Reviewing what Kansas thought was football in Waco

  • @jaybate-1.0 Nebraska actually is doing solid this year, they are 6-0 and ranked 10th in the country. They have been mediocre but just went thru a coaching change. I’d be happy in the big 10 because I don’t think they are as deep as the b12 most years maybe this year. But they still have Illinois, Purdue, Indiana and Rutgers who usually aren’t to good and we could compete with most days, we played Rutgers tight on the road LY in one of about 3 close road games since MM left.

  • @kjayhawks

    Thx 4 NU update.

    6-0 ?

    Barely beat Oregon and INDIANA.

    Couldn’t dominate Northworstern.

    Starting tuff part of schedule.

    They appear ready to finish second or lower.

    Even with break of not having to face UM.

    But maybe they have turned a corner.

    But only maybe.

    17 years since a title though.

    Not remotely the NU of old though.

  • Riley is an interesting guy.

    Father was a CFL and OSU coach.

    Amazing list of coaches he has played for or assisted with.

    A no stick type able to coach at places like Alabama and USC where the players were hired without getting tarnished.

    And able to last at OSU despite never being much better than 9-4.

    A little over .500 in a long 42 year career.

    Fired as an NFLHC.

    5-7 at OSU when The Albino’s cronies hired him.

    62 looking for one last shot at redemption like Pike in The Wild Bunch at a program long willing to cut corners in ways that do not earn it the wrath of the good old boy network of coaching; I.e., there is a right way and a wrong way to cheat in football and Devaney and Osborne believed in cheating the right way. No rogue program stuff. But coaches that always knew how to exploit where the rules weren’t yet. Reputed systematized steroid use before outlawed. Always seeking the next unfair advantage before it was made illegal. A football culture so fanatical that look the other way was second nature. Then a long run of coaches that just couldn’t find the next unfair advantage. But now one in Riley who learned the unfair advantage from two masters of it–Bear Bryant and John Robinson. Robinson reputedly coached some of the most highly paid teams in college football history at USC, but did it with a smile and a wink and was ahead of the chippy rules that get coaches fried most of the time.

    It will be interesting to see how it goes at NU with Riley in an era when so many young coaches don’t observe the old decorums of cheating the right way.

  • @kjayhawks I thought it was gonna be a 30 pt loss for KU…guess I was wrong.

    AH well, I did say that 1-11 would be an improvement on last year

  • @Lulufulu K State and Iowa State are both beatable, but they are both playing better football than we played against Baylor. We will need a better game than we played against TCU to beat K State and Iowa State. Lots to work on Coach Beaty. I hope the work on stopping turnovers started in the locker room right after the game.

  • @kjayhawks they may not look that good, BUT Saturday they play us. - -They will still whip our ass. You are 100% right Willis IS NOT our QB, not really sure who is. Believe me I was one of the stronger believers that he might be, but my God he decision making is just horrible. I read a response from THAT OTHER site and this clown says well this is only his 2nd start as a soph give him a chance. - - - A CHANCE? - -A CHANCE? hell what about the 8 starts he has last year as the starting QB and then 2 this year? I think that is a so called chance.

    So I guess we move on to option nu 3- - Stanley Carter, let him loose, what’s gonna happen? things going to get worse? - -Don’t think so. I WILL say to a point that a lot of this still falls on the Offensive line, they are just terrible. Our QB spot & O line is just killing this team from taking that step forward.

    You can’t lay blame on the defense 100 % that’s for sure, The position this offensive unit puts them in is just ridiculous. On the field half the day - -giving the opponents unbelievable starting field position, for all things considered I feel the defense has really made strides - -defensive numbers are down, they work their ass off.

