to need Covid medical help, but also for any kind of medical emergency.
We have to apply this to everything, and the safety issue should trump basketball. This is a definite time when we need the government to step in and help us all through this disaster. And I am politically a centrist.
@drgnslayr I also think with the vaccine sooooo close we can really just save a ton of lives right now until that can be widely distributed. The end is in sight. Let’s get as many people there alive as we can.
I’m hopeful for the vaccine. What would really be great is if the upcoming vaccine testing proves out that the vaccines basically eliminate those who are vaccinated from being carriers. I think science right now is hunching it will be the case, but until we have test results, we don’t know that answer.
I also don’t understand the harm in just pushing. Like why not end the season in June or July? Because the tv deals are already done for March?
I think one big problem is the time it will take players out of the classrooms… or maybe in this case, from online classes or studies. If they aren’t in school anyways… it seems more likely we could stretch this out.
@drgnslayr Yeah. I see that. I guess my thought was more along the lines of pausing EVERYTHING. Like just pretend the next 6 weeks are so nothing happens.