    What’s the solution? - - Before you hurry and say OH fire Beaty - - -umm WRONG. You wanna keep playing revolving door and this program get better? - - Good luck buddy. With that type of approach how the hell you EVER going to get any kind of quality to commit to this program? - -Why should they, with that approach?- - If you was a caliber athlete and KU was recruiting you, would you want to come here when you had NO IDEA who your coach was going to be in a year or two? – I sure the hell wouldn’t screw that. We keep taking that approach then this team WILL NEVER, NEVER be able to compete period.

    I don’t have the answer, just like no one in here does either, But I do know we just can’t continue this revolving Coach’s door. The O Line problems will not get better this year unfortunely, The QB position? - -this year more then likely not. I think a couple of things need to happen this year for sure though - - -One just go ahead and give Stanley Carter his Chance - - Two Coach Beaty needs to relinquish the Play calling & Three they need to burn that fricken screen, flare whatever the hell you want to call it, that play is a joke. Not ONCE all year have I saw that play gain positive yardage, way to long to develop. Seems to me the defense is there ready for it before the ball even gets to the receiver crazy shit.

    Still think our QB is on the sidelines Red Shirting this year, Ok rant over, this crap is just so frustrating. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @stoptheflop I for one am not counting on winning ANY more games this season. We got ONE. more then last year. UIf you remember that this Baylor team that just got through cleaning our clock, kicking our ass - - took a last play field goal for them to beat Iowa State. K-State at K-State with Coach Synder? - - -UMM NO… true they may be beatable - -but by KU? ummm NO. - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • The only answer for the offense is time and I don’t mean weeks, I mean years. This is Clint Bowen’s 4th year running the defense, running the same system, and recruiting to that system. Even as bad as yesterday was, there was a difference in the performance of the defense. Only 450 yards, only 49 points, I know Baylor played their second string most of the second half, the defense still was better than in years past because Baylor was putting their second string on before halftime and still going into the 60’s and putting up 700+ yards even with the second and third string in. That didn’t happen yesterday. The defense also only gave up 5 yards per carry which is also much improved from years past against Baylor when they would have 8 or 9 ypc. That is progress folks.

    That does not mean the defense is there yet obviously, but it was an improved performance from years past and the defense will only get better as the depth improves and the players get older because there’s a lot of players who will still be here 2 or 3 more years getting lots of reps this year.

    The offense is 2-3 years behind where the defense is today. The only fix for the offense is time and to continue to build depth and gain experience. KU already has a great, young receiving corp, and a solid group of running backs. Those are position groups though that have always had the ability to contribute immediately. The OLine and QB positions do not usially have that luxury. It takes time to add bulk to a body, it takes time to learn how to run an offense efficiently. There is no substitute for that time on the field, in the film room, and in the weight room, there just isn’t.

    Even if Beaty proves he’s not the answer, he still needs the 5 years to establish depth and consistency in the program to give the next coach a chance to have some early success.

  • @Texas-Hawk-10 would you stick w/Willis? Time and reps would improve him? Or is it a waste of time. Reading would get better, wouldn’t it?

  • @Texas-Hawk-10 Agreed @jayballer54 I’m not saying fire Beaty (never had unless atleast 3 years is up), just think he must hire an OC before next season. Its going to be a long road. KU can and will win another this year by your logic how did we play TCU so close they lost to OU bye 5. Different teams match up differently and a new day is a new day everyone knows this. I think we can beat Texas, ISU or OSU, just depends who shows up to play. KSU probably not, I don’t think there is much talent gap but better coaching and experience.

  • @Crimsonorblue22 I think that answer largely depends on what Beaty’s vision for the Air Raid is. If it’s more like the Texas Tech version where the ball is being passed 60 times a game, tyen someone in the mold if Willis with the huge arm is the way to develop the position going forward and Willis would be the best fit for that version of the Air Raid.

    If Beaty wants to go more towards the Baylor version that is a run heavy version, then a mobile QB like Stanley or Starks is probably the way to go.

    If it’s a version like what Sumlin runs at A&M that Beaty saw first hand, then you need a QB who’s a playmaker and KU doesn’t have that as of now.

    Me personally, I wouldn’t bail on Willis just yet because he didn’t get to fully participate in spring football last year and I’d like to see what kind progress he can make while going through spring practice and getting those 15 practices. If he doesn’t clealry separate himself from Cozart, Stanley, and Starks in the spring, then I would focus on developing Willis as the back up and letting Stanley and Starks battle for the starting QB job in the fall.

  • Not to beat the hell outta a dead horse but it pissed me off that Cozart was given a medical redshirt for last year when he played in most of 4 games but Cummings who I think is the best QB we’ve had since Ressing just didn’t get his chance to go most of the time not get a medical redshirt not playing a down LY.

  • @kjayhawks I believe Cummings chose not to seek a medical redshirt and to just move on to the real world after he graduated.

  • @Texas-Hawk-10 I thought I read on KUsports that he had be denied one but could be wrong.

  • @kjayhawks

    If you have your degree, no desire to get a Masters and no hope of making it to the NFL…why would you stay an extra year?

  • @JayHawkFanToo Because you love football, if I could’ve played basketball longer I would’ve done it no question.

  • @kjayhawks

    Knowing what we know about the toll football takes, why would any one play a second longer than needed. I could see a player staying an extra year with a team with a shot to the title, in which case he would be a pro prospect anyway, but at KU? I just don’t think so.

  • @JayHawkFanToo I’m guessing you weren’t a athlete, I understand what your saying but I think most guys would say they wish they could’ve played longer.

  • @kjayhawks

    Your guess is wrong. I played varsity sports in college and continued to play after I was done with school. However, I did not play football which is a completely different and unique issue. Players are leaving college football early because of the potential health effects of the sport, even professional players are cutting careers short.

    I cannot think of another sport in which the athletes take the beating football players do. Like I said, I cannot imagine a player with a degree and no pro prospects coming back for an extra year, particularly to a hapless program like KU.

  • @Crimsonorblue22 Let’s steal the 2nd string QB from Texas Tech. Is he really that good and sitting on the bench? Or was our defense really that bad that day? I don’t think Willis is our answer. There are obviously better players out there somewhere waiting for a chance.

  • @JayHawkFanToo I think if they really wanted to play yes but we dont know what goes on inside a players head.

  • @nuleafjhawk Lets hope, the o line has to improve as well. At this point i dont think it matters whos back there behind them.

  • @Crimsonorblue22 Silver lining lol

  • @kjayhawks

    Let me see…common sense?

    Let me ask you this question…if you have your degree, zero pro prospects, have no desire to get a Master’s degree or one does not help your career and you have one year of eligibility left, would you come back to play at KU, knowing that you will win maybe 1 or 2 games and be trashed in most of the rest of the games? Would you put yourself through another year of not making money, getting up early, practicing hard to get playing time, attending classes and being expected to maintain a good GPA in classes you have no interest in with zero hope of post season play…or would you choose to get your career started with your new degree? I don’t care how much you love the game, I honestly believe you would go with the second option; it is really a no brainer.

  • @JayHawkFanToo Ya i would not to mention bye your logic there would be no lower level colleges like NAIA and such it isnt all about making the pros, most guys i know that played loved playing its more than just a game to them, dont know that i’ve met an athlete that doesn’t feel that way. Why would cozart apply for a red shirt, im not saying your way doesnt happen but several people have done it the way im talking like Angus Quiley a few years back was a 6th year guy had a degree and no chance to go pro but still played idk why your so arguemenitive with me.

  • @kjayhawks

    Now you are changing the premise of the discussion. The issue was why Cummings, a player with a degree and no pro prospects. did not come back for a potential 5th year. I posed a logical, common sense argument why and you seem bound and determined to prove me wrong. Let’s just agree to disagree and leave it at that.

  • Add Dayne Crist to that to the list of people with the other two grad transfers from ND

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